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"Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k" Another moving up story in 2016 "Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k" Another moving up story in 2016

07-17-2016 , 06:54 PM
I wish you strenght with quitting the drugs. Smart choice, keep it
"Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k" Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-17-2016 , 07:49 PM
You're doing really nice. Good luck in the future.
Would be awesome to see some hands tho
"Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k" Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-17-2016 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Kiljusieppo
I wish you strenght with quitting the drugs. Smart choice, keep it
Thank you mate. I for sure will.

Originally Posted by Green tea for one
You're doing really nice. Good luck in the future.
Would be awesome to see some hands tho
Thanks and the same to you mister. Best of luck <3

Hands inc. Sorry for not posting any yet.


Had a glorious first day without them drugs.

I still have an itch, ofcourse. And its gonna stick. For quite some time.

And pokergods were with me today, probably gave the new me a present. Won like 14 bis in 3 hours.

Thanks for all the good luck wishes again.

Feeling so good about my choice. Have spoken to all friends and made them realize, if their to be on my train, they need to get their **** together.

I dont mind having friends doing drugs, i do mind them not having any plans or ambitions. So from here on out, were only sailing with LIFEPROS!

Much love agian, peace bros
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-18-2016 , 02:21 AM
Crushhhh ittttt!!!!!!!
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-18-2016 , 04:01 AM
in and gl

what drugs are we talking about?
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-18-2016 , 04:14 AM
Drug rake is real. GL getting clean <3
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-18-2016 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by NoSkill20
Crushhhh ittttt!!!!!!!
U2 baller!

Originally Posted by JoseMourinho
in and gl

what drugs are we talking about?
Hi Jose! Please do a good job with Zlatan.

Were talking 2.5-5grams of highquality weed daily. Throw in some alcohol, ghb, efedrin, lsd and shrooms and well have a party.

Id say ive been stoned 95% of my career. Ive added other substances like 5-10% of the time ( Alc,gbh ).

But my biggest issue has been the least destructive. The weeds.

Originally Posted by meale
Drug rake is real. GL getting clean <3
It sure is bro! Lifes tough right ;D Thanks homie. Keep getting urs
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-18-2016 , 04:30 AM
I really cant stress enough how bad weed is for an aspiring pokerplayer. Atleast to be smoking daily. It hinders all your progress and keep you from having solid goals(generally).

It is to be treated like a treat, not some substitute for bad spiritual self or such.

&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-18-2016 , 05:24 AM
depends on the smoker entirely, agree u play better not baked out ur mind tho gl givin up
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-18-2016 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by squire1888
depends on the smoker entirely, agree u play better not baked out ur mind tho gl givin up
Yeah youre right. Depends on quality and strain aswell. But 5grams of good **** per day, gets u facked.
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-18-2016 , 05:40 AM
yeah that will get u good and daized for sure playing anything other than completely straight is not a option for most, uve been crushing baked so exciting to see the dif sober GL sir
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-18-2016 , 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by squire1888
yeah that will get u good and daized for sure playing anything other than completely straight is not a option for most, uve been crushing baked so exciting to see the dif sober GL sir
Thanks man! I too am excited, very excited ^^ i guess my studying will be better now aswell. Id say i have used about 2/10 out of my potential thus far with poker. Just been such a lazy sob.

Gl to you to mister, be good
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-18-2016 , 06:56 AM
Ive quit weed over a year ago after over 6 years of smoking every day. So trust me, you can do it, just need some strong will, glgl
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-18-2016 , 07:23 AM
Nice thread, definitely will be following
Gl with your goals!!
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-28-2016 , 12:11 PM
Good luck on your sobriety I hope it is going well.
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-28-2016 , 01:21 PM
Awesome thread, I hope my graphs looks like yours someday soon, good luck with your poker/life goals :-D
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-28-2016 , 04:09 PM
Gl with both poker and staying sober OP!

Props for just laying it out there btw, it's what makes this subforum so interesting. Everyone has such a uniquely weird life/poker mix.
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-31-2016 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by JoseMourinho
Ive quit weed over a year ago after over 6 years of smoking every day. So trust me, you can do it, just need some strong will, glgl
Aye buddy, thanks. On the train now and i aint hoppin off until im a true baller at poker!! hehe.

Willpower never last thou, need something to replace an addiction with, i figured ill make it so that poker is my new addiction. Working really well thus far

Originally Posted by Karrlitos1
Nice thread, definitely will be following
Gl with your goals!!
Thanks See you around.

Originally Posted by Bulljive
Good luck on your sobriety I hope it is going well.
Appreciate it and yes, its going perfectly.

Originally Posted by persephoney
Awesome thread, I hope my graphs looks like yours someday soon, good luck with your poker/life goals :-D
Thanks buddy!! Just work hard and be smart and it WILL look like that, or better.

Originally Posted by Alt1tude
Gl with both poker and staying sober OP!

Props for just laying it out there btw, it's what makes this subforum so interesting. Everyone has such a uniquely weird life/poker mix.
Really appreciate it man, gonna keep laying the donger out.


Best of luck to you guys commenting and wishing me well. Really makes a difference knowing theres support to be gained


Short update:

Going to go for my last session of the month. Have been having HUGE problems sleeping. So havent been able to put in the volume nor play the way i want too, but its getting better.

Day by day, one foot infront of the other.

A huge upside to not smoking weed is that i can delve into all them awesome books ive aquired recently. Tony Robbins, Tim Ferris for all the wins <3

Anyways, cu all later.


&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-31-2016 , 05:37 PM
U seem like a good dude why did you have to be a rude piece of ****

Quitting is probably incredibly +EV long term but hellacious short term
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-31-2016 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by ChanY
U seem like a good dude why did you have to be a rude piece of ****

Quitting is probably incredibly +EV long term but hellacious short term
Your right. After reading some of your newer posts i can take some of it back. I apologize. My mistake, sincerely.

And ur def right.
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-31-2016 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by BananaPanda
Your right. After reading some of your newer posts i can take some of it back. I apologize. My mistake, sincerely.

And ur def right.
<3 truce , I'm kind of joking on BBV mostly just blowing steam off and exaggerating a lot lol.

I don't really smoke a lot especially not here in Sweden, but I was in Barcelona for two weeks at the beginning of the month where I smoked a ton. Coming back and just quitting sucked so ****ing much so I cant imagine how much it sucks to quit after much longer use. Wish u best of luck once again
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-31-2016 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by ChanY
<3 truce , I'm kind of joking on BBV mostly just blowing steam off and exaggerating a lot lol.

I don't really smoke a lot especially not here in Sweden, but I was in Barcelona for two weeks at the beginning of the month where I smoked a ton. Coming back and just quitting sucked so ****ing much so I cant imagine how much it sucks to quit after much longer use. Wish u best of luck once again
<3 Appreciate the support.
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
07-31-2016 , 06:10 PM
July Report:

Just saw the results and was happily surprised Hadnt seen them for a few weeks.

As ive said, im going through stuff, so haven't had much quality sleep lately. So expected results to get damaged far more than they actually were.

So here we go.

Guess its my best month prerakeback since challenge started. Funny thing is, the majority of hands are at NL25. Lolz. Some hands upto NL200 even when games were so juicy i couldnt resist.

Either way, im not satisfied, not even close.

If i am to be making 10k months, i need 5k+ prerakeback.

So thats the goal for August. The only goal.

5k$+ Pre-Rakeback!

&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
08-01-2016 , 07:20 AM
Time to get this month rolling. So effin excited. Decided ill treat myself if i do reach my August goal.

I want a complete new PC set, including 3 24+ inch screens!!!

&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
08-01-2016 , 07:41 AM
still clean?
here's a song to remind ya:
&quot;Anyone can make 2k a month, let's make 10k&quot; Another moving up story in 2016 Quote
