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quit my job to freeroll... quit my job to freeroll...

06-17-2010 , 11:10 AM
Made the cut in one of the weekly freeroll sats earlier which is nice. So will be playing a 1k freeroll on Saturday.

Have put a daily schedule together now which is the FT cash freerolls mostly, plus one Stars cash freeroll.

05:40 (FT) No Limit Hold'em ($150)
07:40 (FT) No Limit Hold'em Turbo ($150)
09:40 (FT) No Limit Hold'em ($150)
11:40 (FT) No Limit Hold'em Turbo ($150)
13:35 (PS) No Limit Hold'em Turbo ($676.50)
13:40 (FT) Omaha Hi ($150)
15:35 (FT) UK No Limit Hold'em Turbo ($100)
15:40 (FT) No Limit Hold'em ($150)
17:40 (FT) HORSE ($150)
19:40 (FT) No Limit Hold'em Turbo ($150)
21:40 (FT) Razz ($150)

I plan to stick pretty much to the above and add in the occasional weekly sat like above if I get any downtime, the freerolls fed from the weekly sats are mammoth fields (20k+) but it can't hurt. Going to continue to concentrate mostly on the daily cash freerolls though.
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06-17-2010 , 11:54 AM
What is the point of starting with freerolls if I may ask?
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06-17-2010 , 01:13 PM
My question is why the 3 hour commute in Great Britain? It isnt a large place and three hours would send you a long way. Seems that 29k GBP isnt that much of a markup from a mundane local job to take that much out of your day for.
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06-17-2010 , 01:16 PM
bandichime wannabe
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06-17-2010 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by BlaneH
What is the point of starting with freerolls if I may ask?
I don't have a 50nl+ br at the moment, and can't motivate myself to play anything smaller than 50nlish. The challenge aspect of this adds the dimension I need to put the effort in.
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06-17-2010 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by IwillSucceed
I don't have a 50nl+ br at the moment, and can't motivate myself to play anything smaller than 50nlish. The challenge aspect of this adds the dimension I need to put the effort in.
so you're going to build 1k-1.5K trought freerolls and then jump into 50nl games ?!

sound like a plan, the thing is it may just take months (or years) to do that and you won't learn anything from doing that, it's really pointless

if you want to give poker a go, believe in yourself and invest 1.5-3K on your bankroll and start grinding and don't waste your time
quit my job to freeroll... Quote
06-17-2010 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by IwillSucceed
I don't have a 50nl+ br at the moment, and can't motivate myself to play anything smaller than 50nlish. The challenge aspect of this adds the dimension I need to put the effort in.
Why didnt you save up in the last few weeks before you quit your job so you could go straight into 50nl? Id have better motivation to play 2nl than freerolls

Goodluck anyway!!
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06-17-2010 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Jkarioun
so you're going to build 1k-1.5K trought freerolls and then jump into 50nl games ?!
no that's not the plan

this is an end in itself, and doesn't complete until it reaches at least 10k.

when I have the money to play 50nl+ I will do so, and this will just take a back seat but will still continue
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06-17-2010 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Jonaspublius
My question is why the 3 hour commute in Great Britain? It isnt a large place and three hours would send you a long way. Seems that 29k GBP isnt that much of a markup from a mundane local job to take that much out of your day for.
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06-17-2010 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by IwillSucceed
I don't have a 50nl+ br at the moment, and can't motivate myself to play anything smaller than 50nlish. The challenge aspect of this adds the dimension I need to put the effort in.
20000 person, $100 prize pool freerolls are much much smaller then 50nl.

Also, I hate to sound like a broken record but if you had stayed at your job for one more month, you'd have a bankroll for 50nl. Or just use your last month's salary. If you are willing to devote this much time to freerolls, you must have a decent amount saved up...

Also, do you have 300k+ hands that show you are a solid winner at 50nl? If not, maybe playing lower would be good, so that you can sharpen your skills. What's the point of working for a long time to build up online money if you are just going to put it in -ev spots when it gets there?
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06-17-2010 , 03:52 PM

If you have free time; money and if you love poker - why not?
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06-17-2010 , 04:14 PM
Unless you have the finances to back this up (which I doubt is the case with a 29k job), you´re just dumb.

1) Not a proven winning player
2) Can´t be motivated to play <50NL, but motivated to play freerolls
hence 5 cents < nothing to you
The amount of droolers in freerolls > amount in 10NL hence more stupidity
4) Doesn´t have a bankroll (don´t know if he has a few months income saved), quits job anyway
5) If you´re winning, YOU DONT NEED TO PLAY FREEROLLS. You would be making money right now. Hence you have no concept of opportunity cost, something very costly for a poker player

All you people who even remotely encourage him are honestly ******ed

What OP does is comparable to quitting your job, and starting a band the next day to make it big because you had some guitar lessons and think "It´ll click"

A better option is to take guitar lessons (or learn it on your own), start a band while working, do it on your spare time, perform at gigs, win some talent shows, make a record, get a manager, feel some form of succes (e.g. getting booked for more than free beer / food) and THEN quitting your job.

See the difference here
2) Taking a calculated (still huge) risk for a pursuit of happiness

I´m not seeing one can´t pursue his dreams, but lets say there are 2 roads
1 is 50km, bumpy, full of mudd
2 is 35km of a traffic free American highway


It is as previous posters have said going for the same end goal through a different but much more effective / efficient path.

Or I just got trolled in which case GG OP GG
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06-17-2010 , 04:19 PM
its his life hitman...
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06-17-2010 , 04:23 PM
Good luck OP,

I've never deposited in PS, and I've won tickets for Sunday million, Just cash in one of them you're made.

You can do it.
quit my job to freeroll... Quote
06-17-2010 , 04:24 PM
^Roooar thanks for all the positive vibes much appreciate!

miniupdate - in 2 tourneys at the moment:
- 7k stack in a 20,000 entrant $275 freeroll with 6.8k players left
- 2.2k stack in 7.5k entrant $150 freeroll with 3.1k runners left
quit my job to freeroll... Quote
06-17-2010 , 04:32 PM
Chris Ferguson is a WSOP Main Event champion, has been playing poker for MANY years, and is a complete nit/math genius. The guy is more solid than anyone I've ever heard of when it comes to his BR, he wouldn't even play a $500 2-7 game in the PAD cash game and he's a millionaire. With his extremely impressive resume (no offense, but it's at least 1000x nicer than yours) it STILL took him I believe 9 months to get up to $100 and another 9 months to get to $10,000. Correct me if I'm wrong on those numbers, but either way man this isn't the way to go. At the VERY least make a $50 deposit.
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06-17-2010 , 04:38 PM
I think I'll do this in less than 9 months
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06-17-2010 , 04:45 PM
i think you will not do this, no ofence though ...
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06-17-2010 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by IwillSucceed
I think I'll do this in less than 9 months
Go for it, there are plenty of jobs in London anyway.

Might take a bit longer than that though, you will get stuck on a level grinding.

Be disciplined, keep strictly to Bankroll management, Don't feel too proud, or pig-headed to move back down levels.
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06-17-2010 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by IwillSucceed
Lots of comments, thanks for all the advice / thoughts. I really haven't felt this good in a long time so am very pleased with my choice. Sometimes I think you need to just make the right choice for you even if it is not the obvious choice. To be honest poker is where I want to concentrate my time now a couple of things have happened lately that have really made me realise how short life is. So I'm going to spend some time focussing on poker.

Freeroll update. Played about six already also used a couple of ftp points (only 20 or so) which I guess isn't strictly freerolling but I thought I might as well use the 100 or so up I have at the start of the challenge. Have come close but no cashes. Will post again when I make that first cash.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that your happiness has absolutely nothing to do with playing poker. It's coming from quitting a job that you probably hated in the first place. You're probably confusing the source of your happiness. I'm quite certain unless you go on an extended heater that the first month you are unable to pay bills you will find yourself in a world of discomfort.

That said, I really hope it works out for you and good luck. This will be interesting to follow.
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06-17-2010 , 05:27 PM
Il send you 5$ if u are on stars to spare u months of despair and pointless grinding. You might as well start grinding play money. Didn't mean to be offensive or rude, but really find it hard to grasp if you are really serious with this.
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06-17-2010 , 06:12 PM
I like how you don't want to move down to lower stakes, but play freerolls instead. Not even $1 donkaments, which are easily beatable. Normally I'd say you'd give up in a week, but you seem pretty devoted, so I'll give it a month.

BTW this thread is such bull**** if you are leeching off someone else for your living expenses.
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06-17-2010 , 06:30 PM
I gain no interest from beating $1 games. The challenge of creating 10k from nothing is what makes this interesting for me

290 players left from original 7.5k entrants in the FT $150 at the moment, and I have about 20bbs... Here's to a good run!
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06-17-2010 , 06:33 PM
This has never ended well for anyone.. At least ferguson had millions when he tried lol
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06-17-2010 , 06:48 PM
lol is all i can say. life is to short to be grinding freerolls, i would go insane by day 3 and kill myself.
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