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Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal)

08-09-2015 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Pierich
Congrats man You're absolutely crushing it. Very inspiring!
Originally Posted by TheHip41
That is a sexy graph.
Originally Posted by Big_Mick00
Too easy

Thread needs more love
Originally Posted by LittleGoliath
dat heat tho
Originally Posted by that_anon_pgc
Subbed, looks like a 180man graph.
Originally Posted by mement_mori
No idea how I missed this, subbed!
Thanks guys, sure are enyoing the heat atm ! Awesome sunday, 3rd in 109r for 22k, f2t of 22c and f3t of B162 (which was fine, I'd take anything but 10th )
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
08-10-2015 , 05:18 AM
Unreal, congrats on the big score!
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
08-10-2015 , 05:51 AM
Tough spot 3 handed vs Agus the Beast
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
08-12-2015 , 11:42 AM
congrats on all the success lately, very happy you joined us

^OP got sick game and talent <3
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
08-12-2015 , 12:18 PM
Confirmed perfect horse and pleasure to work with.
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
08-13-2015 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by random btn
congrats on all the success lately, very happy you joined us

^OP got sick game and talent <3
Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
Confirmed perfect horse and pleasure to work with.
Appreciate the love sickos <3
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
08-13-2015 , 01:09 AM
Played a martahon session today. I had already planned to take thursday off anyway, and just felt like playing extra long for some reason. Started up at B75 time and ended with the late 109 turbos and the H22.

Session was nice, got 2nd in 265KO (which I felt was one of the better tournaments I
ve played) - lost a flip HU ftw. Other than that I had 9th in H75, 9th in 109t, 13 in 109t re and deep a run in B109.

As far as leaderboard goes, I've dropped to 3rd. Doesn't look to well, really haven't put up many points last couple of days. Like 265KO is too small to really matter and like H75 you need like top 5 for it to matter. I just have to hope for another bink again this sunday!

Profit: 119.546

Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
08-31-2015 , 08:48 PM
Finally back home grinding online after an amazing barca trip.

Was really fun meeting all the guys from the stable, turns out they're all really cool guys and we had such a great time. Poker wise I played estrellas main, estrellas HR, ept main and 2k side event. Unfortunately I bricked everything, but I played pretty well for the most part imo. Did take time getting comfortable in the live setting and I think it's something that proberly will come more natural when I get more experience with live tourneys. Surely not the last EPT I played.

Online I haven't really had any scores or interesting runs since last update, seems like the heater has cooled down a bit This week I'm going to focus on preparing for WCOOP. Have 3 coaching sessions with the stable planned, will be doing HH swaps and some some flopzilla analysis of spots I have marked in my db.

Profit: 112.143
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-07-2015 , 07:08 AM
Had a really nice prep for WCOOP with lots of studying. Did 4 HH rewiews/swaps with guys in the stable the days up to WCOOP instead of playing. The stable hired Jared Tendler for a mental game session, which I really liked. Thought he presented some quality stuff which was really motivating.

Topics we talked about was;

- Goals vs expectation
- Process & results oriented goals
- Routines (Warmup and cooldown)
- A-C game analysis
- Avoiding distractions

Yesterday was first day of WCOOP and Winamax series. Was overall really pleased with how I played. Think the maximum table count I had at anypoint was 10, usually I would get easily distracted because there is more dead time where you don't have hands in progress but felt really locked in and wasn't distracted at any point during the session. Ran really hot and FT'ed H55 as 1/9 with a pretty massive CL. Played this FT very well and put tons of pressure on the others, was actually insanely card dead entire FT, but won so many pots without showdown it didn't matter. With 4 left I lost 2 or 3 AI in spots where I had profitable ATC jams and stacks got pretty even, I was 2/4, and the other started talking about looking at #. I said I wanted more than ICM and they pretty quickly gave me an extra 900$ which I took, score was 17843$.

Also FT'ed the 55 25k on stars, but got 8th after being 2/9, I made two very thin and questionable jams, I got showed top of villains range (KK and AA), which naturally makes you question them more.

Today a friend of mine is moving his setup over to my place, will be nice having some company during all the long nights ahead

Profit 129.953

Last edited by Seahawk89; 09-07-2015 at 07:38 AM.
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-07-2015 , 04:56 PM
Quietly going about your business nicely. Keep up the good work!
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-09-2015 , 09:54 PM
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-10-2015 , 01:15 AM
nice thread gl
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-12-2015 , 02:28 AM
Subbed, sick year for you thus far and GL in the WCOOPaments!
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-15-2015 , 10:57 AM
So far I've bricked all the WCOOP events prettty hard, but motivation is super high still and we're not even half trough so plenty of time to make something happen. Have had a couple of fun runs on Winamax during their series, had Top 20 finished in both the 300€ 6max NLHE and 300€ PLO.
Since last update as far as results I've got 4th in the 109T PSKO for 5,5k and 1st in the 300€ HR on winamax for 12k€ (we chopped most 3way) - so WCOOP still has been good to me

Lots of exciting stuff going on in the stable atm. Fedor Holz is joining as a partner and coach, which is an awesome addition - super excited about that Elmerixx FT'ed the 10k HR yesterday and got 7th after 77 < A3o for 95k and Pads won the 700 6max for 108k and the tittle some days ago.
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-17-2015 , 10:27 PM
Just won the Hot55 for 13k after being 1/9 with a pretty big CL. Pretty sick how well I'm running in these hots this year Got like 30th in B109 yesterday and 28th today after loosing 55 < 33. Made some smaller FT's as well, including 8th in B75. As for actual WCOOP events I'm still bricking most, cashed the 320 6max but thats it. A good friend of mine, whom I do a lot of studying with, TISSO1709 just got 6th in the ST event for like 60k or something, really happy for him

After winning the HR on winamax I saw that sharkscope is missing some tournies from winamax. Went trough my account history and it turns out my sharkscope is off by 12k (which is mostly just missing the HR).

Profit: 130.268 + 12.000 = 142.268
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-17-2015 , 10:36 PM
haha are you even real? ^^ gg
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-21-2015 , 02:17 AM
Super long day today. Made two WCOOP day two's. Have a really cool shot in the 1k 6max, I'm 8/14 with 160k up top and then I have tiny short stack in the 2k that's still on the direct bubble. Super excited for tomorrow, day two of the 1k is in under 6 hours. Lets ****ing go!
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-21-2015 , 03:23 AM
Dunno how I didn't see this thread before. You're a sicko man..

I hope to have results half as good as you... keep it up!
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-21-2015 , 09:14 AM
Got 9th for 17k after 4b jamming 99 for 28bbs and got shown AA sigh..
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-21-2015 , 11:44 AM
Do you regret not becoming an auditor? lol. I was one (pwc) did a startup now back to audit life. .... What I wouldn't give to access poker sites from inside the US
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-21-2015 , 11:07 PM
I love my job as an auditor in middle market. Feels like free money.
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
01-07-2016 , 11:38 AM
Similar to after SCOOP, I completely burned out after WCOOP and lost all motivation towards grinding and updating this thread. I did regain some of that during december and and managed to finished the year on a strong note.

Thought i'd just wrap this thread up by looking back at the goals I set in the beginning of the year.

Pretty easy to evaluate actually, as its either something I did really well or really poorly.

My goals towards school failed pretty hard as I decided to drop out and go fulltime with poker. This decision I feel pretty good about, working at EY I figured out that auditing was not for me, and I really couldn't see that as my future. I still have my bachelor and once I no longer want to play poker my current plan is too start doing a master in finance.

My goals towards optimizing sourrindings, was something that I did really well for short periods. I would train everyday, eat really well, meditate before sessions etc. And then I failed miserably for long periods, eating junkfood, doing no exercise, sleeping poorly, having horrible time management etc. This I by far the area I need to improve the most in 2016, as I feel like this is the "easist" way to really improve my game, as it just has such a big impact on your game.

My poker goals was set on the basis of only playing part time, so can't really be too satisfied with making all of them.
Regarding profits I started off with a 100k goals and then later changed it too 200k. Think the latter goal was pretty immaturely set, as it was based on my running super well to start the year. I didn't manage to reach 200k on the year.
Joining the BitB group essentially made me complete all my goals towards studying and doing offtable work. It's a super nice environment for improving and it's definitely the decision that has done most for my overall game.
As for live tournaments I didnt play too much, I did play EPT barcelona and some very small stuff here in denmark.

Ended the year in +165k.
As fas as notable scores since I last updated I got 5th Sunday kickoff, 5th Sunday Challenge 888, 1st Sunday Brawl, 3rd 162 Sunday 6max.

I've decided to make a thread for 2016 aswell. Will do it together with one of my very good friends in poker, whom I grind with a lot and talk lots of strategy

Will post link in here once we get it posted.
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-18-2016 , 07:00 PM
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-23-2016 , 10:50 AM
I assume no updates = busto
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
09-23-2016 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
I assume no updates = busto
Yes, I would like to see an update for this year. His Last Activity was only a couple of hours ago.
Quit my job as an auditor, pursuing new paths - MTT Grind included (100k$ profit goal) Quote
