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Quest for k profit in a year playing low-midstakes MTTs Quest for k profit in a year playing low-midstakes MTTs

06-16-2015 , 06:08 AM
Had a wild Monday night session filled with ups and downs the whole way, but more on that later.

Sunday went pretty crappy for me, however with low volume and me using tickets for my bigger BI games, it wasn't that big of a deal, just frustrating knowing I had chances to make runs and couldn't prevail.

Sunday Big Ticket ($215, Carbon)
I got off to a normal start, playing nitty, winning a few small pots here and there, and as the blinds rose up a bit, 2hrs in I eventually took off. I had a very nitty image which allowed me to take down pots pre/postflop uncontested, I build up stack to a peak of 34k. PKaiser showed up at my table around this time.....on my direct left lol. I was pretty excited to play with him, however very nervous at the same time. He's the #1 player in the world for online MTTs on Pocketfives for those who do not know.

I didn't battle with him though, I did however successfully cbet 86o on AK5 vs him BvB and got a fold

Fast forward a bit more, 3hrs into the tourney, I have around 32k and just got off break, pumped, and in 3 hands, everything went downhill.....

I had AQo UTG on ~22bb, I minraise, nitty button reships 5bb, I call, he has JJ, we blank.

Very next hand, I have KK in the BB, early mid position minraises, I elect to flat my BB on 16bb as it was folded to me. A decision I completely regretted later on, as this guy had been showing down a lot of JJ/AK/AQ type hands that would probably call a reship. The flop came T29 rainbow, I checked and was prepared to shove over a cbet, however villain checked..... Turn brings an 8, I leadout for 2/3rd pot, villain flats. River brings the almighty A > my eyes light up for a second and I get jitters, I check, villain checks back and shows AJ to take the pot

The VERY next hand, I get K7o on 10bb in the SB, it folds to me, I shove, BB snaps off ATo, ace flops, GG.

I had a shot at a deeprun in the Sunday Big $33 on Carbon, however 25 off ITM I made a really bad reshove with 17bb on the button with KQs vs a CO open who was never folding, especially being 25 off ITM, a flat here is best, guy snaps off AJs, I blank.

I satellited into the Bovada $55 30k gtd turbo 10k starting stack for $7.70 and elected to play it. I got off to a good start 3 balling JJ on AJxxK and getting called down by AJ. I then lost a decent sized flip 66<AJ, and then a few hands later JJ<AQ on the river, thus crippling me to 4bb. After a wild, wild ride on the shortstack, I built it back up to 11bb as the blinds arose and had 4s in the SB on 11bb, MP opens, I reship, MP calls off QJs, board runs ATxKx, GG.

Monday's update in the next post.
06-16-2015 , 06:34 AM
I'll start off this post by saying I did indeed eclipse $15k profit on the year this past week and am at ~$16k profit on the year as of now on a huge heater in the month of June. I set a goal of $15k profit at the beginning of the year, and have happily eclipsed it in just 6 months time. As long as I don't hit a huge downer, it's a success!

Next Goal will be to hit $25k profit on the year, which won't be as easy as it looks, especially as around 25% of my profit this year came off a single score.

On to my Monday was a crazy one.

For whatever reason, I decided to fire a sh*tload of tourneys, including some reg speed ones I usually don't play. This is something I don't think I'm going to do again, as I had 15 tables up at one point and was timing out of some. 15-tabling on a 4 year old laptop across 3 different sites playing MTTs isn't optimal lol.

I didn't have any issue building stacks early in any of my tourneys, the problem is was actually hanging onto the stacks I built. I ended up getting sucked out on a ton when it mattered, and it was tilting.

On the bright side, the Blackhawks ended up winning the Stanley Cup in 6 games tonight! Very happy about this, especially as a lot of my friends were rooting for the Lightning just to piss me

Anyways, my session started declining, fast. I was stuck $300-$350 with few games left, and needed to make a run at something. I ended up FTing a $5.50 deep turbo on Carbon for $98 or so. I got it in AJ v KT aipf for the win and lost, leaving me with under an ante and I busted the next hand in 2nd.

Most of my $33s and $22s went to ****, so that didn't help, I also had some runs going in two $11 turbos, which unfortunately came to an end with min-cashes. I ended up going deep in a $22 super turbo on Bovada, and took 3rd for $244 to help stop some of the bleeding.

I was down to just a couple tables, one being the Bovada $11 10k/10min which drew just over 1,000 players. I ended up making the money with 4bb, and actually tank folded when we were 10 or so off ITM just trying to mincash. I eventually spun up those 4bbs and made a run, with just around 30 left, I was sitting in the top 10, and soon after, found myself at the final two tables with a 6th place stack and $1.9k to 1st!

I had a very, very weak table, everyone was nitty, which allowed me to take down a ton of pots preflop because I was raising wide and taking pot after pot down. I ended up getting to be 3/13 when there was a long stretch without anyone busting. We got down to 11 players when I won a small flip 33>KJ, and a few hands later, I made the final table, coming in 2nd in chips with 9 left and position on the big stack!

I was super confident going into the FT, and was in perfect position to win. We got down to 8, I'm sitting 2nd in chips with 27bb or so. All of the sudden, my television goes down, and then my internet goes down and I get disconnected from Bovada, ****.

This may have been the worst possible time for my internet to go down. The strange part is, my laptop said my internet connection was fine, but I still couldn't connect to the internet. I waited around, doing everything I could to try and get my internet back. 15-20mins later, I finally got my internet back, only to find 35% of my stack was blinded out and I was 6-handed with 10bbs. Two hands later, I got dealt 66 on the effective Hijack as one player was sitting out. There was one shorter stack with 1bb less than me, so ICM isn't that relevant in my situation. I shoved, the CO reships, and turns over JJ. Board runs 773Qx, and I'm history.

It is highly tilting considering how much equity I lost because I disconnected, especially at what was a very, very soft final table for an $11 MTT. This was my first final table in a 1k+ field since 2011 when I final tabled a freeroll on stars and got 8th for a whopping $2 lol. So that is something I am happy about.

Nonetheless, I'm happy to have ended the day in profit after a wild session. I can't complain about getting 6th either considering how pure I ran to get to the FT and barely made ITM.

Thanks for reading guys, have gotten tons of positive feedback on the thread.

06-16-2015 , 01:57 PM
On the bright side, the Blackhawks ended up winning the Stanley Cup in 6 games tonight! Very happy about this, especially as a lot of my friends were rooting for the Lightning just to piss me

What are you talking about Trent? Nobody would ever do that.
06-17-2015 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by FattieQ
What are you talking about Trent? Nobody would ever do that.
Haha, no Western Canadian musician cycling-freak 4-card split pot game degen would ever do that to me!
06-24-2015 , 07:03 AM
Subbed Trent. Good luck in your poker journeys and a very nice year you have had so far!
06-24-2015 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by arturas6050
Subbed Trent. Good luck in your poker journeys and a very nice year you have had so far!
Cheers yo.

Had a wacky Tuesday session and a breakeven Monday session. Will do a full update later today as I am too tired to post a full update atm.

Took down my first $33 MTT which I'm very happy about, was a daysaver as I went into the FT 8/9 and down $350 or so on the day, much needed!

Had a 6th in the Carbon $22 turbo for $100 aswell after KQ<JJ for the chiplead, K flops

J rivers..............................GG

Thanks for reading,

06-24-2015 , 09:59 AM
Sick bink OP keep it going
06-25-2015 , 04:42 AM
Good luck my friend! Happy to see you rebound nicely from your disappointing stretch. The ability to overcome adversity is one of the most underrated skills in poker. I wish you continued success and expect to see you eclipse that 25k mark in no time!
06-25-2015 , 09:23 PM
Heck yeah man! Glad to see you bink the $33. No doubt you'll eclipse the 25k.
06-27-2015 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by Wh1teNorth
Sick bink OP keep it going
Thank you > had an even larger score tonight which I will update in the latter part of this post.
Originally Posted by rraid4life
Good luck my friend! Happy to see you rebound nicely from your disappointing stretch. The ability to overcome adversity is one of the most underrated skills in poker. I wish you continued success and expect to see you eclipse that 25k mark in no time!
Thanks AJ, much appreciated. 2 months ago I pretty much had no motivation and was able to overcome it and come back and crush > Am hoping to hit the $25k mark and I am on pace to complete blow it out!
Originally Posted by TRETIAK30
Heck yeah man! Glad to see you bink the $33. No doubt you'll eclipse the 25k.
Thank you sir! Keep up your success aswell as I have seen you hitting some solid scores on Merge in the last 2 months.
06-27-2015 , 08:10 AM
Looks like I was pretty lazy with updating the past couple days so I will post a long update here.

Monday - Had a breakeven session, nothing really notable, ran pretty meh.

Wednesday - Played a small session, got destroyed on Bovada for the third straight day and had a 3rd in the Carbon $22 turbo for $287 and 7th in the Carbon $11 deep turbo after AK<AJ then JJ<AQ both for massive pots at the FT.

Tuesday - Ended with a great session after getting destroyed in the early part of my session. I had just two tourneys left and I was stuck $350 on the session after Bovada/BCP went awful, it not looking promising. I ended up crawling to the FT of the Carbon $33 deep, 8th in chips, while also being in the early stages of the Carbon $22 turbo.

I had 13bb going into the FT, and needed to double quick! Which I managed to after 2 people busted

83033070-230 - $3.5K Gtd [Deep] (83026390-1)
Holdem Tournament No Limit Level 20 Ante 300, Blinds 1500/3000 Holdem Tournament
Tuesday 23 Jun 2015 11:49:39 PM
1: Cleon315
2: trent32la
3: Anguilla817
4: allinthamelynn61
5: ccutiepie1
6: handyman7
7: shimhyo0 (Dealer)
*** BLINDS ***
Cleon315 Paid Ante 300
trent32la Paid Ante 300
Anguilla817 Paid Ante 300
allinthamelynn61 Paid Ante 300
ccutiepie1 Paid Ante 300
handyman7 Paid Ante 300
shimhyo0 Paid Ante 300
Cleon315 Posts Small Blind 1500
trent32la Posts Big Blind 3000
*** PREFLOP ***
trent32la Hole Cards: Ks,Ad
Anguilla817 Folds
allinthamelynn61 Folds
ccutiepie1 Calls 3000
handyman7 Raises 9300
shimhyo0 Folds
Cleon315 Folds
trent32la went All In 32509
ccutiepie1 Folds
handyman7 Calls 26209
trent32la Shows Ks,Ad
handyman7 Shows 9s,9h
*** POSTFLOP ***
Community Cards: 6s,6c,Kh
*** POSTTURN ***
Community Cards: 6s,6c,Kh,2c
Community Cards: 6s,6c,Kh,2c,2d
*** END OF GAME ***
trent32la won 77618 from Pot 1 with Two Pair Kings and Sixes

I laddered up to 4-handed and then went pretty card dead. I was last in chips and made a move with 98o on the button on 11bb and ended up getting lucky to double.

83033070-260 - $3.5K Gtd [Deep] (83026390-1)
Holdem Tournament No Limit Level 22 Ante 500, Blinds 2500/5000 Holdem Tournament
Wednesday 24 Jun 2015 12:09:24 AM
1: trent32la (Dealer)
2: Anguilla817
3: ccutiepie1
4: handyman7
*** BLINDS ***
trent32la Paid Ante 500
Anguilla817 Paid Ante 500
ccutiepie1 Paid Ante 500
handyman7 Paid Ante 500
Anguilla817 Posts Small Blind 2500
ccutiepie1 Posts Big Blind 5000
*** PREFLOP ***
trent32la Hole Cards: 8h,9s
handyman7 Folds
trent32la went All In 56218
Anguilla817 Calls 53718
ccutiepie1 Folds
trent32la Shows 8h,9s
Anguilla817 Shows Ac,Td
*** POSTFLOP ***
Community Cards: Js,8s,3c
*** POSTTURN ***
Community Cards: Js,8s,3c,Kh
Community Cards: Js,8s,3c,Kh,9h
*** END OF GAME ***
trent32la won 119436 from Pot 1 with Two Pair Nines and Eights

We got down to 3-handed play, and I ended up making a sick hero call which prove correctly and was a critical pot in the tourney for me.

83033070-277 - $3.5K Gtd [Deep] (83026390-1)
Holdem Tournament No Limit Level 22 Ante 500, Blinds 2500/5000 Holdem Tournament
Wednesday 24 Jun 2015 12:14:55 AM
1: trent32la
2: ccutiepie1
3: handyman7 (Dealer)
*** BLINDS ***
trent32la Paid Ante 500
ccutiepie1 Paid Ante 500
handyman7 Paid Ante 500
trent32la Posts Small Blind 2500
ccutiepie1 Posts Big Blind 5000
*** PREFLOP ***
trent32la Hole Cards: Ah,9s
handyman7 Folds
trent32la Raises 11250
ccutiepie1 Calls 6250
*** POSTFLOP ***
Community Cards: 6d,3s,3d
trent32la Bet 12000
ccutiepie1 Calls 12000
*** POSTTURN ***
Community Cards: 6d,3s,3d,2h
trent32la Checks
ccutiepie1 Bet 24000
trent32la Calls 24000
Community Cards: 6d,3s,3d,2h,Kc
trent32la Checks
ccutiepie1 Bet 48000
trent32la Calls 48000
*** SHOWDOWN ***
ccutiepie1 Shows 9c,Td
trent32la Shows Ah,9s
*** END OF GAME ***
trent32la won 192000 from Pot 1 with Pair of Threes

I ended up getting headsup, and got destroyed at the beginning, my opponent was running pretty pure and I ended up making a bad triple barrell with air and got called down by second pair > I will shame myself

83033070-302 - $3.5K Gtd [Deep] (83026390-1)
Holdem Tournament No Limit Level 23 Ante 600, Blinds 3000/6000 Holdem Tournament
Wednesday 24 Jun 2015 12:23:59 AM
1: trent32la (Dealer)
2: ccutiepie1
*** BLINDS ***
trent32la Paid Ante 600
ccutiepie1 Paid Ante 600
trent32la Posts Small Blind 3000
ccutiepie1 Posts Big Blind 6000
*** PREFLOP ***
trent32la Hole Cards: Qd,8c
trent32la Raises 12000
ccutiepie1 Calls 6000
*** POSTFLOP ***
Community Cards: 2c,9d,Ks
ccutiepie1 Checks
trent32la Bet 12000
ccutiepie1 Calls 12000
*** POSTTURN ***
Community Cards: 2c,9d,Ks,4c
ccutiepie1 Checks
trent32la Bet 24999
ccutiepie1 Calls 24999
Community Cards: 2c,9d,Ks,4c,6c
ccutiepie1 Checks
trent32la Bet 49999
ccutiepie1 Calls 49999
*** SHOWDOWN ***
trent32la Shows Qd,8c
ccutiepie1 Shows 9h,As
*** END OF GAME ***
ccutiepie1 won 199196 from Pot 1 with Pair of Nines

I fought back though, eventually going from 3:1 in chips to 2:1 in chips down, before this massive cooler happened and I ended up getting lucky on the river > can't ever see myself getting away from it.

83033070-323 - $3.5K Gtd [Deep] (83026390-1)
Holdem Tournament No Limit Level 23 Ante 600, Blinds 3000/6000 Holdem Tournament
Wednesday 24 Jun 2015 12:27:29 AM
1: trent32la
2: ccutiepie1 (Dealer)
*** BLINDS ***
trent32la Paid Ante 600
ccutiepie1 Paid Ante 600
ccutiepie1 Posts Small Blind 3000
trent32la Posts Big Blind 6000
*** PREFLOP ***
trent32la Hole Cards: 9h,8d
ccutiepie1 Calls 3000
trent32la Checks
*** POSTFLOP ***
Community Cards: 6h,8h,8c
trent32la Checks
ccutiepie1 Bet 13200
trent32la Calls 13200
*** POSTTURN ***
Community Cards: 6h,8h,8c,5d
trent32la Checks
ccutiepie1 Bet 6000
trent32la Raises 39999
ccutiepie1 went All In 390194
trent32la went All In 164207
trent32la Shows 9h,8d
ccutiepie1 Shows 7s,9c
Community Cards: 6h,8h,8c,5d,6c
*** END OF GAME ***
trent32la won 448012 from Pot 1 with Full House - Eights over Sixes
ccutiepie1 had 191988 returned from uncalled Pot 2

6 hands later, I had locked up the win with this hand, where I triple barrelled trip aces and overbet jammed the river, getting my opponent to call off second pair

83033070-328 - $3.5K Gtd [Deep] (83026390-1)
Holdem Tournament No Limit Level 23 Ante 600, Blinds 3000/6000 Holdem Tournament
Wednesday 24 Jun 2015 12:28:35 AM
1: trent32la (Dealer)
2: ccutiepie1
*** BLINDS ***
trent32la Paid Ante 600
ccutiepie1 Paid Ante 600
trent32la Posts Small Blind 3000
ccutiepie1 Posts Big Blind 6000
*** PREFLOP ***
trent32la Hole Cards: Ah,6c
trent32la Raises 12000
ccutiepie1 Calls 6000
*** POSTFLOP ***
Community Cards: Tc,Ac,Ad
ccutiepie1 Checks
trent32la Bet 12000
ccutiepie1 Calls 12000
*** POSTTURN ***
Community Cards: Tc,Ac,Ad,8d
ccutiepie1 Checks
trent32la Bet 24999
ccutiepie1 Calls 24999
Community Cards: Tc,Ac,Ad,8d,4s
ccutiepie1 Checks
trent32la went All In 405613
ccutiepie1 went All In 135189
*** SHOWDOWN ***
trent32la Shows Ah,6c
ccutiepie1 Shows 6h,Td
*** END OF GAME ***
trent32la Player Out
ccutiepie1 Player Out
trent32la won 369576 from Pot 1 with Three of a Kind Aces
trent32la had 270424 returned from uncalled Pot 2

Was very happy to take down the win, and also know I can beat $33s as I was afraid to move up to them earlier in fear of being outclassed. I wish I would have moved up to them sooner!

Thursday's update in the next post.

Thanks for reading!

06-28-2015 , 02:31 PM
Took down my 2nd largest cash ever and 2nd $1k+ cash on Friday night

Going through a field of just under 1.3k and completely sunrunning until it got headsup, I managed a 2nd place finish in the Bovada $11 10k 10min $7.5k gtd for $1,591! Couldn't hit a flop headsup and got it in AA vs QT on 984Q to bust....J rivers. Would have put me down 3:2 in chips if I held. I was pretty annoyed after, however it didn't take me long to realize how much I had scored and I felt really pumped later on

I also had a 3rd in the Carbon $33 Night Owl turbo that night for $348, continuing my success in $33s, which are a big step up from the $11s, however I do not feel outclassed even with the amount of regs in $33s increasing from my usual lower buyins. This week puts me at $18k profit on the year, and $27k overrall since March of 2014 when I actually stated taking poker more seriously. I must say, it will be a failure in my pride if I do not profit $25k this year.

$11 10k 10min Lobby

Thank you for reading!

06-28-2015 , 06:34 PM
Very Nice....You probably busted me out at somepoint in that one

Keep up the nice work!!!
06-29-2015 , 07:31 AM
Keep it up Trent! Sometimes I rail your tables and watch (stalker mode) lol

I went on a tilt degen spree (mainly because of RL work) yesterday and lost two buyins at 10 NL. I recovered it all back today. Off days suck, but we gotta keep on pushing with a positive mindset!

Oh yeah grats on that $330 score in that one tournament. I forgot the entry fee and placing. Top 3 I think?
06-30-2015 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by Sil3ntness
Keep it up Trent! Sometimes I rail your tables and watch (stalker mode) lol

I went on a tilt degen spree (mainly because of RL work) yesterday and lost two buyins at 10 NL. I recovered it all back today. Off days suck, but we gotta keep on pushing with a positive mindset!

Oh yeah grats on that $330 score in that one tournament. I forgot the entry fee and placing. Top 3 I think?
Thank you sir! Appreciate the rails
The cash you are referring to was a $348 cash in the Carbon $33 Night Owl for 3rd place last week.

I've gone on tilt degen sprees before lol, just have to learn how to avoid them and when it's time to stop. Glad you recovered it though

Pretty meh week, nothing notable except a small win this morning a $5.50 regular speed on Carbon for $110 and a 5th in the Carbon $22 deep yesterday after losing AJ<88 for the chiplead on a J47T9 runout.

Oh yes, and since this thread is probably the best place to biatch about runbad, here is what went down on the Stone Cold Steve Austin bubble of the Carbon $22 deep this morning........

83091687-199 - $1.5K Gtd [Deep] (83083790-1)
Holdem Tournament No Limit Level 16 Ante 120, Blinds 600/1200 Holdem Tournament
Tuesday 30 Jun 2015 9:22:45 AM
1: wrongturn1963
2: Fear27
3: Wildcardhud (Dealer)
4: trent32la
5: Roy981
6: Shanekd831
7: sshibar
wrongturn1963 Paid Ante 120
Fear27 Paid Ante 120
Wildcardhud Paid Ante 120
trent32la Paid Ante 120
Roy981 Paid Ante 120
Shanekd831 Paid Ante 120
sshibar Paid Ante 120
trent32la Posts Small Blind 600
Roy981 Posts Big Blind 1200
trent32la Hole Cards: As,Ad
Shanekd831 Folds
sshibar Folds
wrongturn1963 Folds
Fear27 Folds
Wildcardhud Folds
trent32la Raises 2400
Roy981 Raises 8040
trent32la went All In 14218
Roy981 Calls 8578
trent32la Shows As,Ad
Roy981 Shows Ac,4c
Community Cards: Jc,Ks,2c
Community Cards: Jc,Ks,2c,Qs
Community Cards: Jc,Ks,2c,Qs,Kc
trent32la Player Out
Roy981 won 34076 from Pot 1 with Flush Ace High

Good times.

Thank you for reading guys,

07-05-2015 , 10:00 AM
The rest of the week went pretty solid I would say, I had some pretty nice runs although all ended up with low 3 figure cashes. I am playing in smaller fields so I can't really expect a ton of massive scores and just have to enjoy the small profits

I had a 1st for $462 in the Carbon $22 deep, 4th for $140 in the Bovada $7.70 10k 10min, 2nd for $156 in Bovada $11 SS, and a few other FTs for smaller scores over a three day span.

Yesterday I also ending up scoring a $162 $100k gtd ticket on Bovada via a $7.70+R satellite (only spent $14.70) and I can use the ticket anytime in the next three months. Hoping to make something out of it considering I've burned a ton of money trying to sat into higher BIs on Bovada.

In the coming weeks, I plan to take a shot or two at a $109 or $215 MTT on Carbon as I have a pretty deep roll there for the games I am playing and don't expect to see my next cashout until October at the earliest. Worst case scenario I can just makeup a failed shot in my lower stakes games. The WPN $540 $1M gtd has my eye aswell, and if I have time I will sell 50-60% of myself in it + some overlay likely sats at no markup. Will post a link ITT if I am playing/selling action.

Off to Venice Beach now so no grind for me today and going to enjoy the nice weather, the ocean, and the girls down there

Thanks for reading,

07-10-2015 , 02:36 AM
Had a pretty meh Monday and Tuesday although running pretty poor. I ended up dropping a hundo or so between the days.

Wednesday I played a small session and ended up scoring huge in a $27.50 turbo on Bovada, coming back from 2bb twice at the FT and then coming back from 4bb 3-handed vs two 15bb+ stacks, eventually shipping it for $896!

Today (Thursday) went about as ****ty as possible. I ran like a 2-legged dog. It was tilting as ****. I built up a bunch of stacks only to end up getting coolered or sucked out on when it mattered. I couldn't hit a draw or win a flip to save my life. In addition, I effectively bubbled two $215 seats on Carbon, A6<A7 BvB 5bb shove in one, which I still got a consolation prize of $55, and AQ<KQ for the chip lead in another which would have put me 1/10 with 5 seats.

I did end up satelliting into the Carbon Nightly $109, only to get completely ****ed over in a hand by a spaz who ended up having the only hand that really beat me here, although I didn't necessarily give him T9 in his SB flatting range.

83179595-66 - Nightly $109 - $10K Gtd [Deep] (83169661-1)
Holdem Tournament No Limit Level 9 Ante 25, Blinds 125/250 Holdem Tournament
Thursday 9 Jul 2015 6:41:51 PM
1: trent32la (Dealer)
2: tsofpoker6
3: SoDope07
4: braydenflushed
5: spheremonk
6: jackattack69
7: Benjamins11
trent32la Paid Ante 25
tsofpoker6 Paid Ante 25
SoDope07 Paid Ante 25
braydenflushed Paid Ante 25
spheremonk Paid Ante 25
jackattack69 Paid Ante 25
Benjamins11 Paid Ante 25
tsofpoker6 Posts Small Blind 125
SoDope07 Posts Big Blind 250
trent32la Hole Cards: Kd,Qc
braydenflushed Folds
spheremonk Folds
jackattack69 Folds
Benjamins11 Folds
trent32la Raises 625
tsofpoker6 Calls 500
SoDope07 Folds
Community Cards: Jd,Kh,Qh
tsofpoker6 Checks
trent32la Bet 837
tsofpoker6 Raises 2000
trent32la went All In 4678
tsofpoker6 Calls 3515
trent32la Shows Kd,Qc
tsofpoker6 Shows 9d,Tc
Community Cards: Jd,Kh,Qh,9c
Community Cards: Jd,Kh,Qh,9c,7h
trent32la Player Out
tsofpoker6 won 12705 from Pot 1 with King High Straight

The sad part is he has so many worse 2pairs/combo draws/pair draws etc etc, and the only hands beating me on this flop other than T9 are 3betting pre.

I ended up having one non-satellite cash on the day, which was a 6th place finish in the Carbon $7.70 hyper, which I ended up busting AA<77 for the chiplead in, board runs Q6458 @#$%@#$%@#$%

All in all, I dropped around $350 on the day over the span of 40-45 or so games which feels ****ty. My next full session should be Saturday, where I'm planning to play a lower variance, lower volume schedule with more reg speed tourneys and less turbos.

Poker is truly amazing, I felt on top of the world yesterday after shipping the $27.50 turbo, and today, it's like that score or the $5k June I had never happened and I feel like a donk, lol. Hoping to comeback tomorrow or Saturday with a better mindset and a main focus on taking a lower variance approach to each situation.

Thanks for reading,

07-10-2015 , 04:49 AM
That guy drives me crazy.. he runs insanely hot in crucial spots
07-10-2015 , 06:06 AM
07-12-2015 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by rraid4life
That guy drives me crazy.. he runs insanely hot in crucial spots
agreed...he felted my aces deep in the highroller last night...ive never seen him miss

@Trent keep up the grind....the smaller ones add up and I totally agree with your approach on taking some shots in the bigger games.
07-17-2015 , 06:15 PM
Thanks krissss and TRETIAK

Have been kind of lazy with the updates.

My last week or so went pretty well despite having volume issues due to RL stuff and work.

I did however ship the Bovada $27.50 turbo again on Saturday for $793 plus a win in the Carbon $33 deep turbo for $713 after coming back from a 2.5:1 Chip deficit HU against a really good reg

I took four days off without any "real" volume and went hard on volume yesterday and despite an awful start where I was running like poo, I came back with a decent profit taking 1st in the Bovada $5.50 for $330, 2nd in the Carbon $15 deep turbo for $249, and a 4th in the Bovada $5.50+R turbo for $315 after a crazy run. I also managed a 3rd for $84 in a small $11 tourney on Black Chip.
08-02-2015 , 05:44 AM
Been lazy with updates. This past week went pretty crappy overall, mainly due to running bad and bricking every $33 and $22 I played other than two mincashes. -$600-700 this week. Along with building up decent stacks in the Carbon Nightly $109 and getting crippled twice with AA against people who shouldn't have even been in the damn hand! In additional I also finished 3 off ITM in a $44 satellite to the BCP $540 after a long arse effective bubble, (35-handed to 25-handed play took over an hour and 25 were paid) where I had to fight a short stack after losing KK<QQ aipf to a rivered Q.

The week before went pretty solid and I ran pretty decent. It's been a killer June and July so I can't really complain > I netted around $7-8k in those two months alone.

9 hours until the biggest tournament of my life thus far starts! I'm playing the BlackChip $540 $1M gtd which has $200k+ to the winner. I sold 65% of my action to play it and hope to get something going in it, which would even better after the week I had!

Thanks for reading.


Last edited by trent32la; 08-02-2015 at 05:54 AM.
08-04-2015 , 12:32 AM
My Sunday on the felts, ****ty. I fired off a bunch of tourneys planning to play all day and instead I lasted 7 hours total and ended around 3pm pacific. The day started out with a 3rd place finish for ~$100 in the BCP $10.75 turbo KO and looked pretty promising after. Instead, I managed to brick pretty much everything but a few tourneys, where I had my chances as some decent money and fell in the final few tables. In addition, all of my higher buyins went to complete ****.

The $540 $1M gtd sucked, I couldn't get anything going in it and eventually folded for over an hour before making a loose BvB shove on 10bb and ramming into kings. I satellited into the BCP $215 115k for $33 only to get AA cracked for 24k early on.

Game started at: 2015/8/2 14:43:41
Game ID: 454261406 125/250 Sunday Special - $115,000 GTD, Table 48 (Hold'em)
Seat 6 is the button
Seat 1: 1stPlaceHorse (19096).
Seat 2: GreenAsFelt (9925).
Seat 3: mellow mood (10675).
Seat 4: bienpicadita (20617).
Seat 5: TheCleanerr (8051).
Seat 6: A1phad0ggg (8900).
Seat 7: AK_Dont_Play (10009).
Seat 8: trent32la (11874).
Seat 9: aggr0vated (9176).
Player AK_Dont_Play ante (25)
Player trent32la ante (25)
Player aggr0vated ante (25)
Player 1stPlaceHorse ante (25)
Player GreenAsFelt ante (25)
Player mellow mood ante (25)
Player bienpicadita ante (25)
Player TheCleanerr ante (25)
Player A1phad0ggg ante (25)
Player AK_Dont_Play has small blind (125)
Player trent32la has big blind (250)
Player trent32la received card: [Ah]
Player trent32la received card: [Ac]
Player aggr0vated folds
Player 1stPlaceHorse folds
Player GreenAsFelt folds
Player mellow mood folds
Player bienpicadita raises (500)
Player TheCleanerr folds
Player A1phad0ggg folds
Player AK_Dont_Play folds
Player trent32la raises (1375)
Player bienpicadita raises (2250)
Player trent32la calls (875)
*** FLOP ***: [8c 10s 9c]
Player trent32la checks
Player bienpicadita bets (2656)
Player trent32la allin (9599)
Player bienpicadita calls (6943)
*** TURN ***: [8c 10s 9c] [7d]
*** RIVER ***: [8c 10s 9c 7d] [2h]
------ Summary ------
Pot: 24048. Rake 0
Board: [8c 10s 9c 7d 2h]
*Player bienpicadita shows: Two pairs. 8s and 7s [7s 8s]. Bets: 11874. Collects: 24048. Wins: 12174.
Player trent32la shows: One pair of As [Ah Ac]. Bets: 11874. Collects: 0. Loses: 11874.

If there is one thing I learned this week, is I'm just simply not ready for the $55+ MTTs. Sure I ran pretty awful in them this week and thankfully just one $55 was on my own dime. However I felt outclassed in them, which I never feel in any of my normal <$33 games. The level of play was definitely not something I was used to and I have a ways to go and learn before I can beat the upper mid and high stakes MTTs. For now, I just have to continue improving, making almost guaranteed money at my $5.50-$22 games and continue beating and getting a larger sample at $33s. Other than the occasional $55 turbo, I'm back to lower stakes this week. I will of course try to play sats to higher games for the experience.

Because I sold action for some of my higher buyins, I only dropped around $700 on the week. Which in reality is nothing compared to the swings you can go on at $11-$33 MTTs. As always, I need to continue focusing on the things I can control and not worry about running bad when I am. It was a brutal week but definitely something to learn from.

However........................................... ....I still managed to profit on the week lol! I bought action off 4 people on Sunday and all 4 made a profit. Including buying 5% of a guy here on 2+2 who ended up scoring huge with a mincash in the WPN $540 and then taking 3rd in the WPN $215 115k for a 12.7k cash. All in all, my investements netted me around $800 on the day. Which thankfully makes up for how ****ty my week was.

Going to get back on the grind tomorrow with more tables, more volume, and lower stakes than last week and hope to get something going.

08-06-2015 , 03:42 AM
A very good start to the week without any higher stakes games and playing games I have a big edge in.

I played a pretty big session on Tuesday (30+ games) and profited a few hundo after shipping the Carbon $11 deepstack KO tourney for $480~ + KOs. I also reached a new height as I was 17 tabling at one point.

Today I decided to fire up a few tourneys and ended up shipping the Carbon $33 deep turbo for $564 after steamrolling the FT and coming back from a 3to1 chip deficit after losing TT<Q5 aipf and then AA<T9 allin on Q9J, both for the win.


Monthly Goals:
$2.5k profit
Continue beating $33s
300 MTTs
25 FTs
3 Wins (Not incl the 2 above)
$1k score
Satellite into a $109, $162, $215, or $530 MTT and cash.
Take 2 days off per week.
Play 2 full sessions (25+ tourneys) each week.
08-20-2015 , 03:13 AM
The last 2 weeks have been alright. Somewhat swingy, however I am profiting some and I'm starting to get a knack for investing in people well. I have been pretty lazy with putting in volume however and feel like my game has declined a bit. I just got started with PT4 this week and hope this will help me make better in-game decisions, along with being able to review hands and such which I was unable to do before.

I'm going to set some long-term goals for the next year. Was going to make a new thread but figured I would keep updating ITT for the followers.

This will be my standards, and goals I feel I can achieve, but will of course be a challenge to, by August of 2016.
$30k profit (staking/coaching included)
Be beating $33 and $55 MTTs over a decent sample.
Be playing $109 MTTs.
Have a $5k+ score.
Have ten $1k+ scores.
Play 5,000 MTTs.
$15 ABI
Start reviewing more hands and regularly do hand reviews in PT4.
Expand my HUD #s so I can start going deeper into player's stats and gain more information on hands.
Be comfortable playing 20 tables.
Win a Sunday Major/Major Series event.
Start exercising more and eating healthier. (A complete Failure for me this year and I'm eating Burger King atm lmao)
Decrease turbo ratio and start playing more regspeed MTTs.
Get better at postflop play and stop spewing so much!

Pretty achieveable goals if I can put in the work. And hell, I didn't think I'd hit $15k profit this year so who knows what can happen lol

I won a satellite to the Carbon Sunday Big Ticket today for $11 so I will be playing that this week in hopes of a decent score and I would just reinvest that $ in HSMTTs to get the experience knowing Carbon is paying very slowly.

Cheers for reading,
