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Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker

05-03-2013 , 07:25 PM
2 people post and come bak from missing blinds, one guy limps behind whose pretty agro, I raise btn to 30 with KdQc, everyone folds.

Getting a lot of action
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-03-2013 , 07:43 PM
I open QcJs mp get one caller on the btn

Flop is AhQh9d

I bet 25 and he calls pretty quick.

Turn 4s

We go check check

River 8c

I check and he bets 100, I fold saying nice hand JT...he shows JTcc lol thx for reassuring me...he called me a genius
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-03-2013 , 07:44 PM
3 limpers including sb and I have AsTc...all of them were lp limpers so no one has a hand here so I raise to 35 to win the 20 in the pot or play a pot where I am an equity favorite. I get one caller.

Flop 7c6c3s

I lead for 45 and he calls

Turn is 3d

Awesome barrel card for me so I bet 110 an he snap folds.
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-03-2013 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by LotGrinder
Wp. I wouldn't have double barreled here either.
why not?
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-03-2013 , 07:47 PM
1 limper in mp I open with AdJc for 25, btn calls both blinds call and limper calls

Flop is Kd6d2c

Checks to me and I feel like this is still a semi decen board to cbet since I do have some nutted back door equity and its a semi dry flop. I bet 80 an it folds around.
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-03-2013 , 08:44 PM
Backer says -ev for live I'll make notes and go over hands later
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-03-2013 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by marauders4
I'm 90% sure I know who this is and I can't stand him. If he is winning all is good and he listens to music. Not running well means bad mojo at the table
LoL, I think we all know who that is but I doubt that is who OP is referring to.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-03-2013 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by Running Uphill
Backer says -ev for live I'll make notes and go over hands later
Backer has to keep you on a tight leash lol

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-03-2013 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Running Uphill
Backer says -ev for live I'll make notes and go over hands later
I do "live" updates in my PG&C thread kind of like this since I play on Bovada and want to transition to live afterwards. Somewhat like what you do, except I open the "Go Advanced" section and do a running list that way until I'm finished with the session. That way hands aren't posted in real time so I can't give any information away (even though Bovada is anonymous) and I can look back since I won't easily have HH available after the session.

Maybe something like that would work for you? A bit harder to do it in a live brick and mortar room though.
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-03-2013 , 10:06 PM
Sitting on 1800 weeeeeee

Maybe there was something to his concerns
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-03-2013 , 10:14 PM
Guy has this massive fold watch...also has a old bracelet on the other wrist with a bunch of diamond and a big gold chain around his neck...he's very white.

Gunna try and snag a pic from face on as discreetly as's the watch

Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-04-2013 , 04:16 AM
Keep crushing man! Ill be at the winstar this weekend playing some 1/2/5 mixed omaha
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-04-2013 , 05:34 AM
Wow just got home...insane session

Was in for up to 2400-2500 about to leave...then blew up a pot with a double gutter and ended up losing the biggest pot I've ever played, just shy of 5k. Bought back in for 400 and ran that up to 2130 and cashed out.

So sick I was able to get it back and have a 2 bi session after making a few big mistakes all in the same huge hand.

So tired right now...I'll give some more detail tmrw
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-04-2013 , 11:21 AM
Can't wait to read more details. Glad you were up 2 BI even after making big mistakes.
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-04-2013 , 11:40 AM
Here are the two biggest pots of the night (lost them both).

I open AKcc utg for 25 and get 3 callers.

Flop is 652cc

I lead for 70, planning on a bet 3 bet line if I get raised. But it folds to a guy who has me out chipped (I started hand with about 1800) this guy and I have had a little history together. For some reason he picks me to always play back at (not really sure why, but he plays a bad lag game imo).

Turn 2c

I bet 135, I know 100000% that I'm good here bc he's always raising a set and 34cc on the flop. So I get kind of excited when he grabs some green and makes it 385. I tank for over a minute debating on raising or calling. I finally thought that vs this guy he has way more bluffs in his range than value hands so I don't want to blow him out of the pot. I call. Plan then was to lead for 40-60 on just about ever single river. This move in his eyes (I thought) would make it look like I have AA or KK with a c, and he could spaz out to the tune of 500-600 trying to get me to fold.

River 2d

I check he checks back. I'm upset now bc I thought that he had a value hand that I could have got more from on the turn. I table my AK and he shows Q6dd.
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-04-2013 , 12:00 PM
And the hand you all have been waiting for...obv by far the biggest mistakes I have made in a single hand since starting.

Vill from the AKcc hand straddles to get back in the game bc of missed blinds. 4 limpers to me in the co I limp T7ss, my backer lumps btn, bb makes it 80, straddle calls 3 limpers call I call backer calls.

Flop 864r

It checks around to me... Mistake #1, for those of you playing along at home, this is the perfect spot to check back and get a free turn to realize you equity in such a huge pot. I bet 240 trying to take it down now. Folds around to straddle and he says raise...making it 740 with over 1k behind.

Folds to me and I tank, upset at myself for not letting me see a free card here. And now the pot has gotten massive and I'm getting 3:1. Mistake #2 and 3ish, I flat call. Worst option here, I have to find the fold btn here always...and if for some reason I don't fold I need to ship it to exploit the fold equity that I do have and I get to see all the cards. Once I'm putting 800 in on a flop I'm not folding many turns.

Turn Js

Now I have a flush draw to go with it and he open ships for 1165. I tank call.

River Jc

Biggest pitch out of my life. I honestly thought that there was a 10% chance of having 97 or 53 in that spot (going back to our history). But he tables 88 and I muck
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-04-2013 , 12:01 PM
The more I think about it I would have had a brag for life if I shipped that pot with T high lol
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-04-2013 , 02:21 PM
Maybe I can get one of these when I'm a baller...yes that's hot pink

Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-04-2013 , 03:23 PM
A pink Bentley looks much more distinctive IMO

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-04-2013 , 04:18 PM
Really enjoying this thread dude. Keep it up.
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-04-2013 , 11:14 PM
Another solid for 700 and cashed our 1875. Could have been a huge Saturday, ran bad in a few big 700+ pots.

Had a chance for a super epic weekend with running bad yesterday and today...but still able to book 2400 profit between the two days.
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-04-2013 , 11:43 PM
One of the best parts of the night was putting a guy on tilt by calling a $50 river bet with K high and winning. Took a line from one of the good regs and yelled " lock the doors!!!" Lol
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-05-2013 , 04:39 AM
i cannot believe your backer and you sit right next to each other. just flipping through the past few pages and i saw two instances where you're reporting sitting next to each other. do you tell the rest of the table that you're playing off the same roll? even if you did it would be courteous to the rest of the table, and there would be less implicit collusion, if you sat across the table from each other. there's just no way you're not soft playing each other. there's definitely no reason to sit next to each other. do you sit next to each other in any other conceivable situation in life? no, you keep a healthy distance apart. if i was at your table i would be ****ing pissed, and sooner or later i will be playing at winstar again and i most definitely will need to find out who you and your backer are. i'm not saying this because other people would get pissed because other people probably wouldn't. they don't realize or they just don't care that it's implicit that you're softplaying each other. i'm mostly saying this because it doesn't seem like you realize that people would think it's inappropriate, hence you writing about it in this thread (haven't read the whole thread just flipped through the past few pages).

if you don't understand why it's implicit collusion to sit next to your backer, here's the logic: you play way more hands with the people on your direct left and your direct right than any other position at the table. in multiway pots you act directly after or directly before the person sitting to your left or your right. when you bet and your backer is to your left in a multiway pot and he has one pair it's going to usually be a tough decision for him, but knowing that you're playing on the same roll he's just going to softplay every marginal decision in that spot. there are many more things like this which make it highly unethical, not even beginning to mention the all the explicit cheating that could go on (assuming you don't, you seem like a nice guy). last thing i want to say on this note is that it's totally different than you and a friend sitting next to each other and playing on your own money, but even then you're not going to sit right next to each other. who wants to sit RIGHT NEXT to their friend at a table? it's more fun to sit across from each other because you can make everyone in between you feel like they're playing nitty, or whatever. you need to rethink this if you consider yourself wanting to be an ethical person, or just divulge to the table that your buddy at the table is backing you.

second thing. in the 864r hand the flop is definitely a bet. you have some equity but not too much, have a draw to the nuts, and have ten high for showdown value on an innocuous board with good position and everyone checked. also your flop call is obviously horrendous once he c/r, but the call is not the worst option. shoving is definitely the worst option. i'll elaborate: you have no fold equity, ever, and if he is perhaps c/r a straight draw your best option would be call/call. if he had a pure bluff there's no way he fires if you call and you can take the pot down betting a small amount. the fact you see all the cards when you shove is useless since he calls 900% of the time with a set or two pair.

edit: got really carried away in this post and probably could have summed it up in a sentence or two. forgive me. you post a lot of hand histories which is fun and i hope you keep up with your success and wish you the best. see ya up there sometime, hopefully. also it's noteworthy that i'm jealous you're crushing 2/5 while i work my lame-o job. what is your hourly like? how many days/week do you play?

Last edited by skater3598; 05-05-2013 at 05:01 AM.
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
05-05-2013 , 11:01 AM
What a rant!!

I would agree with you but you do have a few things inaccurate. The biggest thing is that we are playing on the same roll. He backs me for 30% of my action and plays on his own roll, so the vast majority of the chips in play are our own.

Second I wouldn't say that we are soft playing each other, we both have check raised each other and 3 bet the other. The only thing is that it's not with air. Pre flop raising I have called his open with 64hh and he has done the same to me.

We make everyone at the table fully aware that we are buddies. I have seen numerous amounts of people go out of their way to sit next to there friend at the table. There are two teachers that come up every Saturday and eventually move till they are at the same table next to each other or one off. Really nice guys, played with them a couple times and choose to play at a different table bc there are much softer opponents out there.

The biggest advantage of sitting next to each other is the fact that we are both engaged in twice as many hands. If I open and he folds I will flash my cards to him and he will sweat my hand and vice versa. Never ever ever revealing our cards while the other has a hand as well or saying what we had when we fold.

I don't even say a word while he's playing and I know what he has, I love figuring out bet sizings I would use in those situations or how I would trap an opponent or fold. Man does it make for some great poker discussion on the drive back or on a break.

T7 we will forget about lol...had that exact hand in yesterday's session and said **** this hand, obv folded and the flop was gods have a cruel sense of humor.
Putting in notice at work so can make lots of manies playing live poker Quote
