Originally Posted by Parallelflux
Hello uphill, checking in again. This is a slightly different question (and more selfish) but i thought you would be most helpful considering you put in very good volume.
1) firstly, how many hours do you put in in an avg month? Have you experimented with different volume, if so, how much does it affect your hourly. I am highly considering putting in 250-300 hours in the coming month in 1/2...but do not want to get the hourly below $20.
2) currently at the table, i put all my focus on the play. I think i am wasting some of the potential like a multi-tabler wastes potential just 1-tabling. Do you use any diversion? I see some people reading, watching movies, texting, headphones...what do you like to do personally, if any?
I want to be extra resourceful and actually do something else productive on the table rather than sit there and play cards 10 hrs a day, so watching Movies doesn't seem the best, even though it would be one of the least taxing to your attention. I'm a lil bit of an artist and think maybe having a sketchpad that i will build into something of a webcomic would be fun. Could also take the edge off the grind. Of course i wouldn't want to do this at 2/5 but since I'm at 1/2...
I'm going to answer you with a poker cliche... It depends.
Me personally, I almost always listen to my iPod or since baseball started to a radio app I have. If the table dynamics tho are very friendly and talkative I like to help keep the mood light, had a guy tell me once I was to happy go Lucky at the table lol.
I do try and be careful with outside distractions tho... Usually won't get on my tablet till a couple hours into the session once I've kinda found a groove. One thing I have considered doing is trying to learn Spanish again then learn German Russian and Japanese. I think the idea of a sketchbook is a good one.
My monthly goal for hours is 160-180. Going to be though tho hit the upper part this month tho I'm at 110. I am a big volume guy (I am 90% sure I play the most 2/5 out of anyone at Winstar), but I do have a couple things that hinder me from playing more. The biggest one is the gf...although without her I would probably be considered a degenerate lol. The other is just having to drive just over an hour both ways... it would make it allot easier to play if it was a twenty minute drive