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Pushing limits - z100+ Pushing limits - z100+

01-21-2021 , 01:43 PM
Hey everyone,

lately I've been taking poker more serious again and will luckily have some spare time in the upcoming months to keep grinding. Hopefully I can start taking shots at 200 soon-ish.

Last 100k hands @z100:

Volume is Stars only. SN isn't public.

Will be trying to update this thread frequently.

Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
01-21-2021 , 01:58 PM
Sick graph and good luck! How have you been studying to beat 100nl like that?
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
01-21-2021 , 02:53 PM
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
01-21-2021 , 07:31 PM
Nice graph ! I see that u are using PT4 , so may I ask u which HUD u are using ?

Last edited by _Beck_; 01-21-2021 at 07:53 PM.
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
01-21-2021 , 07:34 PM
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
01-22-2021 , 04:22 AM
Nicely done, sir!

+1 to KidCudi147 question.
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
01-22-2021 , 06:17 AM
glgl, keep it up!
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
01-22-2021 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by KidCudi147
Sick graph and good luck! How have you been studying to beat 100nl like that?
Originally Posted by georgelboss
Nicely done, sir!

+1 to KidCudi147 question.
Thanks! Mostly just a lot solver work in combination with effective study. Also hired a coach recently to make sure my thoughts are on track.
To be fair though this graph mostly just makes a good start for a blog rather than being very informative about my true winrate. If I can keep this up the next 100k hands I'll give 200 a shot.

Originally Posted by _Beck_
Nice graph ! I see that u are using PT4 , so may I ask u which HUD u are using ?
Sure, it's called "Cash - 6 max / HUD and Popup" by walyandar and it's free. You can find it here:

Originally Posted by day'n'night
Originally Posted by VegasandtheMirage
glgl, keep it up!
Originally Posted by LoadingitUP
Thanks guys, appreciate!

For the rest of the month I won't be spending much time at the tables but plan is to go hard in February.
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
01-22-2021 , 11:30 PM
Thank you for the answer ! I wish you all the best and crush the zoom game
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
02-02-2021 , 05:28 PM
As predicted the volume was pretty low since the last update, I think I've played around 6-7k hands in total. However I did manage to set up StarsCaption (which is a lot better than Starshelper fwiw) and I've also got myself a RIO membership again seeing they managed to sign thejericho2 as an elite coach. First video was decent, very excited for the upcoming ones.

Anyway, goals for this month:

( ) 50k hands
( ) 40h study
( ) 6h coaching

Maybe not the most ambitious goals for some of you but I've got quite a lot other projects going on so this will definitely be somewhat challenging for me.

Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
02-03-2021 , 12:32 PM
GLGL brother, also playing 100z. See you at the tables, and 200z soon Keep killing it!
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
02-03-2021 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Zenful
GLGL brother, also playing 100z. See you at the tables, and 200z soon Keep killing it!
Thanks mate, trying my best I promise. GL you too!


Done for today's session, played close to 3k hands. Despite bad results my game was pretty decent I think, altough some of the new hotkeys lead to me suddenly finding myself in 3/4b pots with total garbage lol. Still have to do some minor changes in the setup. On the bright side however I noticed I managed to get in more than 10% hands/hr thanks to Betscripts etc. Will check this later this month with a bigger sample but would obv be amazing to increase hourly that way.

Marked around 40 hands which I'll try to review later this evening. Pretty much all spots are just fine tuning my own strategy. I really expect and honestly hope to be put in much more tough spots when moving up. 100 really isn't that exciting and mentally challenging once you figured out a solid strategy.

Btw I'd like this thread to be a happy and positive place and provide some value in any form for interested readers. So if you have any questions feel free to ask. Also as I don't want to share my own hh's I was thinking of the following: I'll reply/analyse your hh if you post it here but you have to give your own reasoning for doing this play too. So if you're interested just post a hand you have a question about (pls use a replayer), share your own thoughts and later I'll add mine as well. This will be limited to the first one replying here, so first come first serve (if any interest at all).

Back again tomorrow, gl.
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
02-03-2021 , 06:20 PM
Good luck OP! Nice giraffe.
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
02-03-2021 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Willl-Gates
Thanks mate, trying my best I promise. GL you too!


Done for today's session, played close to 3k hands. Despite bad results my game was pretty decent I think, altough some of the new hotkeys lead to me suddenly finding myself in 3/4b pots with total garbage lol. Still have to do some minor changes in the setup. On the bright side however I noticed I managed to get in more than 10% hands/hr thanks to Betscripts etc. Will check this later this month with a bigger sample but would obv be amazing to increase hourly that way.

Marked around 40 hands which I'll try to review later this evening. Pretty much all spots are just fine tuning my own strategy. I really expect and honestly hope to be put in much more tough spots when moving up. 100 really isn't that exciting and mentally challenging once you figured out a solid strategy.

Btw I'd like this thread to be a happy and positive place and provide some value in any form for interested readers. So if you have any questions feel free to ask. Also as I don't want to share my own hh's I was thinking of the following: I'll reply/analyse your hh if you post it here but you have to give your own reasoning for doing this play too. So if you're interested just post a hand you have a question about (pls use a replayer), share your own thoughts and later I'll add mine as well. This will be limited to the first one replying here, so first come first serve (if any interest at all).

Back again tomorrow, gl.

Word of advice, studying whilst tired post session might be b/e Thanks brother. And yes you'll get put in tougher spots, but I don't think regs are all that better. Lower rake is a big pretty offsetting factor too don't forget.

Hoping we get into some interesting spots before you vamoooos
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
02-05-2021 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Good luck OP! Nice giraffe.

Originally Posted by Zenful
Word of advice, studying whilst tired post session might be b/e Thanks brother. And yes you'll get put in tougher spots, but I don't think regs are all that better. Lower rake is a big pretty offsetting factor too don't forget.

Hoping we get into some interesting spots before you vamoooos
Agree in general, but session review =/= study. The latter focuses on learning new strategies and concepts whereas in my session reviews I simply compare hands with solver outputs (mostly to check sizings and frequencies). In a broader sense some kind of repititive memorization.

Sounds exciting, also +1 to rake. Wider range = more fun. Is your sn public btw (can also pm me)?


So last two days I played around 4,5k hands in total. Have been getting coolered a lot but very happy with my overall play. Luckily, I rarely punt stacks nowadays but still room for improvement on exploiting the pool better (aka stop stationing overbets). However though I'm still making random donations thanks to a few more hotkey missclicks but it's getting slowly better. Fwiw I ordered a bluetooth number keypad to fix this asap lol.

Plan is to get another 5k+ hands this weekend. Absolutely doable but gf and I gonna have some drinks tomorrow after a non-alcoholic January so who knows how this ends.

That's it for today, gl guys.
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
02-07-2021 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Willl-Gates
Plan is to get another 5k+ hands this weekend. Absolutely doable but gf and I gonna have some drinks tomorrow after a non-alcoholic January so who knows how this ends.
Ehh.. wine 1:0 poker.

Had a great evening but was horribly underperforming on the tables today. Ended up making very basic mistakes so decided to quit after 1,5k hands and spend the rest of the day doing other stuff. For some reason I managed to play against a few opponents who potentially had even more drinks than me so luckily my ev broke even. Anyway, first week of February is over and I got 12,7k hands in so I'm on pace for my volume goal which is nice.

Btw does any gto strat exist to get max value on stars chests (like exchanging to smaller chests)? I currently have diamond chests and I need 120k points to get a single chest which equals close to one chest per month for me. The last 4-5 diamond chests each gave me the minimum of $15 and with things like their "chests & ladder" promos I pretty much see no way of winning anything there if you don't get at least 5-10 chests per month.
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
02-07-2021 , 05:44 PM
Sick giraffe! Following!
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
02-18-2021 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by TRUSTtheDRAWCESS
Sick giraffe! Following!


Pretty much didn't play at all for a week after my last update because I had to finish some other small project. I did that successfully though so hey that's the good news

The other news is that I approached poker in the worst possible way the days after. I had too many other things in my mind, I was tired and a bit stressed etc and just played pretty bad overall. Still somehow managed to break close to even in EV. THEN though I realized I had two days left for my 40% Rakeback Challenge ($800) and way too many points left to be cleared. So with 12 hour left smart me decided NOW it's time to start playing z200 to get these points faster. So I started loading 4 tables in the evening, played terribly for too many hours and ended up chasing my last 500 points in the z100 pool being dead tired in the middle of the night. In the end I honestly even stationed bets and forced big pots just to get generate rake figuring that even with around -5bb/100 it's still worth pushing through. Eventually cleared the bonus after 7.5h grind and down $1250 at the tables. So yeah this was pretty suboptimal to say the least but alltogether just a lesson learned and hey, I did take my shots at 200 and hell it was a fun

Anyway being strong on the study front lately and catched a lot of motivation to put in many more hours after this. Really want to get to 200 asap!

Last edited by Willl-Gates; 02-18-2021 at 01:46 PM.
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
02-18-2021 , 02:26 PM
Ah, those RB challenges have got me too in the past. They seem to pick amounts that make you have to outgrind your normal volume, whatever your stakes.

Can you provide some background on yourself in poker? What was your path to 100z? Did you grind up stars zoom? Advice for those of us in the micro zoom pools?
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
02-21-2021 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by TRUSTtheDRAWCESS
Ah, those RB challenges have got me too in the past. They seem to pick amounts that make you have to outgrind your normal volume, whatever your stakes.

Can you provide some background on yourself in poker? What was your path to 100z? Did you grind up stars zoom? Advice for those of us in the micro zoom pools?
I think they're actually reasonably fair in terms of volume but you just have to put in the consistency to grind. As often I struggle with limited time or playing when I shouldn't though (tired, stressed etc.). Many pros gain this perfomance edge simply because they can structure their liabilities around poker whereas for many others it's the other way around. I assume living in a grindhouse at the beach combined with decent time zone must be nuts for your mental balance.

No special background story, just a former MTT player who transitioned to cash. Started with z50 and moved up quickly. Unfortunately I don't have any experience with your pool but let me still share three advices:

1) Play this game as if money wasn't involved. Many mistakes are made because of money incentives. Think about strategies not results.
2) Understanding EV. This is mandatory and took me a while because it's counterintuitive. E.g. realizing that checking can have higher EV than betting and understanding the reasons why.
3) Don't prioritise playing > studying if you want to get better. Improve your overall strategy with all the ressources available (get a solver asap). Especially if your goal is to move up quickly then good strategy + bad pool reads > bad strategy + good pool reads. Crushing poker is all about mindset and work ethic.

Anyway speaking of crushing. I'm not Took another 3 BI shot at 200 and lost it all within 1k hands. Played okay-ish but will stick to 100 for a while. Taking shots is great fun though and getting some experience is helpful too. However I'm sure it will take a while for me to get comfortable with this stake.
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
02-28-2021 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Willl-Gates

Anyway, goals for this month:

( ) 50k hands
( ) 40h study
( ) 6h coaching

Maybe not the most ambitious goals for some of you but I've got quite a lot other projects going on so this will definitely be somewhat challenging for me.

( ) 50k hands 41.5k total
(X) 40h study
( ) 6h coaching 0

So fell short in my volume goal but I'm not too hard on myself with this one. Volume and mass tabling isn't my strength at all so it's fine. Also I was busy during the month with other stuff so as predicted it was an ambitious goal anyway. Happy with my study habits however, still lots and lots of stuff to be working on but going into the right direction. Unfortunately my coach was very busy with irl stuff so we couldn't find any slots to work together but no biggie. I just used this time for studying on my own.

Monthly results at 100:

Pretty meh-ish results with ev bb/100 at 2.18 and lots of swingsl. Only really have to blame myself though, really had quite a lot of performance issues. I find it hard to reach volume goals and perform well when having other things going on but it is what it is. Just have to keep improving and optimising the areas I can control.

And well then there's my 200 shot which failed miserably and loosing close to 10 BIs obv kills monthly $ results. But also here nothing to worry about, can't expect to succeed at the first attempt anyway:

March goals coming tomorrow.

GL all!
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
03-02-2021 , 05:22 AM
March goals:

( ) 25k hands

( ) max. performance

( ) consistency

( ) 40h study

( ) no lastminute rakeback promo clearing (atm 6/10k points left)

Again having some other things going on so I cut my volume goal to not put any needless pressure on myself.
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
04-03-2021 , 02:40 PM
Hey guys, hope everyone's doing fine. Pretty uneventful March so didn't feel like updating just for the sake of it.

Here's my monthly recap:

Originally Posted by Willl-Gates
March goals:

( ) 25k hands

( ) max. performance

( ) consistency

( ) 40h study

( ) no lastminute rakeback promo clearing (atm 6/10k points left)
(X) 25k hands
( ) max. performance was decent but nowhere close to max.
(X) consistency happy about this one, time management was fine
( ) 40h study closer to 20h but scripts were running almost every single night. Studying will be following soon
(X) no lastminute rakeback promo clearing (atm 6/10k points left) CHECK


All-In Adj. at -2.91 BB/100. Overall my game was okay although I did punt some stacks for sure which is reflected in this.

Let's hope to turn things around in April, otherwise we'll start pushing depositing limits by the end of the year . Goals for this month will be the same as last.

GL all!
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
04-04-2021 , 06:01 AM
Nice thread so far - looking forward to following!

Big props for avoiding the rakeback chasing that seems so easy to fall into with these challenges and good luck at the tables!
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
04-28-2021 , 07:49 AM
Originally Posted by Lethiferous
Nice thread so far - looking forward to following!

Big props for avoiding the rakeback chasing that seems so easy to fall into with these challenges and good luck at the tables!
Thanks I do enjoy the game itself a lot so improving continously is very motivating for me. However it's not my main source of income so I fully understand every pro chasing for max. $ hourly which nowadays rakeback seems to be a big part of.

I have two big news to share, both a bad and a good one:

The bad news: due to new market regulations I'll have to quit playing poker pretty much as of today. I knew these regulations would be coming soon but I was hoping they wouldn't be this drastic. Turns out they are..

The good news: while it's generally disappointing to quit, I'm not fully devastated. I've sucessfully shifted my focus on my professional career for quite some time and it now turns out to be a good decision. However I'm thinking about using some freetime to pick up on some students in the upcoming months. I've always enjoyed coaching and seeing others improve in many areas of my live. I bring experience both in poker coaching myself and being coached by others. Also with coaching being a part of my professional career I'm generally confident that I'm pretty decent combined with so many accummulated poker ressources (knowledge, software, training material) I can definitely provide decent value to most players.

I'm basically just gauging interest for now and willing to discuss all terms. So if anyone out there wants to work with me let me know.

GL all!
Pushing limits - z100+ Quote
