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Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months

11-20-2018 , 10:10 AM
Yesterdays session, played only 1h and then did a stoploss. Couldn't do too much considering I ran like aids in all ins

Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-20-2018 , 11:24 AM
Hold fast boy!!! Fon't give up*

Inviato dal mio SM-A310F utilizzando Tapatalk
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-20-2018 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by pokkerreddu
Hold fast boy!!! Fon't give up*

Inviato dal mio SM-A310F utilizzando Tapatalk
I plan on putting in volume in the near future! Not giving up!!!
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-20-2018 , 05:04 PM
This game is fun when you run good Today's session:


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11-21-2018 , 08:38 PM
Another suuuper short session. I will do my best to make up the lost volume over the last week or so. Here are the results:


50nl (ante)
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-22-2018 , 08:11 PM
Had a solid session today. Played well, ran well and also played normal volume. Here's to hoping I can keep it up!

100nl(with some 100nl+ante and 50nl)

Last edited by potatorino; 11-22-2018 at 08:15 PM. Reason: wrong graph
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-23-2018 , 09:11 PM
Lets goooooooooo. Finally broke even on 100nl, after -15bi in ev and 30k hands. I hope the poker gods will let me keep running good for a bit longer just to let me stabilize. That said, here are today's graph and overall 100nl graph so far(still shotting it I guess-48bi):


100nl Overall
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-23-2018 , 09:17 PM
I am on schedule for the challenge. Currently at 48bi for 100nl(Goal is 60bi on 200nl) should keep me on this limit unless I am unable to further beat it, but I think I mostly figured it out Also I stopped playing the +1 Party casual table and plan on playing only on Pokerstars. CAN WE GET TO 200nl BEFORE 2019??!
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-23-2018 , 10:13 PM
Really a great job, I am really interested in your journey and wish you sincerely the best for the future!
Keep up the good work you are overall doing, I will be following!
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-23-2018 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by JvlivsCaesar
Really a great job, I am really interested in your journey and wish you sincerely the best for the future!
Keep up the good work you are overall doing, I will be following!
Thanks man, any ideas on what could we add to the thread to sometimes mix it up a bit?
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-24-2018 , 07:54 PM
Played an extremely tilted Saturday session, took a break, came back and tilted some more. Got coolered a bunch of times and then had a few failed bluffs(ran into full house in 3b pot, then into flush while having a nut blocker). Overall pretty disappointed with my mental game and play today. Here are the results:

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11-26-2018 , 09:06 PM
Update on Sunday and Monday; basically had 0 motivation to play, for some reason decided to play 25nlz to regain confidence and got rekt there too Anyways I will probably take a break tomorrow and hopefully, hopefully, hopefully be ready to get back into the standard 3k hands/day work ethic. Here are the results of last 2 days:

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11-27-2018 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by potatorino
Update on Sunday and Monday; basically had 0 motivation to play, for some reason decided to play 25nlz to regain confidence and got rekt there too Anyways I will probably take a break tomorrow and hopefully, hopefully, hopefully be ready to get back into the standard 3k hands/day work ethic. Here are the results of last 2 days:

Reminds me when I told my friend I have 0 motivation on my first brutal downswing almost 60 buyins. Still new to getting used to grinding online. Honestly it was hell on earth feeling. My fellow grinder friend said maybe playing live will motivate me and we commute together to casino to save gas money. I come over hes got like 50 charms around his desk. 4 leaf clover and stuff like elephant with trunk up. I said what is all this. He said oh anytime I am on 20 buyin downswing I buy a lucky charm. I said this is ridiculous nonsense that luck stuff is bull your wasting money on that nonsense. He said don't hate until you try it. Of course he crushes the casino and I break even ( feels like an L still). Before I go back home I stop by trader joes and I saw this bamboo plant for 5 bucks. I look on the tag it says luck plant. At this point I am desperate to end my downswing you know I bought that ****. I put it on my desk at home and I feel lucky. Downswing is over.

So now I have around 10 charms on my desk (of course never telling my friend).So my buddy comes over years later to commute to casino and I hear him laughing his ass off. I thought he was watching funny movie or something. I said what? He said whats all these charms around your desk bro? Still ridiculous?
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-27-2018 , 01:55 PM
Hey buddy, great job!

I'm kinda new here (first post, actually hehe) and I am starting my journey like you did couple of months ago, in 5NL.

If you're up to, would be really nice to share some thoughts about how u plan your study/play schedule, good ways to improve in the game, etc., since I kinda want to take a similar path that you did.

I could use skype or w/e you prefer.

GL in future!
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-27-2018 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by iburydoscocaroaches
Reminds me when I told my friend I have 0 motivation on my first brutal downswing almost 60 buyins. Still new to getting used to grinding online. Honestly it was hell on earth feeling. My fellow grinder friend said maybe playing live will motivate me and we commute together to casino to save gas money. I come over hes got like 50 charms around his desk. 4 leaf clover and stuff like elephant with trunk up. I said what is all this. He said oh anytime I am on 20 buyin downswing I buy a lucky charm. I said this is ridiculous nonsense that luck stuff is bull your wasting money on that nonsense. He said don't hate until you try it. Of course he crushes the casino and I break even ( feels like an L still). Before I go back home I stop by trader joes and I saw this bamboo plant for 5 bucks. I look on the tag it says luck plant. At this point I am desperate to end my downswing you know I bought that ****. I put it on my desk at home and I feel lucky. Downswing is over.

So now I have around 10 charms on my desk (of course never telling my friend).So my buddy comes over years later to commute to casino and I hear him laughing his ass off. I thought he was watching funny movie or something. I said what? He said whats all these charms around your desk bro? Still ridiculous?
This... Actually... Sounds cool! I'm usually not into anything that has a type of "supernatural" vibe, but this seems like a nice idea because after a few downswings it should just remind me that variance is a normal and healthy part of the game that makes poker so profitable. and that things will turn around soon. Maybe I'll get around to buying one
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-27-2018 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by cabb
Hey buddy, great job!

I'm kinda new here (first post, actually hehe) and I am starting my journey like you did couple of months ago, in 5NL.

If you're up to, would be really nice to share some thoughts about how u plan your study/play schedule, good ways to improve in the game, etc., since I kinda want to take a similar path that you did.

I could use skype or w/e you prefer.

GL in future!
Thanks for the first post in my thread! You're welcome here. There are many ways to improve your game and everything else poker related(work ethic, mental game, fitness, etc.), there are many good coaching sites, coaches, forums(this is probably the best one) and a bunch of other free content. I'm glad to give you some initial guidance on your journey(send me a pm), cheers
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-28-2018 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by potatorino
Thanks for the first post in my thread! You're welcome here. There are many ways to improve your game and everything else poker related(work ethic, mental game, fitness, etc.), there are many good coaching sites, coaches, forums(this is probably the best one) and a bunch of other free content. I'm glad to give you some initial guidance on your journey(send me a pm), cheers
Thanks bro, looking foward to talk with you! For now I can't send PM yet since i'm new on the forum and there is some kind of anti spam security. But when i'm able to, i surely will send. cheers
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-28-2018 , 03:43 PM
Well, looks like the bad run continues. Tbh not sure if I ever ran worse(or played worse ) in my life than last 30-40k hands. Anyway here's the downward spiral of today's graph

Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-28-2018 , 04:29 PM
Here are my results after 1 month since starting the challenge, pretty disappointing to be breakeven but I guess it's just a matter of beating 100nl, once I do that, I should be able to make up the lost profit. Btw bankroll is at 37bi for 100nl, so I will be shotting a few more buy ins before dropping down to 50nl(hopefully the AIDS run stops and I manage to stay on 100nl). Also I'm thinking of taking another big break(like 10-15 days) because whatever I do doesn't seem to help me get in the right mental state. I haven't taken a break longer than 3, maybe 4 days since I started playing online 8.5 months ago, and that could be the reason why I feel so burned out.


Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-30-2018 , 02:53 PM
Hey potatorino, since I can't send PM yet and you were pretty open to give me some inicial guidance, could you PM me with your skype or discord or w/e you use? I would really appreciate it, if possible.
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
11-30-2018 , 02:54 PM
Played only ~800 hands today and then did a stoploss. I got coolered 4-5 times(mostly in 3b pots) but all hands were standard I guess. Anyway tomorrow I plan on dropping down to 50nl and grinding up 10bi -> taking another 5bi shot @100nl. Here's to hoping December is going to be much better than since starting the challenge!

EDIT: Btw bankroll is @ 3.5k
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
12-01-2018 , 07:53 PM
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
12-01-2018 , 08:17 PM
Here's Saturday's session, broke even over 4.5k hands, played mostly 50nl and some 100nl on a few good tables but stopped after -1bi. Very happy with my volume and as far as my mental game goes, I would rate it B, maybe B-. Also decided to gauge my monthly volume by hours put in and not hands played(I'm counting study time and play time, pauses..), should not change much for the readers, but just thought I should say that. The reason I think 3k hands per day is a bad goal is because it made me play more tables and less time overall, resulting in poorer play and thus winrate.


Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
12-01-2018 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by dev1ant
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
12-01-2018 , 08:26 PM
100nl shots have been going pretty bad, both due to bad play but also bad run, but I think I will beat it sooner or later, hopefully by the end of the year!! Here's the graph of the first 36k hands (can't believe i raked 2.2k lol):
Pokerstars smallstakes to midstakes in 4 months Quote
