Little Backstory
I'm a 22 year old British kid who's been playing poker on and off for probably about 3 years now with increasing levels of seriousness, until pretty recently *gasps/shock*.
I had another challenge thread on here that ran from June-August where at its peak I was taking the everything all pretty seriously, studying/playing/taking poker loads & ended up running up my roll a decent amount. Then after a combo of some sustained run bad & time away due to real life events I came back with very little motivation to play online.
What We're Going To Do Here
So my plan for this challenge thread is try to bring a bit of the fun back to playing online (for both myself & anyone who wants to get involved in this thread) which should hopefully make a change from 95% of threads on here planning to turn a $50 online roll into being the greatest poker player of all time.
We're going to start with $100 on here, not specifically sticking to any format of the game, I might commit to more specific things for more specific time periods as things get rolling but as of right now I'll probably start playing some combination 5nl/SNG Hold 'em.
The Role Of The Thread
What is the point of this thread if I'm not aiming to climb to the nosebleeds & rub it everyone's faces? Mainly just going to try to keep myself on some sort of track & hopefully provide some mild entertainment to whoever wants to come along for the ride.
Also possibly thinking about making some sort of video series at some point, which is something totally new to me & just want to use this thread to sort of gauge any interest in that.
That sounds about it for now, going to play a few $1.50 6max SNGs on stars tonight to kick things off.