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PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins?

02-24-2013 , 06:19 PM
Wow damn 20BIs in 5k hands, so awesome.
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
02-24-2013 , 06:21 PM
yeah man pretty sick heater...feels good after a punishing time at PLO50.

start of April.....more of this please.
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
02-25-2013 , 01:28 AM
keep crushing dude, well earned!
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
02-25-2013 , 12:51 PM
So I've changed accounts.

I made sure it was in € this time cos I've been getting screwed over with exchange fees. ~€65 to trasnfer $2000. Jokes. Not even capped which is BS.

I have set up a couple of accounts and plan to move again at the start of April when I hit PLO50 for a deal that isn't completely flat but has the potential of earning 65-70% which is pretty sick.

Anyway folks. Nothing much more to say.

Looking fwd to a fresh start.

Wave goodbye to apocrita.

Forgot to mention. I have typed up some notes on the first main video to Post Flop Theory by Tom Chambers. I emailed him asking if it was OK and I'm awaiting a response. Not sure if he'll ever respond. Not even sure I have to ask. I dunno. I didn't ask Kasino Krime about my postflop warfare vid notes and I kinda feel bad.

Anyone know what the general concensus is?


Laters folks,

PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
02-25-2013 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by bompter
yeah man pretty sick heater...feels good after a punishing time at PLO50.

start of April.....more of this please.
march you mean? or taking month break?

keep up good work man, will be sending you a video soon
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
02-25-2013 , 06:34 PM
Nah gonna grind 20 til end of March then take one massive shot lol

Hit me up on Skype when your ready with the video.
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
02-26-2013 , 02:53 AM
oh i need to read better

I just finished short video but meh because late not much traffic, just like around 20 mins, but still.

Its taking awhile to encode and stuff and im tired and test tomorrow. But i'm putting it on google drive and will set so people with link can get it, figure thats the easiest? although i guess youtube would be convenient as well, what do you usually do?
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
02-27-2013 , 12:21 AM
To OP,

Love you thread, pm with your skype nname pls
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-02-2013 , 10:30 AM
Monthly roundup's my graph minus PLO50 shots

and now with

And a graph of Project PLO20 Rebuild:

BR - back to $2250

As for the month. I had 6 coaching sessions. Which have all been top notch. Andrew aka This_Passing is very good and being able to discuss hands and listen to his thought process is invaluable. I have 2 remaining classes and for those we are going to review another video I will make to see where I'm at now. I am very happy with how I am progressing in terms of my play. I have added more lines to my arsenal and feel much more confident at the table.

My increase in confidence means I am already finding it difficult not to jump back into PLO50 and take some shots. I've been looking through the tables in the lobby and there are some bloody juicy tables running. I think I might add a very juicy table or 2 if they are going. It's just too good to pass up especially now that I am feeling very good about my game.

As for the month I finished in profit which is always good but I didn't achieve all the goals I had set for Feb mainly profit and off the table stuff. I am getting better at that though. Getting into good habits is definitely a must. ViktorLuis is a prime example of this and has the results and solid mental game to back it up.

This month my goals are as follows:

[] 35k hands
[] 2k+ profit including RB (this will leave me plenty of BI for PLO50)
[] Continually mark hands for review EVERY session
[] No more than 5 tables
[] 2.5 hours of hand reading exercises/week
[] Learn to use propokertools properly (I paid the money for the software I should bloody learn how to use it lol)
[] Continue Tommy Angelo's "Eightfold Path to Poker Enlightenment" (I started's awesome stuff...I should finish it)

I still haven't heard back from Tom Chambers regarding the posting of material from his video. Hopefully at some point this month he'll get back to me. Can't recommend it enough. Such an awesome series.

Anyway folks. That wraps things up.

Take care people,

PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-04-2013 , 01:32 PM

Current rebuild going well. Have added PLO$50 if tables are particularly juicy.

BR - ~$2600

Struggling to only play 5 tables. I'll only ever play 6 tables at most but even this feels like too much.

My game has changed somewhat. I feel like I have started picking spots that call for mountains of aggression better. We'll see how it develops. Very happy with how I'm playing though it's easy to say that when I'm winning

New play routine has been arranged with myself and my girlfriend. 2 hour session mid morning. 2 Hours when she goes to bed with Ódhran. This should be plenty enough so that I can still achieve 30k+ hands per month.

Onwards and upwards.

Laters folks

PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-04-2013 , 07:58 PM
Just wanted to say I really enjoy what you're putting up here. Keep at it and GL on and off the tables.
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-05-2013 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by dunloa
Just wanted to say I really enjoy what you're putting up here. Keep at it and GL on and off the tables.
Thanks a lot dude :-)
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-11-2013 , 08:16 AM
Been feeling pretty rotten the last few days+. The perks of having Lupus

Rebuild is going well. Had my worst losing day last Thursday followed by my biggest winning session today. Sat in juicy PLO100 game. Got it in 4way with AA, missed flop, binked A on the turn and filled up on the river. Biggest pot $ wise that I have played so far. Here is the hand:

$0.50/$1 Pot Limit Omaha Hi
6 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by

UTG ($71.05) 71bb
UTG+1 ($100) 100bb
CO ($28.50) 29bb
BTN ($137.60) 138bb
SB ($981.36) 981bb
blurghh (BB) ($164.10) 164bb

Pre-Flop: ($1.50, 6 players) blurghh is BB A A 2 J
UTG raises to $3.50, UTG+1 raises to $12, 1 fold, BTN calls $12, SB calls $11.50, blurghh raises to $63.50, UTG folds, UTG+1 goes all-in $88, BTN goes all-in $125.60, SB raises to $189.10, blurghh goes all-in $100.60

Flop: K 6 10 ($592.80, 4 players, 3 all-in)

Turn: A ($592.80, 4 players, 3 all-in)

River: 10 ($592.80, 4 players, 3 all-in)

Final Pot: $592.80
BTN shows
4 6 5 7
SB shows
7 8 A 6
blurghh shows
A A 2 J
UTG+1 shows
J Q 10 Q

blurghh wins $566.30 (net +$402.20)

SB collects $25 (net -$164.10)
BTN lost $137.60
UTG lost $3.50
UTG+1 lost $100

Guy in the SB is absolute maniac and running over the table. UTG+1 is steaming at this point. He's lost a few stacks to the maniac and has stacked off progressively lighter. Check calling marginal hands OOP vs a maniac is a recipe for disaster imo. ****ing up your check call range will lose you so many $$$. It's probably the biggest leak I have seen so far at PLO20 and 50 and the easiest to exploit.

So here is my rebuild graph so far in bb and $$

So all going well. Playing OK. Will be making vids this week and having my final 2 coaching sessions with This_Passing so I'm looking fwd to that for sure.

I was reading tmmckendry's PG+C thread and he wrote about a conversation he had with his friend about spewing stacks and the impact on your win-rate.

I have been thinking more about it recently and it has motivated me to work even harder on my game. It's so easy to get away with making big mistakes and spewing off stacks at PLO20 and below. Everyone is just so appalling it makes up for the times you play appalling yourself. As I move up though I just can't afford to be losing xbb/100 to bad play. I can't keep notching up big losses to "coolers" or "runbad" and brushing off spewy play like "ah it happens like". A line has to be drawn somewhere in the ****ing sand. I'm drawing it today.

From now on I will be working extra hard away from the tables much to the expense of my volume goal this month. Would be nice to still hit 2k for the month though. Halfway there already

Now that I am moving into stakes where not only is the average player pool better but where a lot of 2p2 regs have now migrated from merge I really need to work on my **** and work at spotting leaks, exploiting regs and becoming a much tougher opponent for regs to play against.

Anyway folks. I'll leave my jabbering to that for today.

BR - ~$3000 of GOOD times!!!

Take it easy peeps.


Last edited by bompter; 03-11-2013 at 08:24 AM.
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-11-2013 , 08:50 AM
all on IPoker? It was so nitty there when I tried it. I didnt feel well there at all.
Anyway, pretty impressive results so far. Congrats on that.
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-11-2013 , 05:52 PM
Cool to follow your progress dude, keep working hard.
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-12-2013 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by Kreatief
all on IPoker? It was so nitty there when I tried it. I didnt feel well there at all.
Anyway, pretty impressive results so far. Congrats on that.
Yeah all iPoker. Tables can get nitty but I table select between 20/50 and now 100 so there are always good tables to be had. Thanks for the congrats

Originally Posted by ViktorLuis
Cool to follow your progress dude, keep working hard.
Cheers man you too. Weather that variance. Kick some ass. The DOOM has to end at some point.
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-14-2013 , 04:20 PM

Just a quick update of March so far. Volume is terrible. PLO50 is now my main game and I'm starting to add good PLO100 tables. Still playing 20 if there aren't enough good tables running. I know I said I was going to continue playing 20 until the end of the month but that was mainly to get my confidence back and I have it in spades at the moment.

When I am rolled for PLO100 i.e 10k I will seriously be considering switching to Stars. Just need to work out calculations but I think I should be able to reach Supernova and the added bonus of being able to table select plus good traffic at all hours will likely mean it's better value to make the jump.

Anyway folks. Just a short update....things are going well.

BR - $3325
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-15-2013 , 09:56 AM
On my way into hospital again. Good times. Here's hoping they don't need to keep me in and I'm sent home this evening.

BR - $3410
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-15-2013 , 12:07 PM
Glad to see you moved back up quite quickly
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-16-2013 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by tmckendry
Glad to see you moved back up quite quickly
Thanks man. Feels good to be winning again and have a decent roll for PLO50.

Didn't have to stay in hospital this time. I just have a viral infection so just need to rest up and try to get better.

I have been looking at buying a desktop and 2 monitors for my new work space. Grinding off a laptop is just awful and it struggles to keep up. Will cost me about €700 ($1000) but it is going to be worth it. Would like to start spreading my roll between 3 different sites soon and I'll need the extra processing power to keep up with having 2/3 clients running + tables, OM2 and software etc. Will wait till I have about 5k before doing anything.

Haven't done any studying. So so bad. All I want to do is play though. Yurghhhhhh!

BR- $3540
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-17-2013 , 02:34 PM

Just a quick update on "Project PLO20 Rebuild" aka "**** that I've won a bunch already so I'mma gonna play 50 and 100 now build"

20000 hands in and running well. Confidence is obviously where it should be but I shouldn't rest on my laurels. I have a long long way to go in terms of improvement.

BR - $3965
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-17-2013 , 02:51 PM
So you were leveling us all the time, I guess. This cant be PLO, where are the swings?

Can you show us a BB graph?
I am swinging around at my PLO50 shot, but still up.
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-17-2013 , 03:24 PM

This is the rebuild graph in bb. I have been running well so far.

My lifetime (and by lifetime I mean my graph since starting this thread) graph has swings in it but they are more in terms of $$$ rather than bb

Lifetime $$$ graph:

Lifetime bb

PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-17-2013 , 03:36 PM
very very impressive. really.

Last edited by Kreatief; 03-17-2013 at 03:36 PM. Reason: i mean, srsly.
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
03-17-2013 , 03:38 PM
Thanks...I'm flattered

Last edited by bompter; 03-17-2013 at 03:48 PM. Reason: srsly ;)
PLOh my god why am I looking at my graph again for the 15th time in 10mins? Quote
