Hey guys,
for a long time now I wasn't active here. Basically since my last failed atempt at nl50 hu. Since then I moved to plo and started from the beginning slowly beating the micros(plo10). I finished university and the job I had, saved some money and just now moved to Spain(Huelva) for 5 months. I rented an apartment here with my gf(she studies here). I speak some spanish and have no obligations so with about a 50 buy-ins bankroll I will go at it again on plo25 and make myself a living.
My plan for february is to travel some more and warm up poker-wise and set everything up so that I can make a good month in March. I don't have much money but enough to not feel too pressured at the moment. I will write about Spain in the future as that's probably what you guys will be interested in the most. Ofc my poker progress will be noted as well.
I am happy to be back to leave my mark as someone who did it. NL50HU lack of success few years back still hurts and so this is my second chance to make it right. I have grown a lot since then and will showcase it here. I hope to also add some value. Talk soon