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A physicist learning poker A physicist learning poker

08-13-2014 , 05:20 AM
Like most of the people posting here, I'm guessing this thread is mostly for myself as a tool to keep track of my development and as a way of getting opinions and advice from other people on this forum.

29 years old
bachelor in theoretical physics
master in teaching (working on my thesis)

About me
I've always liked math and logic puzzles. I've also won a couple of math and physics competitions and my grades have consistently been really good. Mostly because of my persistence and stubbornness when learning new concepts. I'm also part of Mensa, not because I'm smart I believe, but because I studied 2 days before taking the "exam".

I'm not new to poker. I played it for fun about 4 years ago and made a decent profit on NL50. However, it's been a long time since I've played and I know the game pool has changed quite a bit, so I'm might not be able to play profitably in the beginning. This is ok. I plan to start at NL10 with $2000.

This autumn I will be writing my masters thesis and study/play poker. I will start grinding micro stakes NL10, where I can comfortably experiment with different strategies/concept without being afraid of losing huge amount of money. After a session I wanna be able to go to bed happy about the concepts I've learned and not too focused on the money lost.

My goals for the coming 5 months:
  • Learn how to quickly identify players tendencies and how to exploit them
  • Understand the concept of hand ranges in theory and practice
  • Play profitable poker

I plan to accomplish this with a minimum of about 2 hours of poker/day. This time includes activity on poker forums, hand analysis on PT4, and playing poker. I'm tracking my time with an excel spreadsheet.

Each Month (Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec) I will set up individual goals, small steps, that hopefully will lead to me reaching my final goals. I will also put individual goals for each week, so I can better focus on one concept at a time and practice it, rather than having a huge amount of information shoved in my face all at once.

I've recently read "Applications of No limit Holdem" by Matthew Janda, which was a really nice read and I liked how he focused on the math side of poker. I'm not sure I will be implementing much of his theory in my game in the beginning though (I suspect balancing ranges isn't going to be very important at NL10). If anyone has good suggestions of good poker videos/learning material I'd be very grateful!

A physicist learning poker Quote
08-13-2014 , 05:22 AM
Very interesting! Subbed!
A physicist learning poker Quote
08-13-2014 , 05:31 AM
The following concepts will be in my focus during the coming 2,5 weeks. This a preliminary list and it might change. I will also edit it, in order to add/change concepts for different weeks.

August Goals
  • Getting comfortable with the PT4 HUD (just set it up two days ago)
  • Raising and calling ranges preflop
  • 3betting ranges preflop
  • flop cbet
  • flop raises and c/r

I'm a little unsure whether or not to include the 3betting ranges preflop as I'm afraid this concept might be too comprehensive. I will not focus on 4- and 5-betting.

Week 1
  • Getting comfortable with the PT4 HUD
  • Raising and calling ranges preflop
  • flop cbet

Last edited by iwanttopractice; 08-13-2014 at 05:39 AM.
A physicist learning poker Quote
08-13-2014 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by Canuckage
Very interesting! Subbed!
Many thanks!
A physicist learning poker Quote
08-13-2014 , 08:43 AM
You seem to write very well, subbed!
A physicist learning poker Quote
08-13-2014 , 09:19 AM
Good luck! Given your background I'd highly reccomend Mathematics of Poker by Chen and Ankenman its a great book and the math if you work through the book will really help. Looking forward to following your progress, good luck!
A physicist learning poker Quote
08-21-2014 , 11:32 AM
Week 2
  • Getting comfortable with the PT4 HUD
  • 3betting ranges preflop

Progress so far:

In order to easier achieve my goals I signed up for a 3 month subscription with Grinderschool. So far the videos seem great and relevant for the stakes I'm playing. I've watched and taken notes of the following videos:
  • Colossos096
  • Carroters113-115
  • Carroters078
  • Carroters121

I feel like Carroters explains very well the concept of 3betting ranges from the blinds and late position. Not only what hands we want to include, but also how the ranges change based on our opponent. He talks about a linearised vs polarised range which are starting to make sense to me.

I still feel uncertain about which flops to cbet and which not to cbet. However I do believe I need to put in more volume playing in order to get a hang of that concept. I picked up on SuddenlyGood2's suggestion and got the book "Mathematics of Poker". Haven't had time to dig deep into it yet, but some of the chapters certainly seem very interesting.

Time stat

Here I will count the cumulated time I've put into both studying and playing poker (I track them on excel). I will update this in every post if possible.

Play: 4,8h

Last edited by iwanttopractice; 08-21-2014 at 11:39 AM.
A physicist learning poker Quote
