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Pads1161 #bracelethunting Pads1161 #bracelethunting

07-20-2015 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
refrained from posting for last week because seriously ran completely horrible. posting bad beat stories every day is painful to read so definitely not going to do that. Have saved over 50 interesting hands, so will slowly start posting them on the blog daily. Have been playing a lot of cash games recently, really enjoying them.

sunday teased me. qq<jj twice for 2 EPT seats
9th in .fr major after 1/14
4th in 200r after huge 1/20 all way to 1/6

this ridiculous hand in s530 lol

Guess can't do anything but continue to play as best as I possibly can. Year has been a bit of a myth so far.

Slowly getting flashbacks of the guy hitting the Queen on the river in day 4 of wsop now

In a very, very good place mentally thankfully IRL, really, really, really happy about the way life is, the way I'm approaching poker and the future I have, the immediate and relatively recent future always hurts a little I guess though.

Will take tomorrow off and go to dinner/movies and will be back on it on Tuesday.
Who you gonna go dinner and movies to? We didn't hear about it :O PS: We are still up
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-20-2015 , 06:11 AM
Quite the hoooodflat pre
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-20-2015 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by LittleGoliath
Quite the hoooodflat pre
Haha he was quite the whale. Regs stack off in sb seems pretty bad btw right?
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-20-2015 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
Haha he was quite the whale. Regs stack off in sb seems pretty bad btw right?
yeah, very optmistic
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-20-2015 , 06:31 PM
Well played Oscar, well played
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-20-2015 , 07:02 PM
I just realized u are pads, srsly i thought u were other guy when we chat earlier, im such a moron...
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-21-2015 , 10:11 PM
haha Alexo <3

I woke up early today looking at houses, it was so ****ing hot and the yea definitely got to me. Got home and started session straight away without eating or exercising and after 3 hours was completely shattered. I unregged immediately and finished session, punting the 33r so I didn't have to spend the extra $30!!

Meant I missed the super tuesday, but thats fine. I'm taking 100% of myself in 1ks, so its important I play A game. Today was a lesson that 1) I need to be 100% prepared before sessions or don't play at all, 2) Its fine to unreg

Woke up and studied some theory/ran some sims and then played PLO for a couple of hours and won a bunch.

Getting so much enjoyment out of playing cash games every day.

Will post some hands from tomorrow.
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-21-2015 , 10:22 PM
I like the discipline man, vamos
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-22-2015 , 09:26 AM
Sooooo, have been playing almost exactly 50/50 PLO/No Limit. I basically check the lobby of 2/5 zoom PLO/NL and whichever looks the best I jump in. I play at ;east 90 minutes of both every day. I feel like it really helps my overall game and gives me more opportunities in the future depending on how poker progresses. Looking forward to Barcelona, probably play a huge schedule, not sure to sell or not yet.

Anyway, going to post 4 PLO hands, 4 No Limit hands, so if you like PLO you can now follow the blog too!


Hand 1

Open pre I assumed was standard, but some good PLO players have questioned if its profitable with a good player with big stack on my left, I think its close, but probably fine, thoughts?

Flop I go for a c/c, because we're deeper he isn't going to just have high run downs/AAxx and even with T7 I think I should play my entire range as a c/c. I think I have too many weak hands on the turn to start developing a leading range here, but on the river I think I have quite a lot of bluffs that could bet and I think population tendency is to bet big when you want your opponent to fold in PLO (generally) so I went for a large sizing. He decided to jam and I called pretty quickly. I think his river jam is definitely -ev, I simply hand t8/87 too much imo and its ambitious to expect me to call with worse.

Hand 2

Pretty interesting hand. I open pre which I'm ok with. Flop I think is a cbet with my hand, vs the c/r after the cold call I think its a difficult spot. I'm obviously not folding, but is it better to 1) Raise and get button out or 2) Call and call turns

I think in this spot, I want to have some hands that call flop/decide turn. Like if I have some kind of wrap, I can potentially call flop/fold a board pairing turn. I think if i am going to play hands like that then calling/calling this exact hand will likely be best. Unsure though. Any thoughts?

Hand 3

I think this hand is played perfectly to the river and then its misplayed. I think vs this exact opponent (Max Greenwood) I should probably try to play as balanced as possible and I guess calling 25/qq/q2 on the river will probably be best, I have qq/q2 so infrequently when he's bluffing (he always has qx when he's bluffing) so 52 will be a relatively important bluff catcher. It just felt so much like QQ though

Hand 4

Pretty interesting turn spot. I obviously have a tonne of showdown value here and better never folds, but I think its important with my range to bet this turn with a lot/most/all? of my range that gets here with this SPR. Especially with TT I'm almost always winning, but I can also get value from like AAss with some kind of equity or J897 or something like that. If he does call I can still potentially bluff on certain rivers too, although not too sure about that.

No Limit

Hand 1

This hand is against a top reg. Pre flop I'm not folding. I think on the flop I make a mistake by calling though, I think even with a bdfd its a fold, although withouts its 100% a fold. I think calling is too loose anyway though. On the turn I think checking with this spr is best, I think bet/jamming is best when spr is like 3-4. On the river I think he gets there with some kx hands that he bluffed pre with, potentially JJ, definitely AK/AA and I think I have very few bluffs here. It would be standard to just check back JT here so my bluffs need to be like J8s that would be relatively optimistic. I can definitely slow play KK all the way, can definitely play Qx like this with the SPR and in general I think my line looks really strong.

Hand 2

Unintentionally this worked out way better than I had hoped

Hand 3

Fish limps, I iso, good reg calls. His range here is actually really strong, but when I pot flop he has to make a tough decision. I see too many MTT regs failing to manipulate with their bet sizing, they have the same pre set buttons and just click them randomly. It's extremely important to pot in a lot of spots, PLO has kind of taught me that subconsciously over the last few months, I definitely think my biggest leak previously was betting too small in spots when I have the initiative pre flop.

Hand 4

Interesting river spot. I'm going to get here so light so often and he has so many hands that are going to barrel, all jq/aj/aq/56/67/a2/a5/j9 maybe even some just random other combos too. I think with T7 I block the least amount of his bluffs though and probably one of my better one pair bluff catchers.

Think I posted too many hands? Can just do 1 PLO/ 1 Holdem hand in the future if you guys prefer.
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-22-2015 , 10:12 AM
I thoroughly enjoy reading HHs (as you know) and once I got through the 3rd I just gave up.

Hand 1:
Fwiw I think the first hand is a fine open (assuming BB with 350$ is a weaker player).

Sure you're deep vs the good reg but its not like he can just 3b 1/3 of the time or anything of that nature. He's still mostly folding.

Decent runout though but I really hate his line. Hand seems strong enough to just tripple or bet/call on turn but I mean when he checks back and then jams over your river bet he loses to most of your calling range. You cant really call worse than a boat and he loses/chops with all of them and theres two different straight flushes possible...

Sure maybe you occasionally call like AhKxTx9h or whatever but youd have to be doing it really freakin often for this to be good imo..

(All of this is to say that sure he may be a good reg but hes still probably making some mistakes deep that justifies the PFR even more).

Hand 3: I think we have to keep in mind its a really **** spot for him to flat QQ pre (most combos) so I think his QQ range here is much narrower than you'd immediately assume. Even a hand as decent as like QQT5ss is a fold here depending on the table (and thats probably an above average QQ hand)

I think folding is still good here fwiw. It's pretty sophisticated play to float Qxxx on Q22 vs a UTG cbet and 3 live ranges (where you can most definitely have 2x in at least 2 players ranges) so I think despite his lack of QQ he still is probably weighted way towards value.

You can probably just call Q2 on the river.

Last edited by North Squad; 07-22-2015 at 10:22 AM.
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-22-2015 , 10:23 AM
Yeah I agree completely mate which is why I don't try to shy away when I feel like I'm playing my A game because so many of them will be tilted/losing/positive tilt etc.

BTW, you stopped after 3rd because too many? So better to post 1 nl/1plo?
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-22-2015 , 10:41 AM
Really enjoying the hands. T7 one is interesting, I think I fold here without thinking too much, because "I have better hands to call with" but obviously that doesn't make a difference given that his river bet is fairly polarizing.
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-22-2015 , 11:07 AM
Yea sorry that wasn't clear. But after 2-4 it stops feeling like "oh look, a nice little present today! An interesting HH to look at!" And more like, "okay, time to put in some work".

Maybe thats just me though haha.
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-22-2015 , 11:56 AM
I think 3-4 is perfect per game. I don't know anything about PLO so 1 NL hand would be a shame.

And thanks for sharing HH's and your thoughts. Always a great thread to open!
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-22-2015 , 12:54 PM
On mobile right now so hard to really comment on every hand. Hand two I would either pot it or click it back as calling could bring in the bigger stack in which you will hate most turns. I think a call would be better if you had 77/88.
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-22-2015 , 01:33 PM
H1: pre debatable, depends how good ur postflop game and opp are. River sizing seems a little bit high considering you have really few bluffs, many fh, and some nf. Std river call jam

H2: bad open pre. Gii on the flop is std/good , button aint gonna come along a high % of the time and when he does he also might just gii on the flop with a worse equity. I prefer 88j9 or 789t for flatting flop just for mixing it up but this is not very common.

H3: dont balance ur game vs unbalanced lines, he aint not even close to have enough bluffs in his range. 5way pot, q22 r, call utg cbet , etc etc etc , he has qq here all day long. Turn call is debatable but i never fold, river fold pretty easy. 552 and 2q are call, everythin else fold imo

H4: turn bet is a must for protection, strongly disagree u should bet most/all of ur range tho.


-wrote this quickly from iphone so hope i didnt do misstakes
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-22-2015 , 02:54 PM
J8s hand whats your plan if guy raise u like 50- 60% pot size bet??

9Ts agree is too optimistick with that spr on that flop

Yea also think,3-4 hh per game is good
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-22-2015 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by alexo18
H1: pre debatable, depends how good ur postflop game and opp are. River sizing seems a little bit high considering you have really few bluffs, many fh, and some nf. Std river call jam

H2: bad open pre. Gii on the flop is std/good , button aint gonna come along a high % of the time and when he does he also might just gii on the flop with a worse equity. I prefer 88j9 or 789t for flatting flop just for mixing it up but this is not very common.

H3: dont balance ur game vs unbalanced lines, he aint not even close to have enough bluffs in his range. 5way pot, q22 r, call utg cbet , etc etc etc , he has qq here all day long. Turn call is debatable but i never fold, river fold pretty easy. 552 and 2q are call, everythin else fold imo

H4: turn bet is a must for protection, strongly disagree u should bet most/all of ur range tho.


-wrote this quickly from iphone so hope i didnt do misstakes
Agree mostly with all of this, h4, which hands would you not bet on the turn?
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-22-2015 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
Agree mostly with all of this, h4, which hands would you not bet on the turn?
Depending on out betsize we are gonna need 26-28% to stack off after we bet. So x back hands like weak 75,79, dd,KT, ss, J sounds reasonable.
Most bad players xc turn and face awful spots OTR so u can bet a ton vs them, most good players are gonna xr or xf here a high % so thats a good reason not to bet a ton vs them with a merged range.

Edit: also would xback some weak 2pairs , depending on side cards obv.
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-22-2015 , 04:34 PM
Very pretty blufcatcher that t7s hand <3

If you don't mind answering. About the qk hand. Don't you care about balancing at all in this spot? Ideally we would want to bet our bluffs pretty big i gudss, but I think with our real valuehands a smaller sizing is pbb better. What are your thoughts on that? Would you use the same sizing with aces for example?

Loved the update as usual.

Last edited by LittleGoliath; 07-22-2015 at 04:46 PM.
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-23-2015 , 09:59 AM
No such thing as too many hands when they are interesting.
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-23-2015 , 12:11 PM
Agree keep posting as many hands as you want always enjoy reading anything you decide to post.

Quick question about the KQ hand where you pot flop as a cbet because I found it pretty unconventional… Am I right in thinking that this is a bet size you use to put pressure on his range and effectively force him to make a decision on the flop for his whole stack rather than betting small on two or more streets?

I would assume that you think the reg is pretty unlikely to have 9x so you can apply pressure to his whole range but seems weird with the weaker player still in the hand who could conceivably call pretty wide and put in a lot of money with a weak range. Probably not explaining myself that well but if you get a chance would be great to hear more of an explanation.
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-23-2015 , 01:04 PM
+1 for more hands. Great thread, thanks.
Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-24-2015 , 12:26 AM
3rd in the Thrill for 40k. Should be unhappy, was chip leader from basically level 2 all the way to 3 handed. Put on an absolute clinic and really happy with myself.

Earlier on in the day I let myself down, I lost a hand in the 109r for infinite chips, like 6x average, 3x chip lead or something and just left the rest of my stack and went and played fifa. Some German kids scored a Jewish goal against me (don't worry far from Anti Semitic, its just the phrase) in the last minute. Took a deep breath and loaded laptop up, came back and registered the Thrill and a few other tournaments.

I'm so so so proud of how I played in the Thrill, easily the best I've ever played but obviously so so unhappy at leaving my stack in the 109r.

Saved literally 30+ hands from the thrill, will post them sometime soon.

Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
07-24-2015 , 12:35 AM
fun rail

Pads1161 #bracelethunting Quote
