I feel like doing a new, and then-final-forever thread, after SCOOP. Somewhat well typed out and introdeuced etc....
I hate plans and goals - but i really Love writing, no matter if german or english - most do with the hoes, but if id only put the focus on my day by day performance, i'll surely get to 50 push-ups, 15 chin ups, and a 16.7% ROI over the usual suspects of the weekly schedule, with its tiny field-sizes. Even without SCOOP, i invest €10k a month, which also gains 530€ taxes for my state of Germany...never pay out, anyway... Money just keeping score
Also no need for alcohol or medication, when being honest (days off are days off, tho)
Those other winning grinders in my games are like ~+1200$ a month with zero swings...
I think i could do monthly +$1.5k with... slightly bigger swings, maybe... (Stfu about mental game, you ignorant projecting narcisstic idiots, u all Just projecting, and i am the real deal, asnz you should have known be4, yoa...)
Currently saving up for 5 bullets for 2/5 PLO live, but my online bankroll on PS will most likely never get paid out, except when i get into unexpected Problems, somehow
Aint No fun in Bahamas, without some big titty mama.s...
Imma Real-Life nit with a Job.
I can do what i want, regarding Poker
Last edited by Parasense; 05-16-2024 at 09:44 PM.