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not another live (1/2) grind thread not another live (1/2) grind thread

01-16-2020 , 05:27 AM
Game broke about two hours ago. I ended up +180 or something. In for 620, out for 800. The game started six handed and I dropped a hundred dollars right away play imo pretty well. A few hands.

$10 raise, two callers, I defend BB with Th7h. A bit loose, but I don't mind it because of the metagame that was being generated by me playing a lot of small pots. Usually I have a very nitty image. Anyway, the flop gets checked around, and on the turn I have a gutshot and a flush draw. And the board is paired low. 3356 or something like that. Clubs and Hearts. I have the low gutshot with the 7, for a one card straight. Anyway, I semi bluff here four way for $25 and get one caller. River is a 4, completing the flush, and giving me aa straight. We both check, with villain tabling 7c2c for the flush.

Another hand I straddle and have 6To and flop top pair. Villain bets $17, I call, and then a guy goes all in for $10 more (four of us to the turn). Anyway, I call $25 more on the turn, and fold to the $25 on the river. Villain shows 68 for rivered two pair. And there were a few more hands like that where initially things were going well, then they went poorly rapidly, but I lost the minimum. So I felt really good about the losses, the game was great and I was playing fine.

Then I pick up 77, open for $7 (my standard open) flop a set and get it in vs kings and fours and hold. So that brought me back to even.

Another hand I iso 99 to $10, a couple callers, this guy jams for $180 and we all fold. Very easy fold against that villain, and he tables KK.

Another hand I have AJ and flop top pair. Not sure of the preflop action, bet I bet the flop A83 with a flush draw and get three callers. Turn is a 6, I bet $60, get reraised all in for like $100 or so more, and another guy calls all in for less. I fold, they had A3 and A6 so I was in bad shape.

Another hand I open 45s, I flop like middle pair and it checks around (4 way). I turn a straight draw (gutty) and buddy bets half pot I call. River I make two pair, putting a one card straight on the board, and buddy jams. I call and he verbally concedes the pot.

Another hand I pick up QQ and make it $10 pre after a limper. We go five to the flop. The flop is all babies, 2,3,6 I think. Maybe 235. Anyway I bet $25 and get three callers. The turn is a jack, not completing the flush. So there is now $150 in the pot, and here it is interesting because the other two guys have like 1 pot or less (still a decent amount tho, like both have more than $100 and less than $150). The guy to my left has like $250. I jam and take it down. The turn is a great card because it has absolutely no connection to the flop what so ever. And yet is still under my queens.

Another hand I flat ATd from the blinds vs a $15 LP open. Villain (lag/tag pro) always opens $15 but still I think I should play just extremely snug against such a ridiculous open sizing. Anyway flop is 235ddd. I check and call a moderate bet on the flop, turn goes x/x, river I bet half pot he folds. Cleanish runout. I was going to check call down to the river then check raise because villain has a little more aggression than the typical 1/2 player, although it's still quite targeted imo he is not overly aggressive. Villain claimed to have jacks afterwards. His image of me is that of an extremely tight player, he even folded top two to me once (on a board where a set was the nuts).

Bonus hand from last session.

I flop 333 in a limped pot. 346. Buddy on my immediate right (first to act I think) bets $10 into $12, I flat, other guy raises to $30. This guy is pretty loose passive, a reg, we have played a lot of poker. He does not raise the flop very frequently. I have seen him bluff some rivers. We have a decent amount of history because we both play a ton at this casino. Anyway he only has $100 so I decide to stack off, he has 57 and it holds. Feels wrong to stack off with bottom set in this limped in pot (don't go broke in an unraised pot). OTOH if you don't lose a lot of money when you lose with a set, you probably didn't play it correctly.

Another hand I flat AQ from the blinds in a four way pot. Flop Qxx and bet three streets on a pretty clean run out (IIRC board was Q8522 or something like that). On the river I bet $100 as I am pretty sure he has KQ or QJ or something. He the declares that he has AQ and folds. I table. Didn't see his hand although I don't know why anyone would lie about that. Then again Im not sure why anyone would fold AQ there.

Another hand I open 44 to 7, we go five ways to the flop 662 and I c-bet 1/3rd and take it down. One guy asked me if I had queens.

Bonus hand from a week or two ago now? I end up making the idiot end of JT9 (78) after opening pre. Anyway on the river I bet $10, (half pot) and villain makes it $100 (or was it more than that? it was a ridiculous over bet anyway). He had seemed a bit passive overall until then so I did find the fold and he showed KQ.

Another hand from tonight, I open QTs from like 1/7 or whatever, flop T55, hu, I c-bet $10, villain jams for $50 and I call it off he has KT and holds. So I guess maybe a little reinforcement not to open too wide from early middle.

Also made a few bucks on blackjack.
not another live (1/2) grind thread Quote
01-16-2020 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by PokerPlayingGamble
Also made a few bucks on blackjack.
Never played blackjack in a casino but pit games are not good.
not another live (1/2) grind thread Quote
01-16-2020 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by LiveMTTDegen
Never played blackjack in a casino but pit games are not good.
Blackjack is actually a lot easier to beat than poker. Because the house edge under typical rules is just 0.5%, it doesn't take much before the game is break even, or even in the player's favour. And unlike dice, a six deck shoe certainly does have memory. Each card that is dealt impacts the odds for the rest of the shoe according to it's effect of removal (EOR). High cards favour the player, because they complete double downs and there is disproportionate payout for blackjacks (3:2 for the player, but only 1:1 for the house). It follows then that low cards favour the house. So all one has to do is wait for a shoe where an excess of low cards are dealt out in the first few decks and you will have a nice advantage to bet on.
not another live (1/2) grind thread Quote
01-16-2020 , 06:53 AM
Security catch count counters eventually?
not another live (1/2) grind thread Quote
