Originally Posted by Eu.Era
Hmmm not prefer to 3 bet, but we will exploit it by widening our 3 bet range to even more crap, and still flatting things that we can play profitably.
The thing is if your 3 betting hands like that your calling range is going to be really small, so you wont be defending wide enough to not get exploited and also missing out on +EV situations.
Also just keep in mind when you say he steals with a narrow range and folds to a lot of 3 bets theres likely a sample size issue here, like have a look i bet he hasnt been 3 bet more than 3 times, so thats not a reliable stat to make decisions off, i would just play my standard game vs him.
I understand you and i think you have a very good point in saying that i miss value by not flating J9s vs SB range and i am missing some value i post flop plays (it's really villan dependt i guess because of postflop cbet, went to showdown, double barrel frequency etc). I do not agree with you about the exploiting, since i won't get exploited (just by the regs who read this thread xD), because people at these stakes just don't adjust. So we agree in one thing, and you did made a very good point, but i still prefer to play standard (probably will start flating this type of hands and 3beting others) with a wide 3beting range in this spot ( and BU vs BB too), and a narrower calling range, since: 1) reg's don't adjust and play super bad in 3bet pots, either by folding too much to dbarrels in spots like 1023A (Q,J, etc), folding too much to cbets, and making obvious mistakes; 2) regs play better in normal pots. 3) regs won't stack off lightly. It's probably better to play your way since ill have to adjust when i will play higher, and ill try to do it now just to see.
Thank's for the advice.
Will post results etc today or tomorrow, sorry for delaying the thread xD