I will mark you chances of achieving all of your goals.
- Use my Irish accent to good use and get at least one ride. [ ]
8.4/10 cant come to england and this not happen
- Convince Marc to do in access of 10 Jaggers tonight. [ ]
8.7/10 ez game
- Not let Marc win another game of Fifa for the week. [ ]
5.4/10 he is a determined german
- Not to be still be drunk when play starts tomorrow. [ ]
3.3/10 prob will be at least a little drunk hopefully not same state as galway!
- Ask someone on the turn of a rainbow board, do they have a FD. [ ]
10/10 will be dissapointed if you dont get this one
- Convince the table, I'm Phil Helmuths illegitimate love child. [ ]
1.1/10 gl with that
- Finally shex the Welsh girl who's taken the piss a few times. [ ]
6.1/10 butbetter chance if marc takes the grenade
- Eat a full chicken at Nandos. [ ]
3/10 do you even like chicken??
- Troll bakinc00kies some more. [ ]
9.1/10 will defo be done
- Not lose more than my net-worth in credit card roulette. [ ]
8.4/10 defo a longshot but cant rule it out
- Win the UKIPT
8.5/10 id say you are top 1% of the field and i head the bookies have you as favourite!
gl at the tables hero