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newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker

04-19-2015 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by TheBirdman

You have quite the ego for someone who was homeless months ago and now has a net worth of less than 20k in their 30s.
He is 27 bro.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by legallyShoved
He is 27 bro.
Thanks, bro.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by KingKrab
Every skill you mentioned is included in IQ, genius. EQ is everything you didn't mention, emotional understanding and empathy.

13k is not much, please quote me if I ever said otherwise. All I know is its more than your 23$ bankroll, that is all.

I'm certain I'm in the top 10 percentile of my player field, else I would not be able to turn a profit day in day out.
stop calling all online player penny grinders, you are so petty

I made more than 13k so far this month, jorg95 has made more than 150k this month and warren buffet made 13k in the last 3 minutes

theres always someone somewhere that has more money, more earning potential. just because you have 13k doesn't make you ****.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 02:56 PM
Lots of jealousy in this thread for OP who has achieved the dream that everyone reading this wishes they could achieve. These penny grinders can keep on hating but at the end of the day OP has made it while you rakeback grinders are busting your butts just trying to win a new poker mug and t-shirt.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 03:09 PM
^poor attempt at trolling, step it up
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 03:12 PM
OP has been playing poker for a living for more than a year now while most of the geniuses in this thread have been grinding out microstakes while living in their parents' basement.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
How exactly are you gonna play on stars from cali?
Im obviously not too in the loop when it comes to playing poker online. Does anyone want to refer me on Bovada to earn a few extra pennies per day? I'd be happy to sign up under anyone who sends me a link first
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by KingKrab
Im obviously not too in the loop when it comes to playing poker online. Does anyone want to refer me on Bovada to earn a few extra pennies per day? I'd be happy to sign up under anyone who sends me a link first
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 05:11 PM
Some of these assumptions that 50 NL players would auto-crush live… Just wow. That’s all I can say.

Originally Posted by Kounterfit
I'm sure a lot of players would rather be playing 1/2 live instead of pennies. I'm one of them (almost nickel and dimes). unfortunately I dont have the BR and neither do a lot of other people.

I also believe that everyone should start at the micros because I think there is a lot to learn there. Bet sizing for instance, cuz we all know you suck at that. Oh and not to limp PF when you have a decent hand. Why limp then raise every other hand? At least build a pot big enough PF so you dont have to over bet the F or any other street.

I also believe that you probably wouldnt do that great in the micros. breakeven maybe less. It's also been said hundreds of times, even by the pros, that online players are more skilled than live players. People at .25/.50 online should and do walk all over 1/2 live players. from the way you're talking i think you should take a step back and realize what you said, cuz there's hundreds if not thousands of online micro grinders that would rob you blind.

As for Call of Duty, who doesn't like that sht? i mean doesnt everyone want to shoot people up with assault rifle or blow them to pieces with a 50mm?
How do all of these basement players play for so many years at the micro and never build up a bankroll to play any stakes of real world value???? They learn so many of these so called “fundamentals” yet they cannot implement the fundamental of BRM and moving up, taking shots, and moving out of the basement?!?!?!? Blows my FuxKing mind man.

I don’t limp and or raise every other hand. I GTO variably, like Harrington says, have some sort of randomizer like the second hand on your watch. (I’ve read cash game, but I do think some of his logic is waaaay outdated and too inside the box). You don’t standard always raise with Aces, you do it maybe 80%/20%, or something along those lines, maybe 92/8. What is your goal in poker, to be the most readable player at the table?

I don’t give a fuxk if these penny grinders would rob me blind at the micro-micros. You can take me for 20 BI’s for that matter, 40 bucks? I spend that much on dinner. The thing is, I don’t have to play fuxking micros. Grow at least one ball between your pasty mayo-white legs and buy in for a working adult’s daily wage. (100-200 US dollars)
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 05:23 PM
can't wait for the day you are homeless again

I literally have accounts with thousands of dollars, and a safe box with a few rubber band wads of hundos. Sorry bout it.
wads of hundos and that entitles you to talk ****

newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 05:38 PM
Everyones hating but he seems to be surviving. Sounds good to me lol!
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 06:13 PM
Why don't you buy into a real cashgame for more than 40bbs?

Try playing 5/10NL 1000bbs deep with several other pro players at the table. Until then your just a fish with a dream destined to go broke at the first glimpse of a real downswing. Especially as cocky as u are.

The reason why u make money week in and week out is called sample size. Fish on a heater imo.

I've been on a $30k downswing at live poker. It can be brutally long and it will show you who you truly are.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Pots-For-Sale
Why don't you buy into a real cashgame for more than 40bbs?

Try playing 5/10NL 1000bbs deep with several other pro players at the table. Until then your just a fish with a dream destined to go broke at the first glimpse of a real downswing. Especially as cocky as u are.

The reason why u make money week in and week out is called sample size. Fish on a heater imo.

I've been on a $30k downswing at live poker. It can be brutally long and it will show you who you truly are.

30k downswing at what levels? In any case, it just sounds like your a losing player imho. If you're playing 3/5, going on a 60 buy in downswing sounds like you're pretty Fuxking bad man. At 5/10, going on a 30 BI down swing sounds like you shouldn't be playing that level. At 1/2, sounds like losing 150 buy in downswing sounds like you're the biggest rec fish known in history bro.

I play at the level I play at because I feel comfortable winning in my small pond. I make enough to live on, to travel, and to splurge on my gf, literally and monetarily. I'm winning over a 2 year period, sample size might not be in the half million hands range or anywhere close, but it's a large enough sample size live.

Sorry to hear that you suck at pokerz, but please keep playing. Both live and online. You'll get to my level one day, and your fellow 2p2 grinders will thank you lol
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 06:41 PM
I've decided against posting financial stats on a public forum. Good luck bro you're the best. And surely a real downswing could never happen to you cuz you're so amazing. I mean you do have $13k. What are we thinking? That is truly amazing. After grinding for over a year you have a $13k bankroll. Just Wow. Lol

You're def a crusher for life. Keep buying in 40bbs and limp reraising AA and AK. Good luck. Lol

Last edited by Pots-For-Sale; 04-19-2015 at 06:55 PM.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by Pots-For-Sale
Lol I dunno I've made over $300k in the past 3-4 years playing mostly part time until recently. So u tell me if that's a losing player.

That Corvette in my avatar was paid for entirely from poker.

Not too long ago you were homeless. So not quite sure how you're bragging. Now u have a measly $13k and think you're the man. Hilarious! Makes for an A+ thread tho. So gg gl

Oh and when you're playing 300-400 bbs deep and deeper at higher stakes it's not too tough to go on a 3000bb downswing. But I don't expect you to understand that since you're playing for a couple hundred $. In a $5 game.
I call mega shenanigans on this. All of it. The corvette, 300k. Proof or gtfo. I believe the people of 2p2 are smart enough to know mega bs when they see it. Let's look up your info, username, bank acct screen shot, car title, drivers licence. Honestly, just anything to have enough proof of your hyper boasting. I never said I was the master of all poker and poker kind. I just said I am a winning player in my pond in my small village of commerce California.

I don't need Fuxking millions of dollars, I don't need that kind of fortune and power. All I wanted from the beginning of my journey is job flexibility, enough to live on. That's exactly what my argument is about, make some moves to try and make a living wage. Be bold, take chances, don't waste your life grinding pennies. Your lives are more valuable than that. I want to experience the natural world we live in, not sit behind a desk for 95% of my life, not hide in my gated home and stupid expensive car. I mean, who are r u trying to impress with your massive lie? r u trying to overcompensate for your tiny jellybean weiner?
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by Pots-For-Sale
I've decided against posting financial stats on a public forum. Good luck bro you're the best. And surely a real downswing could never happen to you cuz you're so amazing. I mean you do have $13k. What are we thinking? That is truly amazing. After grinding for over a year you have a $13k bankroll. Just Wow. Lol

You're def a crusher for life. Keep buying in 40bbs and limp reraising AA and AK. Good luck. Lol

Too late dude, already quoted you for all to see. I want your proof you lying jellybean weiner scumbag

Sent from my SM-G900V using 2+2 Forums
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 07:04 PM
Best thread on the forum!
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 07:11 PM
No need to lie. Lol just didn't want my **** out there publicly. But it's all good. You are that kinda dude. Enjoy.

And you're crazy if you think I would give u any information about myself. No need to prove anything to you. Lol
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by Pots-For-Sale
No need to lie. Lol just didn't want my **** out there publicly. But it's all good. You are that kinda dude. Enjoy.

Called him out on bluff, villain recedes very butthurtedly.

Caught with his hand in the cookie jar

Liar liar, pants on fire

I guess we will never get our proof from the man with the quarter million in poker earnings and a corvette, and a king kong monster dong. I guess we just have to take his word for it.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 07:26 PM
I luv that KK keeps wanting proof others are winners yet has never posted any proof of any of his own claims. No pics of hundos, bank account, not even a graph or spreadsheet pic that obv could easily be faked.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
I luv that KK keeps wanting proof others are winners yet has never posted any proof of any of his own claims. No pics of hundos, bank account, not even a graph or spreadsheet pic that obv could easily be faked.
I never said I had a Lamborghini, I however did have a prius. You Fuxking want a pic of that? It's easy to prove I have a 10k, will easily show you a Screenshot of bank account gladly when I get to a actual computer, will Mr corvette do the same after I put up? I think not.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 07:39 PM
pgc followers like to see chip porn and graphs, no one wants to see a screen shot of your bank account info or anything like that. I just think its funny u keep asking people that are busting your balls to prove their claims. You do track your session results in a phone app or spreadsheet of some sort right?
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
I luv that KK keeps wanting proof others are winners yet has never posted any proof of any of his own claims. No pics of hundos, bank account, not even a graph or spreadsheet pic that obv could easily be faked.
Not even a pic of his damn girlfriend! (Could also be faked)
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
pgc followers like to see chip porn and graphs, no one wants to see a screen shot of your bank account info or anything like that. I just think its funny u keep asking people that are busting your balls to prove their claims. You do track your session results in a phone app or spreadsheet of some sort right?

I'll be honest with you, I've taken a bunch of photos of my adventures, including chip porn of my bigger cash outs. (Floor told me no pictures, but who da f is gonna listen)

I just haven't gotten around to put them up on imgur or whatnot, not rly a fan of social media type of sheit. I'll get around to it soon, just badger me about it a couple more times this week. Super sorry for the delay otherwise
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
04-19-2015 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by KingKrab
I call mega shenanigans on this. All of it. The corvette, 300k. Proof or gtfo. I believe the people of 2p2 are smart enough to know mega bs when they see it. Let's look up your info, username, bank acct screen shot, car title, drivers licence. Honestly, just anything to have enough proof of your hyper boasting.
A quick search of threads he has started seems to confirm that he has been playing 5/5 deep and 5/10 regularly for the last 4 years and his thought process seems to be that of a winning player. Could be an elaborate hoax but probably not.
newly homeless man desperately needing to make it in live poker Quote
