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06-02-2023 , 03:11 AM
posted this in coaching section. if anyone is interested or knows someone pls lmk.

would like to become more of teamplayer
06-02-2023 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by KidCudi147
posted this in coaching section. if anyone is interested or knows someone pls lmk.

would like to become more of teamplayer
btw if it wasn't clear im looking for like a private stable/mentor/cfp type thing


vwp mate, Knew you'd bounce back strong

Cheers mate

    PokerStars - $2 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
    Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3

    BTN: $240.28 (120.1 bb)
    SB: $368.37 (184.2 bb)
    Hero (BB): $216.10 (108.1 bb)
    UTG: $181.41 (90.7 bb)
    MP: $200.00 (100 bb)
    CO: $561.07 (280.5 bb)

    SB posts $1.00, Hero posts BB $2.00

    Pre Flop: (pot: $3.00) Hero has 8 7
    3 folds, BTN raises to $4.60, fold, Hero raises to $24.00, BTN raises to $48.00, Hero calls $24.00

    Flop: ($97.00, 2 players) Q 6 A
    Hero checks, BTN bets $23.56, Hero calls $23.56

    Turn: ($144.12, 2 players) J
    Hero checks, BTN checks

    River: ($144.12, 2 players) A
    Hero bets $144.54 and is all-in, BTN calls $144.54

    Results: $433.20 pot ($2.75 rake)
    Final Board: Q 6 A J A

    Hero shows 8 7: (One Pair, Aces)
    (Pre 41%, Flop 10%, Turn 0%)

    BTN shows K A: (Three of a Kind, Aces)
    (Pre 59%, Flop 90%, Turn 100%)

    BTN wins $430.45

    just donated you a stack to show appreciation for the kind words all jks aside my ****ing puntfloat otf got punished :/ I was playing very tired and annoyed... nhnh
    06-02-2023 , 11:50 AM
    if you can get a good deal, try bitb or pokerwithriske. I applied for PWR and was able to negotiate the deal to be more favorable, ultimately didn't go through with it but their philosophy seems to fit what you are talking about, not learning MDA and fish strats but learning fundamentals of the game through toy games, solvers etc.
    06-03-2023 , 05:51 AM
    Originally Posted by wereallgonnamakeit
    if you can get a good deal, try bitb or pokerwithriske. I applied for PWR and was able to negotiate the deal to be more favorable, ultimately didn't go through with it but their philosophy seems to fit what you are talking about, not learning MDA and fish strats but learning fundamentals of the game through toy games, solvers etc.
    cheers mate. I've applied for Bitb last month but unfortunately no responds.... pokerwithriske I will look into, I think I know that guy because he used to make yt content.

    Btw not saying maxexploit vs fish is bad or anything, and imo mda can be good as long as you are able to nuance it and not tunnelvision it. But when I came back from Malta and was really struggling I once applied for some cfp where they just had a pdf file type book with prewritten simplified mda strategies and that really put me off for some reason. First of all that strat would probably have been a downgrade to strats I used at the time (while I was a struggling 100nl reg) and besides ignition or max bumhunting for short-term ev it didn't seem great or a good investment in yourself. Like you mention best to focus on fundementals of the game and create understanding of the game/learn where people have leaks/where to deviate etc. Btw using some prewritten strategy book ingame is just straight up cheating imo.

    Once again this is purely personal preference and besides using that book ingame I'm not trying to hate on it, because I can understand where people are coming from with different approach.

    I just love the competitive side of this game (without this love of the game would have lost my sanity already with all the ups and downs and self-sabotage ) and would literally rather choose a different career path than to max bumhunt and play preset simplified strats (not that there is anything wrong with simplification)
    06-03-2023 , 06:04 AM
    First of all that strat would probably have been a downgrade to strats I used at the time (while I was a struggling 100nl reg)
    With this I mean reg vs reg btw, the mda stuff they did vs fish (especially if you can nuance and deviate a bit with it) seemed pretty solid and even was an eye opener at the time, to be more aware and not just dont bluff them and call everything type thing which is just lazy and burning ev
    06-04-2023 , 03:43 AM
    meh week grinding 200z, really confident on my game and also not running terrible (had some tough run here and there) but had some slip ups with mental game and focus. Played one session on tilt where I just punted away a couple stacks and one session I randomly lost focus and made 3 punts simultaneously. Recently I'm trying to find the acceptance with making mistakes and just accept it's part of my ev. When I was feeling so **** in March I read a book about the growth mindset. And basically if I can apply the knowledge I learned from that book; I can not only say that I'm improving my focus/soft skills & mental game - especially recently meditation is going really well and my focus seems to improve. But also see the positive thing about it. Because my focus and auto-pilot style + mental game is so bad, I have to work way harder than my opponents on my technical game to compensate for all the ev loss. And therefor in terms of technical game I'm always doing at-least all right in any line up I've played (except for that 5knl hu match :/). And no matter to what limits poker will bring me, those mistakes are inevitable to some extend and I just have to make the best of it.

    Felt like writing it because after yesterdays session where I punted away 3 stacks because I randomly completely zone out and lose focus (afaik not an emotion thing) and impuls puntdecide x3 and lose $700, I struggle a bit with motivation. Like "what's the point" feeling after throwing away 2 days of grinding in the toilet in a split second - allthough if I click call vs certain villain it's not a 65bb mistake but probably an 8bb mistake and from that perspective it's only like 30bb"s I punt away.

    yesterdays session I'm talking about in the paragraph above

    I feel like doing a challenge with myself like 200z 100k hands 5bb 40 days or something but the problem is always when I do a challenge like this it goes completely wrong because I cant accept losses when I really want to beat the challenge
    06-04-2023 , 05:05 AM
    Originally Posted by KidCudi147
    I feel like doing a challenge with myself like 200z 100k hands 5bb 40 days or something but the problem is always when I do a challenge like this it goes completely wrong because I cant accept losses when I really want to beat the challenge
    Why do this then at this point? Last two months things are going very well for you, and you seem to improve your mental game as well! Why make things harder for yourself than necessary? This honestly sounds like a recipe for disaster to me, because you need to run extremely well to win at 5bb over 100k hands and it’s quite a high volume goal as well. What happens when you run bad? Are you able to keep your cool and not force things right now?

    If I were you I would focus completely on my mental game and would not make life harder for myself than necessary. In the future when your mental game has improved to the point of not punting/tilting as frequently as you do/did you can do these things. Up until that point just try to improve your technical game and mental game.

    Good luck!
    06-04-2023 , 05:50 AM
    yeah you are right, I find these challenges like that a lot of fun and I like to hype myself up but im not ready ffs

    will abort the mission :/ This is like the 3rd time I do this

    edit: and ty for advice. My initial responds was like "Im gonna prove this guy wrong" but after thinking about it you are making a very good point. Just random self sabotage to do this at this point....

    So if I create a random challenge thread again, and I quit it after a couple days (or in this case after one session which even went well btw ) the first guy that pm's me reffering to this comment I send $100 on stars. I cant go on creating challenges impulsively

    Last edited by KidCudi147; 06-04-2023 at 06:00 AM.
    06-04-2023 , 07:56 AM
    Really like this thread and I don't even play nl. Love the honesty. Can't even msg you first re stars hah
    06-04-2023 , 10:15 AM
    Originally Posted by KidCudi147
    yeah you are right, I find these challenges like that a lot of fun and I like to hype myself up but im not ready ffs

    will abort the mission :/ This is like the 3rd time I do this

    edit: and ty for advice. My initial responds was like "Im gonna prove this guy wrong" but after thinking about it you are making a very good point. Just random self sabotage to do this at this point....

    So if I create a random challenge thread again, and I quit it after a couple days (or in this case after one session which even went well btw ) the first guy that pm's me reffering to this comment I send $100 on stars. I cant go on creating challenges impulsively
    I'm well below stakes you're playing - 25z (strugglin heh) but the mindset and tilt thing you're talking about is so familiar it's crazy. But you know what, even though I really love the game the way it is, at least for me I think biggest reason why I love poker so much is that it's literally battle vs myself and its everyday struggle. I feel like somehow it is the biggest battle in life in general and for us it's somehow half way through poker.
    GL in ur grind man!
    06-04-2023 , 12:56 PM
    Originally Posted by shutdown
    Really like this thread and I don't even play nl. Love the honesty. Can't even msg you first re stars hah
    Nice to hear man, hahaha remind me still we work something out :P

    Originally Posted by sattitg
    I'm well below stakes you're playing - 25z (strugglin heh) but the mindset and tilt thing you're talking about is so familiar it's crazy. But you know what, even though I really love the game the way it is, at least for me I think biggest reason why I love poker so much is that it's literally battle vs myself and its everyday struggle. I feel like somehow it is the biggest battle in life in general and for us it's somehow half way through poker.
    GL in ur grind man!
    No matter what stakes you play mental game is hard mate. Yes I agree man I like it aswell that it's part of the grind as a whole. Allthough in the moment it's really ****ed up haha today was down like 6bi and while facing coolers I feel like such a "victim" and hard to think straight with all these emotions coming up (didn't tilt but bit more autopilot/rusty play) and afterwards it's so easy to inject logic and reflect more rational but in the moment it's a sick challenge, afterwards more like confidence struggle and feeling **** about mistakes.

    About what you mention life/poker yeah I can relate man self-improvement is part of the grind. When I started getting interested in poker I thought it was odd that young poker players who made it where less "flashy" and "show off" and baller lifestyle compared to other fields where relatively young people make some good bank. (All "poker maybe more introverts" and "social economic background" reasons aside) It all makes sense now, it really humbles you and forces you within the process to grow.


    Rough week in terms of run but managed to keep the composure. Again had too high expectations for the month and after 3rd day of bad run which in hindsight is a blessing I"m used to getting crushed again and all expectations are gone. Now I can enjoy the process again. Last session of the week played complete flow state (laser focus, creativity, no psychological barriers, no fear of variance, finding every spot (within my ability). At some point when I reach higher stakes I would like to work with someone to reach this point more often. Think mental game work has higher priority but probably has correlation.

    Some hands from this week:

      PokerStars - $2 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
      Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3

      BTN: $197.00 (98.5 bb)
      Hero (SB): $503.32 (251.7 bb)
      BB: $200.00 (100 bb)
      UTG: $468.03 (234 bb)
      CO: $200.00 (100 bb)

      Hero posts SB $1.00, BB posts $2.00

      Pre Flop: (pot: $3.00) Hero has A A
      UTG raises to $4.04, fold, BTN calls $4.04, Hero raises to $26.00, fold, UTG raises to $57.00, fold, Hero calls $31.00

      Flop: ($120.04, 2 players) 5 2 Q
      Hero checks, UTG bets $29.32, Hero calls $29.32

      Turn: ($178.68, 2 players) 5
      Hero checks, UTG bets $58.06, Hero calls $58.06

      River: ($294.80, 2 players) 8
      Hero checks, UTG bets $323.65 and is all-in, Hero calls $323.65

      Results: $942.10 pot ($2.75 rake)
      Final Board: 5 2 Q 5 8

      UTG shows Q Q: (Full House, Queens full of Fives)
      (Pre 18%, Flop 90%, Turn 95%)

      Hero shows A A: (Two Pair, Aces and Fives)
      (Pre 82%, Flop 10%, Turn 5%)

      UTG wins $939.35

        PokerStars - $2 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
        Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3

        BTN: $237.37 (118.7 bb)
        SB: $200.00 (100 bb)
        Hero (BB): $791.91 (396 bb)
        UTG: $414.80 (207.4 bb)
        MP: $450.42 (225.2 bb)
        CO: $345.60 (172.8 bb)

        SB posts $1.00, Hero posts BB $2.00

        Pre Flop: (pot: $3.00) Hero has T J
        2 folds, CO raises to $5.00, 2 folds, Hero calls $3.00

        Flop: ($11.00, 2 players) A 8 6
        Hero checks, CO bets $2.61, Hero raises to $14.36, CO calls $11.75

        Turn: ($39.72, 2 players) 7
        Hero bets $56.40, CO calls $56.40

        River: ($152.52, 2 players) K
        Hero bets $716.15 and is all-in, CO calls $269.84 and is all-in

        Results: $692.20 pot ($2.75 rake)
        Final Board: A 8 6 7 K

        Hero shows T J: (High Card, Ace)
        (Pre 44%, Flop 9%, Turn 9%)

        CO shows 6 A: (Two Pair, Aces and Sixes)
        (Pre 56%, Flop 91%, Turn 91%)

        CO wins $689.45

          PokerStars - $2 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 4 players
          Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3

          BTN: $209.25 (104.6 bb)
          SB: $739.08 (369.5 bb)
          Hero (BB): $222.08 (111 bb)
          CO: $237.82 (118.9 bb)

          SB posts $1.00, Hero posts BB $2.00

          Pre Flop: (pot: $3.00) Hero has 9 Q
          fold, BTN raises to $4.96, fold, Hero raises to $24.00, BTN calls $19.04

          Flop: ($49.00, 2 players) 5 K 7
          Hero bets $11.90, BTN calls $11.90

          Turn: ($72.80, 2 players) 3
          Hero checks, BTN checks

          River: ($72.80, 2 players) A
          Hero bets $7.14, BTN raises to $63.00, Hero raises to $186.18 and is all-in, fold

          Results: $198.80 pot ($1.25 rake)
          Final Board: 5 K 7 3 A

          Hero wins $197.55

          PokerStars - $2 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
          Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3

          BTN: $324.51 (162.3 bb)
          SB: $285.86 (142.9 bb)
          BB: $200.00 (100 bb)
          Hero (UTG): $310.35 (155.2 bb)
          MP: $206.62 (103.3 bb)
          CO: $296.95 (148.5 bb)

          SB posts $1.00, BB posts $2.00

          Pre Flop: (pot: $3.00) Hero has T K
          Hero raises to $4.00, 4 folds, BB calls $2.00

          Flop: ($9.00, 2 players) 5 T T
          BB checks, Hero bets $2.10, BB raises to $9.11, Hero calls $7.01

          Turn: ($27.22, 2 players) 9
          BB bets $18.36, Hero calls $18.36

          River: ($63.94, 2 players) 9
          BB bets $168.53 and is all-in, Hero calls $168.53

          Results: $401.00 pot ($2.75 rake)
          Final Board: 5 T T 9 9

          BB shows 9 9: (Four of a Kind, Nines)
          (Pre 53%, Flop 7%, Turn 84%)

          Hero shows T K: (Full House, Tens full of Nines)
          (Pre 47%, Flop 93%, Turn 16%)

          BB wins $398.25

          PokerStars - $2 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 3 players
          Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3

          BTN: $205.00 (102.5 bb)
          Hero (SB): $308.81 (154.4 bb)
          BB: $200.00 (100 bb)

          Hero posts SB $1.00, BB posts $2.00

          Pre Flop: (pot: $3.00) Hero has Q T
          fold, Hero raises to $6.00, BB calls $4.00

          Flop: ($12.00, 2 players) 6 3 K
          Hero bets $2.86, BB calls $2.86

          Turn: ($17.72, 2 players) 9
          Hero bets $25.25, BB calls $25.25

          River: ($68.22, 2 players) Q
          Hero checks, BB bets $71.70, Hero calls $71.70

          Results: $211.62 pot ($1.25 rake)
          Final Board: 6 3 K 9 Q

          BB shows 6 7: (One Pair, Sixes)
          (Pre 37%, Flop 75%, Turn 77%)

          Hero shows Q T: (One Pair, Queens)
          (Pre 63%, Flop 25%, Turn 23%)

          Hero wins $210.37

            PokerStars - $2 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 3 players
            Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3

            BB: $211.57 (105.8 bb)
            Hero (BTN): $213.00 (106.5 bb)
            SB: $200.00 (100 bb)

            SB posts $1.00, BB posts $2.00

            Pre Flop: (pot: $3.00) Hero has 2 2
            Hero raises to $5.00, fold, BB raises to $23.00, Hero calls $18.00

            Flop: ($47.00, 2 players) 9 K K
            BB bets $15.10, Hero calls $15.10

            Turn: ($77.20, 2 players) 7
            BB checks, Hero checks

            River: ($77.20, 2 players) 7
            BB bets $56.96, Hero raises to $174.90 and is all-in, fold

            Results: $191.12 pot ($1.25 rake)
            Final Board: 9 K K 7 7

            Hero wins $189.87
            MY LAST SHOT AT POKER Quote
            06-05-2023 , 09:57 PM
            some interesting hands!

            @JTo from V's perspective I guess we don't rep flushes super well, my ranges are 3betting QJs, QTs, JTs 100% pre, so you have Q9dd (mix 3b pre) T9dd (same), Q5dd as unpaired flushes otr
            and obv can have some Xd8d Xd7d but I assume would mix turn X with those.

            @QTo river, do you feel you have population sizing tell or more V specific?
            MY LAST SHOT AT POKER Quote
            06-06-2023 , 06:08 AM
            Originally Posted by RalphWaldoEmerson
            some interesting hands!

            @JTo from V's perspective I guess we don't rep flushes super well, my ranges are 3betting QJs, QTs, JTs 100% pre, so you have Q9dd (mix 3b pre) T9dd (same), Q5dd as unpaired flushes otr
            and obv can have some Xd8d Xd7d but I assume would mix turn X with those.

            @QTo river, do you feel you have population sizing tell or more V specific?

            H1, yeah I can wrap my head around what you are saying. It's still a bunch of my bluffs completing on that card while he is folding quite some FD"s ott already. Allthough some draws might go up in value in his turn calling range since we are deeper. Kxd river makes it slightly more complicated. it blocks his main daimonds still in his range but also takes away quite some flushes in my range. That's the problematic thing with me playing deeper. I try to size accordingly (flop x/r might be too small but turn bet 100bb deep would have sized more around pot) but it makes so much more room for errors on my end. either gotta study it or rat-hole tbh. Don't want to blame villain too much because I might be over-agro in some spots, but really thought it was a puntcall. 100bb already let alone 170bb. Hard to think of a lot of bluffs like the hand I showed up with....

            H2, Yeah sort of but not exact sizing, just more that I saw so many bluffs and not many value for that size + villain being capable. But yeah if he starts bluffing a lot of Txspade combos (which I can only think of a few) my call becomes close to ev error. In my 3handed ranges BB flats 50% of JTs after SB RFI but idk if I can take people accountable for that. Most likely just playing their 6h ranges which btw is fine imo.
            MY LAST SHOT AT POKER Quote
            06-07-2023 , 07:15 AM
            Yeah Vs call with the A6s is quite interesting, and pretty light.
            ThatÂ’s why I wonder if he has made a exploit against you. Are you running RNG for flop XR? What history w/V?
            You say itÂ’s hard to think of bluffs but you have a bunch of combos of JTo /QJo with diamond, that has to be what he is thinking, assuming he is thinking.
            He might also think that you can have a non allin value size here, makes your shove range a little more bluffy.
            Btw do you know EV of preflop defend @170bbs relative to 100? Would be curious
            MY LAST SHOT AT POKER Quote
            06-17-2023 , 03:53 AM
            bigtime monkeytilt in the end yesterday (-$2.7k)

            one day I might get there ffs.... technical game (atleast to make a living in this beautiful shitgame) and mental game there is such a massive difficultly gap its insane, dont have to explain which one is harder

            we keep trying tho :/

            MY LAST SHOT AT POKER Quote
            06-17-2023 , 04:55 AM
            Why do you tilt? You must be able to observe and understand it after the fact
            I don’t have major tilt problems but I do have my moments and I’m honing in on the specific reasons (mostly negative self talk that spirals)
            MY LAST SHOT AT POKER Quote
            06-17-2023 , 08:07 AM
              PokerStars - $1 NL FAST (2 max) - Holdem - 2 players
              Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3

              SB: $122.95 (123 bb)
              Hero (BB): $229.57 (229.6 bb)

              SB posts $0.50, Hero posts BB $1.00

              Pre Flop: (pot: $1.50) Hero has A 8
              SB raises to $2.50, Hero raises to $10.00, SB raises to $25.50, Hero calls $15.50

              Flop: ($51.00, 2 players) 3 2 9
              Hero checks, SB bets $11.00, Hero calls $11.00

              Turn: ($73.00, 2 players) A
              Hero bets $7.20, SB calls $7.20

              River: ($87.40, 2 players) 4
              Hero bets $129.60, SB calls $79.25 and is all-in

              Results: $245.90 pot ($1.00 rake)
              Final Board: 3 2 9 A 4

              Hero shows A 8: (One Pair, Aces)
              (Pre 32%, Flop 19%, Turn 95%)

              SB shows J J: (One Pair, Jacks)
              (Pre 68%, Flop 81%, Turn 5%)

              Hero wins $244.90

              my bad
              MY LAST SHOT AT POKER Quote
              06-17-2023 , 03:37 PM
              Originally Posted by KidCudi147
              bigtime monkeytilt in the end yesterday (-$2.7k)

              one day I might get there ffs.... technical game (atleast to make a living in this beautiful shitgame) and mental game there is such a massive difficultly gap its insane, dont have to explain which one is harder

              we keep trying tho :/

              ps. NEED MENTAL GAME COACHING ASAP LINK ME A COACH PRICE RANGE $150/h ty in advance

              Hey bud, let me just start by telling you that I'm a HUGE Kid Kudi fan, year after year in the 0.01% in Spotify listeners or some crazy **** like that lol, have you considered doing regular therapy first? judging from your blog you are very very good at poker and without any doubts you beat the games you play, i think that doing just normal psychotherapy will help you understand a lot about why you are self sabotaging yourself in some decisions that you make like that time you blew your roll, and of course that you can and you should get a mental game coach later or at the same time, but that will only hit the surface in order to heal one must go deep in the rabbit hole, if you do that i have no ****ing doubts that you will reach your potential 1k nl 2k nl or whatever your goal is because you know you don't lack talent.

              All the best in your journey bro, will root for you and follow your blog
              MY LAST SHOT AT POKER Quote
              06-20-2023 , 07:36 PM
              hey man im not sure how to message you, would you wanna study on skype lmk we can work somethig out cheers
              MY LAST SHOT AT POKER Quote
              06-21-2023 , 12:08 PM
              Originally Posted by KidCudi147
              bigtime monkeytilt in the end yesterday (-$2.7k)

              one day I might get there ffs.... technical game (atleast to make a living in this beautiful shitgame) and mental game there is such a massive difficultly gap its insane, dont have to explain which one is harder

              we keep trying tho :/

              ps. NEED MENTAL GAME COACHING ASAP LINK ME A COACH PRICE RANGE $150/h ty in advance
              are you playing zoom or reg?
              MY LAST SHOT AT POKER Quote
              06-21-2023 , 03:59 PM
              Originally Posted by RalphWaldoEmerson
              Why do you tilt? You must be able to observe and understand it after the fact
              I don’t have major tilt problems but I do have my moments and I’m honing in on the specific reasons (mostly negative self talk that spirals)
              It's a question I ask myself more and more often, I have some ideas and recently I've been on the right path getting to the source of it (same with getting curious with emotions) but at the same time pretty far away answering it properly. Will soon make a bigger post regarding your question/suggestion. Rn on a break from poker.

              Originally Posted by Miyamoto_Musashi
              Hey bud, let me just start by telling you that I'm a HUGE Kid Kudi fan, year after year in the 0.01% in Spotify listeners or some crazy **** like that lol, have you considered doing regular therapy first? judging from your blog you are very very good at poker and without any doubts you beat the games you play, i think that doing just normal psychotherapy will help you understand a lot about why you are self sabotaging yourself in some decisions that you make like that time you blew your roll, and of course that you can and you should get a mental game coach later or at the same time, but that will only hit the surface in order to heal one must go deep in the rabbit hole, if you do that i have no ****ing doubts that you will reach your potential 1k nl 2k nl or whatever your goal is because you know you don't lack talent.

              All the best in your journey bro, will root for you and follow your blog
              Hey mate, haha good to hear your Kid Cudi fan aswell! When I started this blog it was on full repeat xd that man on the moon 1 (and 2 aswell) album I've listened too much man every now and then I can still enjoy it.

              Yeah I'm still considering it, I should do something it's ****ing punting to not do anything... I've done psychotherapy before (not poker related) and it really helped me... I just find it hard to find something

              Originally Posted by wereallgonnamakeit
              are you playing zoom or reg?
              Both but this month when I"m studying a lot mainly shorthanded reg tables, like 4 tables max (and when I have 4 usually fish joined on some tabs)
              MY LAST SHOT AT POKER Quote
              06-22-2023 , 12:33 AM
              yo check ur messages
              MY LAST SHOT AT POKER Quote
              06-23-2023 , 06:35 AM

              Couldnt be ****ed anymore and only played 1 day after last post. Gonna take off on the weekend aswell. Hopefully I can just play normal again next month and not ****** spew/call away stacks left and right when things aren't going my way/when I lose focus. It was about to be another $10k+ month, I was also running very well but yeah my focus and mental game just dropped at some point. It's not a total disaster because at-least the bankroll stays the same (with irl spending) and I studied a shitlot and actually improved a lot (if I atleast can play focussed poker for once). I"m still really enjoying the grind but yeah from my toxic writing style atm you can tell this break was much needed xd Next month will go back to basic and do the things in my power to play normal again and not **** up

              Back home now, I'm going to Vienna next month rooming with a friend from Germany. I might stay there long term depending if I enjoy living there etc. Hyped!
              MY LAST SHOT AT POKER Quote
              06-23-2023 , 07:51 AM
              mental coaching or therapy. seems like you're afraid of success tbh
              MY LAST SHOT AT POKER Quote
              06-26-2023 , 10:17 AM
              Originally Posted by submersible
              mental coaching or therapy. seems like you're afraid of success tbh
              you are right, the next update I make in this blog is to tell you that I"m working on mental game with someone (inb4 6 month silence :P)
              MY LAST SHOT AT POKER Quote
