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My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living

12-05-2012 , 10:53 PM
For the past week I went on this teeter totter of a week. I went up then down and then up then down... Ended up down about -5k for the past week, but won 3k at 2/3/5.

Now I am starting to come to a sort of "realization" that my shot taking at 10/25 neither succeeded nor failed. I won a little bit then stayed around there, and I don't want to grind that game until my roll is sufficient. So now at my local casino the biggest game is 2-3-5, they rarely have a 5-5-10, but now I am going to swallow my pride and play 2-3-5 where I believe I have an edge.

My current roll 70.5k

I'm currently in a bit of a pickle. The local casino I play at doesn't get the 5/10 game going anymore, I think the 10/25 killed that game because of the 5/5/10 and 10/25 structure. The 5/5/10 is a 500-3k buy in, and the fish that want to buy in 2-3k and play 5/5/10 can take that same amount and go to 10/25 and feel cool, which is what has been happening. I've noticed a lot of the 5/5/10 fish have gone to play 10/25 and even when the 5/5/10 gets going on thursdays/fridays, the game is terrible. All pros and usually 1 or 2 soft spots. So now its play 2/3/5 or 10/25 and here is my analysis of that.

If I play 2/3/5, and I play 4 sessions a week for 48 weeks a year, I would estimate my annual at about 60-80k a year. That is because I feel I have a huge edge in the 2/3/5 game. I have not seen one person there that would give me a headache, whereas at 10/25 I feel there are a few very tough opponents.

Suggestions everyone?

In any case at 60-80k a year, after bills and expenses and all that I can probably add another 20-40k a year to my roll, but I am a high spender. At that rate I have to play 2/3/5 (granted the 5/5/10 doesn't get going) for another 4 years before I have an okay roll for 10/25 (200k).

So my options now are:

1st Option: Take the safe route and play 2/3/5 until I slowly build enough of a roll to move up.
2nd Option: Take the safe route while taking shots at the 10/25 game in the 3rd or 4th game when it's good
3rd Option: Move to a place where 5/10 goes regularly (I think 70k roll is more than enough for 5/10, but that's because I'm NOT a bankroll nit).
4th option: Staking. Someone offered to stake me in the 10/25 game at 35/65 in his favor with makeup, but I know that my hourly realistic would be higher at 2/3/5 with my own money than at 10/25. I would basically need to win 230k a year at 10/25 to win 80k a year for myself, and I don't know if I can do that, realistically I think 150-180k a year would be great already.

Personally my preference in order would be:

The thing I enjoy about 2/3/5 though, is that I can ALWAYS find a game in San Jose, whether at m8 or at 101, which is good for me because I enjoy playing weird times.

Or Mischa9, Kadabra, Gayest_man, ColtsForTheW and all you other 2p2ers I see at m8 help me get the 5/5/10 game going on a daily basis!
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-06-2012 , 12:38 PM
Dude, this is way over my head, cuz I've never been close to in your I guess my opinion is perhaps not valid...but I love pontificating, so here we are.

I realize your cost of living is high, & you live in Cal-eeee-fore-knee-ah, but you haven't had a bad year at all, right? If you could have a couple more years similar to this one, I think you'd be pretty straight. I also think during your time crushing, you'd be getting valuable experience, continue learning, etc.

Don't get me wrong--I LOVE that you're not a bankroll nit. I kinda laughed when you wrote that, because it is pretty obvious I'm just thinking staking is unnecessary for a guy like you. You have a good roll, and you've proven yourself as an earner. If something ****ed up happens, and you have to spend 90% of your roll or something, then maybe staking could help...but ****, you've built a sweet roll twice now on your own.

Another thing: yeah, it's good to work towards goals, but it's also ok for those goals to change over time. You never have to stick to a plan because "it's your plan".

Keep crushing, soldier.
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12-06-2012 , 05:22 PM
I felt pretty fishy when I sat at the 5/5/10 last friday haha. We need to make the fishes think its cool to sit in the 5/5/10 again or get some pros into the 10/25 game lol.

I think youre BR is huge for 2/3/5. The game is pretty soft there as you already know and I've never had more than a 2k downswing. The order of your 4 options seem about right.
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12-08-2012 , 04:52 AM
My last 5 sessions/days playing 2-3-5 at m8


= +7300

Current Br: 78.8k

No hands were interesting and nothing confused me. Everything seems standard at 2/3/5. Just run good.
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-08-2012 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by harborlaw387
You are forgiven! It's okay I've never seen a kill anywhere else, I think more accurately it's called a Mississippi Straddle.

5 and 10 dollar kills in ANY position effectively makes it 10 and 20 to open, respectively. So if you throw out 10 on the button (or MP or UTG or even Big blind) before the cards come out you are LAST to act PF and you have the options of: Calling 10 more which will bring out the flop. Folding which you surrender your 10. Raising to any amount you'd like.

Does that make sense?
Kill =/= Mississippi straddle.


When one player wins a preset number of hands in a row, usually three. The blinds at this time go up by a preset amount, usually double, and the player who started the kill must pay an additional big blind of the same amount.

At kill tables, there is a red button to denote when the kill is on. The kill stays on until the player who started it loses/folds a hand.

Mississippi straddle:

Being allowed to straddle from anywhere on the table at any point in time, though sometimes it is only allowed on the button depending on the room.
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-08-2012 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by peachfuzzle
Kill =/= Mississippi straddle.


When one player wins a preset number of hands in a row, usually three. The blinds at this time go up by a preset amount, usually double, and the player who started the kill must pay an additional big blind of the same amount.

At kill tables, there is a red button to denote when the kill is on. The kill stays on until the player who started it loses/folds a hand.

Mississippi straddle:

Being allowed to straddle from anywhere on the table at any point in time, though sometimes it is only allowed on the button depending on the room.

Okay so not going to argue, but the place if you call them will tell you it's a 1-2-2 no limit 5 to open game, with an optional 5 and 10 dollar kills which will make the open 10 and 20 respectively. Their killing/straddle/mississippi does not make any sense whatsoever. You put 5 dollars out before the cards are dealt in any position and you are last to act but its 10 to open. if you put 10 its 20 to open. works in any position. you also have the option of folding your kill and losing 1/2 the open.
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-08-2012 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by harborlaw387
Okay so not going to argue, but the place if you call them will tell you it's a 1-2-2 no limit 5 to open game, with an optional 5 and 10 dollar kills which will make the open 10 and 20 respectively. Their killing/straddle/mississippi does not make any sense whatsoever. You put 5 dollars out before the cards are dealt in any position and you are last to act but its 10 to open. if you put 10 its 20 to open. works in any position. you also have the option of folding your kill and losing 1/2 the open.
Should we cooperate and call it Dead Mississippi?

Seriously though, do you think that game has better action because of the unique rules? It sounds like a great game.
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12-08-2012 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Coach McGuirk
Should we cooperate and call it Dead Mississippi?

Seriously though, do you think that game has better action because of the unique rules? It sounds like a great game.
Definitely. I always make it 20 to go on the button or c/o and I can own the game because of it.

dead mississippi it is!
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-09-2012 , 02:36 AM
That bitch variance caught up today. -2200. All std hands..

I got into 4 big hands out of my first 6 hands. Went like this:

First hand I get AK MP and raise to 40 with 1 limper. c/o cold calls me, bb calls, limper folds.

Flop K,9,3
I bet, c/o goes all in, I call, c/o has K5 and hits a 5 ott and it holds up.

2nd hand I pick up JJ and call a 35 dollar raise. Guy behind me immediately makes it 105 total, 2 people call and i call 70 more. Flop 2,5,5. Checks to original raiser who bets, followed by an all in behind him. I muck, original raiser calls and they have QQ and 1010

3rd hand fold

4th hand I pick up QQ otb. I 3bet ep's raise from 25 to 90. EP calls.

Flop: KQ10r
Ep checks Hero bets 150, ep crai for about 250 more behind hero calls and ep has AJ and it holds up.

5th hand fold

6th hand I call a LP raise to 45 on the bb with AQs. utg calls and mp who limped ships for his last 150. 3 people fricken calls before it gets to me, I all 105 more and utg calls 105 more. 900 in the pot going into flop. Flop: 2,2,J. I check, UTG goes all in for 150, 3 people fold, LP original Raiser goes all in for 155 (5 more than utg), I call 155 with AQs because there is 1200 in the pot and my cards could be live (it was, but i didn't suckout, even with a 10 turn that gave me 2 overs and a gutter).

I was adding on chips this whole time (1.5k deepstack 2-3-5 game), and a few orbits later I raise in the c/o with JJ to 65, the mean guy who cracked my set with AJ earlier is my first caller (cold caller too), and I get 1 more caller.

Flop Q,J,4 all diamonds.
checks all around
turn 2 clubs and mean guy is first to act and bets 150, other person folds, I flat. River is a 7 spade and mean guy bets out 450. F*ck it, if he flopped it he flopped it. Hero calls and Villain shows 6,9dd... yes he limp called my 65 pf raise with 6,9dd and flopped it.

I then had about 300 left which I just tilted away making the dumbest moves and calls ever, but I was on mega tilt and didn't care. stupid of me oh well..

My last 5 sessions/days playing 2-3-5 at m8


= +5100 over last 6 sessions..

soo yea br: 76.6k
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-09-2012 , 03:15 PM
-600... I am going to take a few day break, I think I'm still on tilt from yesterday. I basically raise shoved my AQss on a 3c7s9s board with not much money in the pot and i didn't get there. I usually don't do that.

Taking a few day break, perhaps some golfing, eating and working out??

My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-09-2012 , 03:55 PM
New title ITT.
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-09-2012 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by serio562
New title ITT.

This thread originally started as a rebuild thread, turned into a grand goal which I wont reach. During this process I realized what my ultimate goal was, which is to play high stakes again for a living (:.
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-09-2012 , 10:54 PM
That b*tch variance caught up to me again.


1st hand I got busted with was with 6,8ss raising OTB

Flop: A,5,7 with 2 spades.

I 3 bet flop and get flatted.

Pot: 2200

Turn: A

I call a shove by V who had me covered and I had about 400 behind. I reluctantly call and don't fill up.

2nd hand I lost to 2p2er Mischa9.

1.2k efc
Mischa covers

Mischa9 3 bets in MP to 75

Hero cold calls with JJ OTB

Flop: Q,J,4 with 2 spades.

Mischa9 bets 150 (Pot was like 300)

Hero Raises to 550

Mischa9 ships

Hero Calls

Mischa turns over K,10ss

Turn 8s
river As

Mischa wins with a royal flush LOL.

nh sir!
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-09-2012 , 11:18 PM
Nice thread, sick games, GL!
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-10-2012 , 12:43 AM
Hmmm, 7hrs after saying you are taking a break you post a 3k loss.
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-10-2012 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by Brown Keeper
Hmmm, 7hrs after saying you are taking a break you post a 3k loss.
It was the same session LOL. I'm stubborn.
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-10-2012 , 06:02 PM
Found an old photo from my degen session in Vegas before.

I was down about 120k at this point and had food sent up to my room to eat. While eating I carefully laid out my chips and planned my comeback.

The comeback never happened, in fact I ended up losing it all!

My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-10-2012 , 11:14 PM
MGM Foxwoods chippies! That's no Vegas bro
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-11-2012 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984
MGM Foxwoods chippies! That's no Vegas bro

Yes you can use it at mgm... if you read my busto thread basically I won a lot playing poker, and over like a 3-4 day period I flew to Vegas twice with everything I had and lost it all... I've had mgm CT, commerce CA and Bellagio chips accepted at MGM casino....
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-11-2012 , 01:18 AM
Oh I think I just responded to you on the chipstack porn thread....
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-11-2012 , 03:29 AM
is your identity a secret? if not can you PM me a pic? if you played at commerce, i might have seen you around. would like to see who this legend is!
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-11-2012 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by rakes
is your identity a secret? if not can you PM me a pic? if you played at commerce, i might have seen you around. would like to see who this legend is!
legend? a "legend" who has recently been getting owned at 2-3-5 lol...

I'll pm a pic when i'm not on my phone lol
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-11-2012 , 03:51 AM
LoL @ pm me a pic
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-11-2012 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by serio562
LoL @ pm me a pic
Serio, was that request a bit weird? Now that I think about it, it is lol.
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
12-11-2012 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by serio562
LoL @ pm me a pic
you caught me.
My journey to playing high stakes live games for a living Quote
