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My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes

07-24-2015 , 04:14 PM
Call me sweetie. 😘
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
07-24-2015 , 04:25 PM
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
07-24-2015 , 04:34 PM
Creepy Parker.
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
07-24-2015 , 06:49 PM
between you and i
i could care less
improper double negative use

slim and i separated at birth possible?
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
07-24-2015 , 07:16 PM
You've got slimkus down at the very least
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
07-24-2015 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by squid face

between you and i

i could care less

improper double negative use

slim and i separated at birth possible?

My Journey in Live Mid-High StakesMy Journey in Live Mid-High StakesMy Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes️ getemtiger
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
07-27-2015 , 04:38 PM
Small update:

Had a pretty good start to the month
Then had a 16k downswing in 5 days (including -7k in the first 30 min)
Still trying to put together an okay winning month with a few days left. Knock on wood!
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
07-27-2015 , 04:44 PM
Would you be my sugarmama?
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
07-27-2015 , 04:44 PM
Sheesh. I vote for taking the last few days of the month off.
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
07-28-2015 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
Would you be my sugarmama?
Afraid you got nothing to offer
Originally Posted by NeverLosesAtPoker
Sheesh. I vote for taking the last few days of the month off.
Gawd I wish i took the entire month off after the first week given how fast things went downhill.

However I don't think I have it in me to ever just sit around though. I need to be doing something and not feel like I wasted time at the end of a day.

I'm also running extremely under EV so it feels like I can only put in even more volume to bring my hourly up.
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
07-28-2015 , 11:40 AM
Hand histories?
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
08-06-2015 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by RelentlessDoubt
Hand histories?
Last time I posted hands, someone pm'd me to berate me on how horrible I was, so I'm having reservations about this - not that I mind disagreements, but rather that I might feel compelled to engage in a strat discussion with someone whose only aim was to demonstrate their superiority. I'll prob get over it though and think of some interesting spots soon.
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
08-06-2015 , 02:56 AM
Went to a fair today, there were some crazy fair foods

I still enjoy going to them, even though it pretty much is just a place where you pay admission/parking just so you can spend more money inside.


Some more things not in the pictures:
- battered and fried white castle burgers
- pickles in red koolaid brine
- battered and fried potato chips
- $125 caviar on twinkie
- chocolate covered pork rinds

Basically, things were all either battered/covered in chocolate/wrapped in bacon, or a combination of the above. Looking at some of these things actually made me lose some appetite.

Also a deer in the petting zoo ate my hair


The culprit

My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
08-06-2015 , 03:01 AM
Managed to book an ok month in july after the -16k downswing in the middle. I really need to update on the last 3 months - which I will definitely get to soon!
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
08-06-2015 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by Snowball2
Managed to book an ok month in july after the -16k downswing in the middle. I really need to update on the last 3 months - which I will definitely get to soon!
Looking forward to your extended LA trip update.
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
08-18-2015 , 11:34 PM
April, May, June, July

Wow, time went by fast! Can't believe I've had this thread for well over a year now.

Here is a summary of the last 4 months:

April: 56 hours (took the last 2 weeks off due to moving out/finishing up at work); winning month
May: 82 hours (played while traveling); had big downswing on the last weekend of the month, so I ended up winning so little that I pretty much broke even for the month
June: 176 hours (WSOP month and my first full time month!); up and down the whole month, ended winning a bit in the end
July: 170 hours (played longer sessions than June on average but over fewer days); even a bigger variance roller coaster than June, but booked a solid winnar in the end

So since my 4 losing months in a row (from September to December last year), I've booked 7 winning months in a row since then . I'm not on some kind of sick heater by all means, but things are definitely looking up since the worst of it.

These are some of the things that I've learned about myself and the game along the way:

Part time vs. Full time

Back when I was still working at the 9-5, I remember being vehemently told in a 2p2 discussion once that us "weekend warriors" have it easy, with the extra income and shorter hours at the table.

Now having experienced both sides, I can confidently say that they were wrong! I've never had less stress, had more free time, and been more rested.

A lot of people go straight from never holding a full time job to being a pro. I think having worked full time helps you being disciplined at poker when it comes to putting in the hours. I can say some "pros" take their job for granted. I talked to some guy who moved across the country to play professionally, and actually saw him at the casino like twice in a whole month. The way I see it, being pro is NOT a golden ticket to do more of nothing with your time, but rather more of everything else.

I think I can't be the kind of person who's happy with making an okay living and spending ALL of the rest of my time doing fun/relaxing (but unproductive) things. Not now anyways. I get that's not everyone.

Instead of binging on dime a dozen TV shows and being a couch potato, learn something new, useful, and/or interesting. Expand yourself and grow your mind. Look for ways out of poker in the future because this is not a growth industry.

This brings me to my next point.

Poker is hella boring

Let me first preface this by saying that I do spend a good amount of time discussing, learning, and improving on my game - and I know there is much left to be learned. I don't even really know how to play any other games!

But to me, as interesting as this game can get, it's all confined to a little box. Grinding is also boring. In the end you are just pressing buttons in a statistics game pushing pots back and forth with your opponents, with the expectation and hope that the pots coming are bigger than the pots going. There's no fun in it when you understand the mathematical mechanisms behind winning - there's absolutely no "thrill of the gambool" in it for me. Sure, a 9-5 job can be dreadful too, but hours grinding on a felt have WAY less future value than hours grinding in an office (in terms of future career prospects). Some people have no other choice, and some prefers it - which relates back to my previous point: don't limit yourself either way.

I read that a few people have expressed this sense of "emptiness" even after a winning session. I remember feeling really depressed once after I made over 1k in just a few hours of 2/5. I should have been ecstatic given how hard I've tried to come out of my downswing. I tried to understand where this could be coming from, and I couldn't, yet - but it's nice to know that i'm not alone. Maybe we are so desensitized to money that winning a lot of it may at first seem like a great thing.. but in the end, it's really nothing.

It's hard to find the motivation to pick up things to do outside of poker - because long sessions tend to turn people into zombies after. I try to keep up in small ways but sometimes it feels like i'm not doing enough. One of my biggest fear is the regret of wasting time. It's so easy to feel that way with poker when you aren't winning. I can't control variance but I want to be able to say at the end, even though the worst case scenario (wrt poker) may have happened, I still did all these productive things and grew as a person in these ways.

Getting better at this game

Anyway let's come back to earth and talk more poker.

My game is constantly morphing and sometimes I wonder if I sucked before. But I think that's ok because the understanding of poker is fluid. As long as you are doing *something* with your game then you shouldn't be looking at it ever the same even from month to month.

One thing I've gotten better at recently is actually playing much more exploitably. My coach has an online background so his approach to the game is very balanced in comparison to the other live-only coaches. I think that's important vs. regs/good pros who can quickly catches onto what you are doing. That was my main preoccupation when I first started getting coaching - it was hard to grasp at first but it let me beat some very reggy games (esp loved playing lagtards - probably up more life time vs. them than whales/fish). It even made the game easier because you already know what you are doing with different parts of your range in various spots.

Gradually I realized that being completelt balanced all the time is unnecessary and excessive. This is true esp vs. bad players/nits/stations/people who aren't balanced in general. In a sense it's almost like reverting back to how I played before I got coaching (ie. very live-read dependent and not very good hah), but now I have a more indepth understanding of everything else. For example - I've recently made an extremely fishy move where I min check raised a set in a 3 bet pot where the pfr had an obvious overpair, so I can set the pot sizing up for a river shove. This was playing pretty face-up and took me a little out of my comfort zone - but for the most part live players are bad enough where you can exploit them with transparent lines.

Exploitative folds are also important. In some games people rarely fire a large river bluff, and rather give up than think, "geez I have no sdv, let me just fire a large polarized bet into their bluff catcher". I'm not just talking about nits. I have made calls before where I was wrong. Range-wise there could be bluffs that I beat, but if I had the read that they will 1) rarely bluff and 2) size it smaller if they did, then it should have been a fold. It's almost worth more to pay a lot of attention to bad players than to competent players because there is so much information you can get from them.

All these might sound like I'm telling you yesterday's news, but it's been a big switch for me when I've been obsessed with designing and protecting my range (not saying these arent important but now it's more comprehensive).

I've also started to use software for studying. Decision tree programs are kind of annoying to use for live games because you have to make so many assumptions about lollive players (aka wild monkeys with two napkins). Still, it's useful to see which hands you should be folding/raising/calling with given an opponent's range - and the answers can be pretty surprising/interesting.

Life in general

I've been on the road for the last 3.5 months staying in hotels/airbnb places. This was a dream that I started sketching at the beginning of this year and I'm proud to have made it into a reality. As much as working in depressing places/dealing with variance suck, i have to remind myself how many people my age would have killed for an opportunity to travel and work at your own leisure. It's a small silver lining when time gets tough.

I'm still learning to come to terms with variance. The cliffs are that I've literally ran the worst in big pots for my last 1000 hours. Just switch the equities around every time it's 80/20 or better. These all in spots where you have them crushed and they still give you action don't come around often, and when i'm constantly on the losing end it obv has a huge impact on my win rate. Oh and can't win my share of coinflips either. I think I'm okay with short term variance but it's hella depressing to think how much i'm down from those spots.

Oh and don't even get me started on how many people commenting on how good I run. I want to smack them. I just rebuy really quickly and always have chips to top off lol.

I think what has helped a bit is seeing how other winning/crushing players having extensive downswings/break even stretches. This is not schadenfreude at all - rather, it puts my problems into perspective and confirms that variance can get even the best.

Going forward, I plan on doing the same things as I'm currently doing - playing and traveling for at least a little longer, then see what happens.

Thanks for reading!

Last edited by Snowball2; 08-18-2015 at 11:40 PM.
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
08-19-2015 , 02:04 AM
Glad to hear you are stringing together some winning months and enjoying the freedom/travel. I agree with a lot of the points you brought up. Keep doing your thing, no doubt you will be a very successful player!
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
08-19-2015 , 04:47 AM
That's a great post... I agree with a lot of it, although I don't necessarily agree with the PT vs. FT thing. It's already been argued on 2p2 ad nauseum in multiple threads, though, so no need to debate it. I think it's an individual thing and you may not be in the majority, which is good.

Your points on getting out and doing things are huge, and I'm sure a lot of poker players would do well to take that to heart. It's one reason I think I was happy while traveling even though I was down swinging... I live in a place where there's like nothing to do, it's suburban hell, and my free time ends up being TV/movies/computer. When I'm in a city or traveling, even just taking a walk makes me overall happier than those things. The older I get, the more I think (most) TV is like the bane of society.

I've heard a few people say they feel like they're wasting time as poker pros when they are not winning, but I've never really felt that way. Just look at it as always putting your hours in and knowing you're making an expected hourly of X. To look at downswing hours as time wasted is the same as being results oriented when the cards are turned up and saying you should have taken a different line just because your opponent was at the top/bottom of their range.

Congrats on coming over to the dark (light?) side of exploitive play. Being good at both gives you a lot of freedom and lets you do some really creative stuff. Purely exploitive players might not recognize certain mistakes people are making with their ranges, thus losing opportunities. I think the spots you're going to start seeing now should make things fun for a while.

With regard to all of the travel, I'm curious what you think about the best way to do it? We both did a lot of traveling recently, and I think we both did it somewhat similarly... You didn't really stay anywhere longer than 2 weeks or so, right? I'm curious whether you think that's the best way to do it or finding spots for a month or so to grind a normal full-time schedule and then moving on and taking a week here or there totally off from poker, which also lets you visit regions/cities that don't have poker. The downside of that being that it can be hard to bounce back from total vacations in poker, and repeatedly doing it could be a challenge... The discipline aspect could be harder.
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
08-19-2015 , 07:32 AM
Hey baby cliffs for the tldr?

Hopefully cliffs are: sb winning
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
08-19-2015 , 09:16 AM
Sb winning, but running bad & occasionally emo. Playing less balanced against dumbazzes. Overall fairly happy with full-time poker for now.
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
08-19-2015 , 09:31 AM
Bonus points for both correctly using and correctly spelling schadenfreude.

Which reminds me, whatever happened to Schadenfred? He was a great poster.
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
08-19-2015 , 09:33 AM
Awesome stuff SB!
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
08-19-2015 , 10:27 AM
Nice post
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
08-19-2015 , 03:57 PM
Nice job SB
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
08-19-2015 , 04:25 PM
Marry me, kitty.
My Journey in Live Mid-High Stakes Quote
