Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 2
Hi all what better way for my first post than to set a few goals for myself this year
ive been a long time lucker on 2+2 now i wanna get involed with the commuity
so here goes my goals for 2012 are as follows
[ ] supernova status on stars
[ ] end the year with 5000+ br
[ ] learn a new form of game this year
[ ] eat healthy stay fit ny hitting the gym 3-4 nights a week
to make this challange worth while im going to do it with a $40 br with two $40 reloads for a total of $120 bucks im on my phone at present will update properly when i get home so forgive some spelling mishaps
the ges will be a mix of everything from nlhe to plo sats sngs mtts ill be using a agressive brm strat
wish me luck and best of luck to you at the tables