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My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing

09-20-2014 , 03:18 AM
Wow just read this all in a few hours at work you are a crazy man!!I just started my own challenge so check it out give me input.

My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-22-2014 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by benjamin barker
I'm jealous.

I am a lifelong Buffalo Bills fan. They haven't made the playoffs in like 15 years. I had season tickets for 5 years and sat through several subzero 14-6 slopfest losses.

Bills fans don't hope to go to the Super Bowl. They hope there is some chance they get hot at the right time and catch a few lucky breaks and are still in the wild card hunt with 4 weeks left to play.

Root root root for the home team though right?

Although right now and at least until Sunday, if you ask Siri "Who is the best team in the NFL?" it says the Buffalo Bills!
Yeah man this is your season!

Are you from upstate NY?
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-22-2014 , 01:13 AM


I have been working a good amount up here in Montreal, my friend who I came up to visit is actually the one who taught me poker and he sweated me and we talked about spots and he helped me realize some of my leaks. I've been breakevenish in the last 30k hands or so, I think mainly due to normal stuff, but definitely have not been playing optimally. Today it rained all day so I worked pretty much all day and kept up with the NFL games. I got two good workouts in while I was here and I actually love Montreal and want to come back, so it's been a good trip.


I haven't been keeping up with my meditation and I didn't get into MGOP like I wanted to on this trip, I only have myself to blame. But I'm not too stressed about it, I kind of have it in my head that I'm going to be in 24/7 balance mode when I get to Mexico, and until then I can just keep working and setting myself up for when I'm there. I'm at like 33k on the month, and I'm happy with that. Not like I'm going to take the rest of the month off, but I am keeping it in mind as I am having this BE stretch (or trying anyways, definitely not succeeding all the time).

Dmbl incline 3x10
dmbl flat 3x10
incline 3x10
flye machine 3x10
dmbl curl 3x10
concentration curl 3x10
hammer curl 3x10
hamstring curl 3x10
glute extensions 3x10
ball lunges 3x10

arnold press 3x10
side delt raise 3x10
front raise 3x10
trap row 3x10
rear delt raise 5x10
tricep pressdown 3x10
skullcrushers 3x10
incline closegrip 3x10
quad extensions 3x10
calf raises 3x10
leg press 2x10

All hands in new DB:
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-24-2014 , 02:41 AM


Poker is going ok. I am happy with my game for the most part. I am at 36k on the month, so really gonna hit it hard this last week and see if I can get to 50. I was a little tilty last cpl days, so tomorrow its time to refocus. It's always good to be back home with my monitors, where I feel like i play most optimally. I've found every time I've brought my laptop somewhere else and grinded, I don't play my A game. I still made some money while in Montreal so whatever, but just want to throw it out there to remind myself.

I find that if I have other stresses, I let it directly affect work. I am excited but stressed about this move. I have a bunch of stuff to take care of before it, and even though it's over a month away, I feel kind of overwhelmed. I really am not good at getting administrative stuff done, or rather, I dread it for some reason, so I just put it off. I can't really put any of the things off that I need to do for Mexico, so it feels like I am doing things every day. Whatever. I'll be happy when I'm settled in down there and focus on my balance and work. I was pleasantly impressed with Montreal and think I might spend some of next summer up there.

I got a SSD drive that I ordered in the mail today, so I'm pretty excited to install that tomorrow and get things working quickly. I'm tired of timing out of hands due to my HEM freezing.

I have a bunch of marked hands that I am going to put in here tomorrow when I have more time. I want to discuss some tough spots I've had recently and hopefully learn some things by looking at them in more detail.

Anyways, new DB hands:

The new alt-j album is awesome. Up there with Strand of Oaks for my favorite album of the year
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-24-2014 , 04:52 AM
Edit lol. Had a couple guys against the ropes HU and had one of my best marathon sessions ever. 6 hrs, 5700 hands, +$11,500.

Puts me right at $41,763.85 for the month.

5 AM here so gonna go for a walk, soak in the sunrise and appreciate the day, and hit the hay.
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-24-2014 , 12:11 PM
sick job man!
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-25-2014 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by clydetheglide
6 hrs, 5700 hands, +$11,500.
nice hourly
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-25-2014 , 07:07 AM
Amazing work mate. Do you coach?
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-26-2014 , 03:36 AM


mmm going pretty well. Not going to put up any graphs til the end of my month. Shooting for 50k.


BACK (9/25)

Lat pulldowns 3x10
closegrip pulldowns 3x10
tbar rows 3x10

dmb incline 3x10
flat dmbl 3x10
incline bench 3x10
fly machine 3x10
pendulum squats 3x10
ball lunges 3x10
3 sets pullups
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 03:48 AM


Hit 50k on the month today!

Obviously I'm super happy. I didn't know how realistic it was when I said it a bit back and I was at like 32k. I mean I knew I could get here but didn't want to really put it as a goal bc obv I could have hit a big breakeven stretch.

That being said, I said it early in the month that it was my goal, and I went out and did it. I'm going to take a second here and pat myself on the back.

When I first started back in December, I was working my chef job and my original salary was 50k. It ended up being closer to 60 but whatever. When I first started playing poker again, I didn't want to get my hopes up because I knew that if I got it in my head that I could have a dream-type lifestyle (my dream anyways, where I work for myself, can live wherever I want, and take vacation when I want) and then it didn't pan out, I would be crushed.

And I'm not saying that I have this in the books, because you never know what's going to happen.

But when I quit my job and decided to give this a shot, NO ONE besides my gf believed in me. Everyone said I should stick with what was stable, that my addict personality couldn't handle the swings, and the 8 million other things ppl say to you when you tell them you are going to play cards for a living...and I used that stuff as motivation.

And I was definitely scared that I was making the wrong decision, that I wouldn't be able to cut it, that I would have to come crawling back with my tail between my legs.

But for some reason I thought that there are a lot of professional poker players, and that if someone else could, so could I. I didn't think I was as smart as many of them but I knew I could work hard. And I took that risk. I want to live my life to the fullest, I was given a second chance, and I'm not going to take that for granted. And I thought that if I worked hard I could at least have a shot.

Well, this is my 4th real month playing full time, and I just made my old salary in a month. And I don't know where my ceiling is, or hell maybe this WAS my ceiling, but for now I am going to appreciate it. I worked really hard, I had so many ups and downs, late nights, getting frustrated, etc...but I kept plugging along, I caught some breaks, I kept working. My whole life I've prided myself on the fact that I might get knocked down but I ALWAYS get back on the horse. And when I put my mind to something I try my best to do it.

And it makes me emotional because 3 years ago I didn't have a cent to my name. So today, I'm proud and I'm going to appreciate this moment and walk around the park so I can remember this feeling later.

I wish I didn't have to switch over databases in the middle of the month. Does anyone know if I can combine databases?

Hands from Sept 1-Sept 12 (old DB):

Hands since Sept 13th (new DB):

So, $26,358.49 + $23,702.08 = $50,060.57

Last edited by clydetheglide; 09-27-2014 at 04:15 AM.
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 04:31 AM
Well done man! Dat redline!!
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 04:34 AM
Thanks man! What does the redline mean anyways?

Made a couple k more while I was finishing up so I figured I'd put up the updated graph

My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 04:57 AM
That probably has to do with ur style I guess u dont like giving up pots and would be curious to know what ur wwsf is. Given the sick amount of volume u put in and assuming u play more than 10 tables? at the same time that redline looks more than impressive.
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 05:23 AM
This thread should be allowed to be rated 7*. GL op and thx for all the good content you put other there. It's very motivational !
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 08:21 AM
I don't recall why you had to start a new database but no, you can't 'combine' or merge 2 databases but you can import the hands from your first database into your second database. All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM2Archive is in C:\HM2Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: D:\HM2Archive\2009\07\31) or if it was auto-imported with 7283+ it would be in \HM2Archive\SiteName\YYYY\MM\DD.
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 10:30 AM
u managed to play 2k hands in less than an hour?
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 11:05 AM
Just wow

Congrats mate
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 11:44 AM
What site do you play on OP? Good job, nice results.

Or if you dont want to out which site you are playing on, what are some of the biggest US sites nowadays? Been out of the US online poker scene for awhile.
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 01:48 PM
Yeah I don't like to discuss specs, but I play on US sites. Soon to change once I relocate.

...l... - yeah, I was playing 3 diff guys HU on top of 11 tables, was ridiculous. Stomped them all too, ran good and played good.

Thanks huddlehound/seriial/TheJag, much appreciated.
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 02:31 PM
well done man, very impressive
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 04:01 PM
great results, nice work!
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 04:22 PM

Thanks to Fozzy's expertise I was able to combine my databases and here are my total stats and graph since I started this thread, on July 20th.

My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 08:10 PM
200k hand/month midstake with 4.5bb

You're either a bot programmer or the next big thing.

Theres just absolutely no way with that kind of volume that the winrate is due to the soft american sites.
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by ...|...
200k hand/month midstake with 4.5bb

You're either a bot programmer or the next big thing.

Theres just absolutely no way with that kind of volume that the winrate is due to the soft american sites.
It's 4.5bb/100, not 40, why do you have trouble believing it?
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
09-27-2014 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by ...|...
200k hand/month midstake with 4.5bb

You're either a bot programmer or the next big thing.

Theres just absolutely no way with that kind of volume that the winrate is due to the soft american sites.
i put in 100k/month and consider myself lazy. 200k is very doable.

carbon is very soft all the way up to nl100. not sure about medium stakes. after seeing some sweats, bovada is soft all the way up to 1knl. win rates are def achievable also, he just has a sick work ethic and knows teh poker.
My First Year as a Successful Sober Pro: Doing the Damn Thing Quote
