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My fifty50 Journey My fifty50 Journey

12-18-2012 , 02:49 AM
I recently started playing these and have been honestly having trouble with my motivation. I am hoping creating this thread makes me put in more time and hours getting me to the level i want to be at. I am playing 3.50 right now however after 500 games at these my backer plans on moving me to the 7s with the intent of getting me to the 15s soon and hopefully further than that which could lead to some potential if I can maintain the motivation to get grinding.

About ME: I work fulltime nights mostly which means i can grind the peak hours on pokerstars. I have kids and try to make time for them as a seperated parent that works the hours they are out of school its hard and i only see them every 2 weeks and holidays for the most part. I am hoping to reach the 30s by febuary 1st and if I do I plan on working really hard and going for supernova elite playing these games. I do mass multitable these well having gotten to then crazy number of games playing which with 5050s is not really very big as they only go 6 handed no further.

I will post graphs every so often and other cool stuff i come across

Thanks for reading
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-18-2012 , 03:44 PM
505 games played at the $3.50 level and made $140 with an 8% roi and a 60% cash rate. Waiting for my backer to come on and give me the go ahead(and enough cash) to play the $7s
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-19-2012 , 05:14 PM
recieved the money from my back late last night and have played a few sets today at the 7s marking regs and getting a feel for the next level. I am down $12.99 over 78 games today so not a great start but not a bad one either
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-20-2012 , 02:09 PM
got 100 games in yesterday and 11th in a $2 mtt so not a bad day overl up 4 buks at the 7s and 15 in mtts. Woke up to a massive bad beat today got called in super early to work due too ******ed management failure so i get to clean up the mess FML
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-20-2012 , 02:15 PM
Good luck. I used to play the $5 DoNs on Stars before they got rid of them. Thought about switching over to the fifty50's but wasn't sure how easy it would be to adapt to the necessary strategy changes. Good to see they're decently beatable.
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-20-2012 , 03:25 PM
gl sir
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-21-2012 , 12:39 AM
thx guys will go for 100 games tmrw hopefully more
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-21-2012 , 02:01 AM
yeah,got 100 games in yesterday and 11th in a $2 mtt so not a bad day overl up 4 buks at the 7s and 15 in mtts [Hidden spam removed]

Last edited by Mike Haven; 12-24-2012 at 07:58 PM.
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-21-2012 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by maryinbulb
yeah,got 100 games in yesterday and 11th in a $2 mtt so not a bad day overl up 4 buks at the 7s and 15 in mtts [Hidden spam removed]
lil confused by this why are you copying my post?

Last edited by Mike Haven; 12-24-2012 at 07:58 PM.
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-22-2012 , 04:04 PM
So overall i have played 217 games and down 7 buyins at the $7 level. With work and real life obligations I havent had alot of time to get in a decent ammount of grind. Hoping to turn things around after christmas and maybe get in 1000 games between the 26 and 31st
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-25-2012 , 01:08 AM
so I have played a total of 253 games at the 7s and am down $59.13. 7 buyins not so bad and easy to come back to wont be playing for a couple days gl everyone
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-25-2012 , 01:57 AM
Are you trying to make most of your money from SNE bonuses and just putting in insane volume? And then just whatever on the actual poker profit?

I remember playing 50s a decent amount before BF and to me it didn't seem like there was really any money to be made there especially with a lot of people catching on how to play these types of games.

Seems like you are good enough at these where you can just tread water profit/loss wise and just snatch up a crapload of bonuses by putting in insane volume.
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-25-2012 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Are you trying to make most of your money from SNE bonuses and just putting in insane volume? And then just whatever on the actual poker profit?

I remember playing 50s a decent amount before BF and to me it didn't seem like there was really any money to be made there especially with a lot of people catching on how to play these types of games.

Seems like you are good enough at these where you can just tread water profit/loss wise and just snatch up a crapload of bonuses by putting in insane volume.
It just depends on how I do at each level if i do very well then yes the plan is to make the most money thru bonuses and insane volume. I am working on getting table ninja fixed to increase my reaction speed and hopefully make it possible to add even more tables and I would honestly like to maintain a 1% ROI over the insane volume and make money pre RB
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-25-2012 , 02:36 AM
Subbed gl
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-25-2012 , 09:12 PM
What is your bankroll now? What will your bankroll be with a backer? What is the most amount of games you could play in a day realistically? How many can you multi-table at once?
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-25-2012 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
What is your bankroll now? What will your bankroll be with a backer? What is the most amount of games you could play in a day realistically? How many can you multi-table at once?
my backer gave me 80 buyins for the $7 level. daily i guess it depends on how many are running and so on if i play set or continous along with many other factors. I have gotten up to 45 but no table ninja yet so i figure i can 50+ table when it is working properly again
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-27-2012 , 03:59 AM
I have no idea how some of you can FORTY+ table and FIFTY + table with whatever this ninja thing is... this is ming boggling.

So if you can 40 table...each game is like what? 30 mins in length at most? So if you 40 table for say 5 hours a day. That's about 400 games per day roughly, right???

Ok I did the VPP calculation for 700 turbo fifty50's (almost twice as much as 400 games per day which would be suicide in itself) at 7$ oer game and that would equal about 32k in bonuses for a full year. Which obviously isn't NOT worth the absolutely insane/impossible grind that would be for a full year.

Wouldn't it make more sense to take those 80 buy-ins at the 7$ level and grind (I don't know) 4 or 5 at a time? Where you can easily focus on the actual poker and then raise your bankroll that way? I have no idea what a solid ROI would be when being able to really focus on the games, but I don't know, to me it doesn't seem like the fiffy50's are the way to go if you have big cash bonuses and possibly SNE in mind. I don't know though, I could be wrong. I am just curious from your perspective though.
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-27-2012 , 02:21 PM
but ill be up to the 30s by febuary 1st so itll be very easy once i reach that point
My fifty50 Journey Quote
12-28-2012 , 05:07 PM
So I finally got together with FOOL from TN and got my table ninja working. He also helped fix some minor issues with the way my comp ran and is so much faster now.

I played a 1.5 hour session earlier and got in just over 100 games testing out TN making little tweaks and getting it together. At 1 point i was so comfortable with everything i had 49 tables going and feeling good about my play no timing out or hardly any time banking. Gotta get used to my hotkey use tho to increase my speed a little bit more. On a side note i dug out of my 10 buyin down and am now down a half a buyin at the 7s over 371 games. Hoping to play 2 more sets today and crush them good and get to 500 games total played and see if my backer is comfortable moving to the 15s if we are up/evenish
My fifty50 Journey Quote
01-02-2013 , 04:05 AM
So i played a handful of 7s to the end of the year staying relatively even.

Today i started the real grind. I spend a week or so at the $7s to prove i can maintain the grind require for SNE and it require 2500 games a week at the 30s. today results went decent i lost 10 buyins playing 289 games in 3 hours. I work so work days limit my play but tmrw is my day off so i am hoping to get in 600+ games which shouldnt be too hard.

Took an hour tonite to do some studying of hands I had marked found a couple marginal spots where i should have be pushing not raising and a couple just bad spots ICM wise but made note of them in my notes memo. Something i read before I play to remind myself of things i shouldnt do to keep them fresh
My fifty50 Journey Quote
01-02-2013 , 08:58 AM
At the 15's and 30's are there enough games where you can play 40-50 at a time at almost any time of the day?
My fifty50 Journey Quote
01-07-2013 , 02:03 PM
So after alot of thought and research i have come to the conclussion that if my long term goal is potentially SNE then 5050s will not get me there in the long run without alot of struggle. This said I am switching over to hyper 6 max games. They seem to be the best fit for anyone with high VPP goals as they are always running at almost all levels at any time of the day. Any advice or helpful study techniques that anyone has would be muchly appreciated. GL at the tables everyone
My fifty50 Journey Quote
01-07-2013 , 08:31 PM
You won't reach SNE. You won't be able to multitable 20+ 6max hypers and I doubt you will play buy ins of 50$+. What is more, you won't be showing profit in them either. Better stick to fifty50
My fifty50 Journey Quote
01-08-2013 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by Dude Abides
You won't reach SNE. You won't be able to multitable 20+ 6max hypers and I doubt you will play buy ins of 50$+. What is more, you won't be showing profit in them either. Better stick to fifty50
im actually always been more a turbo player and did well in the hypers on merge making profit pre rakeback. I know the higher levels are mostly all regs but im ok with that the hypers on merge were 4 reg games mostly as well. I am sure I will do fine. I can comfortably 16 table hypers from previous experience but will start with 12 and move up slowly.

GL to you sir
My fifty50 Journey Quote
01-15-2013 , 05:56 AM
How is it going sir? You stopped playing the fiftys at all?
My fifty50 Journey Quote
