Hello people!
I once had a blog in danish which i got really good response on, but almost 2 years ago i updated that one, now it´s time for a new one.
It is going to be a long blog as i will start telling about my whole pokercareer which has some sick twists. Please give me feedback on my writings and what you might be missing in the blog.
I will start talking about when my poker started, which goes back to when i was 15 years old and 0 experience. The year is 2004/2005 and i think its around the big pokerboom (not sure it might have been before but for my generation) all the guys in my class was always using their freetime during school to play poker. They cut out some small pieces of paper and wrote 0,25 or 0,50 DKK on them (in USD that would be 0,5 / 0,10 blinds by that time). I really wasnt into it at all, and when they were playing i think i was talking with the girls (no im not some girlyfriend) - I just didnt feel like playing poker. Anyways one day they got me talked into joining, we all went home to one of the guy´s from my class who just bought a chipset and played. I made an amazing 18 DKK the first time i played which was 3,5 buyins and i felt such a sick feeling running through my body. Now i was into it, and i was really caught up with poker, i went home and made an account to play freerolls on the old site pokerroom. It was amazing, freerolls was running each day and all of the sudden even in school all our freetime went at the PC´s playing poker for playmoney. The next time we played homegame again i won 50 DKK / 10 buyins, so the day after i had a partymeal in the cantine (yo chocolate milk).
So now i was playing each day freerolls, and i remember how i one day won 100 USD in a freeroll - This was big, and yes i was able to get the money out to my electron even though i had an account that was underaged (i obv. said i was older). I went down town and i bought a shirt for my own money!
Time went by and i started on a boarding school, i think it is only in Denmark we have it and directly translated it would be "after school". Here i lived for a year, learned new people and got some really good friends whom also was into poker. We had 2 days a week were we meet in one of our rooms just grinding freerolls. One day it was no longer enough with the freerolls and i tried my first "bigger" deposit on 90 USD to pokerstars. I have no clue how, but i managed to turn that 90 USD into 3500 USD in NLHE (a game i have no clue how to conquer today). It got spread out on the school and i was fast known as the pokerplayer, people graduated me on my "big" win and i felt so good - Then the problem came. As you all know pokerstars a really up to date with security and my account also got busted - Mail "documents please". Today that account still remains locked with 3500 USD in it and my life just turned upside down. A feeling of anger, tilt and frustration i went on a massacre on my bankaccount losing more than 3000 USD and totally busted everything i owned (just to be clear i had the best time on boarding school, and i still miss it, if i got the chance i would pay alot to take another year). A mood picture from the boarding school, with what was back then my "best girlfriend" - She posted it on facebook back then with a heart "best friend" so i assume its cool i post it (also funny to see how pictures was taking back in that age... Modelling):
Life goes on.... So boardingschool ended and i took 3 JOBS, just to earn my money back, never in my life have i worked this much. I worked each day, Job 1: Going around with advertising/magazines, Job 2: Bicycling around the town with medicine to the elders, Job 3: Working in a big supermarket and actually i over 1 month had Job 4: Renting out skates.
I turned 18 and i managed to bust alot of money, as i had NO clue how to play and i thought because back on the school i won 3500 USD i could easily do it again - And then the letter of doom came, a letter from my bank which was on probably 20 pages if not more with deposit and withdrawals from all my playing - My parents saw it and we had A LONG talk about me NEVER playing poker again. IRL i was really crushed and i couldnt agree more with my parents about never playing poker, but this sick feeling i had inside (yy, some will say "gambling problem") wanted me to play! I had 300 USD left on my pokeraccount at this time. Then i saw a sattelite to a 1k USD tournament known as super tuesday and i signed up for the sat, which was a 30r sat. I spent 90 USD on it and won the seat, back then i DID NOT know i could sell my seat and get 1k USD which i obviously would have - The SAT i played was the first MTT i ever played on my acc. So tuesday night i played the tournament, started 01:30 my time, which was the 2nd MTT i ever played on my account. By 07:30 in the morning i was still in it, i had been the chipleader almost the whole tournament, then it knocked on the door and i THROW my laptop away, closing it and played "sick", so i didnt have to go to gym. My mother agreed with me that i was sick (you know the tricks) and she went out of the room again. So i took my laptop back up in the bed, and by this time i was already secured 5000 USD! The feeling was crazy and i have no clue how i was still playing so cold back then, no feelings attached i was so focused. Then we hit the finaltable, i was 2nd in chip but soon this should change. I busted one after another and suddenly we were headsup, me sitting with 90+% of the chips!!! I was running sooooo good, and when the clock hit 09:30 i had won the tournament! 75.000 USD, holy ****.
I jumped up, i screamed "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" and danced around with my laptop before i entered the living room where my mom was working home, i told her "mother, i just won 450k DKK !!!!". But her reaction was totally different from mine, she started crying saying "how could you, we agreed you never play poker again, now go to school!". So i went to school, not sure how to feel i was so excited yet so sad over my mothers' reaction. My dad have always been a little more chill when it came to this, and when i came back home from school (gym) he was like "okay we need to talk about this". He saw the money on the account, but still none of them believed i would get it.It also took 1-2 weeks before the cheque arrived - 1-2 weeks with me being kinda nervous, just waiting and waiting.
Now it was for real, i was 75k (40k) USD richer (i had to pay 50% in taxes, fml - My dad is the vice tax director in Denmark, you try to twist this). But for the first time my mother was also happy, and a moment i never forget: I was sitting with my friends, when she came over, gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "I´m proud of you - But this you are never gonna hear again regarding poker". This sentence that totally put me in a happiness that cannot be explained.
So i celebrated by buying a really expensive jacket and 100 drinks of a thing named cult shakers when we went to town with my friends and free bar the whole evening/night for them. Also soon the whole town knew it, cause in the age of 18 years old you really feel like bragging about something as big as that. This is definantly not always a good thing to do and ofcourse it also ended up having some downsites to it (will come in future posts).
I think i will stop the first post here and hear some opinions before i continue, at some point i should hit my life as it is now so i can update from the days i am currently living (which is a total lifechanger from my earlier life).
Last edited by PokerNplayer; 11-06-2013 at 12:11 PM.
Reason: Some spelling mistakes