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MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser

02-24-2016 , 04:05 AM
So stack and tile a no no? Did you manage to fix HUD on ipoker, and if so how? Gl grinding out of it pal!
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
02-25-2016 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by 1mtm91
So stack and tile a no no? Did you manage to fix HUD on ipoker, and if so how? Gl grinding out of it pal!
Thanks man hope you are well and doing well on your side of the felt

Know a bunch of people who are happy with S&T but I myself have had many issues.
Re: ipoker fix and PT I understand they've released an update which helps it run, however my friends have downloaded and are getting constant freezes and crashes from PT mid session, until that's sorted I'm going to avoid iPoker as I don't play tonnes of games on there anyway.
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
02-28-2016 , 07:04 AM
GL in 2016. I almost forgot this was outchere... Glad to see things are going well mate!
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
03-01-2016 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by daChimp
GL in 2016. I almost forgot this was outchere... Glad to see things are going well mate!
thanks you mentalist <3

February in Review

Meh month in regards to $$ made, volume has been OK although would have preferred it to be higher given that it's definitely going go take a heavy hit this month given I have a week long ski holiday booked, a wedding and I'm due to move into a new flat on Sunday which is always a nightmare in regards to having someone sent round to sort the internet out.

Spent a total of 212.5 hours grinding, as well as 64 hours studying. Works out roughly to 23% of my time spent studying, I think 25% is a good figure to be aiming for so although a little short this month definitely in the right ballpark.

Managed to hit ev 9bb/100 for the month which I'm certainly happy with. If this level can be maintained throughout the year it will be a very good outcome.
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
03-07-2016 , 11:31 PM

Gone on some maaaaad heat since last posting.

Started off on the 2nd with a Powerfest victory for $8,000 in their $55 40k bounty. For being a UK member of Dusk Till Dawn on top of this I got a $1,050 powerfest main seat added, also winning the event means I'm entered into the champions event - where 100 battle it out for a vegas package amongst lots of other prizes.

3 Days later I'm in another Powerfest event, sat directly in position of owner of DTD, Simon Trumper. Another one of their promotions is if you gg him then you get a $1,050 seat. Obviously I run pure and find the elimination, meaning I get a bonus $1k rather than an extra seat as far as I'm aware of, ended up finishing 3rd in said event for $3.2k.

This evening I found 4th in the Hot $16.50 for $2.5k, f2t's in the Hot $82, then went on to finish the turbo heat with a booked win in the $27 6max hyper for ~$2,800. Makeup is finally at a number which is a very standard downswing (rather than the ol' 1k BI downswing previously hit), as well as running at 14 ev bb/100 for the past couple of weeks.

I really feel like thinks have just clicked and fell into place the past month or so, I've grafted off the felt harder than I ever have, I've been putting different concepts into my game and immediately see the results (ev bb/100 rather than monetary, although clearly these have been on the nice side of variance). This is the happiest I've been grinding in a long long time, the game feels more enjoyable, makeup isn't just a distant dream anymore and every night I have a legit shot at clearing it, something I'm obviously very excited to do so just to be able to overcome this hurdle.

I'm somewhat annoyed at the timing of real life stuff, attending a wedding on Saturday them I'm flying out to go skiing on the sunday for a week in France. If I could push these back a couple of weeks I would, work is super enjoyable and I don't really want to get out of graft mode.
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
03-08-2016 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by Gil3000
I came to this thread via the podcast, so I'm subscribing now. I enjoyed the interview, and I'm glad to hear you're on a heater.
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
03-08-2016 , 10:48 AM
Vaaaamooos, huge respect for your work ethic. Good to see you did something with my chips in the h16
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
03-12-2016 , 04:21 PM
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
03-15-2016 , 06:58 PM
nice heat mate vamoooooo

is bb/100 important in mtts? never heard anyone speak of it in the way u do break it down for my ******ed self if u please

all the best gilly lad
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
03-15-2016 , 09:35 PM
glad to see things are clicking and you're catching heat
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
03-20-2016 , 06:17 AM
glgl today!
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
04-02-2016 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by squire1888
nice heat mate vamoooooo

is bb/100 important in mtts? never heard anyone speak of it in the way u do break it down for my ******ed self if u please

all the best gilly lad
jesus took me longer than I thought to reply (over 2 weeks), cheers Kyle.

Pads stated the following on one of his older blog posts which I think is very reasonable, obviously there are lots of other factors that influence it such as icm awareness/general approach on ft's/deep runs:

-5bb / 0bb = losing big in the games, should move down immediately
1bb / 3bb = playing way too high stakes, should snap move down
4bb / 5bb = decent winner, def room for a lot of improvement
6bb / 7bb = very nice win rate, should be one of the better regs in the games you're playing
8bb / 10bb = top reg in your games
11bb+ = playing too low of a buy in should move up
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
04-02-2016 , 08:45 AM
thanks for the love btw guys, and good to see you back at the tables lipo (kinda, but not kinda ).

March in Review - Stop start month

As shown really solid start to the month, but then it ran down, don't think I helped myself too much with the holiday/flat move/number of days off because the chair I had whilst waiting on my new one to be delivered made poker ungrindable. Went from an evbb/100 of 13 all month down to 9 by the end of the month which is really frustrating given it could definitely have been higher, was hoping to at least keep it in the double figures.

Thankfully I'm now getting back into a routine and should be able to get back to where I was pre holiday, given that I believe I was playing very well. Pretty happy that despite real life taking over so much I was still capable of hitting close to 500 games. Having said that last night I had a number of ft's with no real results, other than the $109 bounty builder. Ended up 4th where I leaned it in really hard and unnecessarily, after realising my mistake probably about 1 minute after the hand having levelled myself in game I felt very crushed, I'm always ok busting in spots where I feel I played good/fine but in these situations I get really annoyed at myself, struggled to get to sleep for about an hour thinking about it, trying to calm myself.

Having said that it's good to learn these lessons midweek and not on Sundays where all the money is, makeup is at the lowest it's been for probably ~8 months, I can see improvements month to month. It's now considerably lower than a 300 BI downswing which is considered standard, just keep doing what I'm doing and I will see the other side soon enough.
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
04-02-2016 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by Gil3000
jesus took me longer than I thought to reply (over 2 weeks), cheers Kyle.

Pads stated the following on one of his older blog posts which I think is very reasonable, obviously there are lots of other factors that influence it such as icm awareness/general approach on ft's/deep runs:

-5bb / 0bb = losing big in the games, should move down immediately
1bb / 3bb = playing way too high stakes, should snap move down
4bb / 5bb = decent winner, def room for a lot of improvement
6bb / 7bb = very nice win rate, should be one of the better regs in the games you're playing
8bb / 10bb = top reg in your games
11bb+ = playing too low of a buy in should move up
Is this a win rate for pokerstars ? Pokerstars is where you get the lowest win rate comparing to other sites like and or full tilt. As much that i know 3bb/100 on pokerstars is a very good winrate.
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
04-02-2016 , 09:40 AM
How did it go yesterday? I saw you were deep in either bg 162 or bb 109?
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
04-02-2016 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Supern4tur4L
Is this a win rate for pokerstars ? Pokerstars is where you get the lowest win rate comparing to other sites like and or full tilt. As much that i know 3bb/100 on pokerstars is a very good winrate.
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
04-03-2016 , 08:21 AM
Maybe he is talking about cash games where 3bb is ok winrate
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
04-11-2016 , 09:09 AM
Yeah from what I know about cash games (which is very little) I think 3bb is decent, but definitely not in mtt's. If you are hitting 7bb on euro sites but 3bb- on stars, then you should be more careful with game selection on stars ensuring you have a bigger edge in the games you play.

Back into schedule and grinding has been going pretty well, showered early last night (Sunday) but made solid profit having found a 3rd in the 888 Breeze. Makeup is now at what I believe to be an 8 month low, less than a fifth of what it was at it's peak. I set the target of being out of it by the end of May, whilst I've ran very good I think realistically I should be able to realise this target providing I find some neutral variance in the next 7 weeks.
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
04-11-2016 , 09:48 AM
What are your plans for scoop?
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
04-12-2016 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by that_anon_pgc
What are your plans for scoop?
Trying my hardest not to have a repeat of the last one

Will be playing a much reduced schedule vs the one I played last year through my own choice. If I get made variances bitch again, and go a further 10 months without making it into to profit then I'm pretty sure I will be needing to say goodbye to the virtual felt. I will continue to grind the games I'm doing well in and look to beat makeup convincingly before looking to take "shots" at these bigger festivals.
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
04-12-2016 , 09:24 PM
What's the makeup highest/ lowest tale? Abi?
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
04-12-2016 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by Lin Baba
What's the makeup highest/ lowest tale? Abi?
Highest - Fairly sure it hit $55k

Lowest since heavy downswing - $10k, grinding out $57 ABI schedule at the moment
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
04-18-2016 , 10:30 PM
Triple crown bitcheeeeeeees

Since I started grinding mtt's semi-regularly and was made aware of it, I always hoped some day I would find the crown. At the time playing mtt's with 10k+ gtd on the regular seemed a long distance away, for the past 2 years I've had a fair few near misses but finally hit it, with 3 days spare.

Won the monsoon on Thursday, the 55 25k yesterday for near 4k then the 20r €8k on ipoker which thankfully found enough runners to qualify. Also despite makeup trolling me, hitting 10k/10.3k/10.5k a few times before climbing I've finally dropped it to a 4 figure number. My gf wanted me to take a day off but said I can't before Thursday as I needed to push at triple crown, so guess I will greet her with a free day on Weds/Tues.
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
04-18-2016 , 11:00 PM
crown that man
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
04-18-2016 , 11:02 PM
MTT's - From Midstakes Grafter to Highstakes Cruiser Quote
