Originally Posted by herbalerv
Insane volume you beast ! Inspirational to all mtt players.
Good luck Sunday
Ty bro!
Sooo... I havent really been doing anything in a structured way a all. What i have managed to do, which i said i would, is going through pads course, taking notes and studying similar areas myself. Besides that, balls to the wall grinding as usual. Wrapping up a sunday sesh of like 120-130 mtts at ABI higher than it should, and re-entries were way out of line. Graph of the sesh (some games sitll running, for example b55 which i took 11th in for $500), but also some bricks obv. I shipped a 55 hyper for 1.8k, 2nd in a 109 party pko for 1.8k, 6th ipoker €200 for €700ish and a bunch of f2ts . Session below, then month and some interesting (or not) things:
Sunday session (missing some profit from ipoker, stars, and missing some running games too):
Ran like this on stars, gonna be hard to produce meaningful results, but was just one flip away from entering b55 ft with a big stack still, so atleast theres that:
$100+ Games are still fairly unknown territory for me, what i do know is since i ran very well earlier this year ive dropped ALOT (relatively speaking) in them and am running really raelly bad in those for now. To illustrate this is my month (Whilst not running fantastici), and then month if you take those games away:
MTD no 100$+:
Todays biggest cashes: (im 2nd in the party one)
EV bb is usually around 10 +-1 which i THINK (im clueless) is pretty solid, esp considering the amount of hours im playing, i could def increase it with another approach. Oh well. For now my issues are swedish regulations (til june i think, but they might just go oh one more year btw!), i have a tiny party roll, tiny ipoker roll. Almost all my bankroll is on stars and its not at a level where im comfortable playing alot of 109s-215s because i do need some "variance free" money to be in a good spot to go full time for real when i graduate in june (if i make it there), so im not comfortable shot taking like crazy and swinging amounts that actually bothers me. Issue here being how much i love sundays, and scoop is just a month long sunday on steroids
For this week only thing to follow is no 109s+. Focus on stars, play alot of shitty ones, padding that roll with 2-10k would be fantastic, if not for scoop then for the next time i plan to try and make the step up again. Also play ipoker/party to both build those rolls, but also to lower variance further. Im fine with letting loose a bit on sundays if i can follwo these guidelines overall. For now thats about it, a few flips in the other direction and thats a 15k graph and everything is fine and dandy
Overall i feel like im doing ok, but i do kind of feel a bit lost and just guessing my way forward regarding studying routines etc. Sleep & diet is gonna be fixed, just need to go shop food for a month and im set! As for all things poker, I guess ill learn by trial and error....
Gl out there