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Moving Up Stakes, 2015 and beyond Moving Up Stakes, 2015 and beyond

07-04-2019 , 04:00 AM
07-04-2019 , 04:44 AM
To be fair what he said was little more than satirical memeing. Poor taste maybe but doesn't mean someone is necessarily a racist because he was taking the micky at a certain group.
07-04-2019 , 05:12 AM
Obv poor taste, and doubt he makes a crack like that with more viewers, i'm not saying what he said was in any way acceptable either, but rather a mistake. Doesn't make him a bad person or racist imo.
07-04-2019 , 09:20 AM
This is not mistake. Brokenstars is not kid. He always talk about being smart and high iq. Racial satire is make joke about own race. Broken stars is not black or jew. He is not pro comedian too.

I see racist coward afraid. Why not post to Twitter and Facebook see what ex boss and followers feel.
07-04-2019 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by meale
Obv poor taste, and doubt he makes a crack like that with more viewers, i'm not saying what he said was in any way acceptable either, but rather a mistake. Doesn't make him a bad person or racist imo.
Yeah, just because he said that it doesn't mean that he is a terrible person, everyone makes mistakes. I still like the guy, but gotta call him out after he said something like that, **** like that shouldn't be taken lightly. It's good attitude from him that he apologized here after that.
07-04-2019 , 10:39 AM
07-04-2019 , 11:53 AM
OP already apologized (many times) for the racist “joke”. If you guys think this is unforgivable and he should be banned for life, beaten, killed/commit suicide etc, say it. But it seems a lot of people here just don’t like him, and are using his “mistake” as an excuse to also say very bad things. Hypocrisy
07-04-2019 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by FazendeiroBH
OP already apologized (many times) for the racist “joke”. If you guys think this is unforgivable and he should be banned for life, beaten, killed/commit suicide etc, say it. But it seems a lot of people here just don’t like him, and are using his “mistake” as an excuse to also say very bad things. Hypocrisy
Weight, health, ego problems. Poker skill is less value. Unused engineer skill is less value. He has stress. Everyone understand stress. I feel for him. He choose to share racist disease and not fix stress. Obese American pig. Hot wife and smart my hairy *******. To say sorry after racism does not fix it.
07-04-2019 , 02:25 PM
Fazendirobh I see other message. Brazil. No world wars in country. No cities to flat nothing. No genocide. No millions of death. Family and names to ovens and ash and dust. For nothing. Everyone in that time is dead. Europe remembers. Go make bad Jew joke in Poland. Go see what happens go and see I dare
07-04-2019 , 02:31 PM
Having watched OPs twitch stream several times in the winter I will say 100% op is racist based on the fact he spazzes at every reg, fish with lots of insults. Sorta shocked adam thinks he isnt racist, adam you seemed normal the few times I played with you at Fallsview over the years, are you a secret redneck MAGA racist **** like OP?

Surprised he wasnt rocking any MAGA gear and blaming Hilary/Obama during those streams.

Last edited by tercet; 07-04-2019 at 02:38 PM.
07-04-2019 , 02:37 PM
I guess nobody watched the clip of him saying the N bomb like 100 times on stream once
07-04-2019 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by barney big nuts
Just a random guess but i'd say 50% of white people in the U.S are racist and probably 75% of Republicians.
What??? My random guess is you are just an idiot, and an evil leftist.
07-04-2019 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Brokenstars
The response I made to someone saying I was good for an american was 0 to 100 as satire, and clearly it wasn't funny and clearly it was over the line and I'm apologizing again so there is no confusion.
Stop apologizing! You are validating these virtue-signaling idiots nonsense by accepting an unearned guilt. **** all of them, do and say whatever you choose. I hate racism but if I was in this particular situation I'd exponentially ramp up the joking rhetoric just to piss all these people off.
07-04-2019 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by WorldzMine
What??? My random guess is you are just an idiot, and an evil leftist.
Sorry to offend Trumptard but pretty much every right winger I know is a bigot and so is their leader.
Do us all favor and blow off a couple fingers today you **** kicking hillrod
07-04-2019 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by WorldzMine
Stop apologizing! You are validating these virtue-signaling idiots nonsense by accepting an unearned guilt. **** all of them, do and say whatever you choose. I hate racism but if I was in this particular situation I'd exponentially ramp up the joking rhetoric just to piss all these people off.
OP has a history of yelling out racist slurs and what not, yet everyone calling him out on it are idiots?

But maybe Mason can actually explain how ''mother****ing black jew ****'' is satire. Maybe it'll change the opinion of all us idiots.

Sorta shocked adam thinks he isnt racist
Given Adams obsession with conspiracy theories you shouldn't be shocked at all.
07-04-2019 , 04:14 PM
Rofl the highfrequencyracist account A+
07-04-2019 , 04:47 PM
+1 highfreqracist
in for the lulz
whats a hillrod? can we all define our insults plz, I went to a granola type of school
07-04-2019 , 05:06 PM
I really have no clue how people can defend these statements. Guy is holding himself out to be a coach, professional, etc. What do you think would happen to Runitonce if Phil Galfond had an outburst like this? 2p2 if Mason Malmuth did? The Clippers if Donald Sterling....wait. The first two guys would never do something like this because they are intelligent and thoughtful people. If it is funny or satire your twitch station is like a mini-TV station and being a poker player is like running your own business and there are ways to destroy it.

This applies to streamers as well. Pewdiepie streams 40+ hours a week(? no clue I just know he's the biggest streamer I made that number up) and cost himself tens of millions of dollars through racist associations. I don't think Pewdiepie is a racist just stupid and an *******. I can't imagine Shroud or a "mature" streamer saying something like this even though they stream 60+ hours a week.

Brokenstars got banned from Twitch (I think; or he closed the account) over the clip. It violates ToS. I both reported him when it happened and I sent the clip to a friend who works at Twitch to make sure it happened. Even if civilized society is wrong and this stuff is actually the height of comedy uh too bad Twitch doesn't give a platform to hate speech.

Originally Posted by Eriksonn
I see racist coward afraid. Why not post to Twitter and Facebook see what ex boss and followers feel.
I was watching the stream and I am was ****ing offensive and not funny. It's not "virtue signaling" to say that if someone said that to my face I would commit a felony on theirs....I know that violence is bad but everyone has a breaking point. That is mine w/e. People do get worked up and emotional over certain things as is their right.

I was planning disseminating the clip if Mason hadn't made a sincere apology in the thread. Unprompted he also sent me a pretty thoughtful PM apologizing. So he is cool now in my book and I hope people have learned something from this. Hopefully can move on.

Last edited by djz; 07-04-2019 at 05:11 PM.
07-04-2019 , 06:48 PM
He is not sorry for being a racist. He is sorry you have something that can hurt him and he does not want that to happen. I have interaction with racist pig before. This one is not different. He only say sorry after you show video proof. Before that he think twitch take down link so nothing to see.

Show your face on stream broken. Everyone want to see what racist pig looks like.
07-04-2019 , 06:58 PM
sick scammer
07-04-2019 , 07:00 PM
sick scam
07-04-2019 , 07:07 PM
Move up to where they respect your racism.
07-04-2019 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by JoseMourinho
The obsession with racism is absolutely laughable. You can call someone stupid (something he has no control over), you can call someone ugly (cant control it either), but if you insult someone's nationality/race in the heat of the moment everyone goes mad (however it seems insulting americans has no such effect).

Im not saying doing either of the above is fine fwiw
Yeah, there's a lot of double standards going on. For instance, you can insult a man's height and people will laugh along with it, but everyone gets deeply offended if you insult a woman's weight. Despite the former being out of a person's control. I think we're generally in these weird times where everyone has to voice their offense and outrage on social media at the tiniest of things. Stuff which no one would have cared about 15 or 20 years ago.
07-04-2019 , 10:03 PM
Lmfao highfreqracist , once again 2+2 coming through with the goods. The most sickening part about this whole debacle is that there's people in this world who are so pathetic and insecure that they need to register a new account just to sht on someone publically but with anonymity. Have a ***** backbone and speak up about something if it bothers you - you're more of a disgrace to humanity than all of the MAGA cap weilding racists ever will be.

And to this Erikson ****, grow the **** up bro, racism exists, get over it. You swinging your puny dick around in this thread isn't changing that and it's only making you look like some butthurt virtue signalling ******* like the guy who posted before you. Get a life.

**** I hate 2+2 so much, @bobo someone ban me from this disgusting site forever please
07-05-2019 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by SpinMeRightRound
Yeah, there's a lot of double standards going on. For instance, you can insult a man's height and people will laugh along with it, but everyone gets deeply offended if you insult a woman's weight. Despite the former being out of a person's control. I think we're generally in these weird times where everyone has to voice their offense and outrage on social media at the tiniest of things. Stuff which no one would have cared about 15 or 20 years ago.
You don't think no one would've cared about ''Mother****ing black jew ****'' 20 years ago? I mean you and Jose bring up excellent points, but how are they even remotely relevant? Dude says racist ****, more than once but it's all good because we can make fun of short guys.................

Originally Posted by meale
Lmfao highfreqracist , once again 2+2 coming through with the goods. The most sickening part about this whole debacle is that there's people in this world who are so pathetic and insecure that they need to register a new account just to sht on someone publically but with anonymity. Have a ***** backbone and speak up about something if it bothers you - you're more of a disgrace to humanity than all of the MAGA cap weilding racists ever will be.

And to this Erikson ****, grow the **** up bro, racism exists, get over it. You swinging your puny dick around in this thread isn't changing that and it's only making you look like some butthurt virtue signalling ******* like the guy who posted before you. Get a life.

**** I hate 2+2 so much, @bobo someone ban me from this disgusting site forever please
It's ironic you would talk about being a disgrace to humanity.
