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Moving Up Stakes, 2015 and beyond Moving Up Stakes, 2015 and beyond

11-15-2018 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Rapidesh123
Lol, if aejones and galfond came back to poker, with only one week of study in how people are playing today they would absolutely crush the small stakes.
Galfond yes, AE would be touch and go
11-15-2018 , 05:26 PM
All this advice being thrown around.

Mason is at the age where he should be doing what he wants. He has no responsibilities. Nobody to take care of. Nobody relying on him. If there is ever a time to do this, it's right now. Sure, there will be a resume gap. But all it takes is one company, one desperate company, to give him that job and he's back on track.

If he makes enough with poker (volume would probably need to be higher), there is a slight chance that he could retire very early.

That being said, it is difficult to put in volume when you make your monthly nut in the first 15-20 hours of the month.
11-15-2018 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Brokenstars
Right, because his thread and mine are so similar. Good on you to make the connection. I bet when you were a child you were really good at putting the shapes in the holes and stuff too. Well played. 200 IQ I think.
I didn't say his thread and yours were similar. All I was saying was that in this particular instance, it looks likely that you were going to ignore the advice. Not that you always ignore advice - you clearly don't.
11-15-2018 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Avaritia
I would guess that I am probably in the top 1% of posters that still contribute to this forum wrt "success at poker", which I would measure in dollars and nothing more.

He also isnt making $100/hr. He's making $70-$80k per year. If we are talking about growing wealth, your hourly does not matter.

He could easily be at $100k by 30, fwiw. If he went back now.
u play live poker no? i could see how a mediocre live player would feel trapped and forever stuck at 2/5 with no future prospects and jump onto a forum and post **** to anyone who does better than them. online poker has a much higher ceiling and broken not only wants to make money he probably wants to challenge himself as well. while he does it he makes double ur theoretical max @ live.

beating dud live players and having the arrogance to say that you are a top 1% successful player on this forum is just lol. a month after i learned a flush beat a straight i was already crushing live for more than you ever would and there are probably heaps of people that can say the same

you are not special
11-15-2018 , 07:52 PM
This will never get through to you, but I only measure success in dollars. A 2/5 player that made $100k this year was better than brokentstars in 2018.

Yes...I predominately play live. No, not 2/5. Yes, the stakes I play are still a joke, probably the equivalent of $50NL ignition zone. But that is not what I’m trying to do. The pissing contests are for meale’s thread.

There is no hostility in my posts, only blunt honesty. Your reaction and others are shockingly insecure and defensive. I only had to post my own defense after an accusation that didn’t make money playing poker and was bitter...when that is simply untrue and not where my advice is founded.

I also do not preach this as a standard in every thread. I think Meale should be in Thailand getting pissed on (really, I envy the kid). I think 6bet should do whatever. I honestly don’t care. My advice is for brokenstars only. So it is not coming out of bitterness or “I’m an adult, listen to me and don’t play poker” type mindset.

I just happen to be quite familiar with brokenstars career potential and he is too young to understand, to defensive to listen, and too blinded by cheerleaders to care that he is losing at least a million dollars in lifetime career progression ev.

I also disagree with the ceiling comment. Or, better said, it’s complex and hard to compare.

I agree that I am not special.
11-15-2018 , 08:13 PM
right how convenient, a definitive statement about what poker success is to fit your narrative. yes the top 1% 2/5 player that has already made 100k this year playing 3x more hours than brokenstars has been more "successful" to you. maybe i should work 7k hrs in a year @ 10/hr so that i can make more money than broken and be more "successful".

haha blunt honesty give me a break. it is pretty obvious you're bitter the game has gone over you so you spend your time in this forum giving ill advice and making sure others share the same fate. it reeks in every single post i've seen you make. people like you exist everywhere.
11-15-2018 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Avaritia
The pissing contests are for meale’s thread.
11-15-2018 , 08:31 PM
I’m not sure what you’re getting at. I have never been ahead of the game, it has always been past me. I cannot be bitter, poker has been very good to me and I have never had a desire to improve. The day it becomes unbeatable (likely do to rake and pop decline, not solvers), I will simply move on to another source of side income.

Yes, someone who has put in more volume and made more money is more successful. The objective of poker is to accumulate chips/money.

edit: finally someone got the joke! I’ll let it die now.
11-15-2018 , 08:31 PM
Anyways can we just get the thread back to talking about how good he runs instead of this?
11-15-2018 , 08:46 PM
yo avarita u playing at tampa hardrock? lets play? ive been playing hella 2/5 lately. gonna do the 75hr promo this month. i'm going right after class ends in like 30 mins. gonna go friday and saturday too prob. and sunday. hmu
11-15-2018 , 08:54 PM
My only advice to broken would be to lose some weight.
11-15-2018 , 08:57 PM
Mirage always coming through to lighten the mood...
11-15-2018 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by SB12
Mirage always coming through to lighten the mood...
lighten this *grabs crotch*
11-15-2018 , 09:08 PM
the advice from mirage was prob better than avarita if goal is better quality of life
11-15-2018 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by Avaritia
I am sometimes half trolling but this advice is sincere and it is not an attack.

You sound like a good kid and you have a great poker mind...but you are extremely misguided with regard to the labor market in general.

We work in similar fields (but different departments), and I know that engineers are quite literally a dime a dozen. (No offense, same with anything really). Especially during a recession, and especially in the midwest. Im pretty sure in 2009 there were engineers offering bjs for a $38k/year contract jobs.

Regarding your gap. It will be really, really bad. I have worked on and off very closely with recruiting and hiring in general. Also, from my own personal experience...I took a 1 year sabbatical when my mother passed away. Coming back into the work force, it almost would have been better if I had a felony conviction. The #1 thing employers want is not intelligence or hard work. Its employee retention.

Finally, you are a typical mid-twenties male who kind of had an "is this really it?" moment with regard to employment. Its perfectly normal. Tons of kids have quarter life crises. What they dont realize is that you can actually change employment. Basically they equate current crap job with employment in general, but that is a bad linkage. The lives of a materials engineer at Lockheed vs an engineer at Ford vs an engineer at Disney are very different. The answer isnt to snap and quit everything, the answer is to build your brand and network and move around and find your "google".

Again, i truly believe that people should do what they want and there isnt enough self-exploration education in this country. If you wanted to be an artist or a surf instructor or whatever, I'm not the dad that is telling you to be a lawyer. But it sounds like your main objective is building wealth, and you are squandering a huge opportunity for a short term gain (that isnt even a gain, in nominal dollars).

I read this back and like many of my posts it comes off "holier than thou" but that is not my intention. This is me talking to my 25 year old self, who followed a similar path that you are currently on.
I'm curious, would you give the same advice if broken was putting in twice the volume at a similar win rate? (Asking for a friend)
11-15-2018 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by mirage01
My only advice to broken would be to lose some weight.
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
the advice from mirage was prob better than avarita if goal is better quality of life
first time both agreed!!! haha


gl with your choices, broken!

11-15-2018 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by t_roy
I'm curious, would you give the same advice if broken was putting in twice the volume at a similar win rate? (Asking for a friend)
Good question. No, I wouldn't.
11-15-2018 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by baannii4
right how convenient, a definitive statement about what poker success is to fit your narrative. yes the top 1% 2/5 player that has already made 100k this year playing 3x more hours than brokenstars has been more "successful" to you. maybe i should work 7k hrs in a year @ 10/hr so that i can make more money than broken and be more "successful".

haha blunt honesty give me a break. it is pretty obvious you're bitter the game has gone over you so you spend your time in this forum giving ill advice and making sure others share the same fate. it reeks in every single post i've seen you make. people like you exist everywhere.
Poker success isn't measured in $ made? Broken more successful this year than the guy who played 4x his volume and made 3x the $ he made?

Avaritia is brain damaged. Realized that when he was trying to explain variance, but you are on a different level of stupid.

In before ''micro reg made no $ this year therefore no success at all''. Be less predictable ****.
11-15-2018 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by Mzbourg
Poker success isn't measured in $ made? Broken more successful this year than the guy who played 4x his volume and made 3x the $ he made?

Avaritia is brain damaged. Realized that when he was trying to explain variance, but you are on a different level of stupid.

In before ''micro reg made no $ this year therefore no success at all''. Be less predictable ****.
what if he uses the extra time to do other things? what if he's having fun? what if he ran bad but played well? what if he plays on soft sites? i would expect someone that grinds for pennies to understand that. although winrate isn't the best indication of poker success it's a better indication than money made

beat u to it
11-15-2018 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by baannii4
what if he uses the extra time to do other things? what if he's having fun? money isn't the only reason people play poker. i would expect someone that grinds for pennies to understand that

beat u to it

This is pure gold coming from someone repping pro poker player who cries on the regular about how bad he runs.

Question wasnt what he does with his other time. Question also wasnt whether or not he enjoys playing. The question was whether or not poker success is measured by $ made. If not, please explain how we measure poker success.

Cant wait for the hypotheticals.
11-15-2018 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mzbourg
This is pure gold coming from someone repping pro poker player who cries on the regular about how bad he runs.

Question wasnt what he does with his other time. Question also wasnt whether or not he enjoys playing. The question was whether or not poker success is measured by $ made. If not, please explain how we measure poker success.

Cant wait for the hypotheticals.
poker success is a stupid metric though. i could just say who is the more profitable poker player? or who is the better player? the answer changes every time so the question itself is ******ed

e.g. i have 200k hands lifetime online and have put relatively minimal effort but am doing ok. you have been hard stuck micros forever and will never be good so instead of doing anything about it you decide to project your jealousy of broken and others into every post you make. who is more successful? protip it's not you

you're actually a more ******ed version of avaritia because if avaritia realised he was as bad as you he would've quit a long time ago
11-16-2018 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by baannii4
poker success is a stupid metric though. i could just say who is the more profitable poker player? or who is the better player? the answer changes every time so the question itself is ******ed

e.g. i have 200k hands lifetime online and have put relatively minimal effort but am doing ok. you have been hard stuck micros forever and will never be good so instead of doing anything about it you decide to project your jealousy of broken and others into every post you make. who is more successful? protip it's not you

you're actually a more ******ed version of avaritia because if avaritia realised he was as bad as you he would've quit a long time ago

Alright so Broken is more successful than me because he’s made more $ than me and therefore we measure and compare poker success by $ made right?

Dont get so salty. It’s fine being shown you’re wrong. Given your IQ this is going to happen a lot more to you.
11-16-2018 , 12:10 AM
i'm not interested in extremes though. broken not only makes more money than u, he's also a much better player, more profitable etc. i'm interested in spots where it's closer i.e. broken is more profitable (higher w/r) but makes less money because of volume.

i'm not salty btw. i'm pretty bad at poker. it's just too easy when someone says u have low IQ but can't seem to connect the dots enough to get out of 5nl.
11-16-2018 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by baannii4
i'm not interested in extremes though. broken not only makes more money than u, he's also a much better player, more profitable etc. i'm interested in spots where it's closer i.e. broken is more profitable (higher w/r) but makes less money because of volume.

i'm not salty btw. i'm pretty bad at poker. it's just too easy when someone says u have low IQ but can't seem to connect the dots enough to get out of 5nl.

You can be interested in what ever you want. That doesn’t make it the definition of poker success. More profitable just another explanation of $ made no?

So salty. Keep being wrong though. Enjoyable.
11-16-2018 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by baannii4
i'm not interested in extremes though. broken not only makes more money than u, he's also a much better player, more profitable etc. i'm interested in spots where it's closer i.e. broken is more profitable (higher w/r) but makes less money because of volume.

i'm not salty btw. i'm pretty bad at poker. it's just too easy when someone says u have low IQ but can't seem to connect the dots enough to get out of 5nl.
Why does everyone who offers constructive criticism have to be "salty" or a "hater"? That's what I don't understand. Not everyone who is giving criticism is coming from a position of jealousy or hatred. Most people just want to see the other person improve.
