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Moving up from 5NL Moving up from 5NL

11-17-2012 , 11:57 AM
Hey guys,

Im gonna try to move up limits starting from 5NL. Im starting this challenge with a 91,33€ bankroll (I know random but thats what I had on my account when I decided to do this seriously). I know having less than 20 buy ins is a bit ambitious but Ill allow myself to eventually reload once.

I've tried similar challenges twice before and each time it started off fine but I always busted due to tilt...

So my main goal is gonna be to manage tilt, this is why I decided to start this thread in order to embarras myself posting poorly played hands.

Ill post graphs and interesting hands pretty regularly. I hope to get feedback on strategy and things of that nature.

Ill probably move up once I get somewhere near 30 buy ins for the next limit but first of all I wanna crush 5NL.

Moving up from 5NL Quote
11-17-2012 , 12:07 PM
I actually started this challenge 2 days ago and it went great! Ran good and played pretty good! Hope it stays this way!

Hands played : 5505
Profit : + 54.50
BR : 145.83

Moving up from 5NL Quote
11-17-2012 , 07:56 PM
I just played two new sessions and it still went great. I also keep running good! Ill post a bunch of interesting hands once I get to the 10000 hands mark.

for some reason it says on my graph that Im up 100 whereas Im "only" up 78.26

BR : 169.59€
Moving up from 5NL Quote
11-17-2012 , 08:28 PM
Nice progress so far. Is that zoom ?
Moving up from 5NL Quote
11-17-2012 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by SawyerAnthony
Nice progress so far. Is that zoom ?
thx man, no Im 9 tabling 5max on Winamax (a french website with a lot of fish!)
Moving up from 5NL Quote
11-18-2012 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by ToldYa
thx man, no Im 9 tabling 5max on Winamax (a french website with a lot of fish!)
That's a pretty good win rate. Keep going at it, we're pretty much at the level and have some similar reports (although my sample size is super tiny)
Moving up from 5NL Quote
11-18-2012 , 07:26 AM
I'm playing similar stakes so I'll be watching your thread. You should post some hands at some point for us to look at! Nice win rate, keep it up.
Moving up from 5NL Quote
11-18-2012 , 12:47 PM
thx for the support guys. I just put in another 1785 hands for a 13.59 profit.
So my BR is currently 183.18 € after 9,127 hands.
I was getting a bit spewy near the end of my last session after I made a couple bad calls so I decided to just end my session right then, which Im pretty happy about.
Ill review my sessions tonight and post some hands. Ill also discuss eventual troubles and leaks I had so stay tuned!
Moving up from 5NL Quote
11-18-2012 , 03:27 PM
just reached the 10000 hands mark.
Hands played : 10,144
Profit : + 99.06 €
BB/100 : 9.77
BR : 190.24 €

reviews and thoughts later on
Moving up from 5NL Quote
11-19-2012 , 01:09 PM
2000 more hands for a 23.28 profit
Bankroll's at 213.49 €

I finally marked some hands for review during my latest sessions.
I'll write a post tonight (I promise this time) about value betting and leading out in pots using some hand situations that happened about bunch of times during my sessions

Im very happy with my play so far, I think Im gonna move up to 10NL once I get to 300€. I should hit a couple bonuses soon too .

But first Im gonna hit the mall!!
Moving up from 5NL Quote
11-30-2012 , 07:28 PM
sorry guys I sucked at updating this thread, I've been really busy with school and stuff. But so far this challenge is going to well! I decided to play a 2€ tournament last sunday and won it for 300€! I was then able to move up to 20NL which Im crushing right now! After 4,234 hands at 20NL Im up 236.73 (13.98bb/100).
I also hit a couple of small bonuses

Current bankroll : 726.15€

Here is my cash graph

Moving up from 5NL Quote
