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Motivation, Life and Poker Grind! On the Yacht to the Sunset... Motivation, Life and Poker Grind! On the Yacht to the Sunset...

08-04-2016 , 06:20 AM
I ended up playing few tournies in the evening as I said I might would...
In the end I was one tabling for 7 hours 35$ wednesday challenge on 888 while watching some sporting documentaries (and if you have some good ones please tell because I really love them)
It was a profitable tournament but with mixed feelings because when you final table a big tournament you always hope for the biggest score and i finished 8th...

and i really had a hard ICM decision and i still dont know did I do the right thing because it is really border line and in the moment I knew it is really close and here is that hand:

But i didnt dwell on my decision a did what i thought was the best decision in that moment i afterwords slept like a baby
wednesday stats:
P- 514.54$

gl everybody!
Motivation, Life and Poker Grind! On the Yacht to the Sunset... Quote
08-06-2016 , 05:58 AM
Friday grind was to say the least interesting it really tested my composure and mindset..It was a nice day with a lot of interesting tournaments and with a lot of deep runs with a lot of chances, but unfortunately nothing special happened...
First I had a deep run in 11T zoom I finished 24th TT<77 and A3o three ways massive pot...Later on I was deep in big16 and everything was looking good than i lost really big one after BB shoved over my BTN raise A9<A4s pretty standard hand but unfortunate , and than I shoved JTs<88 and I finished 23rd...
Then the last opportunity came trough big27 and I got in the FT as the 2nd chip stack and than I ran into a VERY bad ICM situation a clear setup in my mind...maybe I could of done something different i dunno..

I checked after and he shouldnt call anything except KK+ cause of ICM and I think I must shove because I was really really agro and this guy is brazilian but again very unfortunate situation and to make things worse I hit my King on the flop
But again I dont mind thats poker i just wanted to share my day with you thats all I hope today I will finish out some tournament....

ALL the best people
Motivation, Life and Poker Grind! On the Yacht to the Sunset... Quote
08-08-2016 , 09:20 AM
Weekend is over i would say successfully, I mean definitely successfully because I was in the green in the end which is something we are always after i guess I had a lot of bricks in the last 5-6 days where i could of win ~15k if some flips ended differently and it seems that all the important ones went south but still I had a profitable week and I shouldnt be complaining cause that is good luck in its self...
Ok lets start with saturday...I FT bubbled hot162 for chip lead KK<ATo...i won about 450$ i think...and on winamax i finished 6th for 400$ in 10$ buyin tournament A9<89 2k up top..I cant remember anything more substantial on saturday i had some ITM deepish finishes but nothing special...
Sunday, an ok sunday grind I started of nice with 3rd in 11$ turbo on stars for 380ish...I went deep in big109 but nothing special and I FTed 10$ winamax tour 400$ up top i took 80ish for 6th.,..and cashed in a few SATs...
I tried a few SAT for estrellas barca but didnt make it Ill try again for sure...
So weekend stats:

Nice profit I am pleased.....

I hope you all had profitable weekend (thats not possible)

GL people
Motivation, Life and Poker Grind! On the Yacht to the Sunset... Quote
08-10-2016 , 10:32 AM
Ok monday was a nice break i had a fun time with my friends following olympics and having fun with some girls, overall a very nice day....
Yesterday I had a 9 hour session and that always has a satisfying feeling to me because I know I worked hard for something I want to achieve...
I played ok i must admit it was not one of my best sessions considering my concentration but the result wasnt that bad...I always like to think about how I was approaching the game and was I concentrated enough excluding the results because I think that thats a good way to be better in the future and to see what influences my playing mood...but not to dwell to much on that I had a few FTs one on winamax and one on 888 but not for big cashouts both were like ~100usd...Here are the stats for tuesday

Im trying every day to hit the SAT to Barcelona so I have my hopes up lets go!
GL at tables people
Motivation, Life and Poker Grind! On the Yacht to the Sunset... Quote
08-15-2016 , 05:18 AM
I have updates from thursday and sunday I took friday and saturday off and now Im going for 3 days in a row...Had some deep ones especially on sunday but every time bubbled pre FT on bigger ones...
On 888 and winamax had a few smaller FTs that gave me profitable day so thats always good of course..
So generally no BIG scores and most exciting thing from this weekend is that I got really drunk on saturday and had a good night out

stats for thursday:

Lets win some tournaments!
Motivation, Life and Poker Grind! On the Yacht to the Sunset... Quote
09-04-2016 , 07:25 AM
Ok its like this, I didn't gave up on blogging but I was thinking about my poker career and should I change something because in the last few months I've been thinking a lot about some investing outside of poker and some other business which would take my time to develop and time is something that I dont have when I am playing 8-12 hours 5-6 days a week plus working on my game...So I decided to go back to STTs for now which were my bread and butter and I know I can play them 3-7 hours per day plus to work on my game and I have time to spear for other endeavous. Now when I am sure that I will do that for some time at least I optet to continue with my blog...
Tournies will still be a part of my game from time to time and I will go and play live events but I will no longer dedicate my game 100% to MTTs...

Ok I want to share stats for last moth that I played.....
August stats:

From now on I hope I can crush STTs again with some run good from blogging
Gl see ya soon
Motivation, Life and Poker Grind! On the Yacht to the Sunset... Quote
