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MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day

09-16-2011 , 10:02 AM
Finished second in that one, this was the final hand, the blinds where so big that is was kinda a luck game...
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:28 AM
My graph:

My bankroll:

MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:56 AM
Great progress so far. Subscribed, good luck!
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 02:40 PM

At the moment I am playing the Big 11$ (fpp bought ticket) and not much happened yet.
I cought one bluff for wich i got a n1 from the guy.

MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 02:48 PM
Pretty interesting hand here, the BB insta shoves over my raise preflop. I insta-call and my Kings hold versus his Jacks
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 07:02 PM
I do feel that I am not playing my best game in the 180's at the moment.
It is important for me to conintue this session and try to get on top of it again.

Hope i can do it, im convinced it's possible to turn this around. Going to grind long tonight if needed...

I do have the feeling that fridays (days in the weekend) are slightly more sensitive to variance since there are probably more recreational players, playing a few games for fun (Don't get me wrong i love playing ) But they will play a little worse and suckout from time to time. On the other hand i should be able to use that to gather those beloved (virtual) chips.

Will update how I'm doing after a few games.

At the moment I am down 25 Buyins or so.

MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 07:08 PM
Ow and i forgot to mention, i will definatly review all my games tonight.

I have the feeling that i am playing a little too loose at the moment.

Ow and check out what I just found, pretty funny

Check how they describe me, yes that's right, I should be avoided!
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 08:13 PM
Final tabling 1 with chiplead 1 out of 8 and 7 out of 15 on another one.

Battling for 2 1st finishes!! gogogo
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 08:40 PM

800$ surpassed

Next goal 930$
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 08:54 PM
Wow I just started up 2 more games and in one I managed to quadruple up in the first 10 hands QQ vs AJ and AA vs KK def. helped
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:08 PM
Haha funny story: Sometimes I am reading stuff and after a while i wonder Huh why havent any of my tables popped up yet? Oh ok it's break i'll go pee in another hour then since it's only 1 minute left...

If anyone wonders what music i'm listening to while playing:

1.The new Red hot chilli peppers album, I'm with you -> i still love it though it even tho it's not john playing the guitar anymore

small update lol: I now have taken first with 9500 chips in the 50/100 blinds, pretty awesome

2. Switch 17 its a house compilation cd, I think created in Belgium.

3. I use grooveshark alot and I discovered somekind of hip hop or rap lol i dunno that I like, the group is called Devlin.
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:22 PM
Busted in the one where i wasnt chipleading, sometimes it just doesnt work.
The only hand i had was lik AQ and 4 people raised and reraised behind so i wisely folded.

Didnt get any cards after that and had to shove K9 somewhere from middle pos.

In the other one I havent had any cards (got em all at the first level?) And i have gone to 4th out of 67. Gonna have to grind some to be at that final table we all love!
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:27 PM
Interesting hand here, I bet the flop. Villain calls i wonder what can he have as he only flatted my minraise here?? Is he floating some kind of pocket pair to hit a set? Or A10 maybe

Anyways i check turn villain checks behind hmm weird no ace then I guess.

The river comes queen so he actually hits his pair and then decides not to bet it????

That makes no sense at all to me...
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:30 PM
Wow I just opr'ed that villain I talked about in the above post.

-> -63% roi explains it I guess...
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 09:39 PM
Karma is a bitch, I made one misplaced comment to that villain as she(?) pushed A8 into A7 (I said nice try but no cigar) and i have lost 7 k of my chips now lol.

99 didnt held up vs 57 and my shove TJ got called by K8s.

Need to get back into the zone here...
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:05 PM
Interesting hand here. I did a pretty good call but i went crazy when i saw the flop on the turn i was like OK A OR 6, A OR 6,A OR 6, A OR 6,A OR 6, A OR 6 and on the river I raised my first as I took down this very important pot!
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:12 PM
And final tabling this one.

Lets crush em!
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:17 PM
Omg this game has been bad for my heart
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:19 PM
And then this hand... You gotta give me credit on calling on this one
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:26 PM
Dammit I ended 4th my Ak call failed my Aq shove failed and not even my KK could hold up...
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:31 PM
dude good luck with your goals!!!
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:39 PM
dude be a kind man and stake a parnter (me) with $10 btw this is good karma i did it once send $10 to a buddy and run my whole bankroll to +$300 but tilted all last night i know you are a good man and do something for a fellow partner.
thanks in advance and hope you run good for your entire life
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:40 PM
sn in stars oigres02
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 10:45 PM
Great progress man, keep it up!
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
09-16-2011 , 11:02 PM
Hey dude, I'm tryin to grind my micro roll back up at the moment after blowing my years profits on playin a UKIPT (doh!!! :P) , so I can empathise!!!

Playin mostly 2.50 90mans, micro mtts and the odd 4.50 180mans, aswell as a lil bit of 6max 1c/2c plo 250bbs buyins. Started with 130$ went down to 85$ (leftovers :P) and am now up to 309 (mostly from shipping a 4.50 on thurs).

I see you're favouring the 2.50 180man turbos, how do you find adjusting to them in comparison to the reg speeds?

Oh and one other question, just checkin out your OPR. I see your prizes but how come your profits and ROI don't come up? Seems a bit strange :/

Feel free to check me out btw Phataction09
MicroS. Taking it seriously building to 250$ 6hrs/day Quote
