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From the micro's to the knowsbleeds! From the micro's to the knowsbleeds!

05-20-2017 , 06:55 PM
What's up everyone?

I'm 29 years old and currently live with my grandma. I've got a job and take home about $600 every two weeks.

I'm planning on playing on ACR with a $300 bankroll my next check. I like limit games better than NL but ACR doesn't have a huge selection at the moment. So it looks like I'm going to play NL and sharpen my skills there.

Every two weeks I'll be depositing around $200-$300 to build my roll and also buying 1-2 poker books to study. I definitely want to pick up "The Mental Game of Poker" and a few others as well.

I have huge bankroll management issues and have been taking shots in live casinos in my area. Basically blowing my whole check in one night.

My expenses aren't that bad here at my grandma's. I'm currently paying $300 in rent and about $200 a month in food. That leaves me with another $500-600 to save or invest in poker.

Been playing for about ten years total. I'm a huge feesh. I have a lot to work on and a long way to go.

I've turned $94 in to $1200 on igintion. $50 in to $600. $74 in to $800 etc a bunch of times but I've always played out of my bankroll to do this. My number one priority will be BRM. It sucks not being able to play because I always go and blow my roll at a higher limit. Aka the "nose bleeds".

No one in my life supports me to play poker. Because I've always lost. No one is going to help me. I was once offered a sponsorship when I was 21 but turned it down. Would have been nice to have a backer that could help me with my bankroll problems.

I've learned a lot and have no plans on quitting this game. I know I might be a huge degenerate but I don't care. This is something I really want to do and I'm willing to put in the time and effort to become a better player.

Plans for the next two weeks:

Read "Super System 2" my only poker book I have right now. It's a little outdated I'm sure but it could still have some solid information in it.

Comment and read posts daily on twoplustwo. I'm going to set my homepage to it so when I open my browser I automatically connect to 2+2.

Watch at least two poker videos. I have a huge list of poker videos on my youtube channel that I've been stock piling.

Post an update in this PG&C everyday to track my progress.

This is my third or fourth attempt at a PG&C thread but hopefully this one actually helps me.

Best of luck to everyone out there. Hoping to make some friends along the way.


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From the micro's to the knowsbleeds! Quote
05-25-2017 , 12:47 AM
I've been playing on Global Poker. Deposited $5 lost, deposited $20 and now I'm at about $68.

Been buying in to .02/.04 (4NL) short-stacked at $1 and running it up to $4-$5. Practicing good BRM right now. Happy about that.

Also watching poker videos as I play. I play after work for about three hours and in the morning for about two hours. I've played just under 2k hands so far.
From the micro's to the knowsbleeds! Quote
05-25-2017 , 01:20 AM
Bunch of bad beats so far... about 20 minutes in to the session.

AJdd vs K8dd... flop two diamonds we both missed... he hit a K on the turn and I bricked the river.

JJ vs A5 flop 5 J A turn 8 river A..... two outter..... sigh.

Down three buy-ins. ($3) Very tilting... I'm going to take a quick smoke break then re-group. I made a couple bad calls too.

KJ vs QQ ... flop 4 J Q... turn 5... river brick. I was betting the whole way and called his shove on the River. Just bad.
From the micro's to the knowsbleeds! Quote
05-25-2017 , 09:56 AM
Up to $73.

I've been playing a lot better. I made a few mistakes but for the most part I played pretty solid. Watched a couple more videos while playing. Not really absorbing the content because I'm focused on the game. Only getting a little bit out of each video.

Woke up at 4:45am to play... considering going back to sleep before work at 10am. It's almost 7am now. To play or not to play that is the question. Probably going to sleep.

Wearing a sick poker sweater right now that I got from out of state. Def. in the mood to play but still tired/burnt out. Is four hours sleep enough to play poker/work all day today? Probably not. I'll get a couple more hours before work. Already won $5-6 this morning which is another 5-6 buy-ins for me. That's pretty good.
From the micro's to the knowsbleeds! Quote
05-25-2017 , 04:03 PM
Spend $300 on a good coach, outside MGOP most of the books are extremely outdated
From the micro's to the knowsbleeds! Quote
05-25-2017 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by bbissick
Spend $300 on a good coach, outside MGOP most of the books are extremely outdated
Thanks for your comment. I've been contacted by someone who is offering me coaching and possibly staking me with coaching/a good deal on the stake.
From the micro's to the knowsbleeds! Quote
05-26-2017 , 02:34 AM
Up at $89.

Still buying in for $1 playing four tables. Practicing BRM and nitty play.
From the micro's to the knowsbleeds! Quote
05-26-2017 , 03:21 AM
Goals for this weekend:
Play 2.5k hands a day (2.5k Friday, 2.5k Saturday)

I'm at 3.5k hands so far since I've started playing on GP.

I ran a bluff against a calling station and he called me down with the weirdest hand. Put me on tilt so I'm going to bed.

I should be happy for the fish. He played weird and got rewarded. He'll keep playing and donating money to the poker community. It's good for the game. I need to understand that and not get so upset at myself/him. His play makes sense now in hindsight. Looked like I had top pair, he was on a straight draw, he hit a bigger pair on the turn and the river was another brick. So he played it decently I guess.

Pretty tired. Worked all day then played for about 2-3 hours...... def need some sleep. I'll wake up early and get on the poker grind. Looking forward to it.

Hope you're crushing!!!

Edit: I like how I'm playing short-stacked in 4NL with 89 buy-ins. It's a nitty approach to BRM but I need to improve in this area MAJORLY. At this rate I can play poker forever. I need to stop trying to make fast money and focus on playing the game and improving myself. Poker is an awesome game as we all know and I'd like to keep playing it from here until forever. 5 minutes to learn lifetime to master - Mike Sexton def holds true!!!

So for my goal I need to hit about 8k hands total. It would be awesome to hit 10k hands. We'll see how it goes.
From the micro's to the knowsbleeds! Quote
05-26-2017 , 05:19 AM
you are 29 and make $300 pw from work. I would suggest getting priorities straight.

Establish a career before poker mate

gl in the future
From the micro's to the knowsbleeds! Quote
05-26-2017 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by max85
you are 29 and make $300 pw from work. I would suggest getting priorities straight.

Establish a career before poker mate

gl in the future
$300 pw? Not sure what that means.

I understand that I don't make that much from work but it's my only job and I don't have a college education. I don't have car.

I grew up poor so this is my situation.

I tried to join the Army but didn't make it... that would have been a good "career" to have.
From the micro's to the knowsbleeds! Quote
