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Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Micro Stakes SNG Grinder

02-08-2011 , 09:55 AM
Hey. First of all, about me... I've played casually for almost two years. This is mostly my first time taking the game seriously. I bought PokerTracker and subscribed to DeucesCracked. I'm putting in some good time and effort and I hope to improve my game and eventually use poker as a secondary income.

I've mainly played SNGs throughout my poker career. I prefer the strategy in them and I like the simpler decisions I have to make.

I hope to be updating this thread almost daily. I'm got kind of an arbitrary starting point for my challenge/goals. Here is my current standing:

Presently, here are my goals:

Increase multitabling from 4 tables to 6-8 tables.
Continue watching videos at DeucesCracked.
Put in a volume of 250-300 games per month (and it should increase from here as I up my table count)
Move up stakes: $2.25 to $6.50

Please note, I just made this thread real quick before I have to run out for awhile. I'll probably have things to add later today...

GL to me!
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-08-2011 , 10:00 AM
wish your good luck !
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-08-2011 , 10:36 AM
hope you update this one often, love the micro grinding and out to the low-stakes!

what type of BI levels are you waiting for before moving up stakes? if you only 4 table the 6.50's, you could take shots at like $260 if you're nitty?

pokertracker is awesome and once you get the hang of the patterns/stats while multi-tabling, upping your amount of tables will be waaay easier.

and btw, why not snggrinders if your focusing on SnG's?


Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-08-2011 , 10:50 AM
I'm started to grind 2.25 18man SNGs at FTP too.
Wish you luck and absolutely will follow your Thread
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-08-2011 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by CaptnKrnch
hope you update this one often, love the micro grinding and out to the low-stakes!

what type of BI levels are you waiting for before moving up stakes? if you only 4 table the 6.50's, you could take shots at like $260 if you're nitty?

pokertracker is awesome and once you get the hang of the patterns/stats while multi-tabling, upping your amount of tables will be waaay easier.

and btw, why not snggrinders if your focusing on SnG's?


I personally have no idea how the competition changes (if at all) between the 2.25s and 6.50s (any insight on this?)... I'm going to start trying to play 6 tables at a time right now and if I can keep the variance in my favor I'd love to have my BR to $300 by the end of Feb. At that point I think I'd take a shot at 6.50s.

I'm using PokerTracker with the default HUD -- I'll need to research what the best setup is for SSTs (again, any insight?). Currently I'm using the VPIP and raise % to help spot fish and find ideal spots for shoving, although I'm sure there are more benefits to be had. I definitely think it's going to be very helpful for tracking my personal progress, though.

TBH, I've never heard of SNGgrinders. I'm only familiar with cardrunners and deucescracked. I really like that you can download the videos on deuces.. I'm still in my 7 day trial so, whether or not I decide to become a paying member, I'm going to download as much content as I can right now.

Thanks everyone, I'll update this as often as I can and also post any hands I might have questions on... Going to start a session now!
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-08-2011 , 06:23 PM
I'm comfortable 6 tabling.. Think I played fairly well... made profit over these first 6 games, will post day end results after 6-18 more... One hand of interest:

Full Tilt Poker $2 + $0.25 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t40/t80 Blinds - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter By DeucesCracked Poker Videos

CO: t3970 49.62 BBs
BTN: t2175 27.19 BBs
Hero (SB): t1170 14.62 BBs
BB: t3540 44.25 BBs
UTG: t1440 18 BBs
MP: t1205 15.06 BBs

Pre Flop: (t120) Hero is SB with 9 J
1 fold, MP calls t80, CO calls t80, 1 fold, Hero calls t40, BB checks

Flop: (t320) 5 8 K (4 players)
Hero checks, BB checks, MP bets t80, CO folds, Hero calls t80, BB folds

Turn: (t480) 9 (2 players)
Hero checks, MP bets t80, Hero calls t80

River: (t640) J (2 players)
Hero checks, MP bets t80, Hero...

May not have been right to put 40 more in with my shorter stack. Flop and turn (min)bet price me in to chase my draw. I sort of expect a weak king here but I'm a little confused because the board is very draw heavy. Is this a river call or do I raise for value?
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-08-2011 , 10:08 PM
Here's another interesting hand..

Full Tilt Poker $2 + $0.25 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds - 3 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter By DeucesCracked Poker Videos

Hero (SB): t535 0.89 BBs
BB: t670 1.12 BBs
BTN: t12295 20.49 BBs

Pre Flop: (t900) Hero is SB with A K
BTN raises to t1200, Hero requests TIME...

I feel like this is one of those situations where it's technically correct to fold AA, let alone AK. BB has 70 if he folds and will be blinded all in the next hand. Is it correct to muck AsKs here?
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-08-2011 , 10:09 PM
I think I'm content to call it here for today... Obv had to deal with AA < KK shenanigans but I'd be lying if I told you I didn't get lucky myself.

2/8/11 - Good day overall. I played well. I think I'm picking great spots to shove. Need to wiggle around a bit with my early game and figure out if I need to loosen up any. I successfully adopted an additional two tables and will continue playing 6, likely venturing into 8 before this month's end. About 18 games a day should be sustainable with my schedule.

Games played: 18
Net won: $24.30
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-08-2011 , 10:15 PM
I couldn't say forsure how much of a jump it would be between the two. From my last 1000 games at the 6.50's, my honest opinion would be that from my own experiences, if you read through power poker 2 by brunson and followed some starter hand charts it should be easy to come out positive with a bit of actual online play experience. I moved down stakes to the 6.50's and it blew my mind what people were playing pre flop. one tip I instantly noticed, depending on villain, odds are they will pay fat for draws. Pot odds doesn't seem to show much light, but of course, on the other hand, there are regs that can still play properly
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-08-2011 , 10:29 PM
Goodluck Man i am in the same boat as you with a challenge that i have posted on here grinding the $2.25 turbo STT's and were at around the same bankroll. So good work and im subscribed will be checking in on this daily.
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-09-2011 , 12:15 AM
Good stuff tk, I'll be keeping an eye on your thread too. You seem to be very good at putting in volume. It's kind of funny that your weekly goal for # of SNGs is about the same as my monthly goal.. At the same time though, if I can keep up 18 games per day on the weekdays I should be able to be pushing 600 a month... Maybe more if I start 8 tabling.

Anyway, it seems you're off to a great start. Are you still planning to wait for a BR of $600 to strictly play the 6.50s?
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-09-2011 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by Rahful
Good stuff tk, I'll be keeping an eye on your thread too. You seem to be very good at putting in volume. It's kind of funny that your weekly goal for # of SNGs is about the same as my monthly goal.. At the same time though, if I can keep up 18 games per day on the weekdays I should be able to be pushing 600 a month... Maybe more if I start 8 tabling.

Anyway, it seems you're off to a great start. Are you still planning to wait for a BR of $600 to strictly play the 6.50s?

Haha yeah im averaging around 25-30 a day 7 days a week so with that i should be able to push 800-1000 SNG's a month but it varies with school. But yeah i need to add some tables i just feel too comfortable with 4 that i dont really want to venture off into 6 or 8 because i get good volume now and im happy with everything. For the BRM i have done some rethinking and since i have dabbled in the $6.50's to see how play is i will be taking shots when i get my bankroll up to $350-$400 because the play to me is still really bad and definitely beatable. I just want to put in a lot of volume at the $2's first, maybe like 750-1000 before i permanently move up to the $6.50's

But keep up the grinding and i might see you around, do you play turbos or reg?
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:27 PM
Strictly turbos. I'm guessing we've already seen each other at some point.
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-09-2011 , 05:48 PM
what is your s/n on there? Because we probably have
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-09-2011 , 06:21 PM
Rahful. What's yours? I'll check my pokertracker
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-09-2011 , 06:22 PM
tK Bruce. I'm pretty sure we might have lol if not we will soon haha I play all the time
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-09-2011 , 06:31 PM
I don't have anything for tk bruce

Oh well, soon enough I'm sure
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-09-2011 , 06:45 PM
Not super happy with my play. Definitely made a few mistakes that I'm going to have to think about... been kind of distracted but we'll pull it together.

Had enough luck to stay positive in my first 11. Should be getting in a decent amount of volume today.
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-09-2011 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by Rahful
Not super happy with my play. Definitely made a few mistakes that I'm going to have to think about... been kind of distracted but we'll pull it together.

Had enough luck to stay positive in my first 11. Should be getting in a decent amount of volume today.

yeah man keep it up, volume is the key as long as your playing halfway decent it will even out sooner or later. If your playing tonight ill be on in about 2 hours probably grinding for 3-4 hours trying to put in 40-50 tonight hopefully.
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-09-2011 , 09:39 PM
2/9/11 - I played OK today. A little unhappy with my play in a few spots. Going to need to think about what would be ideal in a few specific situations. 6 tabling is coming very naturally. Not timing out or anything and still playing my usual game. I'm considering upping it to 8 tomorrow. Fortunately, today I was accepted by RakeBackPros on my existing account so I'll be making a few extra bucks on the side.

Games played: 23
Net won: $20.25

Total games played: 41
Total net won: $44.55
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-10-2011 , 06:44 PM
Did a session of 8. Played good. Got unlucky (AK<KJ on bubble, KK<JJ, A6<A4 on bubble ect ect ect) and went -1.20. Going to stick to 6 at a time for now though because my poker tracker HUD gets in the way. Sucks that it stays the same size despite what size you have the table at.. someone please tell me how to adjust it..
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-10-2011 , 07:36 PM
Some more dirty stuff like KK<36 AIPF.. nbd though, was able to ship one and and get second in another during a session of 6 to bring it up to -.90... will give final update later tonight after 6-12 more games... here's to hoping for to keep the positive streak alive.
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-10-2011 , 10:41 PM
2/10/11 - I put in some decent volume trying to grind out a profit today. I think I made a few missteps but encountered a bunch of variance too. Overall I am satisfied with my play and was able to stay consistent despite tons of unfortunately timed beats on the bubble. To end my day I loaded up three FTP SNGs to the 200K double deuce and got second in each which tilted me pretty hard. Oh well, tomorrows a new days and at least a tough one is behind me.

Games played: 29
Net won: $-2.70

Total games played: 70

Total net won: $41.85
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-10-2011 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Rahful

Pre Flop: (t900) Hero is SB with A K
BTN raises to t1200, Hero requests TIME...

I feel like this is one of those situations where it's technically correct to fold AA, let alone AK. BB has 70 if he folds and will be blinded all in the next hand. Is it correct to muck AsKs here?
not sure if serious here..... and no, never. Especially not in a 2.25$ game.
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
02-11-2011 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by mrcringles
not sure if serious here..... and no, never. Especially not in a 2.25$ game.
What? Uhh what do stakes have to do with it... I know I have BTN's range crushed but when I call doesn't BB have incentive to fold with 70 chips behind if it means a chance that I'll bust and he moves up in payouts? FWIW I called and won but at this stage me and BB are playing for second here so I don't know if that was right.
Micro Stakes SNG Grinder Quote
