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05-13-2021 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Thommehh
KQs just fold turn, why would you call there with K high??

QTs played fine, I almost never turn my hands into a bluff especially not in a spot like this

Watching people play 500nl is cool and you can definately learn some things but you should really watch some micro videos because it plays very differently ofcourse
I called turn because it's dirt cheap. He could be betting any kind of random hand.

Yeah it would be very high variance. I would have to go all-in. Not the best idea against someone who 3bets so little.

Watching micros videos can be just so boring. Nothing much is going on. And many of them aren't crushing the stakes either. Just some solid 3 bb/100. But I did kind of like this review on nl 10
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05-13-2021 , 01:57 PM
The guys I mentioned a couple times probably also here are pretty big winners, also they have review sessions of students/with their coaches etc
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05-14-2021 , 08:39 AM
May, 10 NL zoom, 9319 hands, -70.1 usd net won, -7.5 bb/100, -7.9 EV bb/100
Unibet roll, 132.27 euros

Unibet went well, but I was hit by some variance in zoom. The scary thing is I didn't see any fish in the twinkling stars. They had all disappeared. I swear everyone was solid like steel. I already cry in chess tournaments when next round I have to play someone's berlin. But in poker I have to crack their shell and beat the rake. How can it be done? It really feels like I'm in a factory where nobody but the factory wins.

The reason why small pocket pairs aren't super profitable.

This was a hallucination. I just didn't see 22 was on the board. Check folding river seems like the way to go. He's not going to call with anything worse. Would micro guys really have the balls to bluff 9x, 88?

I don't really like my turn bet. T hits both our ranges pretty well. Double fd once again means lots of aggression so lots of c-raises coming. I should rather bet something like QJs, JTs. They would nicely block villain's continuing range QQ, JJ, TT.
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05-14-2021 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by Thommehh
The guys I mentioned a couple times probably also here are pretty big winners, also they have review sessions of students/with their coaches etc
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05-14-2021 , 09:23 AM
Weazel_1991 Nick Eastwood and BluffTheSpot
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05-14-2021 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Thommehh
Weazel_1991 Nick Eastwood and BluffTheSpot
Nick Eastwood hmm
I calculated the end results as 2.4 bb/100. Of course streaming takes away some of the winrate, but still it's not so amazing.
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05-14-2021 , 10:15 AM
Can't watch atm but think it's the vid with him explaining about the results etc. Yep he said he was playing too many tables while streaming etc so that hurt his play alot. But the review sessions with his coach are very useful
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05-14-2021 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Thommehh
Can't watch atm but think it's the vid with him explaining about the results etc. Yep he said he was playing too many tables while streaming etc so that hurt his play alot. But the review sessions with his coach are very useful
Admittedly I have been a bit harsh. Zoom at any stake is just very tough to beat for anyone. 2 bb/100 is a very good result. I am a losing player so laughing too much at him much makes me look like a fool.
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05-15-2021 , 10:41 AM
May, NL 10 zoom, 9932 hands, -37.94 usd net won, -3.8 bb/100, -5.4 EV bb/100
Unibet roll 250.05 euros

I didn't play zoom Yesterday just regular tables in unibet, but I did play a bit today just to be able to show some hands. It was the famous Friday frenzy. Fish everywhere. I am slowly starting to understand why pros put most of their volume from Friday to Sunday. Think about how much you can win from regs by being a better reg. Maybe just 1 bb/100. Finding fish and abusing them is the way the money rolls in. There are more fish in regular tables and it's easier to notice them. A bigger winrate, even if the same average hourly, means you're more likely to win money. Less losing sessions. So you need a smaller bankroll. From now on I will play zoom just for practice. I still have hopes of beating it, but I will concentrate most of my efforts to regular tables.

I wanted to do a comparison between stars zoom and unibet regular tables and then later stars regular tables and unibet regular tables. But I lost track of how much time I spent on each site. It will also never be a completely fair battle. Some days and times just have more fish swimming, so whatever site you play on at that time will get a bigger winrate.

I checked Nick's latest review video and it was indeed pretty good. Previously I have been annoyed by him talking over the real pro so so much.

Why squeeze ranges go more linear than your typical 3bet.

There's quite a big difference between btn and co. Btn would never fold KQo, but co does half the time and never just calls. Things are not so clear though because his 3bet is so small. Maybe just calling is okay. My river call is basically just a bluff catch. I still felt like I had to call because it's so up in my range.

Wizard says fold pre you fool. If it was co open btn 3bet, then JJ 4bets. He insta raised all-in on the flop, so I just folded. Previously I would have never been able to fold an ovoerpair in this spot. I can only pat myself in the back.
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05-15-2021 , 11:42 AM
H1 yeah I'd 4b or fold pre, don't bet the flop

H2 tough but depends on your opponents, don't blindly follw wiz, if people are looser JJ is ok to 4b, good fold otf imo
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05-16-2021 , 02:09 PM
May, NL 10 zoom, 10434 hands, -12.4 usd net won, -1.2 bb/100, -3.1 EV bb/100

Poker is going well after abandoning the method of trying to copy wizard's exact gto lines. It's just too difficult for humans to replicate, or at least for beginners. Now I am just trying to punish fish to the max. Gto wants you to play very passively oop. That's because villain's range is supposed to be very tight. Fish's range is full of air so betting oop makes a ton of sense and that's why it was so popular 10 years ago. The good old method still works if you choose the right opponents.

I have no interesting hands to show for the little zoom session I had. Instead, I can only highly recommend Nick's part 2 of quick review of 50 hands
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05-16-2021 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Thommehh
H1 yeah I'd 4b or fold pre, don't bet the flop

H2 tough but depends on your opponents, don't blindly follw wiz, if people are looser JJ is ok to 4b, good fold otf imo
I forgot I bet flop. I was just thinking of ranges when I did it. Flop hits me quite well. I have more sets than him. I am blocking fds, so I actually still like the flop bet.

It still helps to know the correct ranges. Gives you a good base. But yeah I am slowly learning to trust my guts. Sometimes it goes horrible wrong though. I open QQ utg, sb 3bets, bb goes all-in. I fold and sb shows JJ and bb 57o.
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05-16-2021 , 02:45 PM
gl man!

I've seen you in the zoom pools and some discords (I think GTOWizard).
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05-17-2021 , 11:02 AM
May, NL 10 zoom, 10863 hands, 2.32 usd net won, 0.2 bb/100, -2.7 EV bb/100

Lookie lookie wannabe winning in zoom.

Sometimes I wonder if I should exploitably fold to such a big 4bet.

When fish do this kind of line you just know they have it, but I felt like I had to call such a good river. 96 just lost their powers and 77 dropped to one combo and fish rarely pots turn with 78.

Wizard folds pre. I think it will take my whole life learning correct preflop ranges. I have maximum 9 combos of sets on flop. In reality it's about 3 combos because I won't 3bet 66-77 all the time and I will do quite a bit of folding to his 4bet. That means I have to be very selective with my bluffs. I don't think I would valuebet TT on the river either. I guess using Tx hand as a bluff makes sense as it's easy to apply in many different boards. T blocks a straight but that doesn't really matter much.
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05-17-2021 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by TRUSTtheDRAWCESS
gl man!

I've seen you in the zoom pools and some discords (I think GTOWizard).
I wasted a few minutes thinking about the difference of wishing good skill instead of good luck. Wishing goes better with luck as you can't control it, so gl to you too.

I might have seen you too. I haven't played much zoom recently because it really is just a practice arena. The real money is in regular tables. I am in many different poker discords just in case someone drops a knowledge bomb.
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05-19-2021 , 07:24 PM
May, NL 10 zoom, 11574 hands, 26.45 usd net won, 2.3 bb/100, -0.4 EV bb/100

One more push and I will have positive EV. Regular tables continue going well. It's funny the moment I stopped taking zoom seriously is the moment I started doing well in it.

Just one hand earlier I noticed this guy called my turn donk kind of light. Somehow this made me go crazy. I don't completely hate it. I am lacking in bluffs. I have too many Ax flushes. AhQ is pretty much the only good combo I have. Maybe I could add A5 to my bluffs. Honestly don't know how I should approach this.
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05-20-2021 , 07:23 AM
Think this combo is bad to bluff, you block clubs, AQ, AT, Q9, T9 and unblock hearts

Suggest you to close table above 150bb and open a new one, I'm also doing it myself because I'm not that comfortable yet playing so deep
Micro stakes Quote
05-20-2021 , 05:21 PM
May, NL 10 zoom, 12058, 13.7 usd net won, 1.1 bb/100, -2.6 EV bb/100

I was doing well in my session and then oh noo variance hit my EV with a dagger.

I have been watching some random videos on trading. Most comments in crypto videos are made by bots. They reply to each other multiple times. At some point they will mention some kind business or name just in the hopes that people will google it. The comments also change a little from video to video, probably just to evade surveillance.

Random trading stuff I have found:
Tests different methods and shows the results
Little video on VWAP indicator
You can see how your strategy works in different exchanges
You can try to win a trading challenge and get to manage 200k.

Anybody folding river?

Weird hand. Wiz says squeezing with this hand is a tad loose. I really don't know what to do on turn and river. I don't want to raise and folding would be a shame. He thought for like 20 seconds on river.
Micro stakes Quote
05-20-2021 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Thommehh
Think this combo is bad to bluff, you block clubs, AQ, AT, Q9, T9 and unblock hearts

Suggest you to close table above 150bb and open a new one, I'm also doing it myself because I'm not that comfortable yet playing so deep
Yeah it is blocking a fd, but it's hard not to have a flush draw or something here.

I play zoom just for practice and in regular tables stacks can get very big very quickly. It's a painful process but you just gotta take it.
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05-20-2021 , 09:16 PM
78 probably fold river yeah, seems more like he slowplayed AA but A8 also makes sense, also if he had a AXhh it gets there
A9 think it's fine, you get such good odds otr

About the tank bet, people will often do this with very strong hands to let you think they're weak though
Micro stakes Quote
05-22-2021 , 01:55 PM
May, NL 10 zoom, 13920 hands, 37.67 usd net won, 2.7 bb/100, -0.5 EV bb/100

Drumstick roll if I get positive ev.

I titled from his min donk bet and bluffed with a random hand. So bad. Pretty inexcusable. Just can't afford it.

BB had 16/12 stats, later it became 19/15. Would you fold?
Micro stakes Quote
05-22-2021 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Thommehh
About the tank bet, people will often do this with very strong hands to let you think they're weak though
At higher stakes it will be more likely a bluff or you can't use timing tells anymore.
Micro stakes Quote
05-23-2021 , 04:17 PM
May, NL 10 zoom, 14997 hands, 38.49 usd net won, 2.6 bb/100, 0.8 EV bb/100

OO YEAH EV LOVES ME AGAIN. Next step would be to get EV positive playing just from Monday to Thursday. Too bad there's no filter for that.

Dang. Turn was one of the worst possible cards for me, but I realized it too late.
I played around a little bit with an equity calculator, and I don't quite have the odds to call his turn raise. I think I should just raise flop.
Micro stakes Quote
05-23-2021 , 08:00 PM
AKs fine to fold I guess

44 check back turn, as played for to raise, wouldn't raise flop
Micro stakes Quote
05-24-2021 , 02:45 PM
I lost 200 euros playing mostly NL 25. At least half of it was due to tilt and bad play. I am such a calling station. I have lost a lot more money by calling than bluffing. Only if the tables are full of fish do I lose more by bluffing. I got so frustrated by variance and my simple mistakes, that I started tilting pretty hard. On the positive side it wasn't as bad as 10 years ago. Back then I lost my roll of 30-buyins by going all-in preflop every hand.

Most of our decisions are based on some kind of hidden algorithm that mainly functions through emotions and sensations. It's an efficient way to get things done. If humans only relied on logic, we would have died as a species a long time ago. Impulses have been the main cause of reproduction from the beginning of time. Only recently people have found ways to avoid the consequences of sex. The little amount of babies being produced in first world countries can only maintained if you have the resources to nurture every single one of them. There was no such luxury in the 1500s, so women gave birth to 10 babies just in the hope some of them survive. The biggest reason for this change is contraception, but education also contributes a fair amount. This gives us a clue how we can manage tilt.

We need a tool and a mind plan. A friend could be a tool. If your grinding together, he can see the steam rising and kick you in the balls. You will cry, but you will still thank him. What he can't do is catch your first cum. So the tool method isn't as effective in poker. That puts a lot of pressure on your mind. One way of relieving that pressure is to play as mechanically as possibly no matter the opponent. The more imaginative you are, the more likely you will go off the rail. That's why I liked gto style from the beginning and tried to copy wizard exactly. It failed. It was too difficult to create. Now I only try to play gto some of the time and that allows my mind to **** me up some of the time.

Jared Tendler says you should aim for 50% stress level for peak performance. 50% being different for every individual. If the stress or interest level is too low, you won't care enough about your play. I have sometimes I had this problem in chess tournaments. Just before the first round starts I feel very peaceful and stop caring about the results. I don't prepare before the game and I don't calculate as much during the game. But for tilters like myself I would still recommend going for less than 50% stress level. If the stress level is high, you put too much pressure on succeeding, and if you then fail your mind can't handle the truth and it breaks down.

If you believe you can't control tilt, you have no chance of succeeding. Morpheus was right all along. After you the take the red pill it's time to become a scientist. Gather as much data as possible. Does tilt only appear when you're multitabling too many tables? Does it jump at you after 5th hour of playing? Do you detest losing money? Do you hate your own incompetence? All these questions can only be well answered if you have enough proof to convince someone else this is the case. When the problem areas have been identified, only then can you can start working on them. The main reason why a lot of poker players don't do this is that it just feels weird. It's like going to a therapist who has an office in a church. It's so much more comfortable to just logically analyze hands. To these kind of people I can only say is think logically about EV. Which produces the biggest average winrate: playing 5 bb/100 to 0 bb/100 or playing 7 bb/100 to -7 bb/100? Fixing your biggest flaw helps you the most. Sometimes it's easy to patch, but often you have to work really hard to stop the leak.

My plan ahead is to record the hours played, tables, observed mistakes, tilts. I will do this for at least a month. After I find my limit, I can start to push it further and further. If I get even a whiff of tilt, I will take a break and try to find a reason for it. The games aren't going anywhere. I am not playing 10k nl. If you still have trouble to stop playing, then think of breaks as making money. If you play, you lose, so any time spent not playing wins. Before I start playing, I will try to get comfortable. Maybe watch jarretman for some calm analysis. In the session the stress level will naturally rise so if you start with anxy pants on, you will poop those pants.

Old but good video on mental game by Jared Tendler
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