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mental game accountability blog mental game accountability blog

06-01-2024 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by DrTJO
I have a bullet list of some bad habits and one is "internal and external grumbling over variance". I find that when the internal grumbling becomes external I've clearly reached a point where my emotions are starting to have a negative impact on my decisions. Berating an opponent in chat definitely falls into that category, of course. Question is what do you do about it mid-session? Do you quit? Do you reset? Do you just accept that emotion is part of poker, etc., own it and soldier on?
sry for not replying.

I think that's great, and in the past I've also thought that that is a kind of threshold and thing to watch out for.

How to react is the hard question, right? I've often tried to re-set, recover, found it hard and then even when I thought I'd recovered, later completely lost control and found myself in a very dark hole... thinking in hind-sight that from the first outburst I must have been firmly on the wrong track, so off-balance that actually everything after that point had just been adding weight...

And of course it's difficult if there are tables you feel like you can't quit.
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