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Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health

10-22-2015 , 07:19 PM
Need those pics lolol
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-22-2015 , 07:44 PM
Im only coming here for those picz...
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-23-2015 , 07:49 AM
I heard all the chatter about this whale last night so I immediately came down to the casino. Finally I get a seat in the game. (must have just missed you) But before I even got to post two guys played a hand and the one guy took maybe two minutes on the river. While he was tanking the whale who wasn't even in the hand goes "can I please call time?" He gets told that you cannot call time in a cash game and then says "ok then I go" gets up and leaves :'( :'( sad times . ****ing live poker sometimes. Oh well.

Gl in the high roller Ben. Cheers buddy.

- Mitch

Last edited by Smoking Dough; 10-23-2015 at 07:55 AM.
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-23-2015 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by Smoking Dough
I heard all the chatter about this whale last night so I immediately came down to the casino. Finally I get a seat in the game. (must have just missed you) But before I even got to post two guys played a hand and the one guy took maybe two minutes on the river. While he was tanking the whale who wasn't even in the hand goes "can I please call time?" He gets told that you cannot call time in a cash game and then says "ok then I go" gets up and leaves :'( :'( sad times . ****ing live poker sometimes. Oh well.

Gl in the high roller Ben. Cheers buddy.

- Mitch
You had Ben's seat thats why you missed him.
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-23-2015 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Smoking Dough
I heard all the chatter about this whale last night so I immediately came down to the casino. Finally I get a seat in the game. (must have just missed you) But before I even got to post two guys played a hand and the one guy took maybe two minutes on the river. While he was tanking the whale who wasn't even in the hand goes "can I please call time?" He gets told that you cannot call time in a cash game and then says "ok then I go" gets up and leaves :'( :'( sad times . ****ing live poker sometimes. Oh well.

Gl in the high roller Ben. Cheers buddy.

- Mitch
Those regs who tanked should get shot on teh spot imo...
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-23-2015 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by TimStone
Those regs who tanked should get shot on teh spot imo...
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-23-2015 , 01:16 PM
He was clearly more frustrated that the fish had just left the game a few hands before
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-23-2015 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Mzbourg
Yeah lets deffo do dinner. Whale got hammered on gin and tonic and beers I think went to play PLO and won like 2 or 3k in 20 hands lol.

Like a 4k pot on TAA99 and his TT was good. Was pretty crazy as the table obv was built around him.
haha, yeah he was drinking a lot when i was there too. Jesus, live plo is where it's at, time to learn!

Originally Posted by Deeepz
Need those pics lolol
Will arrange this tomorrow night after day 1 (hopefully we all get through for maximum hot tub time )

Originally Posted by TimStone
Im only coming here for those picz...
Shame i'll miss you stone. Have to wait to see your real life self!

Originally Posted by Smoking Dough
I heard all the chatter about this whale last night so I immediately came down to the casino. Finally I get a seat in the game. (must have just missed you) But before I even got to post two guys played a hand and the one guy took maybe two minutes on the river. While he was tanking the whale who wasn't even in the hand goes "can I please call time?" He gets told that you cannot call time in a cash game and then says "ok then I go" gets up and leaves :'( :'( sad times . ****ing live poker sometimes. Oh well.

Gl in the high roller Ben. Cheers buddy.

- Mitch
haha, jesus. He seemed very volatile, both emotionally and in his play style. Thanks mate, was good to meet you! Sure i'll see you again before i leave

Originally Posted by Mzbourg
You had Ben's seat thats why you missed him.
Originally Posted by peter804
He was clearly more frustrated that the fish had just left the game a few hands before
haha, f u pete

Originally Posted by TimStone
Those regs who tanked should get shot on teh spot imo...
Originally Posted by pitapita


Had a fun day today. Woke up late, went and grabbed lunch and then went to the 'beach' courtesy of blakkman. By beach i mean rocks and 0 sun - worst beach of all time haha, sorry allan

Then had an MTT coaching session with solidthought in preparation for tomorrow, thank you mate!

The rest of the guys decided to play online today while i went to sit some live. The games were the same as yesterday - lots of regs and passive fish. Still good enough imo though. Had a couple interesting hands which are below.

First one is the biggest pot of the day and probably the most fun pot i've ever played, albeit, i lost many many euros and over played my hand massively:

6 handed

Hero ~€1250
BTN €200
BB €1500

Open from UTG, i call co with AJo, btw fish calls, reg sqz, BB to 50, raiser call, i call, fish calls. Flop comes QT6r, bet 105, fold, i call, fish calls. My call otf seems a little loose but fish only has 45 back ott so if they were to shove the reg couldn't 3b. Also i feel that because i am so deep with the reg i can manoeuvre pretty well post turn. This is definitely a relatively loose peel i would say but 3b pre was so small so the cbet wasn't really that big for a 4 way pot. Turn comes 8 bringing fd. (Board QT68). Reg checks, i check, fish moves in for 45, reg calls (This is where it gets spicy) i check raise to 200. I did this because i felt that the reg always has a 1 pair hand when he takes this line as he seemed to play relatively straight forward. I thought that i rep so insanely strong and if he even calls turn i can over shove into the side pot and get enough folds and also breaking even in the hand with a freeroll of 8, maybe 11 outs vs the fish is a pretty good result for me. reg tanks for a good while and calls. River bricks off with a 3 (Final board QT683) Reg checks and i tank shove around 800 into the side pot. Reg tanks for 10 minutes and ends up calling AQo. Fish has AQo too and i lose all the money. Fun hand!

Next hand was pretty boring but funny how it panned out.

MP €1100
Hero €1100

2 hands before i have 3bet villain with trash and he's folded pre flop once and once to a cbet otf

Straddle, UTG opens to 25, MP 3b to 63, i cold 4b with AA (First AA of the trip (sun) ) folds back round to him and he tanks for a while and raises to 330... I tank with adrenaline pumping in my head and tank call. Flop comes A34 and he snap jams... I of snap call and it runs out 9 7 and i table AA. He shows KK and says, too sick, gets up and leaves :s

Had quite a few medium sized pots (~500-600) but they were just not interesting hands. Pots just get extremely bloated very quickly. You gotta be very well rolled to play these for a living i'd say.

Just got back in and everyones gambling so looks like it'll be a late one even though we gotta be up for the high roller tomorrow!

Mandatory live grind with massage girl pic

Chaos gamblers

Here we goooo

Will be updating from midday tomorrow.

gl guys!

Last edited by BenaBadBeat; 10-23-2015 at 07:38 PM.
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-23-2015 , 07:50 PM
Gl son
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-23-2015 , 07:59 PM
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-23-2015 , 08:00 PM
GL Bena. Rootin for ya
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-23-2015 , 08:28 PM
GL! hope you bink
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-23-2015 , 09:22 PM
gl ben
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-23-2015 , 09:51 PM
Dat kk ship though
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-24-2015 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by BenaBadBeat

Here we goooo

Will be updating from midday tomorrow.

gl guys!
Take it down!!!!
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-24-2015 , 08:22 AM
Thanks guys. First break I'm on starting stack. I have to say I've started by playing ludicrously spewey and am very lucky to still have this many chips. Gunna reign it in and play some solid poker now.

One of the hands in question was utg opens for 400 (100/200/25) 3b by reg otb to 1050 I cold 4 A3dd to 2700 out the sb, fold and call. Flop Q85r no diamond... I cbet 2800 and get a miracle fold.

Everything about the hand was totally pointless.
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-24-2015 , 11:19 AM
Steadied the ship and had a couple well played levels. Just before the break open from ep to 1400 (250/500/75) call in mp I sqz to 4200 with KK, reg tanks for a while in the blinds and ends up cold 4b jamming 99. We hold and up to 60k with average at 35k
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-24-2015 , 11:49 AM
Yeess ben, keep it up
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-24-2015 , 12:08 PM
Bluffed off a big boy. Down to 25 with average at 40k.

Open min utg I call 53o out of bb. Flop 236dd I have the 5d, x/c, turn 7d I check call river Jc I check he bets 3500 I rip for 19k more. Tanks for 5 mins gets clock called on him and calls AAd
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-24-2015 , 01:50 PM
Right, at dinner break and we're back on average at around 55k. We doubled in a hand where reg who has just sat calls my co open in the bb, I have AQhh. Flop comes 843hh, check, I check back, turn comes 3 and he 1.4x pot turn... I call, river bink Jh, he tank jams for over pot, I call and he shows 57o. Got some real tough players on my table now including thecleaner11, Simon deadman (a great live uk reg) and stars pro theo jorgensen (who seems pretty tight).

Having dinner now and then back to it. 7/9 of us still in, smb and deepz busto. Pretty great result!

Last edited by BenaBadBeat; 10-24-2015 at 01:57 PM.
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-24-2015 , 02:41 PM
I have 112k. Learned all my tournament strategy from Ben. Great videos! I'm your biggest fan!

Last edited by pitapita; 10-24-2015 at 02:48 PM.
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-24-2015 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by BenaBadBeat

Having dinner now and then back to it. 7/9 of us still in, smb and deepz busto. Pretty great result!
Idd great that they both out oreddi. Can start teh weekend now!
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-24-2015 , 04:07 PM

Urgghhhh last hand before the break I lose a monster monster pot vs thecleaner. He mins from ep and I call Q7o in the BB out of a 68k stack at 1/2k. Flop comes QT6ddh check check, turn Qh I check call 4500, river comes Ad, I check and he 2x pot shoves. I tank for a very long time and call. He had QT for the super boat. Down to 3bb. Sigh
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-24-2015 , 04:11 PM
cleaner, ul
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
10-24-2015 , 04:34 PM
Thats wat u get for playing Q7o oop vs a november niner...
Mastering Mental Game and Mental Health Quote
