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Master yourself, master the enemy Master yourself, master the enemy

11-08-2015 , 01:46 PM
Hi 2+2.

About 6 weeks ago started to play poker again more and more.

Beat stars micro micro micro zoom for ok wr, 2nl 10bb/100, 5nl 7bb/100 and failed few shots@nl10z when I read these supernova changes, smh. ok it doesnt really affect me cuz I'm goldstar max but ppl moving down the stake + greedy company + alot of regs etc I decided to go to a smaller network with 30% rb(I lost like 10/10 235fpp sats and that equals like 0% rb for my 40k hands or so)

Don't have any stars graphs on my new comp but I'm gonna throw in few new graphs from new network..



NL20: (underroled dumb shot)

current br 240€, I gambled like 140€ in nl100 and I won't do it again... I liked stars cuz I could restrict my table limit, I had it always maximum nl5, and 1$ MTT/sngs because I might lose my mind and go shot take 1bi whole br... unfortunately I can't restrict table limit in my new network so I just work with the problem and try to find peace in my mental game...

what are my goals? luckily I live in eastern europe and winning like 300€ per month from poker is pretty much god like for me... So my 1st goal would be to earn 900€ per month with poker so I could cashout 1/3 of winnings everymonth and with my half time job and other incmes I could live above average life... (luckily we have around 800€/900$ avg salary not like 3k then my micro grind would be pointless).

After that maybe start beating nl50-100 6max and maybe one day go back to stars because I like tough games. Money isnt the only thing I play this game.. i just want to be good as possible and rather win 1bb/100 playing toughtest lineup than collect money from fish.. I love the game :P


1) try to hit around 100h per month (max 60h this month because I just cant force myself to play when I win 4bi in 10 min... winners tilt I know, trying to fix it)

2) work through mental game of poker

3) 4 vids

4) beat nl10 atleast ev5bb+/100

5) shot take nl20? 500€+ br

long term goal: become as good as I can and print money every site, every casino, every line up, eliminate any emotional aspect from my game so I only make most +Ev move every time without thinking about money, tilt etc etc etc..

I know one good mtt player who made few hundred K and he told me, everybody tryna work on their strategy but they should work on their mental game its far more important because in the long term mental game costs u the most money.. and I think it's true tho.. isildur can be the best ever but if he tilt 12h 10 table and dump 2m its no use to it...

anyway gl hf and first goal: grind to 500€
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
11-08-2015 , 01:50 PM
Also forgot to add if you play nl10-25 stars zoom or any other network 6max, you can add me up Im tryng to find a study group or something like that.. prefer to be small group rather than large with people who are little bit insane and crazy and who want to win millions in this game in 2015+ years where the games are toughest. so if u really love this game and want to talk strategy, gaining maximum edge in everything, huds, software whatever gives u max ev hit me up, write here or PM, im looking for someone to talk strat with few times a week or so.
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
11-10-2015 , 09:14 AM
Last 2 days:

nl10 and little bit 20 with success...

br now @ 344€+10€ rb, dno maybe I shot nl20 with 2-3bi stoploss, maybe not and grind to 500€
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
11-12-2015 , 08:09 AM
Tooooooo low volume last days but im up, bankroll now 385€. I start playing more now, trying to find some free time for it... Havent read book but watched 2 videos just need to grind mooore...
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
11-13-2015 , 12:02 PM
Playing too much NL20 and not NL10... pretty much underroled but will move down 100% when drop to 300€.

today graph

I will try to play nl10 for last 3 buy ins for discipline but let's see if I can do it. BR: 468€
official nl20 5bi shot BR: 500€
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
11-13-2015 , 05:19 PM

Played nl10 won 2.5bi and with rb now my bankroll is 501€, time for official nl20 shot 5bi stoploss, when I drop to 400€ I grind NL10 again.

Probably won't play much before monday because of irl stuff.. maybe few K hands tomorrow and few K hands sunday morning too.

next goal: beat nl20 and work my way up to 1500€ bankroll. Should be doable looking my opponentsa atm, but maybe I'm having little upswing.. Going to watch one video now about microstakes and probably going to read more poker mindset.
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
11-14-2015 , 11:28 AM
Played only couple hundred hands sadly. No time to play today anymore, probably 1-2k hands tomorrow.

Can't even say my winrates about nl4 and nl10 because I moved up from both stakes under 10k hands compared to pokerstars where I have grinded around 100k hand nl2 and 10bb/100 and around 180k hands nl5 7bb/100... dno if stars is so much tougher or my offtable work is paying off... or probably little bit of both. So no point telling my bb/100 before like 50k hands or so.
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
11-17-2015 , 12:18 PM
Havent played really much, just a little update..

br little bit over 600€
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
11-17-2015 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by SkillShot6000
Also forgot to add if you play nl10-25 stars zoom or any other network 6max, you can add me up Im tryng to find a study group or something like that.. prefer to be small group rather than large with people who are little bit insane and crazy and who want to win millions in this game in 2015+ years where the games are toughest. so if u really love this game and want to talk strategy, gaining maximum edge in everything, huds, software whatever gives u max ev hit me up, write here or PM, im looking for someone to talk strat with few times a week or so.
Good luck, you sound a little like myself lol.. These days I play mostly live, but I've spent a lot of time playing online at stars, played probably a few hundred thousand hands at nl25. I'm currently doing a lot of off the table work to improve my 6max online game in an attempt to get a bit more into online poker again. Some of the things I'm looking to incorporate into my game right now might seem a bit crazy (definitely off the beaten path). I like to think outside the box.. I want to build my game in the strongest way possible, and I'll look at unusual plays if I think them better than conventional plays. I'm all for talking strategy. I only see less than 10 posts for you, so I'm guessing you probably don't have PMs enabled yet? I think you need to post a bit more first. But yeah, if you're ever interested (and you're able to PM), just message me.
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
11-18-2015 , 11:06 AM
Damn, I did it all wrong today... tbh the issue is that I rly dont want to grind atm, I want to get money and climb stakes but I dont want to grind, i just want to do other things... but I have to grind/win so I just played like 10-13 days everyday 1h and won 1-3bi I know this is kind of heater and it isnt sustainable so I played again lost 2bi fh vs quads, nuts flush vs quads, dropped to 540€, played nl50, got up to 590€, 5 min til work "I want BE" fishy mindset and boom called 1 river shove what was obv wrong and HU tptk vs 4bet pre what was obv wrong too... I called just "pls bluff this time so i could end sess BE/winner and go to work.. both had nuts and I dropped to 443€

So for discipline and punishment I cashed out 143€.. I have 300€ br and I play nl10 until 400 or 500€ then shot nl20 again. it's not disaster tho, im stilll up 300€ this month but very dumb thing to do -.- gl gl grind nl10 again. probably wont push myself until monday... I just have to sit down and think what I want, what I have to do to achieve it etc.. i just cant play 500 hands a day and win 3 buy ins everyday.. I have to put in the hours which is hard currently...
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
11-18-2015 , 02:41 PM
OMG!! I wrote like mega book 30 mins here and pressed reply and said log in, logged in all text deleted ffs. okay I wrote soooo long story I make it very short this time


stop wasting my life
stop wasting time
make goals and learn discipline by achieving them every month
basic goals and bonus goals every month


november: 30 hours atleast

december: 100hours min 130hours bonus goal.

play only nl10 until 100k hands without cashing in rb and checking cashier.
use my time wisely.
stop checking cashier
stop checking cashier
mental game
mental game
low budget big dreams

ev5bb+ @ nl10
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
11-25-2015 , 02:43 PM
Hey guys... I have around 8k hands played @nl10 overall so 92k to go... bankroll currently 368e, up this month 360 eur around mby 30 hours max... Yes awful month volume wise, but nothing to do my mindset isnt strong enough to push myself so hard yet... Im collecting momentum.. probably will finish my 100k nl10 hand challenge in december. lets get it
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
11-30-2015 , 03:24 PM
Hello ended this month very very low volume because alot of other things I have to deal with atm...

With rakeback/bonus and dumb shots @nl100 ended this month +405€ ran good played too little volume.

December goals:

Play 92k hands nl10
the poker mindset
2 videos
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
11-30-2015 , 04:05 PM
Good luck Lee Sin. "Force is meaningless without skill."
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
12-02-2015 , 07:41 AM

Lost most of my roll, dropped from 405€ to 126€ and cashed all out. Heater turned off at microgaming and I couldnt win a hand and I started to tilt.. My biggest minus is that when I start to tilt I insta go 10x my stake and microgaming doesnt have restriction so I played little bit 100 and 200 HU and lost ~250€ so I cash out and start stars grind again... only because they have table restriction.

Will start from nl2. I deposit 50$ and go from there. Should be easy nl2 and nl5...
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
12-02-2015 , 03:46 PM
I plan to play 100k hands on zoom nl2/nl5 this month. Playing nl2 and 5 is so stress free but I'm struggling with nl10z dont know why, maybe I'm going too aggro and trying to outplay but end up losing hard. pretty much like papillon_ crushing nl5 but losing nl10 wtf. But no time to stress about it. Will deposit 50$ tomorrow and go from there.. Probably something like this: 50->125$ nl2, 125->300$ nl5, 300+ 5bi nl10 shot, hopefully can shot 10z 1. january if all goes well.

Watched 3 videos today and recognized few big mistakes about calling too light and barreling too often, will try to fix it because microstakes is no nl200 where you have to balance your ranges and bluff/call light so hard.. I just have to play solid abc make disciplined folds and go hard for value.

Time is ticking too fast, time to go hard now for real... atleast cashed out around 500€ last 2-3 months so starting from basically 0 is not so frustrating.

Going hard on ishter11 nl10 videos on rio, I really **** with ishter, best videos as far I've watched them, plays really solid and explains everything... I wish I could take some coaching from him but 250$ for hour is like 100k hands nl5z not worth it currently but will do it definitely in the future... I just have to stop doing dumb **** and just beating, 10z, 16z, 25z before... I feel like these games are so f'in hard but tbh they are not. Just have to be on poing every spot from now on. You already know how it go no handouts lets get it. I got like 7-8 months for poker after that I probably have a possibility for full time job if I won't make it before it I probably never make it bcuz of family and everything else I can maybe put in 40hrs or so when working fulltime. so it's more like a last clip not last bullet.

Also deleted league of legends and cs:go from my computer and all dumb **** that wastes my time it's like now or never. If I make it to nl25z beating 2bb/100 or so with 7-8 months this is minimum requirement for myself.

Last edited by SkillShot6000; 12-02-2015 at 03:54 PM.
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
12-02-2015 , 05:22 PM
Good luck with your new plan. Yeah, expensive coaching when playing the bottom levels is probably not worth it. Sounds like you're benefiting from those videos, so that sounds like a better idea right now. Most of all, have fun, and if you decide to play regular instead of zoom, maybe I'll see you at the tables lol.
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
12-07-2015 , 05:19 PM

currently played 13k hands nl5z with 7evbb winrate now thinking back microgaming is way more softer and more rakeback... so I really should play there. now it is good software and table restriction vs higher rakeback and fishier tables... I grind up to 300 bucks or something like that and hit nl10 euro tables on microgaming again, more ev longterm just have to work on my mental game not run from my problems.. also watched bunch of videos and worked on my game, I feel I'm getting better everyday and it feels so good. I also discoverd tons of spots where im lacking so it's good news. im really happy that i'm crushing nl5zoom, probably can do it higher too. just more off table work, just work more than best regulars to be better, good luck everybody.

I'm going to post graph and update thread after every 25k hands.

it feels good to be from struggle because making even like 300-400 dollars month with poker feels so god damn good, i just dont understand ppl who whine about it... until you can make atleast 1 dollar from poker and its beatable to best regs there is all good for me.
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
12-07-2015 , 05:22 PM
Investing time in your mental game seems like a useful plan to me! Best of luck at the tables!
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
12-07-2015 , 05:53 PM
Yes, true. thats the part of mastering myself, long way to be 'mental game crusher' but it's worth the hard work
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
12-14-2015 , 08:18 AM
Like I said, update after every 25k hands or so. Finished 25k hands @ nl5z, more or less heater )) Happy with my play but not so happy about my volume.. but what can I do I'm working too and christmas is coming and so on.. 75k hands per month is probably most optimal variant. hopefully I can move up and can quit job what pays me 4€/h.. yeah eastern europe sucks. nl25z or nl20€ would let me live comfortably. now im working triple or double just to get break even you know im from the struggle.. around -90$ this month to clear then BE, probably end this month +100-200$ (FU MYSELF FOR NL200HU xD)

cashouted half of roll to depo on microgaming, when cashout arrived gonna cashout another 50% and depo to microgaming and play nl10€.. atm 25k hands and I play 235fpp tourneys for "rakeback" and 0/3 so basically 25k hands and 0% rb @ stars.. but 12bb/100 EV atleast... tho I think my real EV winrate would be around 8bb+ not sure, maybe even higher because I'm improved drastically in last 2 months.
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
12-17-2015 , 12:11 PM
Finished my pokerstars grind now.

7.74bb/100 pretty happy for my results. happened to cash 2/5 235fpp sattys finally and won +37$ with spin and gos as "rakebacklol"

cashed out 151$+140$ and now I deposit 140$ to microgaming and play nl4€ until I get my 151$ cashout and then play nl10€.

next update is 25k hands nl10 microgaming graph.. and I will play 100k hands before I move up to next limit just to be sure about my winrate.
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
12-20-2015 , 04:53 AM
Only around -40e now... 4bi to go then BE... damn now I feel the consequences of mindset leak... 15 min of tilting and I work it back 18 days lol... basically 25bi in nl10e and 54bi in nl5zoom lol... That was hell of a lesson for me now for real. Working much and christmas things take alot of time, probably end this month around 70-80k hands overall.. I think I push myself little bit and hope for variance be on my side to book atleast +100eur winnings this month and complete my 100k hands in nl10 in january.. I would b happy everything over 5bb/100 ev :P

graph coming soon man, in 2 days then I finish my first 25k hands in MG.

Won't kill my 100k hands goal because I was not 100 percent aware of how I can manage my time or play... I can say now I can play atleast 70k per month from january but hopefully can push 100k hands few months...

Also watched over 10 videos not 2 what I planned so I owned this goal...

Haven't read pokermindset yet but I'm working on my mental game on myself... and I'm really getting better... Decided to read 'Solitary fitness' By Charles Bronson instead. but will 100 percent read mindset book too.

Bronsons book is good, have long injury and can't hit gym in few month so I start working out home, read already 1 navy seal book ' you are your own gym' and now finish solitary fitness and construct solid homebased workout routine for myself 5-6days a week, do it 1-3 months then hit back gym.

One of my biggest goals currently is hit 10k br for nl100e or nl100z and make another 6k and cashout for live 2-2 hopefully I can achieve it in 2016, probably around summer if I continue my hard work... I believe I can achieve everything I set in my mind and will play midstakes atleast in 2k17... I'm growing hard atm, off table work is helping me on so many levels sad I didnt do it 5 years ago but it's never late and poker wont go nowhere. if it happens to be in few years that online cash is unbeatable due to some reasons i switch to mtt online/live cash but i won't quit until I lift some ept trophy or win mills from cash. I'm happy already.. if I manage to get be and win some this month it's my 3rd winning month in a row and it's onlyt he beginning

Last edited by SkillShot6000; 12-20-2015 at 05:08 AM.
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
12-22-2015 , 09:01 AM
No graph but update:

christmas promo on microgaming, so I play blaze poker (same as zoom) and there is no table cap, so I play 6 tables nl10 and I'm down 30€ (added 10€ rb, 10€ bonus and 7€ promo bonus to my roll) so probably around 6-7bi down playing it... my hem2 doesnt track it properly so I can't show no graph but probably played around 10k hands with 2 days.. This is unreal rigged ****h0le tbh, I was down 14bi, only coolers, then +6bi then again -6bi.. but its defo easily beatable but what can I do when everytime set vs set, fh vs quads, KK vs AA, AK vs KK, QQ vs KK etc all kind of odd run outs and, flopped set 3 hearts ship it vs flush etc and not vs best regs against who I should fold set on the flop :P but that's just variance and got to grind it out.. overally whole month -30€ only
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
12-23-2015 , 01:28 PM
The law of attraction is real, got that 100e bonus what I imagined for 2 days, great. also made 4 buy ins back on the tables and currently im up 117e this month and I keep playing blaze for more 5 days. Yeahhhhh
Master yourself, master the enemy Quote
