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Mass tabling on Lock Mass tabling on Lock

01-11-2012 , 02:13 AM
Hey guys. So I've been thinking about doing a blog tracking all my poker results this year for awhile now. Was just looking around some 2p2 forums and decided this would be a good place to start something. Obv this is not a blog, but close enough

If you haven't seen the threads by zackryan28, jdawg91, and rusemandingo def check em out. Really cool stuff. And probably similar to the content incorporated into this thread. Please comment here with any questions, opinions, or just random thoughts. It would def make this thread more interesting. Also, this is my first thread that I really plan on keeping up with, so forgive me if I'm ignorant as to certain forum rules etc.
Okay, about me: My name is Matt, I'm 19 years old and have been playing poker professionally for just over a year now. And playing recreationally for about 5

I played almost exclusively on ftp up until Black Friday. My screenname was IWINULOSETHX. I focused mostly on mid and high stakes mtts. Had some good success but never got that breakout score. Lost a flip in the 750k for a top 10 stack and busted in 25th first place was like 130k. Needless to say, the hand still haunts me. lol. Then I switched to Black Chip Poker on the Merge network in May of 2011. Screenname 8IWINULOSETHX8. Have had solid success in mtts and sngs. But I'll be focusing on my Lock account this year, as 8IWINULOSETHX. I plan on mass-tabling sngs for most of my time. And playing a full mtt schedule on Sundays. Atm I just don't feel that it is worth it for me to be grinding mtts every night. I think my hourly would probably be better in sngs, mainly sts. Looking to play at least 1500 sts a week and hopefully make a shot at the sng leaderboard. Though I was on vacation for two days last week, so I'm already behind.

Been grinding hard tonight and gonna put in another session or two if theres decent action going. Gl all, looking forward to reading your comments!
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-11-2012 , 02:21 AM
gl man, i would never grind super turbo 6max lol
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-11-2012 , 05:02 AM
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-11-2012 , 10:05 AM
As always, GL my man!
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-12-2012 , 12:51 AM
okay, time for an update. Had a really long day involving 2 classes, visiting family in the hospital, and test-driving/negotiating a 2012 camaro. Sick car, loved it. Hope it works out, but if not, theres always another one.

Only started my first session of the day at like 10 pm est. Regged it up in all the $5, 10, 20, and 36 6max st's. And tried to keep regging once they started popping off. Also regged it up in all the 20, 54, and 108 dons. Wasnt really expecting so much action and suddenly my screen was totally full of active games. Less than 12 tables dont really go fast enough for me. 20 or so is quite comfortable. However, ive played 30 or 31 active games before that i was able to count. it was challenging, but workable.

tonight tho was crazy. have no idea how many active games i had going at once but i know i played 42 sts in 0.4 hours and the dons were still going at this time. so def mightve exceeded 30. actually had a minute or two span where i timed out on most of the tables and had to constantly click the 'sit in' button. that was frustrating so i'll have to be more selective in the future. after i finished that set of sts i didnt reg for more. just focused on the dons as there were about 20 or so active ones plus a few mid stakes mtts that i ran like total crap in. think im doomswitched in merge mtts now. lol. my hud says i was +$311.30 in the sts over 24 minutes time so obv really happy about how i ran in those. but ofc everything that could have went wrong in the dons did. after an early double i bubbled the only 108 that popped and ran bad in the 54s also. as im writing this i get 3 outed on the river to bubble my last $20 don. ak<aj aip. -$30 on the session. great start, horrendous finish. dissapointing. rake was good tho. time to grab some food, then reg it up in sts for a couple hours.

oh, checked my sng leaderboard standings after the session and moved from 14th to 11th place. Apparently i hit a 5 win streak during the session so now i have something to really work with. looking to massively improved my points total in this next session. oh, and hubs wasnt grinding so that really +++ my ev tonight. haha. grind less bud
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-12-2012 , 01:25 AM
Sick, I've always wanted a Camaro and if I ever get out of MU/get financially comfortable, definitely might get a 2011 or 2012.

Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-12-2012 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by jdawg91
get financially comfortable
haha is this possible for poker players?? lol, thanks boss
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-12-2012 , 11:52 AM
looking for a ton of volume today and tomorrow. i'm playing on my lock account right now, and as you probably know, lock offers double vip points on thursdays and fridays, which is like an extra 10% rakeback. so it just makes sense to grind harder on those days. would like to break into the top 10 spots on the sng leaderboard, but theres a large gap between my 11th place and 10th place, so it will def take alot of work.

oh, just checked the sharkscope leaderboard for 6max supers at $16 to $35 stakes and im 8th on the overall list of total profit for 2012. pretty happy about that. shout out to 6maxpro who is sitting in 4th place and skyboypt who is winning that same leaderboard. as always, grind less guys
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-12-2012 , 11:43 PM
this week has been unbelievably busy. spent most of the day at the car dealership, but good news is that we finalized the deal and i get to pick up my car tomorrow so stoked!

im really exhausted but have alot of work to do now. gonna reg it up for a couple hours, and hope alotta games pop. tomorrow should be easier to grind. tho i'll prob just be driving around most of the day, and then seeing a movie at night. which means imma have a sick workload over the weekend. (trying to play 1500 sts a week and rake at least 2k a week). but its all good. also, gotta get back to the gym. this week has been pretty stressful. but def a great one overall!

prob going to palm beach next month for wsop circuit events. its a couple hours drive from my home. but now i'll have a car that i actually trust will get me there

Last edited by IWINULOSETHX; 01-13-2012 at 12:07 AM.
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-14-2012 , 12:07 PM
great day yesterday. got the car and spent the day driving it around. showed some people, learned the car a bit, and realized that im basically driving a computer. pretty awesome. saw contraband too, which was a pretty cool movie. then spent the rest of the night smoking cigars around a fire with my dad and best friend.

obviously didnt get to fit much poker into the mix. but np tho, ill be able to jump back at it today. not gonna try and play a monster session, to hit my weekly goals. with all the stuff involving buying the car and classes starting, im just marking this one down as a vacation week. probably gonna play a realllly long day tomorrow. basically all the sunday mtts worth playing. while mixing in high stakes dons and some 6max supers. would be nice if i could finally get a mtt win on my lock account. ive been playing well, but running pretty bad in mtts lately. last sunday i got 25th in the high rollers for like $450. the hand i lost was for a 2nd place stack. mp opened, the sb reg 3bet, and i cold 4bet shoved from the bb with ako. standard. mp folds, but sb takes some time and calls. aqs. i obv love seeing that hand there, and dont blame his play. but he rivered the flush to bust me. He then goes on to ship the tourney for over 14k. So obv that really hurt. looking for some better luck this weekend
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-14-2012 , 12:50 PM
Nice car, see ya on the tables more shortly I'm sure. And welcome to the world of us super turbo fish with PG&C threads.


-Zorandar (in case ya didn't know)
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-14-2012 , 01:57 PM
thanks man. solid work so far in the sng leaderboard. you have a thread? link?
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-14-2012 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by IWINULOSETHX
thanks man. solid work so far in the sng leaderboard. you have a thread? link?
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-15-2012 , 01:37 PM
about to start the grind soon. gonna be a pretty long session. Playing nearly all the merge mtt's today, prob even down to the 3r. Just wanna get that win on my lock account. Overall I'm planning on raking a very large amount today. Probably around $600. Obv I will mix in alot of sngs as well.

havent had the best week up to this point. had a connection issue last monday that caused me major problems and cost me a lot of money on the day. Of course, everything was fixed 20 minutes after my last games ended. So it wasnt the best start to the week. But sundays can be make or break days, and its def my turn for some late tourney run good. gl all
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-16-2012 , 08:34 PM
For the recap of the sunday grind: I basically succeeded in all my goals involving time played. Think I logged in over 8 hours, and had a solid volume going on for most of that time. Didn't get to $600 in rake, but the higher games didnt load as well as I had hoped, and by playing a full mtt schedule, I wasn't able to grind as many sts. Overall, I lost quite a bit pre-rakeback. Barely cashed in any mtts. Just ran like total crap. Ended up losing a big flip in the hr with like 60 left or something. Woulda cashed if I had won the hand, so that $500 woulda helped. but oh well. Overall, having difficulty getting the volume in, as the action has been fairly slow lately. Think I'll start mixing in the $2 sts as well. Wont really help my rakeback goals, but should def help me break into the top 10 on the sng leaderboard.

Think most of the pros I know are on some kind of downswing atm. Hopefully we can start turning things around soon
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-17-2012 , 01:16 AM
Good luck man.

How many tables/hour do you get? AlwaysBeClosng and possibly a couple of others are doing a little $100 volume prop for Wed-Fri. If you're looking to push yourself hard for 3 days you can get in on it if you'd like. PM me if you want to, or just check out BAEVenture's thread
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-17-2012 , 11:55 AM
I usually dont do full hour sessions. I'll get on and reg for as many as I can until it becomes too much. Which is usually like 40 games in total over a 25 minute period or so. Then I take a quick break and get back at it. And yeh I actually have been keeping up with his thread. Thought about messaging you guys about getting in the prop, but don't think it's a good idea for me this week. Been having volume problems lately, with alotta stuff going on. Def in the future tho, I would be interested
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-17-2012 , 01:50 PM
pics of car. and pics of multitabling inside car. gl
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-17-2012 , 03:39 PM
ha, zack's really doing a good job trying to get the word out on this prop. pretty unfortunate no one wants in. zack, you think if we tweak the terms like perhaps making it a 24 hour sprint type thing we would get more interest?
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-17-2012 , 09:56 PM

So I have a few pics saved on my computer. But I'm terrible with most things technology. Can't figure out how to actually post a picture without using the link lol. Tbh, these two pics are not my car, but identical models so its all good Did figure out how to make MY car pic as my 2p2 avatar lol. Havent tried multitabling inside the car yet, but I bet itd be hella comfortable. lol.
YGG, are you alwaysbeclosing? Think I read your sn in another thread, but not sure.
About to start my night session. Should be able to reg it up for a couple hours. Bring on the heater!
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-17-2012 , 10:06 PM
haha I love your screen name! Good work! Not sure about that car though? Yellow cars are pretty gross imo.
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-17-2012 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by IWINULOSETHX

So I have a few pics saved on my computer. But I'm terrible with most things technology. Can't figure out how to actually post a picture without using the link lol. Tbh, these two pics are not my car, but identical models so its all good Did figure out how to make MY car pic as my 2p2 avatar lol. Havent tried multitabling inside the car yet, but I bet itd be hella comfortable. lol.
YGG, are you alwaysbeclosing? Think I read your sn in another thread, but not sure.
About to start my night session. Should be able to reg it up for a couple hours. Bring on the heater!
yeah, that's me man. my bad for using your thread to talk about our little prop. should've taken that to PM.

sick car, btw. gl this month gettin in to the top 10 on the LB. some sicko grinders on there this month imo
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-17-2012 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Ore$tes
haha I love your screen name! Yellow cars are pretty gross imo.
Thanks bro
but dont hate
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-17-2012 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by yougotG0T
my bad for using your thread to talk about our little prop. should've taken that to PM.

sick car, btw. gl this month gettin in to the top 10 on the LB. some sicko grinders on there this month imo
hey its all good man. Talk about whatever you want, no worries. Tyty. Yeh there really are some sick grinders out there this month. I used to be heavy into the leaderboard grind a couple months ago, and it was never this hard. Def gotta work for it now. Had a great start to my session just now. Up over 150 in the first set of 29 sts. Was pretty sure that i hit a 6 streak, but it hasnt popped up on the leaderboard yet so thats a bit of a let-down. lol
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
01-19-2012 , 02:02 AM
Extremely tired. Have hardly been at my house at all today. The last week or two has been very tiring with getting back to school and getting my car. My poker volume has def suffered as a result. Luckily, I'm still staying quite healthy. Throughout this, I have been able to work out a coaching/staking deal with a good friend of mine. Pretty excited about that. We live close to each other so thatll make things alot easier. It's not gonna make me rich, but should generate another hundred bucks a week or so. And should be a fun experience also. So that will help to up my weekly earnings esp when I get so busy. Did put in a session tonight. Ran near breakeven in all my games, except for the highest buyin level, which ofc I ran well below ev as I made it hu 27% of the time, but amazingly didn't win one. Also was a disapointment because all those hu spots gave me a chance to jump up the streaker leaderboard. But it wasnt meant to be. Still bummed that I didn't get that 6 streak yesterday. Was so sure I had it. Tomorrow and friday should be high volume days. Don't have much going on, and its double vip points. Gla
Mass tabling on Lock Quote
