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On A Marathon On A Marathon

05-09-2014 , 01:41 AM
1k gr nlh rebuy 6.3 84/155
plo8 10k start stk 11 11/86 18.06
1500 gr nlh rb 10.5 40/137
1k gaur act hr turbo 4.2 87/230
1k gaur nlo8 rb 55 41/79
stud hilo 11 29/36
nlh sko ss 22 6/54 39.7
nlh bgnr ds 4.4 32/58
1k plo8 ds 13 58/101b4lr
1k gaur plo8 ss turb 22 44/57b4lr
plo8 quad up 22 Top11/45
1k gaur plo8 ds 11 69/114b4lr 80
500 gaur nlh trb rb 5.85 73/227
5k pts fr qual 200pts tix 19/19b4lr
1k gaur nlo8 ss 22 59/69b4lr
nlh rebuy 4.2 5th/78 26.7
plo8 turbo 11 28/56
1k gaur plo8 ds 22 29/59

BR: 3328.86(-$93)
FT: 166(+2)
FPF: 28

The second final table I made a huge mistake at the end bvb with one player still in who had been sitting out for over an hr. Could have easily made 30% more gaur if I just chilled. Also played horrible today. Don't know why, but it just wasn't a good day for me.
On A Marathon Quote
05-09-2014 , 04:39 PM
Gettin a wisdom tooth pulled today and from what I've heard I'm likely to be in too much pain to grind the next two days. Sucks that I can't smoke either.
On A Marathon Quote
05-09-2014 , 05:13 PM
but you'll have Vics.
On A Marathon Quote
05-10-2014 , 12:58 AM
Nah they gave me hydrocodone. Getting tooth pulled went good. Doctor ripped it out in 5 seconds flat.

1k gaur plo8 ss turb 22 47/90
500 gaur nlh trb rb 1.35 37/212
5k pts fr qual 200pts tix 24th/43
plo8 quad up 22 21/47b4lr
nlh bgnr 4.4 3rd/37 19.98
1k gaur plo rebuy 6.3 28/180
1k gaur nlh rebuy 6.3 4th/204 137.28
1500 gr nlh rb 10.5 78/148
1k gaur plo ds 22 37/41b4lr

BR: 3391.27(+63)
FT: 168(+2)
FPF: 28

Keep going deep in tourneys but keep runnin bad where it counts. Made a questionable play to end the day, but I think it was somewhat std. Found out I can smoke my ecig as long as I puff it very lightly. So out of it from pain meds right now.
On A Marathon Quote
05-10-2014 , 05:15 PM
Just got 29th bink of year for 241$ in nlh super stk super ko out of 57 players.
On A Marathon Quote
05-10-2014 , 06:32 PM
nice job man
On A Marathon Quote
05-11-2014 , 12:02 AM
Thanks runnin!

1k gr nlh rebuy 6.3 77/189
plo8 10k start stk 11 59/86
nlh ss sk 22 1st/57 241
5k pts fr nlh ds 1000pts tix 194/204b4lr
1k gr nlo8 rb 25 6th/74 85.36
stud hilo 11 17/23b4lr
2k gr nlh rb 10.5 89/182
nlh sko 22 14/18b4lr
1k gaur plo ds 11 52/128b4lr
1k gaur plo8 ds 13 19/145
1k gaur plo8 ss turb 22 29/91
plo8 quad up 22 26/50
1k gaur plo8 ds 11 35/146
plo8 satty to any 22 3.3 22/63
5k pts fr qual 200pts tix 20/41
1k gaur plo rb 6.3 66/160
1k gaur nlh rebuy 6.3 30/221
1500 gr nlh rb 10.5 82/134

BR: 3502.43(+111)
FT: 170(+2)
FPF: 29(+1)
On A Marathon Quote
05-12-2014 , 12:31 AM
Super nasty day today. Got crushed by variance where it counted the most. I have been running horrible for a while now. If not for good brm I'd be mentally devestated.

1k gaur nlh rebuy 6.3 62/159
100k gr semifinal rb nlh 14.7 35/104
plo8 10k start stk 11 45/115
nlh ss sk 22 13/54 10
7k gr plo8 ss 55 56/56b4lr
1k gr nlo8 rebuy 17 3/75 228
1k gr plo8 ds 13 72/103
1k gr plo8 ds 11 71/177
plo8 quad up 22 Top12/49 80
1k gaur plo8 turbo ss 22 32/102
1500 gr nlh rb 10.5 26/140
1k gaur plo rb 6.3 110/183
1k gaur nlh rebuy 6.3 85/223
2k gr nlh rb 10.5 97/198
satty to 55 plo8 hyp turb 16.5 6th/6b4lr
5k pts fr nlh qual 200pts tix 19th/34b4lr
1k gaur plo8 ds 22 34/41b4lr
plo8 turbo 11 28th/36b4lr

BR: 3543.33 (+$41)
FT: 171(+1)
FPF: 29

Might not get much time to play tomorrow bc my brothers and I are taking my mom out for pizza for mothers days(she chose pizza lol).
On A Marathon Quote
05-13-2014 , 01:53 AM
Got crushed in last few hrs of day. Ran horrible. Aces cracked with monster chip lead on final table by aks allin preflop.

plo8 quad up 22 21/31b4lr
nlh rb 4.2 5/97 28.8
1k gr plo turbo 7.7 31/158
2k gr nlh rb 21 44/111
1k gr plo ko 16.5 38/105
2k gaur nlo ko 16.5 62/264 5
1k gr plo8 ds 22 23/63
nlh bgnr 4.4 6/38 9.88
2k gaur plo turbo 10kss 16.5 82/115b4lr

FT: 173(+2)
FPF: 29

Last edited by suitedandzooted; 05-13-2014 at 02:04 AM.
On A Marathon Quote
05-13-2014 , 04:01 AM

Feel like I need a few threadsavers.
On A Marathon Quote
05-13-2014 , 12:53 PM
Been a while since I checked your thread. Nice progress and threadsavers! I'm curious, what kind of bankroll management do you follow? And does it change as you move up in stakes?
On A Marathon Quote
05-13-2014 , 06:54 PM
Been a while since I've seen you around kellerz! How's life? I haven't really been moving up much in stakes in the last year at all. My brm is wayyyy too cautious but it is because I only have $6k to my name. I started playing out $1-5 buyins a year and a half ago and have since started playing mainly 5-30$ buyins. Occasionally I play buyins as high as 220$. I literally have way more than 100 buyins at the buyin levels I play.
On A Marathon Quote
05-13-2014 , 11:40 PM
1k gaur nlh rebuy 6.3 73/141
plo8 10k start stk 11 22/68
nlh ss sk 22 27/59
1500 gr nlh rb 10.5 111/160
5k gaur nlh ss 33 82/186b4lr
1k gaur nlo8 rb 39 3/69 225.3
nlh sko 22 16th/24
5k gaur pts fr qual 200pts tix Top15/44 1000pts tix
5k gaur nlh ss 22 157/208b4lr

BR: $3515.71(+50)
FT: 174(+1)
FPF: 29

Low vol day. Was off to an incredibly bad start so just quit everything. I have final tabled the nlo8 rebuy 6 of the last 7x I have played it.

On A Marathon Quote
05-15-2014 , 01:55 AM
1k gaur nlh rebuy 6.3 9/164th 25.08
nlh ss sk 22 22/45b4lr
plo8 10k start stk 11 59/69b4lr
1500 gr nlh rb 10.5 66/142
1k gaur act hr turbo 4.2 2/240 224.35
1k gaur nlo8 rb 27 16th/81
5k pts fr nlh qual 200pts tix 18th/41
ftr monthly special nlh 3.3 28/40
1k gaur plo8 ss turb 22 41/44b4lr
plo8 quad up 22 14/17b4lr
2k gaur nlo8 ss 22 21/112
500 gaur nlh trb rb 2.1 139/241
nlh rebuy 4.2 7/99 19.28

BR: 3627.82(+$112)
FT: 177(+3)
FPF: 29

On A Marathon Quote
05-15-2014 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by suitedandzooted
Been a while since I've seen you around kellerz! How's life? I haven't really been moving up much in stakes in the last year at all. My brm is wayyyy too cautious but it is because I only have $6k to my name. I started playing out $1-5 buyins a year and a half ago and have since started playing mainly 5-30$ buyins. Occasionally I play buyins as high as 220$. I literally have way more than 100 buyins at the buyin levels I play.
I've been very busy finishing up my thesis film for school, so not much time for poker lately. I had to uninstall all poker software to keep myself from playing. I used to only register for MTTs that I had 100 buyins or more for. I need to get back to stricter BRM when I get back to playing. If you would be interested in playing in a heads up tournament with some 2p2ers, check out this thread
On A Marathon Quote
05-15-2014 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by kellerz
I've been very busy finishing up my thesis film for school, so not much time for poker lately. I had to uninstall all poker software to keep myself from playing. I used to only register for MTTs that I had 100 buyins or more for. I need to get back to stricter BRM when I get back to playing. If you would be interested in playing in a heads up tournament with some 2p2ers, check out this thread
Thats cool. Goodluck with your thesis. I don't think much can actually keep me from playing. Even the best players can go on 200+ mtt buyin downswings. Happened to agentduque. I don't believe in having the 100+ buyins for any reason other then the fact it makes me feel like I have a big cushion just in case I get bovadamized lol. This is now my fourth day in a row where one of my ppaa's got cracked. Played them all correct too. Strict brm is the only way 99% of ppl will have any longevity in their poker careers. Without it I'd be long gone by now. That headsup tourney sounds really fun, but I'm too lazy to set up a paypal just to play it and worry about communicating with team mates over it. If it was just a play money headsup tourney I'd def play, but the money aspect ruins it as it requires extra work on my part. Playing against other 2+2ers and actual ps players does sound enticing though.

Been running horrible for as long as I can remember now. Today was just another nightmare.

plo8 10k start stk 11 64/85
nlh ss sko 22 21/58
1k gaur nlh rebuy 6.3 36/147
1k gaur nlo8 rb 23 43/67
1k gaur act hr turbo 4.2 51/283
5k pts fr nlh ds turbo 1000pts tix 170/270
nlh bgnr ds 4.4 6/70 13.44
1500 gr nlh rb 10.5 37/160
2k gaur nlh ss 16.5 85/152/b4lr
nlh bgnr 4.4 2/35 29.4

BR: $1018.36(-$109, ordered another check for 2500 even though the last hasn't arrived and total life roll is slightly over $6000 still with all food and smoking costs already paid for for the next month but)
FT: 179(+2)
FPF: 29 (was pretty close to winning the little bgnr today but lost 5 allin flips during the 150+ hand headsup which was as long as the rest of the whole tourney lol dude battled back from 6k vs my 45k starting headsup)

On A Marathon Quote
05-16-2014 , 01:46 PM
Probably taking today off. Doctor, optometrist, and dentist apts today and incredibly sleep deprived. If I play I will gaur make more mistakes then usual. I think sleeping a good 12 hrs after I get back from the dentist will help me out huge for the upcoming week. I also want to go see the new Godzilla movie in IMAX tomorrow, but I plan on playing tomorrow too so don't really know how that will fit in.

On A Marathon Quote
05-18-2014 , 12:16 AM
plo8 quad up turbo 5.5 41/57
500 gaur nlh trb ds 5.5 29/195
nlh rb 4.2 37/84
500 gaur nlh 16.5 31/49b4lr
500 gaur nlh ds 22 5/40 60.8
plo8 turbo 5.5 14/14b4lr
plo8 rb 45.5 11/37
500 gaur nlh ss 16.5 21/24b4lr
plo8 ss 11 18/30b4lr
1k gaur nlh rb 6.3 106/153
plo8 10k start stk 11 51/59
100k gaur semifinal nlh rb 14.7 17/21
nlh ss sko 22 26/40 10

More runbad. Just feels like all day everyday I see players doing the dumbest things imaginable and building huge stacks while I try to play every situation as close to perfect as possible and get coolered over and over. In the hi/lo rebuy where I spent 45$ Every single hand I was allin with monster hands preflop or postflop with during the rebuy period I lost. These people go allin with me on 934 flops with tt9k vs my a259 and spike tens all day while I blank. So tilting.

BR: $906.11(-$112)
FT: 180(+1)
FPF: 29
On A Marathon Quote
05-18-2014 , 09:35 PM
Yeah bro. Ppl do the weirdest **** in those donkfests. You're a beast tho don't worry about it.

We got that skype group goin. Not sure if you're in yet I lost track of names.
On A Marathon Quote
05-18-2014 , 10:28 PM
Hah literally pmd you 1 sec b4 I saw you posted here lol.

Not playing today bc I have real life stuff to take care of. Also educating myself on how we're going to colonize mars in probably the next 6 years or so.

When I start getting absolutely crushed and everything I could possibly imagine going wrong goes wrong(especially on a long slightly winning/breakeven streak) I sometimes take a step back from poker to think about where I'm at and where I came from. I started the New Year with $250 in my acct and $0 cash. Like can't afford McDonalds $0 or like if this next check doesn't arrive what am I going to do. Now, I have $25 in cash and 2 $2500 checks on the way and the first is arriving in 2 days, AND $900ish in my acct. In a month or so I will be playing a $1500 buyin plo8 event in Vegas courtesy of Bovada's Contender Series Finale satty bink last year.. I will be grinding cash everyday before and everyday after the event. Life isn't so bad after all.

I just think I need to not rely on poker so much as the last 2 months I've only made $2000 which is incredibly low to live on. Still managed to save money, but it's not enough. When I get back from Vegas I think I need to buy a car asap and drive around everyday looking for a job that pays $15/hr or more until I get one. I think I should be working as much as I can M-F and playing all day like 12-14hrs on Sat-Sun until I have more then 10k. This is what I think I will do if I don't win something big in Vegas this year.

I also will probably be starting a tshirt company that makes awesome/ironic/incredibly sick poker and edm shirts and hoodies. Sometime after I get back from Vegas.

Last edited by suitedandzooted; 05-18-2014 at 10:47 PM.
On A Marathon Quote
05-19-2014 , 01:28 AM
Oh cool. You like edm. I just stumbled on this guy called RL Grime. I'm telling anyone that'll listen that this dude is a beast. YouTube him you might like. Good job with the poker man. You have a lot to be proud of.
On A Marathon Quote
05-20-2014 , 12:29 AM
Yeah love edm. His stuff is alil too old school for me I think. Thanks but I still feel like I'm very far from using my true potential. I need to remember about being proud more often. Appreciate it mk.

nlh bgnr 4.4 22/44
nlh 1.1 61/143
1k gaur nlh rb 8.2 70/225
plo8 turbo 11 18/37b4lr
plo8 quad up 5.5 Top14/57 20
500 gaur nlh ds turb 5.5 13/158 16.59
500 gaur nlh sup turb 11 33/79
500 gaur nlh 16.5 29/33b4lr 879.45
1k gaur nlo8 rb 31 21/69
5k pts fr qual 200pts tix Top15/45 1000pts tix
1k gaur om hi turbo 7.7 52/67b4lr
7k gaur turb ss nlh 13 193/736b4lr

BR: 827.75(-$81)
FT: 180
FPF: 29

I still can't believe what I'm seeing.

On A Marathon Quote
05-20-2014 , 05:17 AM
Lol thx for making me feel old. Old school to me is Public Enemy and **** like that ha
On A Marathon Quote
05-20-2014 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by mkultra88
Lol thx for making me feel old. Old school to me is Public Enemy and **** like that ha
LOL my bad, not my intention. Mostly I just listen to podcasts when I'm playing. r3hab, knife party, nicky romero, avicii, afrojack, tiesto, etc. Don't get me wrong I'll still listen to old school stuff too but not older edm.

Last edited by suitedandzooted; 05-20-2014 at 11:56 AM.
On A Marathon Quote
05-20-2014 , 11:55 PM
Still on a downswing.

1k gaur nlh rb 6.3 48/149
10k start stk plo8 11 25/62
plo8 sng turb 6 max 13 5th/6
1k gaur nlh act hr turb 4.2 112/250
plo8 sng turb 6 max 13 4th/6
plo8 sng turb 6 max 13 3rd/6
plo8 sng 9 handed 11 1st/9 45
1k gaur nlo8 rb 19 15/64
plo8 sng 9 handed 5.5 3rd/9 9
plo8 sng turb 6 max 13 1st/6 46.8
plo8 sng turb 6 max 13 3rd/6
plo8 sng turb 6 max 13 4th/6
plo8 sng 9 handed 11 7th/9
1k gaur plo8 ds 11 86/120b4lr
2k gaur nlo8 ss 22 34/34b4lr
1k gaur plo8 ss turbo 22 27/66
10k gaur nlh ss 11 270/1082
nlh tripleup sng 15.4 5th/9

BR: 701.15(-126)
FT: 180
FPF: 29
On A Marathon Quote
