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Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s.

01-04-2022 , 08:34 AM
Thanks for keeping us up to date as usual & glgl for this year!
when do we get a roomtour of the new flat haha? roof terrace looks insane
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-06-2022 , 05:55 PM
Sick results mate! Congrats
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-06-2022 , 06:28 PM
just found out about this thread
what an amazing 2021, congrats
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-08-2022 , 09:41 PM
absolutely insane results, bro! pretty sick improvment! as you said, sometimes you struggle in some part of your career and then face a meteoric rise. pretty sure all of this experience that you had several years playing midstakes contributed a lot to be one of the end bosses right now! well deserved, very happy for you, great to see someone that worked so hard in the years getting the proper reward! keep crushing, glglgl <3
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-11-2022 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by PlasticElephant
Thanks - yeah I played soooo many hands of 200nl-500nl with 1000s of buy ins, and just got kind of stuck for years, I remember the move from 200nl-500nl being so difficult for me because I just hadn't moved up for so many years since I started making what I considered good money, I kind of felt like I was on a path to be in a reasonable position for life and didn't need the extra variance and uncertainty.
I actually remember doing a podcast with the jericho that was kind of a turning point for me, when we were asking him about his extremely aggro shots and he said something along the lines of 'poker is my life, it's what i'm doing in my 20s, and if I don't try to be the best I possibly can be what's the point?'

Congrats to the sick results mate, even though it sucks to hear this was the reason you moved up to highstakes .. It's funny to me because when I met thejericho i was the one saying this to him and constantly pushing him to take shots instead of just grind comfortably at 500z. When he was superrolled and had skills to play higher. Then I met Darrell and he also said he decided to move up because he had a similair convo w ced. Games would be a lot better without u 3 , haha!
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-03-2024 , 01:03 AM
Hey amigos - randomly inspired to update this right now with my end of 2023 post from the bitB server

Firstly - the gap since last post here.
I could write so much about my poker experience in 2022. I basically started with an insane downswing, think I lost 8 months in a row whilst winning in bbs. It was never as bad as it looked since I sold so much action 10k+, but it felt awful a lot of the time.
Broke up with a girlfriend I was super into, had insane overload with coaching and managing emotions of life + high stakes poker + downswing.

In a way as with everything, I'm glad I went through it, it's part of the journey, and I learnt so much from this period. I'll kind of leave it at that, with a graph + my podcast with the Wakko and Adam which was a really therapeutic experience for me actually, discussing this kind of period.

I also think I made my best coaching video ever for bitB at the end of it too, reflecting on a whole aspect of poker I didn't consider before. Mental game and stopping results seeping into life quality is really so much bigger than I could ever have imagined.
Ultimately, despite all the pain and variance of the last couple of years I think I crossed the $1.5 million mark in my own action since I started this blog and quit my job 5 years ago, which is a result I'd have been truly thrilled with at the outset.

Graphs of downsing:



2023 Update:

Firstly, going to have to disappoint you all with no graphs or stats, because on laptop in Thailand and can't access them ��

I think I won approx. $350k all in including jackpots and some app losses - at quite a low EV w/r of 2.1bb/100, and around 350k hands.
I'm happy to have had a decent $ year, but a bit disappointed by w/r I guess. A lot of battling in there though and high rake games on GG.
I also had 3 +$100k months this year, so another reflection for everyone on not putting too much weight on low sample graphs you see on etc.

Most importantly, I think I learnt more about myself this year than I ever had before, and enjoying the journey through the world more than ever.

the real EV comes from keeping your head down, improving in mental game, improving technical game, maintaining professionalism for long periods

going to reflect a bit on my year through this snippet I just posted in someone elses blog.

I think that mental game for me has just slipped and slipped the last few years. It always starts as a bit of fun to say random unrealistic things 'my account is cursed' 'Jhon is unbeatable' but all of these things kind of seep into mindset and make playing less enjoyable, seeing through the noise harder. It's something I really want to work on through poker this year tbh, using it as mechanism to test myself and control my thoughts and feelings better. Poker just is one of the hardest environments to avoid toxicity and irrational thoughts in, so if we can remain balanced whilst playing, it can only be good for the rest of life.

Technical game, I think I improved, a lot relative to the 1k/2k field, probably not enough relative to higher. I saw redacted work ethic and precision talking hands here in Thailand and it was quite eye opening to me, didn't quite appreciate how big the difference could be - and also inspiring in terms of what I can work toward in future. I also think it's proabably a good reminder that there are other young fresh kids like redacted out there, and I should be a bit more selective in my battles ��

Professionalism - I think that in general I've always been quite good at showing up, but almost too good sometimes. Days where I'm coaching, prepping, studying, working out, I can probably avoid trying to force volume too nowadays. I also need to work on ego a bit - because I have so many BIs for the stakes I play I kind of often just assume I can out fight everyone for lobbies etc, but have taken it way way too far with infinite tables all regs where I can't really expect a good WR.


Where to go in 2024:

I think it makes less and less sense for me to be grinding infinite volume at 1k for me. Without being too self indulgent, I really don't think I'll need the money, and if it comes at the expense of life quality (which it often does), it's just not a worthwhile trade off.
That said - I obviously want to remain sharp and in the times where I'm enjoying playing a lot, which does happen for maybe 1/2 the year, show up and have fun.

One of my main priorities tbh is get better at providing good content for the group going forward. I sometimes feel this year in GC I've been a bit lost on which topics can provide the best EV, and squeezing prep in with big playing volume has been to the detriment of both. I have some inspiration for topics in 2024, and think that once I'm back from travelling in Vienna (likely Feb-March time), I'm going to be working a lot on these ideas, probably streaming my play a lot more too like I used to - i find it fun to stream and think it's beneficial for people in here, but as I became more conscious that some guys in the group were actually executing better than me, my ego kind of held me back a bit because I didn't like to make mistakes on stream.

So - I guess less hands, more life really.

Life in 2024, as mentioned, was probably at all time peak. Travelled tons, met some awesome people, learnt more about myself than ever before.
I recently read a quote from Matthew McConaughey, about when times are tough which really resonated with what I felt I've learnt:

Don't seek the ship right now, just keep your head above water.

Maintain - hold on, and give yourself a chance to notice the magic, the mystical.

I do believe it's all around us all the time, just are we on a frequency - do we allow ourselves to see it and feel it?

Without going too Charlie Carrell on everyone - I gotta say that yoga, freediving, time in nature and really feeling good connections with friends and family have really given me different lenses on life this year and how much enjoyment there is to be had in the world.

Last edited by PlasticElephant; 01-03-2024 at 01:10 AM.
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-03-2024 , 01:31 AM
cool update man, gl in 2024
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-03-2024 , 01:54 AM
Good job fella, great update, best of luck for 2024
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-03-2024 , 04:57 AM
excellent update and great video!

can't believe you caught frank drinking his first ever beer on camera
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-03-2024 , 05:31 AM
Very healthy (not sick!) results, man. Good luck / your old skype mate

Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-03-2024 , 06:51 AM
It’s funny the older we are all getting, the more noble all these post become haha
Glgl in 2024 👍
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-03-2024 , 12:10 PM
Great year and gl in 2024.
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-03-2024 , 12:32 PM
wp lad
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-03-2024 , 01:30 PM
some great nuggets of knowledge in this update, particularly like this one "The real EV comes from keeping your head down, improving in mental game, improving technical game, maintaining professionalism for long periods".

Especially when you've "made it", longevity and enjoying the process becomes quite significantly more important than short term EV.

Good luck crushing it in 2024 and looking forward to making something happen<3
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-03-2024 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by max85
It’s funny the older we are all getting, the more noble all these post become haha
Glgl in 2024 👍
Yeah, had just the same thought while reading this. In 2010s the yearly update was basically '****ed around, made half a mill.', meditation was something the monks in Tibet did.
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-03-2024 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by PlasticElephant

So - I guess less hands, more life really.

nice update lad, gratz on turning things around and glad u ve had many good times along the way
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-03-2024 , 11:54 PM
Never risk what you have and need for what we don't have and don't need. In pursuit of our goals, we inevitably give up things that matter.

incredible post and video
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-04-2024 , 07:10 PM
Loved the video in the end, reminds me why we play poker... to have a better and engaging life.
Best of luck mate
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-05-2024 , 01:55 PM
Thanks for sharing, really enjoyed the update as well as your mechanics of poker interview, only one I've listened to the very end for a while!
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-12-2024 , 06:42 AM
Originally Posted by max85
It’s funny the older we are all getting, the more noble all these post become haha
Glgl in 2024 👍
Older and wiser every year (hopefully).

Thanks guys, good to see all the old twoplustwo guys coming out of the woodwork, and best of luck to everyone in 2024
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-16-2024 , 02:36 PM
Well done G !!!
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-18-2024 , 02:10 PM
Nice job man , best of luck for 2024!!
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-21-2024 , 05:46 AM
nice post, gl in 2024 man
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-25-2024 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by PlasticElephant
Older and wiser every year (hopefully).

Thanks guys, good to see all the old twoplustwo guys coming out of the woodwork, and best of luck to everyone in 2024
“Old 2+2 guys” really does hit different Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s.
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
01-31-2024 , 09:12 AM
Yeah, mental game is king! Legit the most important aspect of the game on pretty much any level, it's so hard to earn bbs and so easy to punt stacks.

Btw, how big is the gap between nl1k/nl2k and higher? What do you think that regs at nl5k/nl10k do different than those on nl1k/nl2k?

Gl man!
Making it Count; 500nl+ and Life in the 2020s. Quote
