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Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL

07-01-2010 , 06:48 AM
Firstly I'd like to say I'm serious and realize that veteran posters might mistake me for an idiot (I'm a moran not an idiot!). Or maybe these goals don't sound too over the top, but currently I play 5NL! So the Jump to 50nl will be hard.

Goals of Challenge

1. Make $1500.00 in profit including any bonuses I get which will probably total less than $150.00 If I'm lucky.

2. Grind 300k hands, Mad volume!

3. Move up to 50nl and have at least one table included in each session I play (I play a lot of tables so what I mean is have maybe 6 tables of 10nl 12 tables of 25nl and 1 table of 50nl), play at least 20K hands there showing a profit of at least 1BB/100.

Rules / details of challenge

1. I have 2 months to complete this starting today (July 1st) and ending August 31st @ 11:59 PM.

2. I must complete 300k Hands before the challenge ends, however I am not allowed to be a procrastinator and try to cram all the hands in at the last minute, there has to be consistency in my volume, which brings us to rule 3.

3. I must complete a minimum of 150k hands each month and at the very least 30k hands in a given week.

4. I must set aside time for study, at least 5 hours a week or more preferably more, but since I can't post graphs of me studying and there's no way to prove it I'll just try my hardest to be disciplined and work as hard as I can. I usually do 1 hour of study/review before each session so this is standard.

5. I cannot move UP to 50NL until I am beating 25NL over 50k hands for at least a profit of 1BB/100 obviously I'd like this to be 5BB/100, realistically If I can beat the level I'm guesstimating it should be around 2.3BB's/100.

6. I must make a "mini-goal" post at the beginning of each week that will detail my goals for that week, this should be made on a Monday, but I am allowed to post it later in the week sometimes If I am out of town or hungover to the point where I don't want to move.

Ok that's my challenge/rules, I will try to post more than my last challenge and hopefully get in 1-2 posts per day, I will include graphs of individual sessions and monthly / lifetime graphs. And now I'll leave you with a pretty hardcore quote for teh lolz..

"Presume not that I am the thing I was;
For God doth know, so shall the world perceive,
That I have turn'd away my former self;
So Will I those that kept me company."
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-01-2010 , 08:16 AM
Good luck, sick challange
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-01-2010 , 08:52 AM
Best of luck in the challenge man, was following your last one and that was some mad volume to put in at 10nl, try stay disicplined with your play schedule and you'll make it
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-03-2010 , 01:26 PM
A bad start

Total hands grinded this month so far.. about -$10 of this was complete donk moves on my part, definitely was not playing my best, however I'm not gonna let this affect me negatively like in the past, I hopefully can turn this around with another 8-12k hands .

Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-03-2010 , 05:42 PM
I just did something similar, I was playing NL5 two months ago.
Started playing 24 tables and made $1k in like 2 weeks. Then I moved up to NL25 straight away and played 50k hands.
Crushed it for 12bb/100 or so and now I'm a NL50 reg doing pretty well

Good luck man!
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-03-2010 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by Fredron
I just did something similar, I was playing NL5 two months ago.
Started playing 24 tables and made $1k in like 2 weeks. Then I moved up to NL25 straight away and played 50k hands.
Crushed it for 12bb/100 or so and now I'm a NL50 reg doing pretty well

Good luck man!
6 max or full ring?
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-04-2010 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by Fredron
I just did something similar, I was playing NL5 two months ago.
Started playing 24 tables and made $1k in like 2 weeks. Then I moved up to NL25 straight away and played 50k hands.
Crushed it for 12bb/100 or so and now I'm a NL50 reg doing pretty well

Good luck man!
Nice, sounds like you are very good player, hopefully I see you up there in 2 months, unless you move to NL 100 honestly I will be very happy if I can just make it to NL 25, but my ultimate goal is to be NL 50 before this 2 month challenge is up, spent some time thinking about my last horrible session and I'm ready to play again, will update once I grind like another 5-8k hands.
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-04-2010 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by behhh04
6 max or full ring?
6max ofc
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-04-2010 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by Fredron
6max ofc
how the fudge do u play 24 tables of 6 max. head asplode.

no seriously do u have like a 30 inch monitor or something?
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-04-2010 , 11:46 AM

So what's up? So far this month I've grinded about 10k hands and lost over $100.00 @ 5NL! Holy cow! However I'm glad this happened, I must be insane right? Wrong. Playing poker is hard. Life in general is hard. At first I was a bit shaken I felt light headed and just sort of shell shocked as I spiraled further and further into darkness.. this is the worst downswing I have encountered @ 5nl so far, hmm I'm rambling.. back to my point about why I'm happy. The worst is over! In theory anyway I suppose I could keep spiraling downward, but mentally the worst is over I realize that this is just the nature of probability, you get it in with the nutt flush on the turn and river pairs the board.. you hit a set top set on the flop and get most of the money in, then the turn comes and gives him a higher set etc.. however I'm not blaming all this on bad luck, I made a ton of errors as well. Anyway now I'm mentally fine I'm going to take a break, review and then get back at it when I'm 100% ready, if I lose I lose and it's fate or whatever, but I will give the game 100% of my ability. This is getting long winded.. but part of the reason I made this challenge was to get my thoughts out and be able to vent a bit, after all I live in isolation for the most part.. grinding away in my cave.. I've made many mistakes in my life and the path I've chosen has lead me to this point hopefully my next post will be shorter and one of victory.. but fear not comrades I remain confident for I have seen darker days than these!


Cliff note

'spiral of death'
F@#$ my life

Victory will be mine.. eventually..
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-04-2010 , 12:09 PM
Can you show some stats?
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-05-2010 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by behhh04
how the fudge do u play 24 tables of 6 max. head asplode.

no seriously do u have like a 30 inch monitor or something?
Just a 24 inch.
I just stacked them all. It was NL5 so never any hard decisions and when you always know what to do it doesn't take long.
The hard part was to not get a headache in the beginning and my clicking finger got pretty ****ed up after like 20k clicks/h for a few hours, haha.
After a few days I could do it for like 3-4h in a row and watch a movie meanwhile, I even found it rather relaxing eventually.
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-05-2010 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by Second_chance

So what's up? So far this month I've grinded about 10k hands and lost over $100.00 @ 5NL! Holy cow! However I'm glad this happened, I must be insane right? Wrong. Playing poker is hard. Life in general is hard. At first I was a bit shaken I felt light headed and just sort of shell shocked as I spiraled further and further into darkness.. this is the worst downswing I have encountered @ 5nl so far, hmm I'm rambling.. back to my point about why I'm happy. The worst is over! In theory anyway I suppose I could keep spiraling downward, but mentally the worst is over I realize that this is just the nature of probability, you get it in with the nutt flush on the turn and river pairs the board.. you hit a set top set on the flop and get most of the money in, then the turn comes and gives him a higher set etc.. however I'm not blaming all this on bad luck, I made a ton of errors as well. Anyway now I'm mentally fine I'm going to take a break, review and then get back at it when I'm 100% ready, if I lose I lose and it's fate or whatever, but I will give the game 100% of my ability. This is getting long winded.. but part of the reason I made this challenge was to get my thoughts out and be able to vent a bit, after all I live in isolation for the most part.. grinding away in my cave.. I've made many mistakes in my life and the path I've chosen has lead me to this point hopefully my next post will be shorter and one of victory.. but fear not comrades I remain confident for I have seen darker days than these!


Cliff note

'spiral of death'
F@#$ my life

Victory will be mine.. eventually..

Post your big losing hands, not the normal coolers. But the other ones, I will gladly spend a few min and look over them and give you my opinion.
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-05-2010 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by Fredron
Just a 24 inch.
I just stacked them all. It was NL5 so never any hard decisions and when you always know what to do it doesn't take long.
The hard part was to not get a headache in the beginning and my clicking finger got pretty ****ed up after like 20k clicks/h for a few hours, haha.
After a few days I could do it for like 3-4h in a row and watch a movie meanwhile, I even found it rather relaxing eventually.
my problem is that i sort of forget what is happening in hands when i stack tables. i also feel like im missing some important info on the flow of the game etc and certain things villains are doing 3 betting too much etc.

At like NL5 do you just pretty much follow a set formula like betting strong with tptk type hands etc?
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-05-2010 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by behhh04
my problem is that i sort of forget what is happening in hands when i stack tables. i also feel like im missing some important info on the flow of the game etc and certain things villains are doing 3 betting too much etc.

At like NL5 do you just pretty much follow a set formula like betting strong with tptk type hands etc?
With no information what so ever I feel like I can make an overall ev+ play at NL5 to be honest.
Cbet, bet for value and fold when they shove strenght. It's really easy, you just need some experiance and play solid abc poker to crush there.
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-05-2010 , 11:30 AM
Post your big losing hands, not the normal coolers. But the other ones, I will gladly spend a few min and look over them and give you my opinion.

I am a total noob @ poker tracker and just figured out how to look at my biggest losing hands by session about 1 week ago, I apologize for this, so I'll just type out some of the hands and what went down

Big hand 1

(5NL 9 Max)

Hero is dealt Tc 8s in the BB, 2 people limp and everyone else folded (I write down my big losing hands in a notepad usually with lots of swearing words and exclamation points..)

Flop = Js 5h 9c (pot 15c) I bet 10c, 1 fold, 1 call

Turn = Qs (pot 35c) this gives me second nutt straight and I'm figuring opponent limped pre with a PP/suited connector I bet 30c coz I feel that he will call this turn with all his sets obv.. he raises big to like $3.00 (what an overbet!) I flat.

River = 3c (pot $6.35), blank river, I'm beat by 1 hand K-10 maybe I shuda pot controlled and check/call coz his overbet on the turn does raise some red flags, but I shove assuming he had a set/2-pair like Q-J that made top 2 on the turn, so I put the rest of my stack in (started hand with $12.50) villan started hand with $10.85, he calls and shows K-10

Hero shows Tc 8s
Villan shows K-10
Final pot = $21.77

There was another hand where I had the lower straight and lost like -$10 on that one 2, however the pot on the river was only $3.00 on the second hand and I overbet it (shoved =/ ) hoping a set would call, instead it was a higher straight. Looking in PT3 I see that several of my big hands were bad luck though so I feel better about it, lost a -$13.00 pot with nutt flush on turn and he rivered quad 8's, and lost a $12.94 pot with QQ and he rivered K, board was 10-J-5-8 with 3 hearts, 3-bet pot he was really aggresiive I thought he played it like AK/AQ-AJ, he shoved turn I called he had A-K river was K, oh well =(

Gonna do 1-2 sessions today after reviewing and thinking, hopefully they go well, and I'll post an update with a graph.

Also thankyou to everyone for replies it makes me happy's lols
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-05-2010 , 02:41 PM
Ok played a fast 4 table session, also I totally forgot to include my bankroll

Current BR = $306.20

and my session results!


So the bleeding has stoped, hopefully this is the beginning of a big comeback! I know I had a brutal downswing @ the beginning of this thread, but I'm feeling optimistic and from where I'm sitting the future looks bright! !
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-05-2010 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Second_chance
I am a total noob @ poker tracker and just figured out how to look at my biggest losing hands by session about 1 week ago, I apologize for this, so I'll just type out some of the hands and what went down

Big hand 1

(5NL 9 Max)

Hero is dealt Tc 8s in the BB, 2 people limp and everyone else folded (I write down my big losing hands in a notepad usually with lots of swearing words and exclamation points..)

Flop = Js 5h 9c (pot 15c) I bet 10c, 1 fold, 1 call

Turn = Qs (pot 35c) this gives me second nutt straight and I'm figuring opponent limped pre with a PP/suited connector I bet 30c coz I feel that he will call this turn with all his sets obv.. he raises big to like $3.00 (what an overbet!) I flat.

River = 3c (pot $6.35), blank river, I'm beat by 1 hand K-10 maybe I shuda pot controlled and check/call coz his overbet on the turn does raise some red flags, but I shove assuming he had a set/2-pair like Q-J that made top 2 on the turn, so I put the rest of my stack in (started hand with $12.50) villan started hand with $10.85, he calls and shows K-10

Hero shows Tc 8s
Villan shows K-10
Final pot = $21.77

There was another hand where I had the lower straight and lost like -$10 on that one 2, however the pot on the river was only $3.00 on the second hand and I overbet it (shoved =/ ) hoping a set would call, instead it was a higher straight. Looking in PT3 I see that several of my big hands were bad luck though so I feel better about it, lost a -$13.00 pot with nutt flush on turn and he rivered quad 8's, and lost a $12.94 pot with QQ and he rivered K, board was 10-J-5-8 with 3 hearts, 3-bet pot he was really aggresiive I thought he played it like AK/AQ-AJ, he shoved turn I called he had A-K river was K, oh well =(

Gonna do 1-2 sessions today after reviewing and thinking, hopefully they go well, and I'll post an update with a graph.

Also thankyou to everyone for replies it makes me happy's lols
First hand, just shove over his turn reraise. Sure he'll show up with KT sometimes but 80% he will call with a worse hand, he might even he drawing so we just want the money to get it.

Second is just cooler, don't focus on them. They will happen, nothing to do about it.
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-06-2010 , 07:56 PM
Update! Here's my latest session results (1st graph) & my monthly results (2nd graph), overall I'm a bit behind schedule on volume.. the first downswing was so brutal I couldn't bring myself to play for a bit, fear can cripple you and the fear of losing immobilized me, but now I'm back and prepared to grind and make correct decisions.



Things are turning around, and I have another session planned for today (if I don't get lazy!)
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-06-2010 , 08:02 PM
im impressed with the work ethic. no way i could play that many hands.. keep it up
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-09-2010 , 06:52 PM

Been a couple days since my last update, I've been working but not playing and not working nearly hard enough. For the most part fear got me again, I've got major psychology problems, but I've been doing things to counter them for starters I've started meditating before each session as gay as that might sound to some of you, but it clears my head and improves the way I think about things. I've also started doing a "warm up" session before each long grind where I play a few tables for about 30 mins to an hour and just focus on thinking and making good decisions, both of these things are helping me enormously. And another thing I've started doing is listening relaxing / upbeat music while playing, I don't find it to be distracting and it helps me chill even so when I'm faced with a tough decision I'm a bit calmer because of the soothing music and I can say "ok he clearly has xx here and is not bluffing! fold!" Anyway Just played my first session in like 2 days =/ and a lot of my "fear of playing" is gone. I find that once I grind a few thousand hands I can just say "ok coolers are gonna happen blah blah blah just play and grind through teh variance".

Anywho here are the results, with some notes about key hands at the bottom.


Started off kinda badly then made an epic comeback, then got pwned. Basically about -$20.00 of this came from 3 hands only.

Hand 1 (FR 5NL)

This was a total misclick, I had 6-8 on a J-7-Q board and some jackass bet $1.50 into a 70c pot, I accidentally misclicked and hit "raise to $3.00", he called, and we both checked the turn, which was and 8, river was a 3 and the board was rainbow, no draws hit and I figured he was an epic fish with top pair, I could't figure out if he was going to lay down top pair and my instincts told me this "he's put over $3.00 in the pot at least has top pair and is a fish who will not fold probably", however I was tilting coz of the misclick and shoved $2.00 (his remaining stack) on the river, he called with K-Q for top pair good kicker.. bahh bahh bahh -$5.00

Hand 2 (FR 5NL)

This one sucked omg..

Some guy in EARLY POSITION raised 4xbb and I flatted with 2-2, board came 6-8-2 with 2 spades, and he bet 30c into a 40c pot, this smelt like 10-10 - AA, AK, and AQ at this point, however with my set I gots to raise.. flush draw on board etc.. so I do, and I make it 90c, he 4-bets to like $2.50. He could have AK/AQ of spades, he could have an overpair, and at this point I felt his range was mostly QQ+ or 2 overs with spade draw, so I 5-bet to $4.50 (he had $10.00 stack), he shoved, I snap called and he showed 8-8 for top set. -$10.00

Hand 3 (FR 5NL)

Similar to hand to, another set over set, I had 3-3 he had 9-9, he raised I called, I checked board was 9-k-3 he C-bet (don't remember how much) we got it all in on the flop, I thought KK might be possible but A-K / AA would play it just as strong me things =/ he showed middle set and it held -$4.10 good thing he was not a full stack.

Anyways I think I'm gonna play some more in a bit and maybe 10NL who knows, can't remember exact bankroll, but it's around $337.00 so I can handle 10NL, I just play 5NL when I have epic downswings like the one at the beginning of this thread.. overall I'm feeling confident, it took 2 set over sets and misclicks/tilt for me to lose my money it's not like I'm getting in there with A-Jo and felting on a J-8-7-5-4 board with 3 hearts, 1 card to a straight, set possibilities etc.. so I'll play a bit more and we'll just see what happens
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-10-2010 , 05:43 AM

So far I've hit 25k hands grinded total for my challenge, my goal is 300k so a long way to go, but I have until August 31st @ 11:59 PM, so about 52 days left in my 2 month challenge. Today I ended up about +$18.00 and my Bankroll is now $356.82. I plan on playing around another 10 - 20k hands of 5NL and then I will move back up to 10NL. Here are my results for today and a graph of the month so far, huge downswing at beginning messed my head up , but I'm slowly recovering mentally and financially.




I think I just need to pick up my volume pace, I'm not moving up to 10NL until the downswing is 100% recovered
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-10-2010 , 06:05 AM
How much are you down now?
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-10-2010 , 06:13 AM
I think you're concentrating too much on how much you've made/lost per session.
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-10-2010 , 06:41 AM
[x] thread delivers

good luck! watching with interest
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
