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Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL

07-10-2010 , 02:14 PM
dude, you need to play less tables I think, you're worry about way to much volume and it's obvious that you're just not at that level. No offense, but seriously cut down 5 tables at least.
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-11-2010 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by ashipsomewhere
dude, you need to play less tables I think, you're worry about way to much volume and it's obvious that you're just not at that level. No offense, but seriously cut down 5 tables at least.

Actually I was only on 16 tables last session
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-11-2010 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by Second_chance
Actually I was only on 16 tables last session
I m following this thread.
I m trying to accomplish something similar myself: 1000$ (incl. rb)/month, consistently, variance-free (maybe at 5nl).
I m not playing more than 4 tables though. Because I cant at the moment.It s a seperate skill I believe.
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-11-2010 , 03:18 AM
Play less tables. Get better. Move up faster.

Try 6max.

Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-11-2010 , 10:32 AM
Just played a quick session, and it went ok, I played roughly 2,700 hands and made just over +$7.00, as you can see in my graph below though I had been up about triple that so that's a bit disappointing, but I'll take a winning session over a losing one any day . I've starting doing reviews of all my major losing hands and even the smaller ones and it looks like I ran KK into AA a few times, one of these spots was very interesting, but thinking back on it I could have folded on the flop and saved about $3.00. The board was 3 diamonds and I had the king of diamonds, but the odds he had AA was high or a set the way he played it, basically I shoved once he had put 50% of his stack in thinking I had fold equity, but once someone puts in half their stack & they r a total nitt your FE is 0, so thinking about it the flop was a fold, also if I am against AA I might not even have the diamond as an out.

Also I was playing extremely aggressive this session, raising like over 20% of my hands and C-betting like mad, I absolutely hate playing like a nitt, but I don't think people playing 4 tables were playing more aggressive / loose than me and I was on 24 t_t, I'm gonna tighten up from now on pretty much for good, I was raising hands like A-5s 4x in early position pretty much breaking even on the play coz ither everyone folds around in FR or they call/fold flop coz they are weak and miss 65% of time, however I find myself to frantic to handle playing this aggressively on 24 tables, I think the major leak in my game is I call too often, I have a bunch of little losses here and there I'm going to reduce this as much as possible from now on, I've already know this for awhile, but before I make a call I'm going to be certain there are a lot of spots where I want to fold and know its correct yet I still pay off 70c or something and a bunch of those calls spread out can be -$10.00 after a couple hours.

Cliff notes

played session went aight made some $$

the leaks are going to die.. calling is bad


Next session goal is to tighten up a bit and think a little harder Also it's sunday so that means I'll be playing in my weekly tourney ~ The Sunday 1/4th million ~ a nice form of rakeback as long as you don't get sucked out on!
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-11-2010 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by ICMoney
Play less tables. Get better. Move up faster.

Try 6max.


Ty for advice, I'm trying to get better, as for playing less tables I know your right and I'm compromising by playing a % of my session on fewer tables while concentrating on decisions, then increasing my tables while maintaining that same level of concentration, it's hard but my focus doesn't seem to slip much. Also I'm about to play in the Sunday 1/4th million and if I win or place in the top 20 I will reveal my screen name!
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-11-2010 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by SandBaggn
I think you're concentrating too much on how much you've made/lost per session.
I agree, focus more on how your playing and the decisions your making rather than the results as that's truly whats going to make you win money in the long run and simple coolers and running bad while making +EV plays is going to happen even to the best of us.

I also suggest you play less tables until your fully able to make the right decisions quickly.

I hope for the best with your results and good luck on your challenge.
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-11-2010 , 08:19 PM

Firstly I'd like to say thanks for all the comments, I'm trying to take the advice about not placing so much emphasis on results, my goal is to make money, but I know that sometimes you will have several losing sessions in a row. I played the first 30 mins on only 8 tables focusing on decisions I think my play was fine, but I got smacked in the face with some bad variance, one hand I bluffed but he didn't fold. Bah . I'll explain that hand briefly =/

Hand 1 (5NL FR)

Hero is dealt Kc Qd in mid position, I raise 4xBB's and get called by the BB, everyone else folds.

Hero = $12.50 stack
Villain = $12.50 stack

Flop (potsize = 42c)

5s 3s 7c
Villain checks, Hero bets 25c, standard C-bet on dry board this punk shud fold a good amount, he calls.

Now 2 spades on board I'm thinking flush draw or a small PP that assumes I have 2 overs and is just c-betting, he can also have a set.

Turn (potsize = 92c)

5s 3s 7c 10d
Villain checks again, I bet harder this time trying to keep my betting line consistent, I bet 70c, I assume he will call with the flush draw and dump most pocket pairs, except for sets he will prolly raise those here or value-bet river in fear of me checking behind. Villain calls.

River (potsize = $2.32)

5s 3s 7c 10d 2d
Villain checks for a third time, a very crappy way to play a set imo, also the rivers a blank so he couldn't have improved, furthermore he has checked 3 streets and I bet PF, on the flop, and on the turn, now I fire $1.50 my betting pattern is consistent with an over pair JJ-AA, and there is no reason for villain to assume I'm bluffing, I've only been at the table maybe 20 mins and haven't been too aggro or seen bluffing. Anyway Villain calls with J-10s (both spades) I was semi-correct he didn't have set, and was on flushdraw, but picked up top pair good kicked on the turn, still I think he shud fold to my river bet, also he was a REG and capable of folding, maybe I shud pot river? Or slight overbet? Or raise slightly higher preflop to rep stronger range?

Hero shows: Kc Qd (King high)
Villain shows: Js 10s (one pair 10's)
Final potsize = $5.32, Villain wins pot.

Anyway heres my graph, started out by getting smacked across my face , but then made a nice recovery .


Also here's my monthly graph, downswing is close to full recovery.


I plan on moving back to 10NL once I've grinded 50K hands total @ 5NL, so far I've done 32K, so in about 18k more hands I'll move up as long as I don't have another big downswing.

Current Bankroll = $375.25
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-12-2010 , 12:15 PM
Please don't 3-barrel bluff in NL5.
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-12-2010 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Azur
Please don't 3-barrel bluff in NL5.
quoted for emphasis
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-12-2010 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by yomatta
quoted for emphasis

I think as a general statement you guys are correct, but this guy was a reg I checked his PTR, and have that stuff memorized for some of the more notable regs, he was a winning player and shud give me credit for an overpair. I guess he put me on AK, I think my betting line would be much stronger if I had potted flop / turn, but overall 3-barrel bluffing is a bad idea at 5NL like you guys are saying. All I'm saying is there has to be spots where it is +EV and it makes the most sense to me anyway to barrel the regs who are capable of folding.
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
07-12-2010 , 10:02 PM

Hello there 2+2er's I wanted to briefly talk about my challenge for a moment. My last session (the one I last posted) went well, and I haven't played since then. Honestly the last thing on my mind recently is volume, I don't really care about grinding a bunch of hands, I care about improving my game. The main focus of this challenge is to move up the limits and play multiple tables of that limit, I could play 1 table of 25nl right now and then I could call my self a "25NL" player, but I just think that's a waste of time, I won't consider myself a 25nl player until I'm playing 4+ tables and my goal for that level is at least 10-12, this of course is only my opinion, I'm not saying if someone only plays 1 table of a limit that they "really aren't that level" or something I'm just saying for me I need to be playing many tables of a certain limit so I can put in more hands and have more meaningful results after all you could play 1-2 tables and have a 50k break even stretch that lasts 3 months or something and assume you suck, or it could just be some awful variance, and playing many tables you could do 50k hands in 2 weeks and know the answer a lot sooner (if you suck or if it's just variance). Basically I'm not so sure anymore If I'm going to complete the 300k hands, I will certainly try for the sake of the challenge, but my main focus is improving and moving up, I will be attacking the 10NL level very soon and I plan on freaking killing that level like you wouldn't believe, and I'll post the graphs to prove it. I feel my knowledge of this game has increased to a point where my confidence is at an all time high, I can now look at a level like 25nl and there is no longer a feeling of dread or something like "omgz its so pro level i'll never beat it", the play is probably pretty bad and the skill gap from 10nl to 25nl imo doesn't seem to be too wide. Now jumping from 25nl to say 100nl seems like it would be a lot harder coz the skill increase @ 100nl is significant. I realized that I don't want to be the 5nl grider that never moves up, some of these guys have grinded 1 million+ hands @ 5nl and that is just sick. They play session after session and thousands of hands each month mindlessly grinding away some of them doing quite well and building the bankrolls to move up. However bankrolls aren't the answer to moving up. Skill is. Sure you need to be rolled for a level to play it, but acquiring the skill to consistently beat that level is far more important, and so that is my focus now I want to move to 10nl ASAP crush it and slowly work my way into 25nl until I am playing a fair amount of tables, I feel I am moving in a positive direction and my play is getting a lot better thanks mainly to this site, so thank you to all you hardcore veterans your posts have brought me to this point. Hmm wow that was a lot of typing, but I think I needed to vent and get some things out there honestly I believe I can beat this challenge, but I still have a lot of work to do.
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
08-01-2010 , 11:38 PM
I dont know what to say here.. my month was a total failure. My last post in this thread was nearly 3 weeks ago.. I've come to expect this from myself. I get really excited and pumped up about an idea and I make plans and fail to follow through. I've probably developed a bit of reputation as a jackass on these forums now coz I failed my first challenge and so far im failing this one about as brutally as one can, I could say im sorry about this, but if that was true I would have changed by now. The truth is im probably the most depressed person you will ever meet and that **** really keeps me from playing and blah blah.. sometimes I just sit here and stare at the screen..

Anyway I will still try to do what I can for this challenge.. 4 weeks remain I feel I'm an alright player and could do well if I tried, but ive got perhaps the most !@#$ed up brain/psychology on the planet, I'm depressed a lot scared to play and a lot of the time i dont seem to care, I just dont see the point a lot. Maybe ur thinking "oh u dont see the point grow the fu@k up", but its just the way i see things and its not going to change, I don't really think i would be that much happier even if i was rich because what i want money cannot buy.

Now that I've said a bunch of ***** i really shud delete heres my goals for this month

a) play more

b) grow as a player

c) find some reason to keep playing, a way to inspire myself..

And heres this months results.. ended up profiting about +$60.00 but garbage men make 20x that and i know i shudn't be "results oriented" but honestly there comes a point where results matter.. we don't live forever.


sorry if my post was a bit depressing.. I'm hoping im at my lowest point and maybe my life justs gets better from here, we'll see
Make 00, Grind 300k hands play 50NL Quote
