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Low stakes big money? Low stakes big money?

09-20-2014 , 03:15 AM
turn 1k into 100k by playing stakes no higher than .50/1.00, within a year.
(I know guys a year is a long time to play and if I was playing full time I would be able to get in so many hands it would be a joke. But the challenge here is that I work 40+ hours a week and I start school back up again in October.)

I am going to be posting videos of hands I play, feel free to give me your input. I am also going to try to update this at least once a day I will also be using a twitter account in the future to use for fast updates.

Please Sub and join me in my journey to prove to myself, my girlfriend, and every one else that micro stakes can turn a big profit if played correctly.

Side note: I am going to try to keep everyone who decides to follow this involved by asking questions of everyone at the end of my updates. They may or may not be poker related.
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-20-2014 , 03:16 AM
Also to make this more challenging for myself I work Wednesday-Sunday over night so there goes a good amount of peak hours!
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-20-2014 , 03:30 AM
I'm hoping playing with this goal in mind and post my stats online will help me progress as a player so anything you guys see please feel free to point out!!
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-20-2014 , 07:25 AM
History Time!

I started playing poker online for free when I was in Afghanistan in 2010-2011 a few months of this and I started playing for money on a few sites I wont mention. I lost a lot of money. Then I came home and kept playing. My biggest mistake? I didn't understand the game, I looked at it as a fun card game played .01/.02 and slowly lost a ton of money without winning at all. I saw poker as a gambling game as most people do and it took me a while to read up on it and realize how much i was honestly missing and I found out why I lost so much money.

I stopped playing, I attempted to make a return to playing proffesional paintball like I did when I was in high school and up to a year prior to my deployment, and I had some mild success but I was to beat up from my deployment to commit to it and play at the level I had before. In late 2012 I downloaded the pokerstars free app on my phone and slowly started playing poker for free again. New Years Eve I found myself sitting in the poker room of a local casino with 500$ in hand playing 1/3 no limit, and I actually won like 75$ over a night of playing (roughly 4 hours). Again I was hooked except with a different goal, a different mindset. At one point in my life I grew to the high levels of the Pro Paintball scene, I made alot of money doing it. It was about time I do it again, just this time it's gonna be poker.

Something everyone should know about me I'm a highly competitive person, I walked on to a local college football team, won a starting spot, couldn't play due to injuries from my military history, and typical college classes just don't work for me. Neither do typical jobs, I can't set behind a desk in a cubicle all day, I'm just not content doing the same thing day in and day out. I need adventure I need risk, I need a challenge. So poker here I am bring it on!
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-20-2014 , 07:35 AM
While I got some computer time before I get off work I'll explain a little bit more how this crazy goal of mine is possible. i need to make 99k to turn my 1k into 100k. if i play 365 days every day thats about 272.00$ a day, over an 8 hour day it's about 37.00$ an hour.

So is this going to be hard and demanding? Yes, mainly because I can't play 8 hours a day everyday and be guaranteed to win $272.00 a day. So yes this is going to be hard, it's gonna be a struggle, it's gonna be a journey, but is it going to be impossible? Not even close.
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-20-2014 , 08:12 AM
Good luck on your challenge! You have definitely set a strong goal. The only thing I would caution you about is worrying too much about meeting this specific monetary goal. The beautiful thing about poker is the unpredictability of variance. There are people who have set goals like this and fallen far short or far surpassed it. Enjoy your time playing, keep looking to improve, and everything will fall into place.
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-20-2014 , 05:21 PM
and if I fall short then so be it, but I had to set an initial goal so I would push myself.
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09-20-2014 , 06:33 PM
first session playing .01/.02 and .10/.25 went from $46.00 BR to 79.40
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-21-2014 , 12:08 AM
well I played a short 2 hour session right before work. felt really rushed and I was watching the husker game also, GBR, i lost like 20 bucks down to 50ish. Got a few bad beats was down to 32 at one point got a few good hands and won my way back up

Day one:

Also on a side note what do you guys think about this schedule for my days off? I know it comes down to the individual but would like some input. I got mondays tuesdays off so I'm gonna try to do a 4 hour session about noonish then take a break till 6 then do another 4 hour session then if i feel like it follow it up with another late night session. Thoughts?????

My goals for Next week.
Work on controlling my play and not going on tilt!!
I noticed today when i lost a 12 dollar pot on a bad beat, that I felt into a bad place for about 5 minutes and pretty much cut my BR in half, I was lucky I recovered but set myself back a good amount. I followed up a +40.00 dollar session with a session that set me back $34.00 this can't happen. I still made a $6.00 profit for the day but when I was up $40.00 I should of just enjoyed a beer and watched the Huskers play as opposed to try to do all 3 at once. I really can't be to mad though I left the room and got myself up to atleast making a small profit today so all in all it was a profitable day, just not what it should of been.

I want to take my time and examine the situation better
This is pretty cut and dry, it's not a huge problem of mine but when I get in a good hand against a good player on one table I some times neglect my play on other tables, either making bad choices and I lose money, or I miss out on money. It's not a super common problem of mine but it does happen and over this next year it could cause me some problems.

My goal this week is to increase my bank roll to 1k (Sunday- Saturday) This is going to difficult since the internet at my house is down until Wednesday morning that means I'll be doing sessions at my roommates bar in his office on my days off Sucks but I got to do what I have to do. On the positive side the bar isn't usually to busy on Monday or Tuesday so distractions should be minimal, I also have access to the office if I need to get away from the front if it were to get busy.

Well that's it for today guys thanks for reading, good luck to everyone this weekend

Last edited by damhill; 09-21-2014 at 12:28 AM.
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-21-2014 , 06:03 AM
Day 2 Sunday September 21st

Well still at work for about another two hours, sadly I can't play here even though I feel like it probably wouldn't be the best sessions just because I do randomly have other stuff to focus on.

Found a tracker that's supposed to work on both of the site I'm playing on now, if not then I know HM2 will work on ACR and I might leave BOL any way and see how ACR goes. If it gets as slow as I hear it does I may have to hit up Bovada or something idk yet. They need to hurry up and legalize online playing in Nebraska already, would make my life a ton easier.

Regardless I am considering putting in a 2 hour or so session when I get off work tonight depending on how im feeling. It's just a pain in the *** to put in sessions right now since I have to drive 15 minutes to my roommates bar until my internet gets fixed. Idk I guess I'll see how i fee by the time I get home, just seems like a ton of work for just a short session, but hey short sessions can be worth it.

I know I set a long term goal of making 100k in a year. My goal for the remainder of this month and next month is to make it to 1k. I don't see this being to reasonable, considering my first session had me up to almost a hundred, then i stumbled a bit but I still ended with a small profit this week. I got 5 weeks to do it so that's 200 a week, i know easier said then done but that's what i love about this game, the fight, the struggle.

Well the grind continues guys gonna try to get in atleast 6 hours today before i have to work but we will have to see what happens i want to watch my packers play to so we might only get 2-4 hours of play in today but hey that could be a 400$ profit day who knows!!

Good luck my fellow players keep grinding it out!
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-21-2014 , 05:40 PM
Day two starting bank roll 52.43
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-22-2014 , 09:17 AM
Bad day Yesterday lost $25 on a big hand from the get go I had A8 vs 78 one a 78A board 7 came on the river. So I spent the rest of the night trying to get my money back ended the night with 48.74

day two - $4.00

Starting bank roll day 3 9-22-14 $48.74
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-22-2014 , 11:36 AM
Good luck on your goal OP looks like a good one, going to be a hella grind
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-22-2014 , 05:56 PM
yeah that's the plan about to play 24 hours worth of poker in the next two days playing some MTTs today and some cash and SNG tonight. About 4 minutes out from my first MTT starting 24 hour 2 day grind starts now.
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-22-2014 , 05:58 PM
Ill b posting updates throughout the day as I go for the next two days so make sure u check back!
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-22-2014 , 07:01 PM
MTT went horrible playing some HU .10/.25 NL to try to recover some cash and get this session to a positive one
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09-22-2014 , 07:01 PM
got to stick to what im good at and that's SNG and cash MTTs aren't my thing at all
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09-22-2014 , 07:07 PM
HU is dead micro cash it is
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09-22-2014 , 07:24 PM
micros are going so much better
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09-22-2014 , 07:31 PM
ive recouped half of my loses
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-22-2014 , 07:34 PM
I wwould like to get back to even before I end this session but I might not be able to
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-22-2014 , 07:40 PM
only about 10 dollars down for the day I was broke
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09-22-2014 , 08:05 PM
24 hours in two days, that's a very long period of time, make sure you are taking regular breaks to avoid burning out, you want to be playing as close to optimal as possible
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09-22-2014 , 08:10 PM
no more MTTs except free rolls
Low stakes big money? Quote
09-22-2014 , 08:14 PM
yeah I plan to doo 3 4 hour sessions a day
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