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lot of rake to do before 2012 ends lot of rake to do before 2012 ends

12-02-2012 , 01:56 PM
Actions speak louder than words (as you are doing), hope you the best
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-02-2012 , 07:41 PM

ak < aq where he cold4b/c (ROFL) at nl400.. ofc q flop,
aj < 44 against 30x + next hand jj < ak (k riv) against the same, this time he was 65x ofc
aa < 99 646 9 ai turn, 3betted pot, where ofc the regtard have to guess everytime where hes with 99...
+ stuff like that, won some coins, lose some, but unfortunally i cant win like they do, i dont know what cards will come... i dont believe in the heart's cards, maybe i should ??

raked about 400, actually the counter of the site doesnt work... tomorrow ill see..
tomorrow start new class with doubled prizes, 1,1k for 1st place... i would like to play to win (and i could easily win) but with this run its impossibile for me to play too much, a-game, and i dont think ill play for ship this class (maybe ill come back to run decent or like i want to run good? ).

Originally Posted by ServerBTest002
Actions speak louder than words (as you are doing), hope you the best
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-03-2012 , 07:02 PM

even today lost over 1k, unreal... ev is kidding me ... it was too beautiful have wssd 51, orc ended with 47... nc... im not good at this game... really really frustrating... fortunally i have to do the last 8k... then ill be free to take a break. 4th negative day in a row... im too bad at this game

-7950 -16days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-03-2012 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by ...|...
some people are not content grinding nl10 for many years as you are youfaill
lol at least i didnt bust my roll playing limits i cant beat
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-03-2012 , 10:06 PM
srsly illuz have a winning day.. i need one as well roll hasnt moved much these past 2weeks
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-04-2012 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by ...|...
srsly illuz have a winning day.. i need one as well roll hasnt moved much these past 2weeks
lol.. roll hasnt moved... now i think i should reload the account on the pokersite, maybe it could gimme some good run ? (im not the guy that think
for luck but if this can improve my run ill do..)
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-04-2012 , 10:30 AM
Dunno but ive never had a single winning day in between days where i had a processing withdrawal
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-04-2012 , 08:58 PM

today first positive day of the month.. rofl...
ofc theyre too good.. only today i saw w more attention the result of the last month.. pretty sick running 22/48 wtsd wssd w wwsf 41 and win so much... i know what to do for improve.. i had played very very bad in the last days.. hope to win more ofc...

- 7426 -15days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-05-2012 , 12:11 PM
scam continues and they continue playin like monkeys..
really unreal...
this game sucks.. my run sucks... i have just to keep grinding and wait when all this scam will end and theyll understand how lucky they were and how bad they are

i never bluffraise, but when i do they play back at me..
impossibile to win a sd.. reallly unbelievable...

Last edited by !llusioNz; 12-05-2012 at 12:32 PM.
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-05-2012 , 05:04 PM

theyre too pro for me.. sick life

lost 1,1k only in ai pf... shoving qq+/ak... (ok, i time 99 < kk) ... really really huge tilt... there are no chance to win against them... maybe i should ask them to get coaching, maybe they can tell me how to have an harder ****...
none of them needs table selection ... theyre just too good, at any table... they keep 6+bb/100 any stakes against anyone ... but they end the month +10 stacks (if its a nice month)... plz.. continue playin like this ^^
i hope only this **** will end early.. then ill stop cryin and theyll start, i promise.

-7089 -14days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-05-2012 , 11:03 PM
its hard to play nitty and not spew vs italian regs. Same problem as you.. They just play so dumb and i just get angry and give my stacks away when im running average or bad.

Everytime they hit their flush they'll min CR and its so ******ed you cant fold
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-06-2012 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by ...|...
its hard to play nitty and not spew vs italian regs. Same problem as you.. They just play so dumb and i just get angry and give my stacks away when im running average or bad.

Everytime they hit their flush they'll min CR and its so ******ed you cant fold
i never ever spew, (ok, yesterday on tilt i did), but i think differently from other regs i have a better mindset (and the mindset is not "not whining, be polite against other regs" etc etc... but mindset is what make u take the best decision in every spot, even if u are on a sick downswing, even if ure got crushed aa 2 time in a row etc etc..), i play my a-game even 12x, even after 4 hours, AND i never ever spew. they can justifice a light shove with trash saying "ohhh flow was so aggro, he had 4bet me the 3rd time in a row, i cant fold this t8s... i hope he doesnt call" and bull**** like that.. i dont have ego in game, i remove totally my ego from decision (that out of the game is huuuge) and so i can play more and more profitable in stress condition than them. plus u can add the fact that they never quit a 6 handed full regs, they never do level down, and stuff like that.. i got roll for play easily nl600, if i run good and there is a nice table i surely play there... but when i run bad i play even lower table, like im doing now. they NEVER do leveldown, they do only after busting half the roll, discovering they werent good enough.. the craziest thing is that hu for starting tables they dont play against me (unless they run much better than me), but ofc they cant quit a 6max full reg... its crazy how so much reg loses on my site... for them make a leveldown is a total failure, when they wont have enough money to play my stakes it will be funnier..
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-06-2012 , 04:49 PM
vs italians only aa or kk aipf for me.. nitfawks. italiaanfish is an other story.
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-06-2012 , 05:28 PM
wow, i just read all this thread. how the hell are you happy being a full time player? when you run good and win you're like jajajaj i am best player ever when you lose you accuse the site of being rigged and complain constantly about the "start of downswings" when you lose 5 buyins.

sure you might be winning a ton of money and gz on that but lol at the amount of whining you do. how you cant think that winning 27k then losing 7k means that 7k was unfairly taken from u and u werent just running hot to get to 27k in the first place blows my mind
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-06-2012 , 07:18 PM
lol owned, cuz hes so right. OP is < 20 is my guess.
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-06-2012 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Pascal-lF
wow, i just read all this thread. how the hell are you happy being a full time player? when you run good and win you're like jajajaj i am best player ever when you lose you accuse the site of being rigged and complain constantly about the "start of downswings" when you lose 5 buyins.

sure you might be winning a ton of money and gz on that but lol at the amount of whining you do. how you cant think that winning 27k then losing 7k means that 7k was unfairly taken from u and u werent just running hot to get to 27k in the first place blows my mind
im not full time player
u know.. if i run good, and for good i mean really good, like they do, [like wssd > 50 (currently i got 47), w non existant wwsf (41) and other regs keep wwsf to >50 and wssd to >53, so they get more paid when they're ahead... ] i really kill them, do u think its fair that none of 6max regs of nl200 plays against me hu? do u think its fair they everytime that they decide to sat me ip, when i decide to sit down i sat the reg oop and never ip cause then i got edge against him ? i lose 5bi? currently im down 50 w 30 under ev.. about wssd i told it before..

sry, next time ill ask u if i can whine before i do, so u cant get hurt, ok?
when u win 170k€ at sd in 1m hands, and then u make -4k€ at sd in 100k without changing your game, without going crazy etc etc... well... can i whine?

Originally Posted by wheresmymoney
lol owned, cuz hes so right. OP is < 20 is my guess.

rofl, and btw u can read the 1st post of the 3d, u dont have to guess about my age ^^

if u dont like what i write, plz dont read,
dont waste ur time,
i dont ask u to read me,
so gg and have a nice day

Last edited by !llusioNz; 12-06-2012 at 07:45 PM.
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-07-2012 , 08:10 PM
today i reloaded my account...

soon ill have my revenge ^^

-6027 -12days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-09-2012 , 08:42 PM
last 2 days

be yesterday, good today, + 1750€ of bonus, so today had a nice day...

atm far from the profit goal... it will be hard, but ill do whatever it takes (hoping to not badrunning ofc).

- 4981€ -10days the end is near
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-10-2012 , 11:12 AM
Ignore the ******s OP they are most likely the typical butthurt breakeven/losing tryhard forumwarriors that this forum consists mostly of. Been following since your first thread even though I did not realise this was your 2nd thread until your post Good luck and Merry Christmas if you believe in that kind of thing.
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-10-2012 , 01:12 PM
will u hit a big bonus once you reach 100k rake, or is it just your goal?

So close man, you can do it!
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-10-2012 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by DumbBlondeXOXO
Ignore the ******s OP they are most likely the typical butthurt breakeven/losing tryhard forumwarriors that this forum consists mostly of. Been following since your first thread even though I did not realise this was your 2nd thread until your post Good luck and Merry Christmas if you believe in that kind of thing.
ty! merry christmas to u too!

Originally Posted by Iknowrexkwondo
will u hit a big bonus once you reach 100k rake, or is it just your goal?

So close man, you can do it!
rb 70% (or higher) till march '13 (then around 50% till dec '13)
+ 6750€ when i got it ...
+ ofc all the rb i made this year...
[it's a bit better of sne on ps... ]

lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-10-2012 , 02:16 PM
That's awesome!

Can't wait to see your graph for the year!
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-10-2012 , 06:54 PM

swingy, no good... + 800 of bonus for class... small profit..

Originally Posted by Iknowrexkwondo
That's awesome!

Can't wait to see your graph for the year!
ty, actually it isnt great.. im down 7k in the last 120k hands

-4378 -9days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-11-2012 , 05:46 PM

withdrawl 3k, ofc then lost 1,7k ... huge tilt for that.. then impossibile to win an ai pf... really really bad... they're too good....

-3719 -8days
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
12-11-2012 , 07:09 PM
lost other 500€...
its really really impressive how ******ed they are... and how much they're lucky... they dont deserve to play my stake...
lot of rake to do before 2012 ends Quote
