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Lost almost everything playing partycasino, time to regroup! Lost almost everything playing partycasino, time to regroup!

08-22-2012 , 06:05 PM
Awesome story, can't wait to read more
08-23-2012 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by czechvengeance
meh, it was 2007, everyone <1kNL was a beginner back then
If you choose correctly fish at NL50 are still the exact same as in 2007.

2008 1/2

New year began. It didn't feel like that though, since for me, I practically just kept going on from what I've left of last year. It's all just a number, but the life and flow are still the exact same. I was ultra addicted and I couldn't think of doing anything else than poker. I was very strict about not going to play higher unless I really felt like it. I didn't fail myself this time. Everything went like planned.

I didn't win as much as I did finishing last year, but I still did enough to get over 1000$/month so I was happy with it. I had been taking occasional shots to NL100 but got turned down everytime. After losing 5-10buy-ins I just moved back down to NL50 and grinded it back. It wasn't because the players were better, it was more of my own stupid leveling, that when the level is twice as high the game must be a lot tougher, and I have to play somewhat differently to be more succesfull. This eventually lead me to a numerous amount of horrific plays and eventually always lose the buy-ins to drop down back to NL50. But it was ok, since I didn't do anything stupid at any time but I was disciplined moving down and back up whenever I felt like it.

Matriculation exlamanations was coming up. The last thing I need to do to finish high school. I needed to set up a plan how I could play poker and study at the same time. I made a rule, that I would study 1 hour each day minimum, once the tests were closer I would study 2 hours, and when it's very close I'd do 5 hours. And the rest time I would play poker. This was actually being quite a stress in my back since I really had to get through them so I'm done with school, and there wouldn't be anything in my backbone anymore.

I felt like it was keeping me from achieving great things. As long as I didn't have them done, I still couldn't fully concentrate to poker in my mind, even though when I would have been able to do that physically. But when it comes to poker, mind is the most important thing and it's very crucial to have it in peace. It doesn't matter what it is but as long as there is something bothering you, it will avoid you from being developing into a better player. Poker, when you learn, it's kind of game that you need to be 100% or nothing if you want to be really succesfull.

It was getting late in march, final tests are finally here. Study wise everything had gone like planned so I wasn't very nervous. I was actually pretty confident going in that I would have enough knowledge to pass. I wasn't reaching for the top numbers, all that I cared about was getting them succesfully done. And I felt that I had done just enough work to achiveve that. I went in, I came out. It was all done. As I was walking out of the final exam, the stress I had been feeling just vanished all at once. I was finally free. Now I could do what ever I felt like and nobody could turn my head around. And what I wanted to do was pretty clear at the time, since even when writing the exams all I could think about was poker.

Time between the first quarter of the year until the exams were finished:


I wanted to get some air before continuing with poker. I decided to have two weeks trip to thailand. I felt like a new part of my life had just begun. This was my first real vacation that I had have with my poker winnings. I wanted to see where it all can take me if I just won enough, and how I would enjoy that. I also really needed to clear my head from the hard studying and return to tables fresh.

The trip was great, probably the best I ever had by that time. The climate, the people, the culture, everything in there was something I had never experienced before. It all came as a shock to me. Once I got back home I was more motivated than ever to start grinding. It was only two weeks left in April, and I hadn't play at all that month. But I was still able to win the same amount as I had been averaging earlier this year. And all this just with half the time. The confidence started building inside of me. It really felt like a new era had begun.

May began just like last month finished. I was able to keep my winrate and when half of the month had passed, I was winning 2000$ already. I started feeling that maybe now it's the time to try NL100 again. I felt much more skilled and my mind was in better understaing than before. Also I had much more money behind, so I wouldn't be too worried about losing some. I was bankrolled for NL100 now. I decided to take a shot. Not like before, this time I actually started off winning, and once the money came in my confidence grew bigger and bigger.

Everything was looking really bright after the exams and vacation, it really had been one of the most important turning points of my career, and I still feel like it.

Time between after the trip until end of may:

08-23-2012 , 09:49 AM
Ongame was quite quick on this matter, and my account seems to be unlocked. Never thought that ongame would act with such a fast pace in matters like these. Especially when we are thinking about pokerstars, the world fastest support that took 1month time to investigate 5000$ buddy transfer from my friend, that I needed when my fish had ran his stack deep and ******ed site had deposit limits that I couldn't deposit enough to continue playing.

This is what ongame replied:
At this point we believe that there has been a money transfer between players using the Ongame Network, which goes against our T&C.
Attending to the fact that this is a good customer that has been verified we have decided to open the account with a warning - kindly forward to the user that if we detect inappropriate behaviour we will permanently block the account.
I still don't understand that they are giving me a warning, and they don't explain me where I was doubted. How could I know to avoid this kind of behavior where they are refering to, when I have no idea what that kind of behavior is. I have 65000$ on the site and this really makes me scared to keep money there when they are giving me a warning that I could be banned permantely if "similiar behaviour" happens again. First please, ongame, explain me what does that mean?

I'm happy that things worked out as fast as they did and got the only possible solution having my account unlocked. But I'm very dissapointed to hear that I still got a warning out of this without knowing what it's about. Not a good feeling when you got so much money invested to that network.

And I think I don't really need to say, to my knowledge there has been no money transfering between accounts, that they are claiming and guaranteeing. Just feels really odd all in all.

Does this mean if a fish gets the money in stupidly that I can't obviously effect and because of that, they would find a reason to block my account?

Or that I'm not allowed to play another finnish regulars on the site? I know some finnish guys, but no way I could know all of them. It's a game of poker and money is moving to both directions and site is collecting rake. How can I develop if I'm not allowed to play? I thought that heads up poker is all about seeing who is the better man?

I just don't understand.

I'm just so confused...

Last edited by cl500; 08-23-2012 at 09:55 AM.
08-23-2012 , 09:52 AM
Great thread really enjoying it.
Few questions:are you only playing part-time atm and doing something else on the side like your investment project,and do you think you will go back playing full time again in the future?
p.s. I was in thailand around the same time as you back in 2008,prob a few weeks before you,we went in march....last place we visited was kao samoi the place we were staying 3 scandi guys o.d. in the exact same room within 2 months of each other...freaked the sh*t outta me.
08-23-2012 , 10:09 AM
Jesus christ take your money out of goalwin, there are bigger and more reputable sites wich doesent take 3 weeks to withdrawal on ongame.
08-23-2012 , 12:16 PM
Keep it going, the posts are getting better and better!

I'd be afraid to keep that much money on ongame if they're not willing to explain the issue further. Ridiculous that they have that much control over the users who make their sites profitable.
08-24-2012 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by hedger
Great thread really enjoying it.
Few questions:are you only playing part-time atm and doing something else on the side like your investment project,and do you think you will go back playing full time again in the future?
p.s. I was in thailand around the same time as you back in 2008,prob a few weeks before you,we went in march....last place we visited was kao samoi the place we were staying 3 scandi guys o.d. in the exact same room within 2 months of each other...freaked the sh*t outta me.
I still play quite a lot but having other things in my life better than before, right now I'm completely happy with my habits and not looking to change them in any time soon. But to answer your question, I'd definitely say it's more full time than part time, all the other things I do doesn't take that much time after all. For example when I look for a flat it's no longer than an 1 hour trip, or a game of badminton is just 2 hours. Sometimes I get caught into doing a lot of more and then I play less, but mainly I still play at least 6 hours a day. Used to play a lot more than this though, but I still consider 6 hours is a big amount.

Originally Posted by PantherBoy
Jesus christ take your money out of goalwin, there are bigger and more reputable sites wich doesent take 3 weeks to withdrawal on ongame.
Goalwin cashouts been working just fine with me, and when the money is in poker site it's in ongame hands. So if goalwin crashes ongame will refund the money. Once you take the money to cashier then it's goalwins matter and everything has worked really well for me so far.

Originally Posted by pnelson1337
Keep it going, the posts are getting better and better!

I'd be afraid to keep that much money on ongame if they're not willing to explain the issue further. Ridiculous that they have that much control over the users who make their sites profitable.
Yeah it sucks, but it's almost mandatory. Because the network table policy is really bad and you are obligied to have a lot of money in so you can get tables. If you don't have tables you get no action.

2008 2/2

It was summer again. Looking back to last summer, things were very same but still so much different. Now I knew what was going on and I had highest confidence level than ever before. It was the perfect situation. I thought about that it would be a nice time to take a cashout, since I hadn't cashout after the trip. For some reason I took a round number cashout and I had left my account with 220$ to play NL100.

I got an idea, when my account was so short, that I could make something cool out of it. I decided to open a blog in finnish poker forum saying that I have 220$ and lets see where it can take me. The blog's idea was only to be fun/joke and nothing else. But once I started winning more and more, my blog got famous. And my replys got more thoughtful and the joke part kind of grew off. I end up blogging 3 years before shutting it down and eventually the blog was one of the most viewed in Finnish poker community and almost every player who had used any sort of poker forums recognized my nickname.

But lets get back on track. Where were we?

At this point I started feeling that I couldn't concentrate enough to play NL50 anymore and it's better to fully move into NL100 games. I had tried playing some NL50 but started breaking-even, so I figured out maybe it's time to move up for good. I did well with my remainings and I never didn't have the need to deposit more. I think that is one of the reasons why my blog got so famous in the first place.

I really do have wonderful memories from NL50, this was the limit that made it all possible for me. It was the place where I went in tilt to spew everything off but in time instead of going broke that gave me a profession. It was a long and hard road, but at NL50 I always felt like home, and when higher limits weren't in my favor I had a place to return to. I knew that I won't go totally broke anymore, that I would always be able to make money here if nothing else. This is how my NL50 career finished.


I already felt as comfortable in NL100 as I did in NL50 before. I realized that the fish were the same, it was just a level in my head before. It's all just numbers and the game remains same. With my newly improved mindset and understanding, I was able to start with NL200 just few weeks after. One thing I noticed that the action wasn't the same as it had been lower, so I forced myself to have both, NL100 and NL200 tables open and this way I was able to gather enough action to keep me satisfied.

Summer was coming to it's end and my results were great. I was very satisfied with my NL100 games since I was winning a lot, although I was struggling a bit in NL200, which seemed to be part of the process of me getting used to a new limit. I was still able to have positive result so I wasn't concerned, I just thought it's a matter of time until I get familiar with it. I really started thinking if the games remained same and my winrate didn't drop much, how much I would be able to make. Since the amounts I was making now seemed to be huge, I thought that for me right now only the sky is limit.

Summer time:

Games kept going good. I got used to NL200 and remained the winrate of previous limits. It wasn't very long time from this and I had already dropped NL100 games away and added NL400 into my category. All this together made it easy for me to achieve once again new best month. This time I scored a bit under 8000$. Now I started to think about magic, that it really is actually possible to make fricking 10,000$ or more in a single month playing poker. I didn't think that would be the case for me, but now I could see it with my own eyes.

Following month something really clicked about my game. I learnt something new that started to take effect in results. I started losing less money in pots where I usually lost more. I started to save money. I learnt that folding on right situations is the key to win money. I just have to sense it and fold if my instincts tells me to. I played a lot, far more than before. Even If it was even possible to play more, I did. I noticed that I didn't have bigger drops anymore, I was just going up. Steadily.

The month finished 5 figures. The amount that is in every poker player dreams. First it is 4 figures, then the next step is 5. Now I have reached it. Not only that, I made it by a mile. And I didn't play anything else but up to NL400.


Year was coming to its ending. It had been absolutely spectacular. I could offically announce everyone that this year was my year, I made my breakthrough. I'm one of the big winners. In the end, I couldn't have imagined to score anywhere near as good results as I did. I was completely happy winning some money out of poker, I didn't need to win a lot. But once I started winning a lot, I didn't complain. I just kept pressing the momentum and see how far I could get.

08-24-2012 , 05:49 AM
Your story is extremely inspiring!
Do you remember on how many sites and how many tables were you playing? (or at least are you playing nowadays?)
08-24-2012 , 07:07 AM
From n00b to 40bb/100 in a year
08-24-2012 , 08:11 AM
These are some of the best post i've ever read so please contuniue the good work mate. I know previous poster just asked a simuilar question but what sites do you play on?, do you have rakeback and at what stakes? Many thanks again mate!
08-24-2012 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by czechvengeance
Your story is extremely inspiring!
Do you remember on how many sites and how many tables were you playing? (or at least are you playing nowadays?)
I played just 1 site with 1 table for a very long time, think I started adding 2 tables to my category afer my thai trip.

These days I'm playing at 4 sites right now, and if a fish comes I obviously play as many tables as I get. But versus a regular I prefer to 2 table, because for some reason I play awfull worse with 3.

Originally Posted by blakkman08
From n00b to 40bb/100 in a year
Hehe yeah, back then I obviously didnt understand how good of a winrate that was. I think still in these days it's possible to gather this winrate at NL50-100 if you just opponent select well.

Originally Posted by The Little Fish
These are some of the best post i've ever read so please contuniue the good work mate. I know previous poster just asked a simuilar question but what sites do you play on?, do you have rakeback and at what stakes? Many thanks again mate!
Thanks a lot, I don't want to comment at rakebacks because they are private. I play up to NL2000 regularly, sometimes I take shots to NL5000 or higher if I see value. And of course, if I'm tilted I play any stakes.

Next history update might take some time, because it's not written down. I wrote all of the below years almost straight without break so will see when the next chapter is up.
08-26-2012 , 05:51 PM
Defended tables today @ NL2k pounds and what a beautiful session I had. I wish these comes more often, but lately it feels like I'm just running insanely hot doesn't matter who I'm playing against. Also super confident with my game right now.

Feel good to write right now so lets get into hands:

Hand 1:

iPoker - £20 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (SB): £2,000.00
BB: £2,010.00

Hero posts SB £10.00, BB posts BB £20.00

Pre Flop: (£30.00) Hero has 6 5

Hero raises to £40.00, BB raises to £140.00, Hero calls £100.00

Flop: (£280.00, 2 players) 6 7 K
BB bets £180.00, Hero calls £180.00

Turn: (£640.00, 2 players) 5
BB bets £380.00, Hero raises to £1,680.00, BB calls £1,300.00

River: (£4000.00, 2 players) 3

First hand, a lot of guys who comes for a table likes to 3 bet a lot so I like to defend with wide range. Amazing turn for me and I just decide to ship it. So much leveling he can make because it's the first hand and there are so many draws out there that I need to protect my hand from.

Hero shows 6 5 (Two Pair, Sixes and Fives) (Pre 19%, Flop 23%, Turn 82%)
BB shows A A (One Pair, Aces) (Pre 81%, Flop 77%, Turn 18%)
Hero wins £3,999.00

Hand 2:

iPoker - £20 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (BB): £3,999.00
SB: £2,000.00

SB posts SB £10.00, Hero posts BB £20.00

Pre Flop: (£30.00) Hero has 2 8

SB raises to £40.00, Hero calls £20.00

Flop: (£80.00, 2 players) Q 5 6
Hero bets £60.00, SB raises to £195.00, Hero raises to £400.00, SB calls £205.00

Turn: (£880.00, 2 players) A
Hero bets £520.00, SB calls £520.00

River: (£1920.00, 2 players) J
Hero bets £3,039.00, SB calls £1,040.00

I like to donk some of my good hands on the flop because some people tends to make big moves against donk bet and get it in way too light because they feel lost in the situation.

Obviously very nice run out for me when I saw his hand.

Hero shows 2 8 (Flush, Queen High) (Pre 35%, Flop 71%, Turn 84%)
SB shows J A (Two Pair, Aces and Jacks) (Pre 65%, Flop 29%, Turn 16%)
Hero wins £3,999.00

Hand 3:

iPoker - £20 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (SB): £2,000.00
BB: £3,408.00

Hero posts SB £10.00, BB posts BB £20.00

Pre Flop: (£30.00) Hero has 5 6

Hero raises to £40.00, BB calls £20.00

Flop: (£80.00, 2 players) 6 5 2
BB checks, Hero bets £60.00, BB raises to £195.00, Hero raises to £498.75, BB raises to £3,368.00, Hero calls £1,461.25

Turn: (£4000.00, 2 players) 2

River: (£4000.00, 2 players) K

Not really a tough spot, I got the nuts and just trying to get it in.

Hero shows 5 6 (Two Pair, Sixes and Fives) (Pre 29%, Flop 82%, Turn 91%)
BB shows 6 A (Two Pair, Sixes and Twos) (Pre 71%, Flop 18%, Turn 9%)
Hero wins £3,999.00

Hand 4:

iPoker - £20 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (BB): £5,885.00
SB: £2,106.00

SB posts SB £10.00, Hero posts BB £20.00

Pre Flop: (£30.00) Hero has J Q

SB raises to £40.00, Hero raises to £140.00, SB raises to £300.00, Hero calls £160.00

Flop: (£600.00, 2 players) 7 J 9
Hero checks, SB bets £300.00, Hero raises to £5,585.00, SB calls £1,506.00

Turn: (£4212.00, 2 players) 8

River: (£4212.00, 2 players) 6

I defend 4bet and get a good flop, I think he would check most turns so in case if he had high cards or some possible draw it's not good idea to give him free cards when the pot is so big already. Also I need to have balanced range when I ship lot of draws here too.

Hero shows J Q (One Pair, Jacks) (Pre 45%, Flop 5%, Turn 9%)
SB shows 9 9 (Three of a Kind, Nines) (Pre 55%, Flop 95%, Turn 91%)
SB wins £4,211.00

Hand 5:

iPoker - £20 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (BB): £5,397.00
SB: £2,570.00

SB posts SB £10.00, Hero posts BB £20.00

Pre Flop: (£30.00) Hero has 9 9

SB raises to £40.00, Hero raises to £120.00, SB raises to £260.00, Hero raises to £5,397.00, SB calls £2,310.00

Flop: (£5140.00, 2 players) 6 5 Q

Turn: (£5140.00, 2 players) 7

River: (£5140.00, 2 players) 4


Hero shows 9 9 (One Pair, Nines) (Pre 55%, Flop 74%, Turn 86%)
SB shows A K (High Card, Ace) (Pre 45%, Flop 26%, Turn 14%)
Hero wins £5,139.00

Hand 6:

iPoker - £20 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (BB): £5,259.00
SB: £2,054.00

SB posts SB £10.00, Hero posts BB £20.00

Pre Flop: (£30.00) Hero has J K

SB raises to £40.00, Hero raises to £120.00, SB calls £80.00

Flop: (£240.00, 2 players) 8 9 T
Hero bets £160.00, SB raises to £540.00, Hero raises to £5,139.00, SB calls £1,394.00

Turn: (£4108.00, 2 players) 4

River: (£4108.00, 2 players) 3

Pretty annoying spot after his bigger raise since I think I don't have any folding equity but I'm flipping vs most of his range and a lot of money already invested so it's a mandatory ship.

Hero shows J K (High Card, King) (Pre 40%, Flop 49%, Turn 32%)
SB shows A T (One Pair, Tens) (Pre 60%, Flop 51%, Turn 68%)
SB wins £4,107.00

Hand 7:

iPoker - £20 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (BB): £5,371.50
SB: £4,582.50

SB posts SB £10.00, Hero posts BB £20.00

Pre Flop: (£30.00) Hero has A K

SB raises to £40.00, Hero raises to £120.00, SB raises to £260.00, Hero raises to £580.00, SB raises to £4,582.50, Hero calls £4,002.50

Flop: (£9165.00, 2 players) J K 7

Turn: (£9165.00, 2 players) 2

River: (£9165.00, 2 players) T

Hate these spots, I think sometimes even a call might be better when we are deep. But I decided to play it the easy way and ship and hope for pocket pair. Very important flip to win.

Hero shows A K (Flush, Ace High) (Pre 43%, Flop 90%, Turn 98%)
SB shows Q Q (One Pair, Queens) (Pre 57%, Flop 10%, Turn 2%)
Hero wins £9,164.00

Hand 8:

iPoker - £20 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (SB): £9,953.00
BB: £2,000.00

Hero posts SB £10.00, BB posts BB £20.00

Pre Flop: (£30.00) Hero has Q J

Hero raises to £40.00, BB raises to £140.00, Hero calls £100.00

Flop: (£280.00, 2 players) J 8 Q
BB bets £140.00, Hero raises to £320.00, BB raises to £1,860.00, Hero calls £1,540.00

Turn: (£4000.00, 2 players) 9

River: (£4000.00, 2 players) 9

Felt he might be a bit tilted and ship a lot of crappy draws over my raise so I decided to give him a chance.

Hero shows Q J (Two Pair, Queens and Jacks) (Pre 27%, Flop 84%, Turn 89%)
BB shows A Q (Two Pair, Queens and Nines) (Pre 73%, Flop 16%, Turn 11%)
Hero wins £3,999.00

Hand 9:

iPoker - £20 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (SB): £3,163.00
BB: £4,145.00

Hero posts SB £10.00, BB posts BB £20.00

Pre Flop: (£30.00) Hero has 8 J

Hero raises to £40.00, BB raises to £140.00, Hero calls £100.00

Flop: (£280.00, 2 players) A 6 K
BB bets £140.00, Hero calls £140.00

Turn: (£560.00, 2 players) A
BB bets £280.00, Hero calls £280.00

River: (£1120.00, 2 players) Q
BB bets £560.00, Hero raises to £2,603.00, BB calls £2,043.00

Thought about raising on flop, but then I decided to go for call-call-bet(if I miss), but I happened to hit the flush so I shipped AI.

I didn't see the board was paired, if saw that I'd never ship. I think there are just way too many full house combinations in his calling range and he shouldn't be calling with much worse here.

Really running ultra hot.

Hero shows 8 J (Flush, Ace High) (Pre 64%, Flop 79%, Turn 83%)
BB shows 7 9 (Flush, Ace High) (Pre 36%, Flop 21%, Turn 17%)
Hero wins £6,325.00

Hand 10:

iPoker - £20 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (SB): £12,395.00
BB: £1,608.00

Hero posts SB £10.00, BB posts BB £20.00

Pre Flop: (£30.00) Hero has 6 6

Hero raises to £40.00, BB raises to £140.00, Hero raises to £12,395.00, BB calls £1,468.00

Flop: (£3216.00, 2 players) 3 6 A

Turn: (£3216.00, 2 players) 2

River: (£3216.00, 2 players) 9

One more?

Hero shows 6 6 (Three of a Kind, Sixes) (Pre 54%, Flop 98%, Turn 100%)
BB shows A J (One Pair, Aces) (Pre 46%, Flop 2%, Turn 0%)
Hero wins £3,215.00

And that in pounds... think it was around ~16000£, yummy! Makes it a sick amount of dollars!

Session in dollars:

Run better.

Best month ever coming up, will post the month graph as soon as the month is finished. Go fitness!
08-26-2012 , 06:19 PM

send me some of ur run hot plz ty
08-26-2012 , 06:25 PM
great read, GL in the future dude
08-26-2012 , 06:34 PM
Amazing session, keep crushing! .. and writing your inspiring poker story
08-27-2012 , 08:24 AM
was really amazed of the J high flush AI on the river until i read you didn't see the board was paired )
08-27-2012 , 10:06 AM
Damn, what a sick session!
08-27-2012 , 11:42 AM
sick win. Was he a winning player?
08-27-2012 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by wyvo

send me some of ur run hot plz ty
Hehe ^^ Wish to keep it all to myself.

Originally Posted by d7o1d1s0
great read, GL in the future dude

Originally Posted by PandaLife
Amazing session, keep crushing! .. and writing your inspiring poker story
I'll do my best with everything, but not sure when going to continue with the story. But I think the time will come eventually.

Originally Posted by Alienatu
was really amazed of the J high flush AI on the river until i read you didn't see the board was paired )
Yeah, that was like "holy ****tttt.... please don't call... then he calls and omgg.. ****... wooooww!!!".

Originally Posted by pnelson1337
Damn, what a sick session!
Feels good to have once in a while.

Originally Posted by ...|...
sick win. Was he a winning player?
Hard to say, I played him earlier this month and had 30k swings in both ways but managed to win few k that time, but back then he was 3betting maybe 75% and this time he was completely changed his strategy and 3betted only around 20%. It's hard to say if I had edge or not this time, we only played a bit over 200hands and I pretty much coolered him all the time. But think I have played vs worse regs(assuming he is a reg).

His graph vs me this month:

Had 3.6k $ (+ remainings on table) left on account the first time I played him on the worst moment, but managed to make a nice comeback.

Think the first session finished around 490th hand (-8000$ on graph).

It's all NL2000£.
08-28-2012 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by cl500

Hand 2:

iPoker - £20 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (BB): £3,999.00
SB: £2,000.00

SB posts SB £10.00, Hero posts BB £20.00

Pre Flop: (£30.00) Hero has 2 8

SB raises to £40.00, Hero calls £20.00

Flop: (£80.00, 2 players) Q 5 6
Hero bets £60.00, SB raises to £195.00, Hero raises to £400.00, SB calls £205.00

Turn: (£880.00, 2 players) A
Hero bets £520.00, SB calls £520.00

River: (£1920.00, 2 players) J
Hero bets £3,039.00, SB calls £1,040.00

I like to donk some of my good hands on the flop because some people tends to make big moves against donk bet and get it in way too light because they feel lost in the situation.

Obviously very nice run out for me when I saw his hand.

Hero shows 2 8 (Flush, Queen High) (Pre 35%, Flop 71%, Turn 84%)
SB shows J A (Two Pair, Aces and Jacks) (Pre 65%, Flop 29%, Turn 16%)
Hero wins £3,999.00

How many good reasons can you come up with that say it is good to call 82s vs min raise ?

Originally Posted by cl500

Hand 4:

iPoker - £20 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (BB): £5,885.00
SB: £2,106.00

SB posts SB £10.00, Hero posts BB £20.00

Pre Flop: (£30.00) Hero has J Q

SB raises to £40.00, Hero raises to £140.00, SB raises to £300.00, Hero calls £160.00

Flop: (£600.00, 2 players) 7 J 9
Hero checks, SB bets £300.00, Hero raises to £5,585.00, SB calls £1,506.00

Turn: (£4212.00, 2 players) 8

River: (£4212.00, 2 players) 6

I defend 4bet and get a good flop, I think he would check most turns so in case if he had high cards or some possible draw it's not good idea to give him free cards when the pot is so big already. Also I need to have balanced range when I ship lot of draws here too.

Hero shows J Q (One Pair, Jacks) (Pre 45%, Flop 5%, Turn 9%)
SB shows 9 9 (Three of a Kind, Nines) (Pre 55%, Flop 95%, Turn 91%)
SB wins £4,211.00

With what kind of hands do you call the 4bet ? What is the worst hand ?

Originally Posted by cl500

Hand 9:

iPoker - £20 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (SB): £3,163.00
BB: £4,145.00

Hero posts SB £10.00, BB posts BB £20.00

Pre Flop: (£30.00) Hero has 8 J

Hero raises to £40.00, BB raises to £140.00, Hero calls £100.00

Flop: (£280.00, 2 players) A 6 K
BB bets £140.00, Hero calls £140.00

Turn: (£560.00, 2 players) A
BB bets £280.00, Hero calls £280.00

River: (£1120.00, 2 players) Q
BB bets £560.00, Hero raises to £2,603.00, BB calls £2,043.00

Thought about raising on flop, but then I decided to go for call-call-bet(if I miss), but I happened to hit the flush so I shipped AI.

I didn't see the board was paired, if saw that I'd never ship. I think there are just way too many full house combinations in his calling range and he shouldn't be calling with much worse here.

Really running ultra hot.

Hero shows 8 J (Flush, Ace High) (Pre 64%, Flop 79%, Turn 83%)
BB shows 7 9 (Flush, Ace High) (Pre 36%, Flop 21%, Turn 17%)
Hero wins £6,325.00

Why do you think he ch-folds the river alot ?
08-28-2012 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by phenomenal
How many good reasons can you come up with that say it is good to call 82s vs min raise ?
I like to defend majority of my range vs minopen and any suited cards are in this range. It's only 20£ to add into 60£ pot and most times I can outplay him postflop. Also I have calculated that by folding these hands I'm losing more than by calling. This of course depends a lot from how weak a player is and how easily they give hands up postflop, if you are a weaker reg you would be losing more money by calling than folding pre.

Originally Posted by phenomenal
With what kind of hands do you call the 4bet ? What is the worst hand ?
It all depends how much they are 4 betting and how big. I like to defend more vs. 15bb 4bet than vs 18bb 4bet. If someone 4bets 10% I would defend much less but if someone is 4betting 20% I like to play with my most suited connectors/one gappers/picture cards. Also it feels like in most 4 bet pots a lot of people tend to play very face up postflop and I get a good opportunity to pick up pots with correctly placed aggression.

Originally Posted by phenomenal

Why do you think he ch-folds the river alot ?
It depends a lot from the villain, but I think this is a situation where he would barrel a lot of his gutters/flushdraws/ etc. on turn and give up on river(although once the ace pairs(that I didn't notice for some stupid reason) I think it's not a very good spot to bet, but some people seem not to care if they have a draw, they bet). On the other hand if he had an ace he would probably bet the river hoping to get a call from king/worse ace. Also if he had a king, he would often check the flop, if not flop then at least turn. So when he would bet-bet-check it doesn't really leave a strong range to him and it seems like it leaves a very profitable situation for me to fire a bet.

I do have J high, and I beat most of the flush draws, but I would still be losing to hands like JT/JQ/Qc, etc. so I just don't want to risk it.
08-29-2012 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by cl500
I like to defend majority of my range vs minopen and any suited cards are in this range. It's only 20£ to add into 60£ pot and most times I can outplay him postflop. Also I have calculated that by folding these hands I'm losing more than by calling. This of course depends a lot from how weak a player is and how easily they give hands up postflop, if you are a weaker reg you would be losing more money by calling than folding pre.
So the call is not +EV, it is -EV, but just less -EV than folding ?

Originally Posted by cl500

It depends a lot from the villain, but I think this is a situation where he would barrel a lot of his gutters/flushdraws/ etc. on turn and give up on river(although once the ace pairs(that I didn't notice for some stupid reason) I think it's not a very good spot to bet, but some people seem not to care if they have a draw, they bet). On the other hand if he had an ace he would probably bet the river hoping to get a call from king/worse ace. Also if he had a king, he would often check the flop, if not flop then at least turn. So when he would bet-bet-check it doesn't really leave a strong range to him and it seems like it leaves a very profitable situation for me to fire a bet.

I do have J high, and I beat most of the flush draws, but I would still be losing to hands like JT/JQ/Qc, etc. so I just don't want to risk it.
How would you play your draws OTT if you were the one who 3bet ?
08-29-2012 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by phenomenal
So the call is not +EV, it is -EV, but just less -EV than folding ?

How would you play your draws OTT if you were the one who 3bet ?
Yeah, I guess the call is the best move you can make there, but like I said, it all depends how you are capable of adjusting postflop. But again, it's just a single hand and you shouldn't pay too much attention to it. It's not the "result effecting" gold mine. More of a just one style of playing preflop.

I think with a draw I often just bet bet and then feel about the river. AKxxx board is quite good for 3 barrels because it's not an easy situation for the opponent to call the river even with an ace, so there are not really that many hands in his calling range. Also he will call 2 streets with all draws and kings that he will fold on river majority of times.

It's just important to know your image, if you have been very aggressive then you don't want to bluff that much because you might get hero called more often. But if you have a nittier image then it's the perfect spot to run 3 barrels.

This all of course when the A or K doesn't pair on turn, then I guess I would just play week and check fold river. Sometimes I even might check fold turn, but if he checks turn behind I'm tempted to bluff river in front.

On some different type of boards(say, draw and an overcard) I might go for check raise on flop/turn(assuming I cbet flop) but not this.
08-29-2012 , 10:56 AM
Standard $65k swings in <800 hands.

Inspirational man, and thank you for posting hand histories!
08-30-2012 , 05:48 PM
"Oops! ...I Did It Again"

yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

I think I did it again
Oh baby
It might seem like a crush
But it doesn't mean that I'm serious
'Cause to lose all my senses
That is just so typically me
Oh baby, baby


Was just hymning this for some weird wicked reason and figured that's exactly what happened to me. I played some of the NL20k € and NL20k $ after losing some money at lower(nothing too serious, maybe few buy-ins max).

Just so standard to me these days to chase all my losses back lol. Couple hands.


Joined the table with 12000€ and had grinded some money so at this point it was still looking good, I thought about running since I already break-evened my day but I decided to attempt run it high this time. After a while this hand came up:

IGT Poker Network (Entraction) - €200 NL (2 max) - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (BB): €18,043.93
SB: €16,847.84

Hero posts BB €200.00, SB posts SB €100.00

Pre Flop: (€300.00) Hero has K Q

SB raises to €500.00, Hero raises to €1,500.00, SB calls €1,000.00

Flop: (€3000.00, 2 players) 9 4 J
Hero bets €1,500.00, SB calls €1,500.00

Turn: (€6000.00, 2 players) 8
Hero bets €3,000.00, SB calls €3,000.00

River: (€12000.00, 2 players) 4
Hero bets €12,043.93 and is all-in, SB calls €10,847.84 and is all-in

Thought about the river really quickly in my mind and figured there are a lot of Tx(with pair as well), 9x, hands in his range he should be folding. Also he might fold most of his Jx hands too because I'm very value heavy in this spot. KQ and maybe some backdoors are the only bluffy hands in my range, and some of the time I decide not to barrel it either. Think in villains eye I have very often QJ, KJ, AJ,8J, 9J, 88, 99, JJ, QQ, KK, AA, so there are a lot of value hands in my range so it looks like a really good spot to bluff and put the pressure on villain.

He took time until the end of the clock and called. Felt more of a frustration crying call than than really througly thought.

Hero shows K Q (One Pair, Fours) (Pre 66%, Flop 35%, Turn 23%)
SB shows 6 J (Two Pair, Jacks and Fours) (Pre 34%, Flop 65%, Turn 77%)
SB wins €33,694.18

Euro site went busto so switched to iPoker. There's no quit in me!


iPoker - $200 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (BB): $32,338.00
SB: $22,896.00

SB posts SB $100.00, Hero posts BB $200.00

Pre Flop: ($300.00) Hero has 7 4

SB raises to $400.00, Hero calls $200.00

Flop: ($800.00, 2 players) A 2 T
Hero checks, SB bets $500.00, Hero calls $500.00

Turn: ($1800.00, 2 players) K
Hero checks, SB bets $1,350.00, Hero raises to $4,200.00, SB calls $2,850.00

River: ($10200.00, 2 players) 6
Hero checks, SB bets $17,796.00, fold

Had done some donk betting but he wasn't reacting to it so decided to go for check-call check-raiseline. Pretty annoying river since he might turn his 2 pairs into a bluff here but I really think he has more often than not big diamond, I think Kdx, Qdx are well in his range. So are 2 pairs, but I just think he is not turning 2 pairs into a bluff here often enough.

SB wins $10,198.00

Hand 3:

iPoker - $200 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (BB): $18,178.00
SB: $24,176.00

SB posts SB $100.00, Hero posts BB $200.00

Pre Flop: ($300.00) Hero has K 8

SB raises to $400.00, Hero calls $200.00

Flop: ($800.00, 2 players) Q J 8
Hero checks, SB bets $500.00, Hero calls $500.00

Turn: ($1800.00, 2 players) T
Hero checks, SB bets $1,350.00, Hero raises to $3,800.00, SB calls $2,450.00

River: ($9400.00, 2 players) 3
Hero checks, SB checks

Can't really call here on turn and don't really want to fold it either. Also there are a lot of hands he can 2 barrel with and a lot of good rivers for me to fire. I could rep backdoor flush really well and if 9 comes it makes it tough spot for him to fold due to a split, also A will be nice if he had made straight on turn. I think there are a lot of hands that he is folding to turn raise also so I think my game plan was fine. He should never call spade river either without straight and sometimes he might even fold that.

Hero mucks K 8 (One Pair, Eights) (Pre 28%, Flop 4%, Turn 18%)
SB shows Q Q (Three of a Kind, Queens) (Pre 72%, Flop 96%, Turn 82%)
SB wins $9,398.00

Hand 4:

iPoker - $200 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (SB): $20,600.00
BB: $20,000.00

Hero posts SB $100.00, BB posts BB $200.00

Pre Flop: ($300.00) Hero has Q 9

Hero raises to $400.00, BB calls $200.00

Flop: ($800.00, 2 players) 7 5 9
BB checks, Hero bets $600.00, BB calls $600.00

Turn: ($2000.00, 2 players) 3
BB checks, Hero bets $1,500.00, BB calls $1,500.00

River: ($5000.00, 2 players) 2
BB checks, Hero bets $3,750.00, BB calls $3,750.00

It's a situation I see a lot of people check backing river with my hand here, but if you have an aggressive image in position you really need to bet these hands for value, because on boards like these they like to hero call you more often than not.

Hero shows Q 9 (One Pair, Nines) (Pre 65%, Flop 77%, Turn 89%)
BB shows 7 J (One Pair, Sevens) (Pre 35%, Flop 23%, Turn 11%)
Hero wins $12,498.00

Hand 5:

iPoker - $200 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (BB): $26,538.00
SB: $28,692.00

SB posts SB $100.00, Hero posts BB $200.00

Pre Flop: ($300.00) Hero has 6 3

SB raises to $400.00, Hero raises to $1,200.00, SB calls $800.00

Flop: ($2400.00, 2 players) 7 8 J
Hero checks, SB checks

Turn: ($2400.00, 2 players) 4
Hero bets $1,800.00, SB calls $1,800.00

River: ($6000.00, 2 players) 9
Hero bets $4,500.00, fold

Thought it's not really great spot to cbet, even though I have my backdoor draw but he just has so much connected in his calling range. But when he checks it and I hit a draw on turn I decide to take a stabb. River looks like a good card for me to fire and if he had 8x, 7x checked on flop it will be really though spot for him to call 3/4 pot on river.

Hero shows 6 3 (High Card, Jack)
Hero wins $5,998.00

Hand 6:

iPoker - $200 NL - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

Hero (BB): $32,564.00
SB: $22,626.00

SB posts SB $100.00, Hero posts BB $200.00

Pre Flop: ($300.00) Hero has 9 J

SB raises to $400.00, Hero raises to $1,600.00, SB calls $1,200.00

Flop: ($3200.00, 2 players) A 9 A
Hero bets $1,800.00, SB calls $1,800.00

Turn: ($6800.00, 2 players) Q
Hero checks, SB bets $4,000.00, Hero calls $4,000.00

River: ($14800.00, 2 players) 5
Hero checks, SB bets $15,226.00, Hero calls $15,226.00

This is a quirky spot on river. There are a lot of hands on flop he would float, and on river he wouldn't bet Q for value, but he might turn most of his floating range into 2 barrel bluff. But at the same time he can really have Ax in his range as well, and not very often you catch people bluffing. And that exactly makes it look like a really good bluff spot for him(can be a level of course).

I've been analyzing lately that when the board is paired in 3bet pot and you get a call to your cbet, and when you check turn you face a bet on turn and river most of the time. And I had done a succesfull call in similiar spot before against another villain so I thought I might be good here, after all with all these reads you only need to be correct 1/3 times.

I decided to hero call.

Hero shows 9 J (Two Pair, Aces and Nines) (Pre 62%, Flop 91%, Turn 82%)
SB shows 8 7 (One Pair, Aces) (Pre 38%, Flop 9%, Turn 18%)
Hero wins $45,250.00

Near break-even and sit out of course.

