Caution: waLLofTexts
Hi guys, pleasure to finally post on here with you all,
My name's Alex im 29, turning 30 this october

I moved to Canada from Bulgaria in 1996 with the fams, mom dad n sis
Ive been lurking around two plus two since 2010 when a random dude at a bar told me about it while listening to my (probably deluded) pokerstars hands analysis
This forum has helped me progress as a player more than anything, but Ive found it hard to fully assimilate all of the wonderful concepts and mental aspects that Ive understood thanks to all of you.
The dude initially told me to just post hands on here but I never did, figuring I already knew the sort of responses I would get and I could find similar spots to anything I may run into myself already in posts here to guide me...however I have since come to think that posting is the only true way to move forward and that it may be what I need to finally internalize these concepts.
So yesterday I signed up on here finally, got accused of being dgi on my first post lol, and as Ive mentioned in another post already I could sort of see why because of my fishy tendencies I briefly described that I could never fully get rid of...
Put simply, Im naturally inclined towards too aggressive of an approach to the game, a combination of entitlement/ego and overvaluing my postflop abilities (which actually also stems from that same entitlement/ego lol)
Anyways in the last year Ive managed to control my play a lot better (thank you gobbledygeek #potcontrol #passiveplay #stacksizes) and to put to practice the understanding that live llsnl plays so much different than online, namely learning how to be much more passive in general in live llsnl has helped me tremendously to control my entire game, and to pick my spots better
Ive been a microstakes pokerstars regular since 2009 (cash/mtt/husng) and Im down like 800 dollars in those 6 years lol... and while I owe a lot of that to basically being a lagtard fish for most of that time, closing up my leaks in the last couple of years hasnt helped a whole lot because..... im also **** at money managment.
To put it bluntly, Ive always had a hard time standing up from cash tables when im playing too significant of a stack as a ratio of my total bankroll to stay... I think its alright that I shot take because Ive always had an income coming (work fulltime) but I can never hold onto a decent bankroll due to the fact Ive been too impatient to build it slowly online through proper money managment and have instead regularly been trying to use any online winnings to take shots at live 1/2 trying to break into the game at least recrerationally.
So far , no good. And watching how bad these guys play baffles me that I can be so ******ed not to simply take advantage of them and getting caught up in fancy syndrome mental games n elaborate bluffs at opportune moments that they could careless about cuz theyre 'thinking' (overstatement) 1743 ***** levels below that lol...
So im going to take a more solid shot this time, hopefully with your guys help, and see if I can find the motivation not to spew both on the tables and in terms of bankroll managment. My plan is to walk the fk away when im sitting on a significant portion of my total roll... until I can afford to stay.
Usually Ill play with a 50bb buy in, run it up to 300bb, stay at the table because its good, the players are spewy, and I can read them relatively well, and get coolered. I know I have a future roll coming from work paychecks but that doesnt mean I shouldnt leave when up the first few times to start building a proper roll, right? Seems super hard for me to put into practice #ego
So now Im here, I have just been uncremoniously fired from my 5year long fulltime job and to be sure Im already looking for employment but Im taking a shot regardless and if I can make something happen and achieve some sort of real winrate in the next couple months, I might just work part time for the forseeable future...
So our new bankroll for this concurrent shot is coming from...thats severance from my exjob hahaha, its a hefty large sum of 2500 canadian dollars, but lets be frank, im going to need at least 1000 of that for some upcoming bills, including but not limited to, car insurance, cell phone, and even moneymart

Hopefully a part time job will cover those expenses afterwards and hopefully I can swindle 1500 dollars for a starting roll, although its likely we might be stuck with something closer to 1000, but no worries, we are going to prison ra pe some live fishes
I think obviously with such a short roll Im going to be forced to start with 50bb buy ins however (max at my casino is 100bb) which shouldnt be too much of an issue, im actually better at playing shortstacked, and Im very able to use my short stack to its full advantage and im hoping for your guys' help in improving my deeper game...
So money comes this friday, wish me luck, Ill be starting this weekend during the day friday and then again at midnight same day, then saturday 2pm is the local degen fish 20dollar buy in hyper turbo (dealing 2 hands an hour) donkathon (40player mtt) and afterwards its back for session number 3 at the cardroom if Im still not broke

Ill post some pics this week and some threadsavers i guess?
cant believe I made a pcg thread, this is downright...hilarious
Maybe Ill end up like rob farha? or butterflysymmetry? haha or more likely not
Please ask me questions and shoot advices, mad respect to you all and this community,
Last edited by Alexandar; 03-23-2015 at 08:09 PM.