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Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it

10-26-2022 , 11:43 AM
Today I feel especially blessed to live my life here in Rijeka and being able to do it by playing poker

..... to have that during my "morning" sports routine (4k run, stretch, pullups, walk, swim, walk) on the 26th of October in the northern hemisphere

Video from the beach today:



Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
10-26-2022 , 04:56 PM
Dang, that is some gorgeous weather for late Oct. Enjoy and glgl.
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
10-27-2022 , 09:00 AM
My view while attending group coaching

Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
11-04-2022 , 09:07 AM


The last 10 days since my last update went pretty well, though it could have been wayy more (due to a combo of bad luck and probably some icm punts):

50.- Global millions with about 70k up top: Last two hands ak split with k10s for booty and then 88<k3s for bust in 14th and three more f2t busts in nice mtts:


Going great. Doing mostly body-weight workouts with loads of stretching / yoga at the beach (my new favorite hobby ). Often feels like im pushing my muscles right to the egde, especially for my age, the only annoying thing stays my right calf, which does not agree with regular running (locked up), which sux especially, cause im still smoking like a chimney (the only thing im not satisfied at all these days), and with pushing hard with running in my experience I would be able to quit with smoking again basically automatically. Weight stabile around 103kg last 2 months, now that the late summer seems to be finally (!!!) over, I will go for some slow bulking again.


Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
11-07-2022 , 10:18 AM

Quick poker update:

Hand another huge sweat in the 109 WCOOP Turbo Pko last night (40-50k up top), lost two flips in a row in the end, which does not work with turbos obv......

2 Day 2s in the 109.- mains today:

glgl for the mains guys


Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
12-09-2022 , 09:45 AM

Quick poker update:

The last months were mostly break even.

I got my backers year stats till now, so I know my winnings including rakeback etc.:

I have made 101k, from which I get half plus a year end bonus of 5k

=> guess I can say that I very well achieved my goal from the title, especially living in a country like Croatia

As cherry on top I hit the bad beat jackpot on GG R&C50 today:


Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
12-10-2022 , 06:46 AM
I have made 101k
Insane year lad gongratz
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
02-14-2023 , 02:03 PM
So your skill level can pull in 6 figures from poker jeez that’s good.

Sick posts and fitness holy **** haha
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
02-15-2023 , 02:18 PM
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
02-15-2023 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by INCBARRAGE94
So your skill level can pull in 6 figures from poker jeez that’s good.

Sick posts and fitness holy **** haha

Originally Posted by KidCudi147
okok son ..... so ill do a quick, lazy update (little graphs, data & photos)...

poker - year so far:


(played less mtts, quite some cash): going ok ..... only running bad deep, so no big binks

had some pretty exciting deep runs, but last tables all went shitty:


pre rakeback only up 360,- ..... after rb rather up 2k than 1k id guess (not tracking it), plus the bb jackpot i had posted:


had a nasty dry cough in january, but last weeks are going great again, especially with the beautiful weather, working out at the beach every day this week

bulked up to 111kg (from the low-point 97kg in summer after covid), but I have to admit that gaining muscles naturally above the top level that I had several times in my younger years is not easy anymore, but considering my age I think I can still be super happy ..... sure also gained a bit of fat but that comes with bulking ...... gonna post a new pic soon....

doing a lot of stretching / yoga last half year, super happy with my progress here, more flexible than ever in my life ..... expect some bragging pics soon

what I am the most excited about is, that I can run daily 5k again without any muscular problems (even with 110kg+!!), enjoying that so much ...... and getting shredded for the next "sexy beach beast body " will be super easy - just gonna up the running to 10k every day


the club scene in Rijeka is really good lately (almost too many house & techno clubs for a city this size) - out till morning basically every friday & saturday ........ only the drinking that comes with it is pretty counterproductive to my working out ..... but one only lives once ........ not drinking almost at all the other days though anymore (max. 250ml of wine)

the carnival weekend is gonna be huge - several huge house & technoparties with each thousands of people in- and outdoor plus afterhours - Rijeka has one of the biggest carnivals in the world!



Last edited by Lockerl71; 02-15-2023 at 08:47 PM.
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
02-28-2023 , 11:20 AM

Fk me, I forgot how a downswing felt, even if its a minor one ...... that confidence that you easily beat this game disappears pretty quickly ..... good that it is behind me already

MTT Year to date:


=> with cashgame & rakeback up about 7k this year.


Pretty consistent - muscles, yoga / stretching, running - each 3-4 times per week, cant say how happy I am that running is no issue anymore
The only downside are too much drinking on weekends (carnival was too much - 3 days in a row ffs ...... but since then almost no alk, and probs. gonna leave it until the summer, a bit fed up) and still smoking like a fkn chimney ffs


ol LockBear at 110kg / 243lb (still bulking)


My current coach at Standard - Razvy just won the EPT Main for 1.2 milly (!!) Eur

Last edited by Lockerl71; 02-28-2023 at 11:32 AM.
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
03-02-2023 , 12:52 PM
"My" Outdoor "Gym"

Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
03-02-2023 , 02:35 PM

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
03-04-2023 , 09:39 AM

Started logging my workouts this week.

had a "busy" Friday yesterday

hmm .... might wanna take the Google Fit data with a grain of salt - 8,5 km in 39 min with a lot of stairs,
seems "a bit optimistic for a guy with 110kg"



Last edited by Lockerl71; 03-04-2023 at 09:54 AM.
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
04-11-2023 , 05:48 PM

pretty long time no post ..... you boys guessed right - another, this time pretty draining downswing hit me ....... was 7k down ........ reporting downswings aint no fun

Mtt poker can be cruel, week after week nothing works ...... you start doubting yourself, if you even beat this friggin game

Last days went better though and today I had a much needed decent bink

its about 5k - I think

my poker results for this year are still pretty shite :/ ..... mbe 6-7k inkluding cashgames & rakeback ....

.... but at least well in the green again

Workout & life:

Workout is going amazing, I can truly say that I am in the best shape of my life with 51 years

The Workout Log of my last 5-6 weeks:

Walking, Running & Dancing / Raving data is from the Google Fit app, so with a grain of salt, especially the "dancing" data ....... the rest should not be too far off.

Especially proud how Yoga / Stretching is going (always at the beach in the sun ), have never ever been so flexible, the way I do Yoga is half leg training / calisthenics (standing stretching under heavy tension).

The muscle training is usually combining alternating body parts - with almost no breaks - 60s max. - so one can basically double the time compared to "normal" gym workouts with 2-3min breaks.

The time & distance of my raving adventures I see more of a joke .... just to show off, that the ol lock can rave you yound duds into the ground on one leg ....... usually no substances used - except lots of beer, red bull and mbe. 1-2 paracetamol to avoid leg pain ....... for that beers I btw. cut my alc. consume during the week to zero (no more glass of wine after workout)



last workout pic with 109kg
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
04-14-2023 , 09:20 AM

had quite a sweat yesterday in the 109.- Thrill on PS, about 20k up top, I think I played pretty much my a-game, sadly super unlucky on ft bubble & ft.

gonna show off some hands (imho well played ones and a couple of missplays i guess):

1 (): i limp to iso the 2,4bb booty, 4bb jams, sb calls, i 3bet to 12bb, j10s jams pre (prob. thought im fos :P)

2 (): itm, I 3bet, cbet small, x-x, on the river he snap x, I chickened out, even when his timing told me that a big bet should work

3 (): I open, flop x-x-x, turn overbet gets job done

4 (): Light 3 bet whenever I think open might be wider due to shorty in pko

5 (: Open, cbet 30% (got board locked up & need strong small cbets on big bet boards not to get x-raised by all kinds **** if Im weak), turn 60% (as straight comes in), river - tank overbet for bootz (vs my turn size he should raise all better hands and river brick) - get called by q10

6 () Light 3bet - utg opened a lot

7 () Cant got for all after light 3bet when the board is bad: 3bet - cbet 10% - x-x, fold river

8 () Simple hand, but many miss donks as bigstack: peel 3 way, donk flop (to run it with shorty for bootz), all fold

9 () Pretty standard lightish 3bet, just important not to miss them esp. closing to ft

10 () mbe overdoing it "a bit" - run into aks, but good for my table image

11 () call pre hu (as bigstack in pko u peel super wide), cr flop, barrell turn, shove river (everything gets there, dont think he peels turn with overcards close to ft, so should have folded out overpair)

12 () one more....

13 () he snap 3bet to 9bb after I open 2,4 ...... just dont give ppl credit to be light with big size 3bet, even in 109s ff, peel 4bb bet on flop also questionable as well as not blufffing river

lost a big flip and got rivered 2 times before and busted in a big flip ..... gotta win ur flips when it matters......

14 () bonus-blast: open btn light, cbet 80%, overbet turn, shove river, get the fold



Last edited by Lockerl71; 04-14-2023 at 09:28 AM.
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
08-02-2023 , 05:41 PM

Guess im highly due to make an update, so here we go



Played almost not mtt last 3 months, mainly due to the heat..... and holidays / enjoying the summer & festivals

Mtt year so far:


Going pretty well - played excluselively the 0,25/0,50/0,25 ante full ring reg tables: the GG graph is before rake, the hm3 graph is before rakeback, so somewhere in the middle i guess:

Cashed out 2,7k EUR the last 3 months, so more than i made in the cashgames before rake, but there was one mtt cash and some gg rakeback from the months before i guess...

Fitness / Life:

Cut down to 97kg, the last months my left elbow hurt quite a bit, so trained the muscles quite little, did a lot of running & yoga though ....... and partying & drinking, so lost quite some muscles for sure ...... but pretty content with my "bikinibody" ...... considering this old donk has 51 years on his ol back



Last edited by Lockerl71; 08-02-2023 at 05:52 PM.
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
05-20-2024 , 06:31 AM
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
02-24-2025 , 05:55 AM
Good work!!
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
02-27-2025 , 04:13 AM
Is this a black hole? Why do new messages seem to disappear in this thread?
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
02-27-2025 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by Zamadhi
Is this a black hole? Why do new messages seem to disappear in this thread?
I think its random spam/ad that get deleted by modes before we are able to see it. (I have it in my blog atm)
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
03-07-2025 , 08:39 AM
eat some bread crusts to put some hairs on your chest. nice results in the gym though
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
03-07-2025 , 02:24 PM
It's a shame how most blogs on here die when upswing stops
Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
03-07-2025 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by ramabranch
It's a shame how most blogs on here die when upswing stops

Sry guys for no update for so long.

I am not doing as well the last months indeed, last year was still pretty good though ..... 50k+ at nl50 deep ante

The shots I lately took at NL100 deep didnt go well though ........ I feel like that took a pretty big toll on my confidence, currently regrouping.

I guess the main reasons for no update are two others:

- First I switched to grind cash only on GG, the nl50 deep ante games ..... and they were so soft for me, that I did not want to draw you regs in........... lately they are gettting tougher thout, as well as the rake / rakeback worse.

- And the biggest reason ...... Girlfriend happened

Gonna try to post more again though

Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
03-07-2025 , 08:39 PM
My last 1,5 years post Rakeback on GG mostly NL50 Deep Ante (about 40k hands per month):

Lockerl71 - PRO ot nor to PRO - threshold of making a good living from poker - will I make it Quote
