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Living in Thailand on 0/Month - 100BI's, 1 Year Expenses Living in Thailand on 0/Month - 100BI's, 1 Year Expenses

12-25-2019 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by RigginsT
Alright then.

No wonder you’re so bored focusing on what he does right.

Do you just repeat anything and everything people say?

Hey you 2 are the same. No!! You 3 are the same.
Have a happy Christmas RigginsT
12-25-2019 , 05:14 AM
OH **** wynner thanks

Received the money lol

I'm actually going out right now with the filipino girl. She's gonna split the cost of the meal with me so looks like I get to gorge myself two days in a row.

Maybe I should set up a go fund me
12-25-2019 , 05:24 AM
And here is the greedy pig
12-25-2019 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by p0ker_n00b
OH **** wynner thanks

Received the money lol

I'm actually going out right now with the filipino girl. She's gonna split the cost of the meal with me so looks like I get to gorge myself two days in a row.

Maybe I should set up a go fund me
What a gentlemen, splitting lunch/dinner
12-25-2019 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Thegrinderr
What a gentlemen, splitting lunch/dinner
He got a whore to buy her own lunch. That's a win, right? Not as good as Trump getting a whore to pay him, but pretty close.
12-25-2019 , 02:42 PM
OP you do bring it on yourself sometimes. Whilst I feel I can defend your overall situation when targeted by outright abusers, some of the finer points that have been made are worth thinking about.

Hope you had a good Xmas
12-25-2019 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by wynner88888
OP you do bring it on yourself sometimes. Whilst I feel I can defend your overall situation when targeted by outright abusers, some of the finer points that have been made are worth thinking about.

Hope you had a good Xmas
This might be the most reasonable post in this thread so far
12-25-2019 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Thegrinderr
This might be the most reasonable post in this thread so far

12-25-2019 , 06:05 PM
Shout out to mojo he sent me a little gift as well

Thanks for the donations. I ate pretty damn well last 2 days

Now back to eating like a deserted dog.

Pictures will come soon.
12-25-2019 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by p0ker_n00b
Everyone is acting like the past 4 weeks is how I always am. It's very much to the contrary.
How would anyone ever know that? You know that we only know about you what you share. You opened the thread saying you were going to aim for 100k hands/month + 3 hours/day study and have never said that that didn't apply for the first month. If anything, wouldn't you try your hardest during the first month?

Originally Posted by p0ker_n00b

Also I'm not sure how much of a grinder you are but asking for a graph of 25k hands is really kind of pointless. But I'm still positive even after some pretty rough run bad after that 14 BI spike I had earlier. Losing boats, nut flushes and AA/KK AIPF many many many times lol
Posting graphs is pretty standard for PG&C threads. Less than a month ago, you were posting results of every session so asking to see a graph doesn't seem like that strange of a request. It's interesting to see the volume, the bb/100 and the evbb/100.
12-25-2019 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by RigginsT
“I have no idea what point you’re trying to make” when someone says a plethora of examples of failed pgc threads where people moved to Thailand with a bag full of dreams and ambition and are likely now working for the man. Must be very hard to understand.

Linus succeeded yes. He stopped updating yes. In what world does that have any relevance to how many others failed? Ofc there are people who succeed. There are unfortunately a ton more who don’t. You should know. You got 11 of those threads where you desperately try to make people believe you’re a poker pro.

I understand that having to admit most people fail and you will more than likely end up like them is hard. But that’s the consequence of bad choices.

We can re-visit this all again in 6 months. I mean at this point it’s quite obvious how this all will go down. OP has all the motivation in the world. Then goes on a downswing which is inevitable especially winning at 2bb/100 on Bodog at 100nl. Lol. Stops updating his thread and we forget he ever even existed. Then some other moron with similar goals and dreams creates a new thread and we do this all over again.
knows what pgc is all about yet is still posting here with his december 2019 join date expecting pgc to be anything else. your nobodies dad and you dont provide valuable knowledge or insight to anybody
12-26-2019 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by coinflipper
knows what pgc is all about yet is still posting here with his december 2019 join date expecting pgc to be anything else. your nobodies dad and you dont provide valuable knowledge or insight to anybody

I know OP is already failing. I know I said he would fail based on pgc history. Seems very insightful so far.

I also know you’re hurt by these words cause going by your posting history you seem to be the poster boy for sex tourist scum living in Thailand. You’re discussing anal sex with ladyboys yet think you’re qualified to determine what is or is not valuable knowledge.

12-26-2019 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by RigginsT
I know OP is already failing. I know I said he would fail based on pgc history. Seems very insightful so far.

I also know you’re hurt by these words cause going by your posting history you seem to be the poster boy for sex tourist scum living in Thailand. You’re discussing anal sex with ladyboys yet think you’re qualified to determine what is or is not valuable knowledge.

wait, you dont anal ladyboys? tf is wrong with you?
also im not a sex tourist i just fall in love with many lady(boys)

Last edited by coinflipper; 12-26-2019 at 12:35 AM.
12-26-2019 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by coinflipper
wait, you dont anal ladyboys? tf is wrong with you?
also im not a sex tourist i just fall in love with many lady(boys)
Damn bud you went from trying to expose Riggins to getting big time exposed as a degenerate sexpat in just one post. He sure had your number alright. Your post history is truly vile.
12-26-2019 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by trampled
big time exposed as a degenerate sexpat
im failing to see how this is a bad thing, unless you were paying me a compliment then thanks buddy
12-26-2019 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by coinflipper
im failing to see how this is a bad thing, unless you were paying me a compliment then thanks buddy
12-27-2019 , 09:50 AM
Basically all this food and 4 beers was only ~$25, mostly the costs split between myself and my friend I was with. Back to eating like a dog now LMAO. Shout out to wynner and Mojo for shipping me some $$$$$$$$$$$$ so I can feel human for a day.

12-27-2019 , 10:43 AM
More chilli on the pad thai next time please
12-27-2019 , 03:00 PM
is it crushed red pepper flakes on the 5th pic?
12-27-2019 , 04:53 PM
This thread is sad. Gl in 2020 everyone
12-27-2019 , 06:03 PM
just skip the pad thai and dump the chili straight into your mouth
Originally Posted by 92781243T
More chilli on the pad thai next time please
12-27-2019 , 10:46 PM
Somehow I tought you were going to say just dump everything in the dogs plate haha
12-28-2019 , 02:34 AM
Must have an arse like the Japanese flag after that son
12-28-2019 , 03:59 AM
One thing is for certain. Ya'll be a bunch of pu****es for sure. Once you actually mix that red pepper into the noodles it's not even that bad.

I've eaten Som Tum here that will make any of you cry and want to sleep for a day straight it would hurt your stomach so bad. I used to make fried wings with ghost pepper sauce back in the states.

Man up.
12-28-2019 , 04:01 AM
mai pet
