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living out of my car in los angeles.... living out of my car in los angeles....

04-08-2022 , 01:12 AM
Been there and done that.... In Boulder Colorado haha
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-08-2022 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
I'm 2nd in chips in the loncar on ACR, just in the money now. Would be nice to win this thing just once.

How did it end?
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-08-2022 , 05:34 PM
I think tournaments are stupid. Wpt is in Sydney atm and if I flew there I'm best off playing 2/5 or higher than playing 5 mtts. I'm only playing cash online now and live cash soon. Works better with a job as well. PLO and PLO5 might be worth learning online as well.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-09-2022 , 12:34 AM
Terrible Runout

Hero UTG ($400) AA
Villain HJ (covers) ??
-Russian reg

Open to $10, villain 3bets to $30, we 4bet to $90 villain calls.

Flop ($183) KJ3r

Bet $44 villain calls.

Turn ($271) Kx

Both checks.

River ($271) Qx

We check, villain bets $70 and I fold. Hmmmmm....
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-09-2022 , 01:12 AM
Not My Night

Hero BTN (covers) AA
Villain SB ($400) KK

LJ opens to $14 we 3bet to $40, villain 4bets to $108, LJ folds we call.

Flop ($231) QT6

Villain bets $89 and we call.

Turn ($410) Kx

Villain jams $202 and we call. I guess maybe I could fold on this turn but whatever. Whiff the river.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-11-2022 , 06:16 PM
I'm in Fish Poker's vlog.

I'm not very good at chugging beer, but I tried. At 9:38 I get aces vs Fish. The board is wrong on his vlog, the turn is a king not a queen and the king on the flop is a diamond not a club. He was drinking so he probably just didn't take very good notes of the hand or whatever. He's a nice guy, fun to play with.

Here's the raw hand from my POV. I need to edit together all this damned footage I got a couple of vlogs worth. Once I get the first one figured out with the graphics overlay the rest should be a lot easier. I gotta stop being so damned lazy.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-12-2022 , 12:34 AM
Kings No Good?

Hero CO ($400) KK
Villain MP (covers) 98

$2/$4 bomb pot 9 handed

Flop ($141) 982ccx

BB bets $44, villain calls, LJ calls, we jam $384, only villain calls. 98 holds and we lose. I'm not sure why 98 just calls there but nice trap I guess. This person is just very tight passive.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-12-2022 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Kings No Good?

Hero CO ($400) KK
Villain MP (covers) 98

$2/$4 bomb pot 9 handed

Flop ($141) 982ccx

BB bets $44, villain calls, LJ calls, we jam $384, only villain calls. 98 holds and we lose. I'm not sure why 98 just calls there but nice trap I guess. This person is just very tight passive.
You got totally destroyed then mate. Its ok you only lost the battle but not the war. Poker is war.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-12-2022 , 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by David Sklanky: Getting the Best of It!
If your opponent is tight passive then proceed with utmost caution raising them post flop. However, if the tight passive individual is a young and broke female then approach her under the guise of giving mentorship and toss a dildo conveniently stored in your glove compartment at her.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-12-2022 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Nutz2794
Been there and done that.... In Boulder Colorado haha
Are you talking about living in your car? It ain't easy.

Originally Posted by hiIMinsane
How did it end?
I think I finished in like 27th or something AK<QQ all in pre.

Originally Posted by Pileupthecoins
I think tournaments are stupid. Wpt is in Sydney atm and if I flew there I'm best off playing 2/5 or higher than playing 5 mtts. I'm only playing cash online now and live cash soon. Works better with a job as well. PLO and PLO5 might be worth learning online as well.
You get it. Tourneys are stupid, just stick to cash games.

Originally Posted by Pileupthecoins
You got totally destroyed then mate. Its ok you only lost the battle but not the war. Poker is war.
Not even a battle, more like a little skirmish.

Originally Posted by rickroll
I hope that quote is really in that book.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-12-2022 , 11:08 PM
Turned Equity

Hero LJ ($422) 52ss
Villain CO (covers) ??

$2/$4 bomb pot 9 handed

Flop ($141) J76ssx

Checks to villain who bets $48, we're the only caller.

Turn ($237) 4x

We jam $358 and villain folds.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-14-2022 , 12:04 AM
Open Ended Bomb

Hero CO ($417) 97os
Villain SB (covers) ??
-Russian reg

$2/$4 bomb pot 9 handed

Flop ($141) A86r

Villain bets $36, UTG calls, folds to us and we jam $401 effective and everyone folds. Slam dunk.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-14-2022 , 03:20 AM

I like this tourney, but it's also super nerve-racking at the end.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-14-2022 , 06:43 AM
the thousandaire aka ricks personal money printer
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-14-2022 , 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
Kings No Good?

Hero CO ($400) KK
Villain MP (covers) 98

$2/$4 bomb pot 9 handed

Flop ($141) 982ccx

BB bets $44, villain calls, LJ calls, we jam $384, only villain calls. 98 holds and we lose. I'm not sure why 98 just calls there but nice trap I guess. This person is just very tight passive.
in case someone raises or jams behind? protecting range mixing in some strong hands

weird that you wouldn’t expect it
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-14-2022 , 07:24 AM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
in case someone raises or jams behind? protecting range mixing in some strong hands

weird that you wouldn’t expect it
much like a dildo tossed your way from the glove compartment
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-14-2022 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Xenoblade
in case someone raises or jams behind? protecting range mixing in some strong hands

weird that you wouldn’t expect it
I kinda feel like protecting your equity is more important than protecting your range in these kind of spots. There's 46bb and 6 other people still left in the pot. Do we let them all draw for 11bbs or jam now and protect our equity? Also having top two is blocking opponents value range meaning their continuing range is going to be weighted towards draws. And the general population tendency is to not blast off (except for me and this guy wasn't a reg btw and I don't think most regs have really caught on either). So protecting our calling range just looks like letting them get there for cheap to me.

How about jamming top two to protect our jamming range when we jam with a draw? If we're protecting our calling range with top two, what's our jamming for value range look like? If I had 98 in his spot I'm just jamming. Probably jamming most of my stronger draws/combo draws and two pair plus and overpairs and sometimes A9 K9 and calling with weaker draws and pairs plus backdoors.

Overall I don't like his call there and I'm happy with the way I played it. Still had 25% equity in a ~1k pot. So my jam when called by top two is losing ~$130. Not that bad. And I'm not getting called very often I don't think.

Originally Posted by rickroll
much like a dildo tossed your way from the glove compartment
No one ever suspects the dildo in the glove box. Ever.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-14-2022 , 10:50 PM
3rd Nuts Fold?!?

Hero UTG (covers) 76os
Villain UTG+1 ($200) ??

$1/$2 bomb pot 9 handed

Flop ($69) KT9r

Everyone checks.

Turn ($69) 8s

Checks to us we bet $36 villain raises to $84.52, everyone else folds and I fold too. Villain is tight passive and it just feels like he can't have many worse hands. What worse hands ever raise here?? Is he overplaying a set maybe? I dunno.

Is there any way you can check hands the next day on ACR like you can on Ignition? That would be nice. I'm curious if I made a great laydown or a terrible one.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-15-2022 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick

No one ever suspects the dildo in the glove box. Ever.
At this point it is clear you have not read getting the best of it. It is the ONLY proper hiding place in your automobile for dildos of any size.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-15-2022 , 12:29 AM
I'm chip leading in the loncar right now with 23 left. Run good.

River Bluff

Hero UTG+1 ($214) 33

$1/$2 bomb pot 8 handed

Flop ($61) K44ddx

Everyone checks.

Turn ($61) 2d

Everyone checks.

River ($61) 6d

Checks to us, we bet $48 and everyone folds.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-15-2022 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
I'm chip leading in the loncar right now with 23 left. Run good.

River Bluff

Hero UTG+1 ($214) 33

$1/$2 bomb pot 8 handed

Flop ($61) K44ddx

Everyone checks.

Turn ($61) 2d

Everyone checks.

River ($61) 6d

Checks to us, we bet $48 and everyone folds.
Railing ya. GL!!
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-15-2022 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by CJack3
Railing ya. GL!!
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give me your energy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Thank you for summoning that ace on the river.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-15-2022 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give me your energy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Thank you for summoning that ace on the river.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-15-2022 , 02:56 AM
3 left, it's a battle. I got 1.9MM chips, other guys have 6.8MM and 1.3MM.
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
04-15-2022 , 03:15 AM
Wow. Crazy finish. If you would have hit that open ender righter after hitting that miracle 4.......
living out of my car in los angeles.... Quote
